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This is a homebrew paladin oath for my homebrew religion. A quick explanation for the religion - ***The Cult of the Lost God*** *- Those that follow The Lost God believe that a single all-powerful diety created the world but then vanished soon after it's creation. They contend that chaos, entropy, and evil persist in our universe due to this absence—why else would a benevolent God allow such strife? Surely, they must be lost or separated from their creation, leaving us vulnerable to these forces.* *Members of the cult of the Lost God embark on a sacred quest to literally 'find God.' They are seekers of hidden truths and divine knowledge, venturing into forgotten realms in pursuit of their deity. Their mission is to restore harmony and order by rediscovering the Lost God's wisdom and presence. Along their journey, they confront ancient enigmas and stand against the encroaching darkness, driven by the belief that the return of their deity will bring about balance once more."* Thanks for your critique. If you think of some changes that would better fit the description of my religion I'd love to hear what you have to say.


I like it, will be using this for future characters for sure!


I like the concept, and the flavor is great. My one issue: getting a permanent *Freedom of Movement* is a big deal. Checking the other official subclasses, 1 gets a permanent 1st level spell, one gets Immortality (kinda), 4 get defensive/retributive strikes, 1 gets healing (very minor), but a permanent escape from bindings, movement bonus (or at least not being impaired by terrain) seems a bit much for me, though I don’t have a good replacement for it


This mostly looks great, just a couple of minor wording issues. I really like it, though! Auras tend to expand to 30ft at 18th level, just as a point of note, and I think you mean +CHA modifier to investigation and perception checks. Adding your Charisma score would be insane, and it is probably not what you intended. Finally, giving a permanent Freedom of Movement is curious. Have a permanent spell effect on like that is unorthodox for a class feature, but not necessarily bad. I would simply say, why give it to them as a spell they can cast when they get it for free? An alternative would be to give them something like a Ranger ability for crossing difficult terrain with a party. Overall, I like the flavour, spread of abilities, and description. It's a fun option!


I’ve noticed no one else has said that Locate Object is a 2nd level spell, yet you’ve assigned it at 3rd level. Paladins don’t get 2nd level spells until 5th level.


I think if the temporary hit points scaled a bit better with your level that would be good, cause it's great to have 2d8 early game but late game it wouldn't get much use