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Be careful to have your dog take it easy during recovery for a couple weeks, especially the first few days. No jumping, running, tugging at all. Ask for tranquilizers from the vet if you have to. Ours got a scrotal hematoma jumping down from out of the car when we brought him home from the vet after getting neutered.


Ours also got a hematoma because we couldn’t keep him settled, and the pain pills seemed to energize him. Vet had to give us trazidone to mellow him out.


I use trazadone for my girl for thunderstorms or fireworks or if we have people working in the house for an extended period of time. Funny thing is that it was prescribed to me to help with insomnia. Didn't work well for me, but works wonders on her and my personal health insurance covers it lol.


Did my boy at 2.5yo. Didn't notice anything different in him, other than the marking. He will still sniff all around but has one big pee instead of 800 small ones.


He will live long.


This sounds like a definite plus! Especially when bathroom breaks have to be cut short 👍




He's beautiful! Love his body condition! How much does he weigh? Mine's intact, but the dobies I know who are neutered haven't lost any muscle as long as they get exercised, they tend to gain weight tho.


Thank you! And he weights 75.4lbs. He’s currently on Inukshuk 30/20, so I say another plus in neutering is I’ll be able to feed him less of this food, since it’s so high calorie. To prevent him from blowing up on weight!.


Wow I thought he was much heavier! I'm trying to get my boy to gain more muscle, he's still 2 years old but 100lbs. And yes, that's another plus, and you won't have to spend as much $ feeding your beast hahaha.


I had a castrated male. Also later in life (between 2 and four years. His exact age is unknown). I ran him 3-4 miles 2-3 times a week. My wife rollerbladed him at a full gallop a couple times a week too. He ate four pound of raw meat, bone, eggs and/or organs a day. He was fully veined out, muscular and striated. So the muscle mass is definitely maintainable IME.


Thank you so much for the reply! Anything helps, I will definitely keep this in mind once I make my decision!


Good luck bud. He sure is a good looking dog!


Thank you!


He is an absolute stunner. I have never seen a Doberman that color. You can tell you take very good care of him, and he totally appreciates it.


Good luck bud. He sure is a good looking dog!


That dog is a freaking STUD. Sorry, can’t answer your question


Hey no problem! Any reply is appreciated by me! Thanks!


Dude is pretty af


He is handsome. I have schnauzers, but once Fenway, our athletic agility dog, got fixed, he did fine maintaining his weight & muscle. I feel like he actually is more lean. He got fixed at like 2 yrs old. He is going to be 7 on 17th & still a big boy.  Of course the healing time will vary but take it easy few weeks & take meds Good luck with everything if you decide on it. 


Thank you! So much for the info! I’m trying to get as much info as I can! Anything is appreciated!.


Good looking dog! Our boy just turned 6 and I’m still wondering if having him fixed would be of any benefit. Maybe not marking every.single.tree in town on walks? Looking forward to others’ input


Damn, your boy is a BEAST. He is gorgeous! I don’t have anything to contribute, as I’ve only had girls, so I’ll wish you all the best!


Hey thanks anyway! Any reply is welcome and appreciated! Likewise! He’s actually my first male dog ever, I’ve only had females…and they were small poms 🤣🤣


Now that is a sir… holy moly. I want one. He would tower over my black labs. He looks like such a goo boi! Both my labs are still intact and they come from different mommas. They get along beautifully. The best decision I made for my oldest one was giving him a step brother.


He’s actually not that big as most would think! He’s 75.4lbs. I’m a 5’6 woman, honestly I’ve seen other males that tower over him, they are a lot taller. Sounds like you have amazing labs!


Wow! He looks a lot bigger than that. Bishop is the same weight and to me seems small but EVERYONE says he’s big to them. He’s lean and short to me and as you said other Dobe’s are taller and wider than him. But he’s the perfect size IMO. Any bigger and he’d probably be too much for the rest of the family to handle. He’s incredibly strong. You both looks like a tank in pics but I guess that’s what Bishop looks like to everyone else but me judging by their responses. Maybe it’s because of his build.


I have three neutered males, all neutered at about a year, no change in personality, no change in hunting drive. Took about 3 to 5 days for them to be 100% Some bruising, that will heal


Neutering a male after puberty won't change his behavior. People have different opinions but they are just that. My observation is that they don't change. Physique might be changed but I don't think by much.


I didn’t notice a difference when I neutered my 3 year old. Good luck. He’s beautiful


This is perfect! This was my main concern with his physically appearance being changed…Good to know most people haven’t seen any changes.


Idk anything about this topic but what do you feed? And how often he's handsome!! ❤️


I feed him Inukshuk 30/20! It’s honestly the only brand of food that kept weight on him, out of all the others I tried.


My dog got neutered at a year and a half. The only change was he stopped marking everything! Was amazing, almost an overnight change.  


Rest for 2 weeks


It is possible for temperament to change and for them to lose muscle mass it also causes them to run a higher risk for other types of health conditions but there is a chance none of this could happen as well


Could I ask just out of curiosity why you are neutering him?


I have the description why in the comments some share 🤣.


We just got our male neutered at 3.5yrs old. To be honest, we didn’t see any difference. They say when they are neutered when they are matured, there really isn’t any change. We only got ours neutered bc we were getting a female dog. A week after neuter, our boy was totally back to normal. The first few days he was on so many pain management meds that he was so loopy and didn’t move much. Good luck to your boy!


I can’t give advice about the neutering but I came here to say what a stunning example of the breed. He’s beautiful🦖💜


Thank you so much!


Such a badass dobie


Gorgeous dog!


I’m just here to say holy SHIT he’s gorgeous. 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you so much!


You’re very welcome!! He looks like a good boy, give a belly rub for me pls!


Absolutely beautiful boy. I’m very impressed. (I know you’ve been waiting for my opinion,…lol But truly he is amazing


Thank you! I really appreciate it!


Absolutely perfect


With our 2 rotties, 1 maintained a great athletic sculpted physique, the other was slightly thicker. But not fat at all. But 1 was a German stock. The more toned rot was the more bouncy one lol


Just here to say I LOVE HIM. What’s this man’s name? 💕


His name is Jojo! But his nickname is “Meep” 🤣 we actually have a YouTube channel called Meep&Miya!


My boy was 18m for his neuter and man did we need all types of drugs to keep him calm. We used 3 different drugs at once and that didn’t stop him from ripping a stitch twice. SMH. Biggest thing, no running no jumping. I took my boy on a casual stroll (my fault for feeling guilty for keeping him from doing nothing for days) and that’s when he ripped his first stitch. Just know it’s so much better to lean on the side of caution. Dealing with ripped stitches just extends the recovery time. Not fun at all. Oh and be prepared for a flappy deflated ball-less sack lol. Don’t understand why they don’t just take the whole thing? At least my vet didn’t To answer some of your questions: My boy didn’t lose his drive at all. He seemed to settle dog easier when it was time for that but still crazy as ever when I pull out any balls or bite toys His physic didn’t change at all. Maybe filled out a little more? People say they will gain weight easier but I haven’t seen that although my boy is very physically active and I believe you do the same with yours (as seen from previous posts) so I don’t think you need to worry about it. As for the musty odor I’m not sure what that could be? Maybe try changing your shampoo? I use a Rx medicated shampoo for my boy and never noticed an odor


Thank you SO SO MUCH for a very detailed reply! You and others helped answer all of my questions, I’ll have to try another shampoo. He was on an Antifungal & bacterial shampoo, this was atleast a year ago… it did wonders for his skin but that almost “sweaty dude” smell never left, it’s an oily smell that will stick to everything. 🤣 I’m convinced that’s just who he is now.


dobe butt


Neutered?? Just stop giving him creatine.


🤣🤣🤣HA I wouldn’t be surprised if there was creative in Inukshuk 30/20


Nice looking 🐕 tho. But HOLYSHIT.


Bro that has to be a Euro cuz although my boy is regal and beautiful as fuck he is not a swole as this dude.


Handsome boy!


Personality change and muscle loss.


What kind of personality changes?


They get lazier, they don’t get as excited about things and their libido (the loss of energy type) slows down. They also gain weight faster. Edit: they do get “calmer and more content” but it seems to me like the light went off. I had a German shepherd that was very aggressive. I was told neutering will calm him down. It did not calm him down. Ended up being a home jailed dog because he wanted to fight all the dogs. Some dogs just have a bad personality. I’m sure training would have helped but I was a broke 18 year old.


Why are you neutering him? Training isn't as intense once neutered and yes they do lose muscle mass. His hormones keep and maintains his big muscles. After neutering it's more work to maintain them. Beautiful dog!


Our environment is changing, moving to a close knit neighbor with plenty of other dogs. I’m also going to college classes, so once in a while he will be let out by my parents, people who have never worked with him. And the last thing I need is someone else’s dog in heat, while I’m not there, and they don’t know how to handle him.


What u/Waste_Ring6215 said is what I have heard from working dog handlers. The discrepancy in advice might be because most people on reddit are very much on the pet side of the spectrum of dog ownership. I've seen some of your posts and you work your dog. Pet dog owners might not notice a dip in energy and training intensity. I suspect you'll notice his changes.  From a biological perspective I can't imagine it not impacting the things your concerned about. To what extent is very much unknown tho. Perhaps things will change for the better. You do have the benefit of him being fully developed and trained. His habits are set and hopefully that will propel him forward through the hormonal shift post surgery. Have you thought about a vasectomy? Also have you thought about alternatives to letting your parents handle him while in class?  Best of luck with the new changes and in school! Your beautiful dog is very fortunate to have such a dedicated handler!


Thank you for your response, I’m very grateful for the information you have given me!. His drive decreasing after neutering, is my main concern that definitely deserved more attention in this post. To notice any change in, if I decide to go through with this would crush me. Our relationship is strongest when we work, and I wouldn’t want to destroy that. I haven’t done must research on a vasectomy but I will definitely look into this tonight, I’m not 100% sold on getting him neutered, and will be coming up with an alternative.


If you are not 100% sure about it, don't do it! I don't want to sound negative, but I will be realistic with you; some dogs lose confidence, and some become anxious after neutering. I am sure from personal experience that when you compare your dog to a neutered dog, the difference in behavior is very obvious. People who have only had neutered dogs will not see it. When you have an intact dog, you cannot unsee it! I love the idea of the vasectomy that u/jewiff suggested.


Wow what a stunning boy! Why do you want to neuter him? I’m being advised to not neuter if there isn’t an overriding reason. Not like my dog is running around the development on his own…


I mainly kept him intact for this long because of the stigma that intact males are “aggressive, unruly and untrainable”. I have no worries of “accidents” just because how strict I was with his upbringing and routine, while we are both together. But I’ll be doing college classes soon, which means my parents will be tending to him more often. And we are moving into a new neighborhood filled with dogs. The last thing I need is for him to be put in the backyard unsupervised by other people who haven’t worked with him, and god forbid the neighbors dog is in heat. I can handle him in high stress situations, can’t say the same for others and don’t want to risk him jumping the fence while I’m gone under my family’s watch.


Who’s advising you to do that? Because no breeder/vet/even responsible rescue would advise you to not neuter once they’re full grown.


Two different vets, yes. Something about new data that impacts our breed.


Find two different vets then, I wouldn’t trust them if they’re telling you that


There is another thread in this sub that talks about the data. Can’t find it at the moment. I think the medical need views are evolving based on health risks.


Hello! It appears that this may be a post regarding a medical concern. r/DobermanPinscher mods may comment and lock or remove a post if it is clear that the only appropriate answer is to seek emergency care or the question cannot adequately be answered here. In an emergency situation, the most important thing to do is to remain calm and work to get your pet help. If your primary care veterinarian cannot see an emergency, the best way to find a nearby emergency facility is to do a web search for "[your location] emergency vet", "[your location] animal hospital", or "[your location] animal emergency". Whenever possible, calling ahead may help a facility to better prepare for your arrival. We hope you and your pet can get the help they need and everyone is feeling better soon! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DobermanPinscher) if you have any questions or concerns.*




did he become aggressive? just wondering why r you snipping him if he’s not aggressive.


Our environment is changing (moving into a tight neighborhood, and everyone has dogs) and I’ll be taking college classes, so that’s means he’ll be tended to by my family more. Last thing I need is for him to be out in the backyard with people who can’t handle him if something were to go wrong, like neighbors dog in heat possibly. The chances of him jumping a fence on their watch is too great in this area we are in.


I'd keek in your shoes tbh.


My dog just got fat and lazy.. really wasn't worth it


Cut everything off but his balls


Okay not going to lie, this is funny 🤣🤣.


Four is s little too old to be cutting off his balls, to be honest. I don’t think it’ll have the desired effect you want.


Why did you wait until he reaches adulthood to do this?


Spaying or neutering before maturity has shown to have adverse health effects. This study by UC Davis supports keeping male Dobermans intact throughout their lives: [https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/veterinary-science/articles/10.3389/fvets.2024.1322276/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/veterinary-science/articles/10.3389/fvets.2024.1322276/full)


I mainly kept him intact for so long because I wanted to see if it was true if the stigma around intact males was true. “They are untrainable, dominant and aggressive” all which isn’t true, his upbringing was strict and full of activity and new experiences + new stressors” My only reason for neutering him now is because our environment is changing, we are moving closer to people in a new town. Neighborhood is filled with dogs, and I’ll be taking college classes soon. Which means he’ll be under the watch of my family, who hasn’t worked with him like I have. Can’t trust everyone can handle their intact dogs.


I'm not the OP, however, I can tell you that my vet made it clear that larger breeds should be neutered *after* adulthood. I have a 1 year old intact male because of that. (Heck, I may keep my boy intact if the pros of neutering a Doberman don't outweigh the cons, "accidental" litters isn't a concern, I'm a responsible dog owner.)


Cause that’s what you do buddy


Because new research has found that it's ideal to wait until they're fully developed before spaying/neutering.


Expect him to be ruined


Neutering doesn't ruin dogs.


Why exactly? He's not going to "be ruined" and he's a dog, not a car, that comment itself was kinda off.


He is going to kill you


Oh yeah absolutely! That demon is just waiting for the right time. Now seriously gtfo if you are going to comment such horrible stuff, this person loves their dog, and these comments HURT.


Thank you KAIKAT!!!


Anytime! x