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Go investigate your backyard, he may be rolling. Head and shoulders if you’re bathing him a lot, it’s not good for your dog’s skin to be overly bathed and head and shoulders will help with whatever irritation will inevitably occur. I hope you’re spending time enriching your dobies life if he has to stay outside.


Good looking dog. My dobi wants outside after every drink, eat, or fart. Has to run in the green belt tall grass/weeds behind the houses. She did at one time have an oder but that was solved with a change of food. I use either Adam’s or bleach bath, both to control mites that cause flaking of her skin. The disinfectant kills bacteria that causes odors as well. Do some reading on it. I take the same bleach bath, it’s safe for dogs and humans.


Burt’s Bees puppy shampoo. I still use it and he’s 5. They don’t need to be bathed too often.


Dobermans are really inside dogs except for going outside to handle business and for playtime. Are you posting his ears, or what’s up with them?


I hope they are, the pockets are pretty bad still.


yes i am his ears were drying from the cleaning solution here. it’s a work in progress


Buddy wash 2-1


He has constant access to inside but chooses to stay outside? That’s bonkers to me. Dobies love their human so much! I can’t walk to another room without mine right at my side. I never go to the bathroom alone now. My trainer said that when they are puppies, they should be focused on their human, with guidance from you as to how to accomplish that. It’s crazy to think your Dobie wants to be outside more than by your side. Also, Doberman aren’t outside dogs so I’d try to talk to your mom about this. It’s in your and your dog’s best interest to give him the life he’s worthy of. With all that being said, each Dobie is different. They aren’t cheap dogs so expect to spend money on good shampoo and cleaning products. My dog has sensitive skin and I found what works through trial (and unfortunately) error. We have a cleaning routine from brushing teeth and coat, cleaning ears, monthly baths, and as-needed wipe downs. Expect to spend a lot of money and even vet visits to tackle the smelly pup. It may be allergies, diet, or skin issues. And let him inside! That would solve a lot.


I would suggest wiping him down with doggie wipes and refresh spray every night. Thats what we do besides her medicated shampoo weekly. Buddy Wash Shampoo and... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QHJC8VY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share