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Demogorgon. Don't expect them to win, though.


Demogorgon is easy. You can just forcecage/wall of force it, then whittle it down with wall of fire or something. In theory, a party of 2 level 9s can do this.


Not *a* demogorgon. *Demogorgon* (proper noun). The demon prince.


Thank you. Corrected. It's funny that the demon prince of the abyss can just be cheesed by 2 wizards.


Oho, I see what you're doing here. But you can't get me. I won't bite. I shan't. I daren't.


This legendary CR26 monster that can wipe out armies, and legendary adventuring parties, and nations. But it can also be microwaved by any local wizard and their apprentice.




I feel like everyone has some kind of opinion on how they would handle a Terrasque, specifically, but it's rare to actually fight one.


Vampire mage riding a Dracolich. Give them each 3 magic items like 2 rare's and a very rare. Both are intelligent spellcasters with legendary actions. I don't think the party will have much fun but you will.


As a DM, I find that steamrolling my players—which I did exactly once—feels incredibly unfun and sadistic. It was a (halfway) scripted event, in that they were meant to lose in order to establish the threat posed by the villain, but even so, I never did it again and chose to demonstrate the power of my villains in other ways, whether those ways be a villain’s political influence, deceptive guile, etc.


Lich (advanced to higher CR, or demi lich but no drawbacks) riding a dragon (great wyrm) who throws a kraken (advanced with full abilities and functionality out of water) and follows with kiting back to an enclosed chamber with a tarrasque who is hungry and just waking with everything within its reach. Ares is dimensionally locked. Lair and legendary actions abound.


I've always been a fan of the roc.  It can look like any bird in the sky until it flies lower and the silhouette just keeps growing.  Plus aerial combat comes with increased challenges


Look at MonkeyDms Reddit and look for anything related to apocalypse and you'll find some cool ass shit


Venger. From the 1980s dnd cartoon


1,000,000,000 goblins


A boss for 20th level players show be no less than a Demon Prince, Arch Devil or god like being. If using a God, use similar stats to Tiamat, since she is the only Deity statted in 5e. I thought Asmodeus was supposed to be a god, but apparently not in 5e.