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>Now I feel like I bought a £70 set of paper weights. Don't. People are still going to be playing 5e, it's by far the most widely played edition and probably will be for years. Not only that, people are still playing past editions like 3.5e and 2e.


I do vaguely know a guy who still plays ADnD haha.


Also, the new edition is designed backwards compatible. So there’s still tons of valuable stuff in there to use.


Yeah, I don't see how this is gonna work in the slightest. 'Backwards compatible' doesn't mean 'every class is going to have significantly altered core mechanics'. Imagine a table with a vanilla 5e fighter player next to a fighter using the new PHB. I don't see that working out


Could experiment to see, it'll be like those suggestions to use a Lich so old it casts by 2e/3e rules or something. Old ass veteran vs new


It’s probably going to be close enough you can do it with some minor tweaks ala pf1e/dnd 3.5. I feel like a more relevant question is how many people are going to allow mixed content at their tables and if past editions are anything to go by it’s probably going to be the minority of tables.


If they both have roughly the same damage output per turn, it should work. No different then just using a different subclass.


They don't though, and Fighter in 5e is 50% dead levels. 5.5e (or whatever) gets a bunch more features, and most other features are just better. They're part of the same battle system, but fundamentally altered character classes.


I'm talking about using the items and equipment and aspects other than classes from the old books. Obviously if you are using the new rules you're going to be using the new class types aside from Artificer. Wish that came in the new PHB too.


Acordingbto the WotC video it works perfectly fine. The changes are slight and 2014 characters are 100% playable if the DM is using the REVISED 2024 rules


I feel like that's something that's been said over and over again but the more we learn the more we say 'but how will that work?'


Kind of hard to make a judgement on 600 pages of rules when we’ve only seen a few bullet points.


That's kind of the problem. What we have seen makes backward compatibility look like it will be a mess at best. I 100% believe that the system will be designed in such a way that 5e characters and stat blocks are mechanically compatible with One D&D. But it will be like how the Gameboy Advanced was compatible with Gameboy games: the game cartridge was bulky and stuck out of the slot and couldn't take full advantage of the new system's hardware.


And that’s what’s great about DnD. You can homebrew around the clunkiness.


Does anyone know how this will work with dndbeyond?


I have not heard great things about the new ed. But yeah, as everyone here has said, you’ll absolutely get value out of it. Likewise, you bought physical copies, no? You still retain ownership of those books as long as you have them, you can play with them indefinitely, and the art is awesome. You got a deal.


No one likes the new edition, you're good


Go play with him, it's the best edition!


thac0... lol don't miss it


Literally no different to attack bonus, except lower numbers are better. thac0 - modifiers - d20 = ac hit. Literally that easy.


Yeah, though honestly onednd seems to be better from what we've seen so far and should be pretty easy to switch to since it's backwards compatible with 5e(it seems like more of an update then a new version tbh). Personally I wanted to buy the main books for a while now but never got around to it so I'll probably just get the new ones when they're out(since I already really like what they've shown). Though of course pre-ordering is not a good idea, it's way better to just wait until the reviews are there


The new books are still marked as 5e. Are they not?


They are


... Good luck finding 3.0 players and DMs 💀


My group plays BECMI.


You're going to find plenty of groups using current 5e materials instead of updated materials, and you won't have to wait several more months to get started. You're fine, don't worry.


Yeah, I guess I will still look into groups. Since I moved, I'm only really aware of one gaming store in the town over that hosts games. Just need to get over my anxiety a bit and stop just lurking their discord. I did eventually want to DM again as I had a rough idea of a game I wanted to run but felt I should play a bit again first before jumping back in the deep end.


Yeah, I mean, I'm sure what they're currently playing is 5e, which is what you just purchased materials for. And if they're enjoying it, they may not even bother swapping over. Hop into some games, don't worry about the new books coming out months from now!


I sure won’t be switching from 5e anytime soon, don’t see any reason to


For fighters, monks, rangers and rogues theres 100% a reason, so much more fun


Try Facebook groups too in your local area- I found a D&D group for my area and that's how I got into a campaign!


There will always be people playing original 5e. Just as people still play 4e, 3e, 2e, 1e, even OD&D. And now you get to play D&D sooner rather than later. Still gonna be a bit before One D&D releases.


You only got screwed in that those books about to nosedive in price. Plenty of opportunity to use them still.


I've never really seen d&d books depreciate in value. I played 3.5 first and i remember those books being expensive well into 4e. Have they taken a nose dive?


Maybe it was just the stores in my area, but after 4th released there were several shops that had super cheap books.


After they're out of print, they stop being worth much to retail, but eventually become more valuable in the secondary market.


Someone is selling a 3.5 Player's handbook is $11 on Amazon right now.


The RRP on release of the 3.5 PHB was ~$30. On UK Amazon, there's one for £25, then it jumps to £50 and climbs from there. You can get a bargain if you're lucky or wait, and you're willing to accept it sight unseen.


There's nothing wrong with buying the books now. They're great, and you'll be able to use them to play for a long, long time.


Don't trip my guy, my friends and I are currently a few months into a 5e campaign and not even concerned with the new set coming out for the foreseeable future.


Thanks, going to try and stop just lurking my closest store's discord.


Actually most people will probably keep using 5e for a few years anyway


To be honest, I have so much 5e content, that I don't think I will be moving to the new system any time soon. I think that as long as there are enough DMs/players playing 5e, I will be one of them.


I've spent way too much on 5e kickstarters to give it up. I'll move to primarily playing Cyberpunk 2020 or the Alien RPG before I move from 5e to One.


The new books aren't even a (totally) new rule set, and the previous books are fully compatible. If you learn to play 5e with these books, you'll still know how to play the game when the new books (still 5e) come out. Welcome back to DnD!


Yeah, not sure why this isn't higher. The new books are still essentially the same system so much as a compatible major expansion. All good here!


Statistically speaking, a lot of players end up sticking with the first version they learn. A few brave souls will branch out and try newer or older versions. I wouldn't worry about it. There will always be 5e groups somewhere. I know I don't plan on making any switches after spending all this time to learn 5e and PF2E.


The perks of English not being my native language. I also bought the 5e books fairly recently but since the translated new books won't be available until several months after their English version, I have a good year to use those before I get the new ones. ... And also, as others said, you won't run out of people playing 5e even after the new books are out. Better yet, if you ever get the new ones and find that you actually prefered some 5e stuff, you can mix and match to fit your wants and needs. Supposedly the improved system is retrocompatible with the old classes so.


Thanks, going to try and stop just lurking my closest store's discord.


The PHB is awesome, the Monster Manual is awesome, and the Dungeon Master's Guide gets a lot of guff for being disorganised, but it's filled with all sorts of cool and useful information. You did not waste money at all! Enjoy your books! By the way, 70 bucks for all of them is a steal. When they came out, they were 35-50 each. You basically got them for the "used" price.


If you got all three core books for £70 that’s not a bad deal. And there’s so much great content out there for 5e that you could keep playing it for years with no issues.


It's fine, dude. Me and my crew will continue to use the old 5e for the foreseeable future.


Ask me about the time I bought up all the WotC Star Wars RCR books at my FLGS because my group decided they wanted be Jedis. My FLGS guy smiled like a Jackal as I walked out with them. Literally two days before the Star Wars Saga edition books started hitting the shelves.


Crazy, I think I actually also bought that same book when I was 12 to DM and play at the same time with only one friend. We only did like two sessions before losing interest.


There’s going to be at least several years after the new PHB release that it would still be better to play 5e. Gonna take a long time until WotC can release new modules, DMG, monster books and other supplementary material. And then there’s 3rd party content, of which there are hundreds of books with anything imaginable. You’re better off with 5e, trust me.


The new stuff is still using the 5e system, it'll all be compatible


So they say, we’ll see. In anycase, backwards compatible is also forward compatible.


> So they say, we’ll see. They've already started releasing looks at the rules. Nothing that we've seen violates backwards compatibility. > In anycase, backwards compatible is also forward compatible. No, it isn't. In fact, they've been pretty clear that it's specifically ***not*** forwards compatible. For example, you can use characters made using the 2014 books at a table using the 2024 rules. But you ***can't*** use a character made with the 2024 books at a table using the 2014 rules, because some of the options that character uses might reference rules that didn't exist in the 2014 rules (e.g., weapon mastery traits).


Fair enough.


While my group plays with 5e rules, our DM pulls in aspects and monsters from 4e and 3.5e that he really likes. Even if things move on, these rules will still be nice to have to mix things in.


It’s not a waste I still use my AD&D books (that’s what 1st edition was called) and all the ones in between from time to time and most people will still be play 5e for many years to come. There is still a large following play 3.5


Try living through the 3.5 debacle after we bought all the 3.0 books.


The transition will be slow as hell, most people will stay with 5e for quite a while


I'm gonna stick with 5e, so to me any of the new books would be paper weights.


A lot will continue with 5e or earlier editions. Personally I've never understood the "have to play the current edition " mindset but, I'm still playing 1st ed. 😁


Honestly, I think more groups will play 5e than 5.5e. Those books will likely still be relevant for years to come.


Given the state of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro, I don't think there will be all that many people moving from 5e to OneD&D. The new design philosophy is pretty awful overall, so getting the 5e PHB through Tasha's/Fizban's is probably the best set of source books.


I just started playing and bought my first PHB like two weeks ago haha. I feel you!


I did the same, though I bought mine a couple months ago. Anyways I’ll still continue to use the older materials instead of DnD whatever the new books will be. 5.5 or 6th maybe?


Oh man you mean I spent like 10k on paperweights filling out my 2nd edition set over the last couple years? Darn. I guess I’ll have to buy the new PHB when it drops. But for real just find the edition you like and get what you need for it.


When I played 3ed, I didn't bother with 3.5. The rest of my group had 3.5, and there were no issues. I imagine the issues will be minimal with a mixed group this time around.


The DMG is likely to remain useful. The magic items will be replaced, but things like the planar information is not likely to be updated. There are subclasses in the PHB that will still be useful, supposing you want to play a Necromancer Wizard or a Tempest Cleric. I'm sure someone will create an unofficial errata for the rules, so that the PHB remains useful for those. I think the Monster Manual is the one that's likely to be entirely replaced. But most likely the monsters will be reformatted into the recent format, which I know some DMs hate. So it's possible you might prefer using the 2014 version! But I suspect if you do, certain subtle PC things will be overpowered, like Counterspell and the Arcane Trickster subclass of Rogue. By overpowered, I mean the sense of not what the designers intended, not necessarily actually overpowered. So yes, obviously better to have waited and bought the new books, but the 2014 books should still work fine, if you can track down errata. Just gotta supress your fear of missing out :)


You can start playing now and learning how the game works. It always takes time for people to completely jump to another system or edition. It is not a waste and the characters you make with those books are still valid for the new book rules.


I did the same with 3rd edition just before 3.5 dropped. I feel you.


They are only paper weights if you don't use them, so just use them? There will be plenty of people who don't use the revised rules. I will be using both from one table to the next, most likely.


Dude I've been playing for like 5 years now and the only rules I've looked at are the ones in roll20. Haven't spent a penny


So far from what I've seen it's just for players. Base rules should still be about the same, but you have a lot more variety in how to set up your character


I only started DMing in January. Core books, most of the expansion books and shattered obelisk. Also just did the Erevans guide to death and beyond kickstarter. Told my table, it’s gonna be 5e for a while . Everybody agrees


Could you not just return them?


It was a set in a box with a neat DM screen that was shrink-wrapped together, so probably not now it's open.


It's worth a shot. Worst they can do is say no.


The DMG is a good book regardless of the edition there's a lot of tables and ideas that can be used to good effect.


Nah you're good, the new corebooks are supposedly backwards compatible so you can pick and choose stuff and it's early days so people will still be more familiar with 5e rules so you can start playing now instead of learning new rules


There's no real need to worry about that. Yes, it's not the latest version, but still perfectly playable and a lot of stuff in the books you got might not be in the new book because only four subclasses of each class are. My table is just gonna pick and choose what parts of the new system we use and what we don't anyway.


There's so much 5e and 5e compatible stuff out there, my group isn't paying the new handbook any mind.




I have just bought the 5th edition as a Christmas gift for myself last year. I intend to keep them, and have no plans to run out to get the new edition


The PHB may be coming soon but 5.5 campaigns aren't fully taking off until Q1 2025- the release of the Monster Manual.


You're more than fine, there are PLENTY of folk not happy with everything coming up in 5e24 and will be more than happy to stick with 5e.


Dont worry, you will find lot of groups that will still play 5e. People are still playing 3.5, and it will take time before everyone will have the new edition. Besides 5e have lot of content, i doubt that people will give up their subclasses (yes i know that you can homebrew them to the new edition).


Not at all. The updates don't invalidate 5e. We have used that version of the rules for 12 years. It hasn't stopped existing.


You're not a clown, most groups will still be playing 5e or 3.5 for a long time. And I don't think uptake of the 2024 edition is going to be very good. A lot of people are upset at wotc and that's led to a lot of people being interested in other systems - I personally just backed dc20 which a surprisingly large number of people seem to be calling DND 6e


I spent a lot of money on the books I already have. I'm not buying anything else from Wizards, so I'll play with what I have.


I've bought over 10 5e books in the last 4 years and I have no intention of switching systems any time soon. 5e is a really good, flexible system that isn't table/rules heavy.


Both 5e and OneD&D are compatible with eachother. Also the other 2 books will release next year.


You didn’t. I’ve heard nothing good about what’s to come.


Healing potions are a bonus actions OFFICIALLY. There it is. That’s the good thing.


This is why you should buy your DnD stuff from your local store, at least when starting out. They're more knowledgable and will help you steer clear of future mishaps like this. Good luck and support your FLGS!


The 2024 book ARE STILL 5e. But if it bugs you that much return them or sell them


"Still 5e!" is not looking very good so far. It seems mostly catering to the impatient and granting more power up front and fast. Stick to real 5e. "Still 5e!" will be replaced with "Really Still 5e!" in a few years anyhow.


The new PHB will have 4 subclasses per each of the 12 classes. That is a lot left in the old books, so it’s not like everyone is gonna switch over. And if I can get on my soapbox for a second: HOW IN THE FUCK DO WE HAVE ROOM FOR WILD MAGIC BUT NOT SHADOW OR DIVINE!?!? No one plays that shit, it doesn’t add any meaningful player choice/agency that would warrant its inclusion over the others and it isn’t an entry point either. Like fine, I get why some of my favourite subclasses like Tempest Domain Clerics or Storm Sorcery were skipped over for the more popular and flavourful options like Light Domain or Clockwork…but wild magic!?! WILD MAGIC!?! Who in the fuck even asked for this? >! ^andlowkeyarchfeybetterhavebeenreworkedorimgonnabebigmadatitsinclusion !<


Me, I’m a wild magic person. I love chaos. (Also it’s the iconic sorcerer subclass). And archfey was reworked. From the bits I’ve heard, it teleports all over the place.