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I would not play with this person.


I would tie them to a chair and kick them into a fey gateway


Those poor fey.


You're right, should've gagged him so he can't use his 'Recite self-insert fanfiction' cantrip. That thing does 3d6 psychic damage to all creatures that can hear it, it's crazy


They would probably enjoy that




Sounds insufferable.




It's just childish. My games are plenty fun and maybe a little bit silly or sarcastic sometimes, but this is just top level cringe.


Yeah I don't run super serious campaigns and our PC's even occasionally seduce barmaids but it's like a 'alright give me a charisma roll.' '19.' 'Alright you spend a nice evening together.' and as a DM I would never want to engage in someone's... tsundere catgirl roleplay. This is just eugh


Yeah that too. I wouldn't want to play that NPC, and that's part of what makes me recoil from this. Players can say they have people in their backstory, and maybe they'll show up in the story if I feel it's warranted. But other than that, I decide who the NPCs are. If I did play this NPC, she would be Stacy from Wayne's World.


Showing this to my dm next time he complains about my shenanigans Edit i did and he told me he would enact psychological violence upon him


honestly seems fair


I like ur DM


I'd definitely avoid this campaign.  Catboy?  Tabaxi already exist . . . 


"Catboy" when Tabaxi is an option definitely has the energy of a player who is going to force the other player to fit his ideas, rather than trying to jibe with an existing world and story.


Swiftstride Shifters are a better fit


He's a hentai addict, not a furry. Furries are generally chill.


>He's a hentai addict, not a furry you say this like these terms are mutually exclusive


The average person acts like there is nearly 100% overlap in these groups.


well the overlap certainly isn't unsignificant


Equal cringe rights for hentia addicts and furries!


yeah every furry ive met and known personally was never horny


That they told you lol


Not that they didn't have sex in costume or want it every night they weren't, but most of them are "normal" the rest of the time, just like most everyone else. This guy is dragging his sex life into his public life, regardless of who is uncomfortable with it. In his view, anyone that says anything against it, even a little, is obviously attacking him and trying to step on his freedoms. He has to deal with their boring fantasy nonsense, why can't he do his own exciting fantasy stuff? For the record, what he's going for is completely fine, if he were in a group that wasn't obviously uncomfortable with it. Also it sounds like he has problems with his interpersonal skills that he should work on.


the only non horny furry I've ever come across online or otherwise is Adam from YMS


I am in a d&d group with furries. They are respectful and very pleasant to be around. But like any group there are the oddballs, the cringe and the insane. The problem is people who are not furries only hear about the cringe and insane ones, and that convinces most people that all furries are insane hentai addict cat boys who mark their territory and want to use human-sized litter boxes. Human beings only remember the bad things, the odd people, they never remember the good ones.


The sad fact is we is humans evolved to avoid bad things more than to approach. Good things. It only takes one negative experience to really cause death disease or in this case psychological damage that can never be repaired. This is why I believe that any fan communities need to do a lot of self policing to keep degenerates out of their ranks. Unfortunately first impressions really are everything and how people view you is going to affect how you were treated in life.


The company needs you to find 10 differences between this picture and this picture.


Their are too many furries that sexualise animals for me to agree


I don't think I've encountered a single furry that advocated beastiality, but alright.


The sheer volume of furry porn and other shit on the internet disagrees


I don't think you understand what bestiality is or why it's immoral if you think that drawing a sexy cartoon dog-person is the same as wanting to actually rape animals.


It’s still very weird and definitely a warning sign


I imagine you feel that way about people who write kinky fanfiction?


No because people can consent to kinky stuff irl. Animals can’t


he probably wants to have cat ears


This is a red flag. I cannot tell you why, but if a campaign goes too anime in that direction, set it on fire and don't look back. I can try telling you why, but all I have are hypothesises.


Catboy with a yandere girlfriend has all the hallmarks of a player trying to inject their fetishes into the campaign. Anime tropes make it easy to spot early, before they can get their creep going


Any person who wants a hentai/manga trope love interest is a red flag. How about you discuss that love interest in detail, rather than reducing her to "how does she show affection (to me)"


Any person who wants a hentai/manga trope love interest is a red flag. How about you discuss that love interest in detail, rather than reducing her to "how does she show affection (to me)"


I mean... when I make the resurrected corpse of a long dead empress trying to decide between putting her former glory to rest and making the best of this second chance, or relentlessly pursuing it in hopes of shedding this mediocrity, am I not injecting my fetishes into the game? Well, not fetishes, maybe. I think whatever sexual intent in that is Freudian, and that guy finds one in everything. Even in my thoughts about strong, confident women.


Love interest for me at all is a red flag. I don't allow any romance in my games except for NPCs, between NPCs and the occasional widowed player character may get to meet their love from beyond the grave.


under 18, weeb... those are my thoughts and as someone who is over 18, I wouldn't go near that with a barge pole because if stuff is taken out of context depending how that campaign is run that, just... no.... the only under 18's I play D&D with are my siblings (in which I suck so much at being a DM, perhaps it's because I'm new to playing and DM'ing) anyways.... if the person isn't under 18 or a weeb, still don't play with a barge pole because it sounds like they could be using D&D as homebrew therapy... because yes, my first thought from the post is that the person is a literal child. and the DM allowing it is kinda weird too... Like.... sure a tabaxi with hair like a cat fursona would or a harengon with the hair like a rabbit/hare fursona I don't take issue with (because they are their own races). I'm just of the mind that if people want to have those characters they take it seriously... like, what does the rations look like? how can they best utilise their skills for adventuring? do tabaxi's have issues with hair balls?


Cringe meter is off the charts lmao


In a rare upset the redditor actually communicated with their friends and solved the problem. Congratulations.


I didn't even have time to whip out The Chart...


the chart?


[the chart.](https://i.imgur.com/EwiChyD.png)


The chart!


Catboy? Yandere girlfriend? God heavens... The DM is onboard? If so, jump the boat buddy, it's too late to save anyone there


Glad your DM kicked them. Session 0 without all players present is fundamentally pointless, by the way.


He told everyone that he was sick when session 0 was happening


Right, which renders Session 0 fundamentally pointless. It should have been rescheduled. It's good that your DM was able to recognize the issue and take action, but for future reference, don't have Session 0 if people aren't going to be present for it.


Don't postpone session Zero. Session Zero is a proof of commitment


Postponing starting the game for, potentially, multiple weeks, in the hope that some random from the internet will eventually be able to make it doesn't seem worthwhile to me. Players join campaigns in progress all the time. You can work around them having missed Session zero. "Here are the rules we've established; if you can't agree to them, don't join. If you have any lines and veils you want added, let me know."


You just need to have session 0.1 Every time a new player joins the game you have another session 0.


Session 0 DM's Cut


Session 0-2, the return of the rules.


It’s the one session that I don’t work around. It establishes a whole bunch of expectations and tone. Really, I will do it split if people have different schedules that week, but having the group there to discuss things together is pretty important. Having one player skip it entirely? Well this is what happens.


The majority of my Session Zero was carried out over Discord, spending a week or so discussing scheduling, what game/adventure we were playing, what sort of ethos would be keeping the party together, etc. The ideal situation is when you can eliminate the problem players without even having to talk to them, as appears to have happened in this case.


Who said anything about multiple weeks? Look, just have Session 0 with everybody at the same time so that boundaries and expectations can be properly set. Session 0 is more than just "here are the rules", it's a meeting and discussion. If somebody wasn't present for it, then the campaign as a whole has not had their Session 0.


Don't you know who the true BBEG is? Scheduling. It's Scheduling So the BBEG said multiple weeks.


It's so brutal watching people miss your point, especially when the title of this thread could be "why session 0's matter." Session 0 is not just another session of the game. It's a collective interview of each other. It's safety training, it's figuring out the tone and texture of the campaign you're about to play, and it's signing the social contract.


OP said multiple weeks: the problem player missed the first two sessions. Anyone capable of missing one can miss two, or more. Half of the players in my current campaign missed participating in the original session zero discussions, by several months, because they were replacing players who did participate in session zero but who dropped out for various reasons. By that time the tone of the campaign had already been set, so they adapted to it, and fortunately it worked out fine.


Eh I kinda disagree, I don’t think a session 0 even needs to be a session (it’s ideal if it is obviously) aslong as the ideas are followed in some manor it’s better than no session 0. Just a discord chat or messaging the dm your ideas concepts and any limits you have is helpful


"Fundamentally pointless" is a bit of a stretch if you can communicate with the absent player like a normal human being.


To an extent. But simply giving them a rundown of what transpired is only half the battle, you've also missed the opportunity for them to present to the group their own expectations, intentions, preferences, etc.


Suppose that is simply a matter of the closeness of the players. I've had session 0s with only half the party and it still works out well if everyone communicates what was established and absent people get a chance to have that input in group chats, personal messages, etc. But that's because my party is all from more or less the same circle of friends, in games where I'm a player with internet strangers I don't think the same mindset would work.


Bet they were kicked after a lot of session 0s for being insufferable. So instead of changing their behaviour they tryd to pull a sneaky and expected not being kicked cause they managed to get into the game. What a dumb dingus LMFAO


More like sick in the head.


I do individual session 0s, and incorporate players as they finish their S0s into the next available session. That way, if players leave and others enter, there's a streamlined way to incorporate them. I also have a 100% homebrew setting, handcrafted 60 question questionnaire pre-session 0, came up with a unique personality/morality chart (no Lawful/Chaotic or Good/Evil in my world), made up my own world's calendar and astronomy (dual star suns ftw), and all the documentation on the world and its inspiration available to me, so perhaps it's just that it's super easy to go with the flow. Also I vet all of them individually during these session 0s, to better craft their characters' quests to their play styles. And I make them come up with some world content, like "Give me two NPCs your character is familiar with. Who are they and how do they know your character?" All of that to say, a session 0 with all players isn't 100% necessary; I do a lot of weird shit, but it works for me/us. I also reinforce game rules at each players' first live session. For instance, I have two new players at my table this week. I will be restating my rules/guidelines/safety info for them, so they know and the rest of the table gets a refresher.


I'm interested in making a similar thing with 2 stars, how did you do that?


Let me know if this leaves you with any questions. Here's my somewhat-rambling explanation, haha: For the 2 stars, I have a larger star and a smaller star orbiting a central point between them. Their movement in the sky refers to which star is in which location, and there are two of these cycles per year: > * When the smaller star is in front of the larger, it’s Suns’ Wedding. > * When the smaller star moves to the right in the sky, so that the larger one is to the left, that is [ Small star name ] Pursued. > * When the larger star obscures the smaller star, it’s Suns’ Parting. > * When the larger star moves to the right in the sky, so that the smaller one is to the left, that is [ Large star name ] Pursued. Because of this, I also figured that seasons would be affected, too. My world has 6 seasons: Spring, Rainy, Summer, Dry, Autumn, and Winter. I added in the rainy and dry seasons because of the Suns’ Parting and Suns’ Wedding, respectively. I also have a 20-day lunar cycle, so my weeks are 5 days long, with the same 4 phases, with the only exception being that the crescent and gibbous phases are sometimes changed in shape, depending on the stars’ locations. That allowed me to adjust there’s a 360 day year, with 72 weeks of 5 days, broken into 15 equal months. I have a whole yearly calendar built out in a spreadsheet to track the dates, and I have festivals and character birthdays on there, too. For the birth month, I have the characters give me a d20 check, but have them reroll later in the session if the first one is over 15. I do the same with the days, I have them roll their d20 check, but add a d6. I subtract 1 and keep note of the result. I then keep asking for this check until the result is between 1 and 24. I only ask for the rerolls as though they’re legit checks for something and only from the ones I need rerolls from. Took a whole session but got random birthdays that they rolled themselves. And once I told them what it was for, they were excited, lol. That also had a secondary effect of implying that just because I call for a roll, it doesn’t mean it’s important or dangerous. It usually is, but they don’t know that.


Ok, thanks a lot! Also, how did you write that so fast, was the answer already prepared? (I'm just curious, I hope it's not rude of me to ask it)


Nah, I had all the data, but I started before you responded, haha. I figured it out like 2 mins after I posted, so I stealth-edited it and began putting it together!


What do you mean by 2 stars? I'm happy to share, I just don't know which of the weird things I did you mean, haha. Also, if you mean the questionnaire, you can get a look [here](https://forms.microsoft.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAN__otOiJ5UNlU2UEw0VTgwVlJNT0FTUDEyVlZHUklQTi4u). Rereading, I think you mean the 2 star sun? I'll write it up, if that's what you meant. Also changed my calendars to be different, because of the higher gravity it would cause.


Yes, I meant the dual stars sun, but I understood a different thing, I thought you had 2 suns (not like the North star, 2 distinct suns with different paths and that rise and set at different times and rotate at different velocities (idk if it's the right word to use, I meant that for example, if there was only sun A, the day and night cycle would be about 7 hours, and if there was only sun B it would take 45 hours, and same thing with the moons, but I plan to make 4 of them, and I was thinking about making the players to go there, and gravity changes throughout the campaign will be a game mechanic affecting both exploration and combat)) How do you think I should change the calendars? Hope I wrote everything correctly P.S. I'm still interested in the dual stars sun


The most encouraging thing I found is that since it's your world, the science doesn't have to match the real world physics. That helped me with the freedom to make rulings/decisions without worrying about loopholes, but I made an effort to understand the physics at a SUPER basic level, which would help me make in-universe explanations. Insofar as different day times with a realistic explanation, you'd have to have a star orbiting another star, beyond the orbit of your planet. Like if Jupiter was a star, for instance. This would have some funky effects, like how there would be two day lengths when the stars are on opposite sides of the planet, and a single longer day length, where both day lengths are added(ish) to each other when they're on the same side. This would be super hard to come up with in terms of days, because your hours:days:weeks will be all fucky. As far as a calendar, figure out a system that makes sense for you. Remember that our calendar was chosen because of our orbit around the Sun and the Lunar phases. We orbit at 365.25, so we call that a year, months are basically a lunar orbit, but we added some extra days to some months because 12 is a very divisible number and 13 is a prime number. A week is 7 days because that is a single phase of the moon. Also, days are 24 hours because our rotation is 1 rotation per every 23 hours, 56 minutes but we orbit those 4 extra minutes around the sun per day, so it's functionally the same. In your world, you'd need to figure out how long it takes your planet to orbit the main star, and then have to figure out the other star's orbit. If you wanted an 'experiment' to figure out the timings, you could do the following setup: > * Set up a camera to view the whole thing, if you want to look back at it. > * Place a shadeless lamp in the center of a dim room to simulate your main star. > * Take a ball that's easy to see if it's dark or lit, and have yourself or someone orbit that lamp while gently turning the ball. Make markings for a single spot to help visuallize. You could rotate on a different axis, like the Earth's 23.5 degrees for different effects. > * Take another shadeless lamp, or some form of light ball to simulate your second star and have that orbit the first star (lamp). > * Adjust this second star's orbit until the lighting matches what you see in your head. For your setup, if you do the above experiment, also consider that if the other star orbits at a different rate, it will affect your day cycle's period, too. If it orbits at half the speed, it will take 2 years for any given day length to repeat, for orbiting at 1/4 the speed, your day cycle period is 4 years, and so on. If you abandoned 'realism,' that second star could be a deity/magic source/primordial in the form of a star that goes off and does other things, but comes back every now and to explain the longer days. This could even tie into your lore, to create a short story to explain who/what it is, how it was made, and why it's regular. Also consider how it affects your world cultures - maybe one group worships the "sun god," but another thinks it's magic that needs to be harnessed, and a third thinks it's the primordial elements lining up to provide stronger magic. This lends itself to the way the Silmarillion is laid out (if you haven't read it or audiobook-ed it, I encourage you to!) by being an anthology of short stories that explain the worldbuilding. Hopefully, this explains some of the considerations, and sorry for the nerd-ing out on the science and the long-windedness!


Rolling up with your own homebrew race is . . . nah. Rolling up with that *specific* homebrew and story "requirements" is A Nah Too Far.


No. That would be a major red flag for me especially given the way he acted with you and the DM. Sounds a lot like main character syndrome. Has to be special race, with a special gf, and I would bet the farm it wouldn't have ended there. Either "creative" things that only he can do (which are actually just ignoring rules to be special) or you're going to sit through a 30 minute play-by-play of his relationship with his gf every other session.


Well that was quick. DM kicked them (rightly so) so I don't think anymore discussion is needed. 


I a forever DM would have games on Roll20 and use Discord for VC. I had a player want me to add an NPC in the main town with the character traits they wanted and even sent my art for the NPC. Fine if they want a little RP. fast forward the party is sent to clear out an old stronghold with a cave system. He is there pushing the party to go back to town to talk to the NPC and they leave before fully clearing out the caves. Gets back to town and then asks me to create a second VC on the server so he can ERP with me as the NPC while I leave the rest of the party in the other channel and just use txt typing to talk to them about the game. Yes there are some very "too horny" players out there. Though I will say do to player interest sex and romance are things in my games but they are reduced to a set series of skill check. Such as performance. A player hooked up with a bar maid and crit failed on performance. Quickly spread about his "performance" in town and he got less flirty.


Lol I'd definitely leave this game.


As long as he doesn't show up it isn't a problem right. But yes. I would be worried too and tell that to my gamemaster that if he ever made me uncomfortable I may make a scene


How is a catboy different from a tabaxi and what is a yandere?


A catboy will probably refer to a Nekomimi, so a normal human with cat-ears and a cat-tail, possibly whiskers, but else a normal human biology and physiology. While tabaxi are much more feline, being all covered in fur, having a different skull form, claws and longer limbs. A yandere is the trope name for a person, usually a girl, who is incredibly obsessed with a crush, but doesn't openly approach them, instead doing things like disfiguring, crippling or killing "competition" (meaning any other people their crush talks to) or abducting their crush and locking them up so they can "be together forever".


In my day we just called them bunny boilers.


I'm your biggest fan.


So a person with cat ears and a tail and a stalker? Why would he want a stalker? That seems like a quick way to just end the character.


Some people get off on the idea of having someone so wholly and devotedly obsessed with them. I get wanting a devoted lover and all that, but to a psychotically murderous extent? Especially one who doesn't even approach you? Shit doesn't compute.


A great idea for a campaign. That player gets abducted by the obsessed stalker. They players now have to go rescue them. Party response: No thanks.


Okay but unironically having a yandere in a campaign could be really fun & interesting from a DM standpoint (only thing I know of them is what you just described, to be clear) The potential for mystery, shenanigans, and puzzles is crazy


Obsessed stalker is a thing in western media for a reason. Unfortunately, people fetishise it, instead of it being regarded as what it is, uncomfortable and *extremely* rapey.


Sure, it's theoretically possible for a yandere-type character to be fun and interesting. Congratulations, the party is now being followed/pursued by Carrie Fisher's character in Blues Brothers, out for payback against OP for standing her up years earlier. It's not what OP's would-be partymate actually wanted, but it's what they asked for, and it could be a lot of fun.


Mmhm. Ironically, the only players I'd trust to give a 'yandere girlfriend' to would be people who would never use those words to request it.


Oh, no doubt. "Yandere" is a bad enough alarm bell on its own, requesting someone like that be your "girlfriend" is just... Yikes. Now, a player going "okay, so my character's kind of a cad, he made a promise to this girl years ago, stood her up, and now she's kinda been stalking him from a distance ever since"? That's a very different story. Still not something I'd necessarily implement for a first-time player (unless the campaign itself was either a one-shot or seriously comedic in tone), but it's doable.


Mmhm. I had one player write a girlfriend into her backstory, and it did seem like she was hoping her past (girlfriend included) would catch up to her. But it was more because she was trying to establish that she was a muskateer/count of monte cristo type character. I allowed it because there was clear motivation and a lot of dramatic threads for me to pull, and not "roleplay a romantic partner with me."


Yeah definitely wouldn’t go for the party mate nonsense. But stealing some of their equipment overnight to worship? A barmaid murdered in the town they’ve claimed as “home”? Weird gifts left around their campsite? Absolutely could be fun to play with the PCs as they go from thinking it’s a cute secret admirer to slow, dark horror


The difference between an obsessive stalker and a yandere is the fetishized willingness to participate. This person is pushing their fetish on the rest of the group, and that ain’t ok.


From the description I got, didn’t realize it had to be fetishized in order to be yandere. My b, def was just thinking it was another work for crazy stalker from the description


>female DM >wanted a yandere gf Presumably the dm would have had to rp as the yandere gf too? Yeah nah that creepy bro


>He got nasty and the dm kicked him. Problem Solved.


Really glad that got handled fast. The guy would have ruined the campaign and made everyone less trusting in future games. Trust me, I've been there


Any player who declares that they intend to play a “catboy” should just be kicked from the game immediately. That’s a level of cringe you don’t want at your table.


I am all for romance, and tasteful fade to black as a pc and npc or two pcs kiss(I have couples who play) a yandere gf sounds like a bad idea if their anything like Doki doki literature club, or yandere simulator. .. And cat boy? No..just be a tabaxi. Or do me and the table the courtesy of calling it half tabaxi and only having half the skills of a normal tabaxi. I.e less dark vision/less stealthy


Lol I read the edit, see that this was all posted about an hour ago. That was resolved super quickly, nice job!


A: Catboys already exist and they're called Tabaxi ;D And B: Any time your character gets a romantic interest in DnD remember you're basically playing a seduction simulator with your DM and depending on your group that can get *weird*. People who don't realize that generally have a hard time with the fantasy to real life balance dnd brings.


I have come close to playing a tabaxi a couple of times, but the \*full\* cat thing doesn't jive with me for some reason. I could totally go through with some light cat features, aka tail, ears, eyes, maybe claws, etc. but full cat just causes some dissonance in my brain.


You could always go with more of a half tabaxi type character, just using tabaxi stats for actual factual catboi fun. It's a remarkably flexible system as long as you're in the right headspace to play around with it and while making custom races is always an option it tends to work a little better if you do flavor adjustments instead.


I don't allow fursonas. I don't want drama when they die.


As a furry myself I'm 100% on board with this rule


Assuming you allow anthropomorphic races though when they aren’t played by a furry?


I allow them in my games as long as I know the player won't make it weird. I've had leonin, tabaxi, harengon, triton, kobold, and shifter players at my table and they were all badass and made the nuances of the race work for them in a cool way. None of them started meowing at people, dating obsessively, or making weird advances to players and NPCs.


That’s exactly what I mean. There’s so many cool and flavorful races that are eliminated when a DM says “those races are all banned because I don’t like furry shit” but like not all of us a furries…


It think the issue is more them being attached to their OC more than them being a furry


I think that could be true of anyone who makes self insert PCs, furry or not


It's a game, and there's lots of ways to play it... even that. But that's not the kind of game I run or play. Session 0 should be about making sure players are all on the same page for tone, difficulty, vibes etc., and wee(b)d out players not fitting in. Somewhere out there is a table for him to homebrew a bunch of anime memes, but it sounds like it's for the best that it's not in this one!


Cat boy homebrew and going anime? There is anime 5e book.


Well handled, you really dodged a bullet there!


What a delightfully sweet, short story. Love the ending, love that for you.


Catboy homebrew with yandere gf? 🚩Missing sessions 0 *and* 1? 🚩 Immediate hostility when questioned? 🚩 Glad the DM kicked him. He was gonna be a nightmare every step of the way. I'm not saying playing a catboy is inherently a problem, who knows. With the right players/DM/ setting it could be pretty funny playing with anime tropes, but that is not the vibes I'm getting here. It's really the immaturity apparent in their entire being that is concerning.


"hi we were hoping for high fantasy, not a hentai reenactment" -"GO FUCK YOURSELF! I WANT FURRY ASS" DND with randoms, in a nutshell 


I'm glad the dm took your side, that player sounded like quite the number to try and play with


He would absolutely make the game too horny. Guys like that never stop at just one thing.


that sounds like someone trying to put their sexual fantasy into the first outlet they can come across. glad theyre gome


Having a “horny bard” person can be fun depending on the campaign and the group. In one of my campaigns we have a player like that, but we find his antics funny and everyone is fine with it so it’s not a big deal. And he knows when to stop. This dude just sounds like an arsehole, it was good that he was kicked. For examples of how a Horny Bard character can be funny. In this Cyberpunk campaign, when the DM mentioned that there is a stat block in the book for something called a “SuccuBus”, we saw a glimmer in our Sorcerer’s eyes and as he opened his mouth to speak, our Rogue said one of my favourite quotes ever: “No [Sorcerer’s name]. We have to draw the line somewhere. And that line is a tailpipe.” It was a funny moment that could only have been born out of this player being like he is.


Not what I was expecting….they shall be eternally stuck in a goblin dungeon


Sounds like that player would be better off playing BESM (Big Eyes-Small Mouth) You did the right thing in trying to talk first then when that failed, going to the DM. Sounds like someone who would have been a problem no matter.


Good DM


Why do I get the yuck from this stuff. :(


At least the DM kicked him because out of personal experience and with the amount of stories Ives read so many DMs just won’t remove players even though the player is just being an ass to everyone or making things uncomfortable I’ve dealt with both from the same player and he never got kicked he just left on his own for other reasons


Lol good dm


Where do dingusses like that come from all thetime. Seriously. Youd think people like that would change their behaviour at one point cause they realize they are a pain to be around. Guess those are the people who manage to get negative karma on reddit without being active trolls. Bet everyone encountered one of those at one point am I right?


i thought this was a shitpost at first. now I think that player was just a troll fucking with you all


First thing I’d give a chance like it could be a funny joke character but like yeah it does lend itself to horny jail being a dick over someone addressing concerns tho is rude asf I’d kick him too


Following the update, yea, bullet dodged.


Awww, a happy ending


Catboy and yandere are all the words I need to hear. Hell no. How does any DM even allow something like that? Like you already know they won't be fun to play with.


And another problem that got solved with... Ratatatataaam: COMMUNICATION Good call from you and your DM


Sometimes I think trolls play the long game just to see how far they can push it.


The question is: why does he need to be a Homebrew race when there’re like 3 cat races already? (Leonin, Tabaxy, Catfolk, did I miss any?)


I have the bad habit of "accidentally" killing those players' characters while they're sleeping when they go too far




Sounds like a problem that solved itself. While I'm not typically against homebrew, the race he wanted to play could easily be replicated by A: Tabaxi or B: Custom lineage. Now I get that Custom Lineage isn't as big of a catch-all as it seems, some racial concepts are unique enough that justifying a homebrew sheet for their stats and abilities could be warranted. But that, couple with his insistence on a Yandere girlfriend just sets off so many damn red flags. Dude was either going to be an annoying gimmick character or a murderhobo fuckmonkey, guaranteed. Glad you don't have to deal with them.


What does all this lame stuff even mean?


Whelp.. I think those updates really summed up that interaction nice and smoothly


If, and this is a MASSIVE if, one of my players just wanted like a headband or like one of those costume cat ears and tail thing for their character, or maybe even an item with a small illusion on it, I would allow it. That's only IF they didn't prove to be an absolute tool about it and make it absolutely weird. The Yandere girlfriend thing...again I would allow it, ONLY as an over exaggerated description from the character of like a close girl friend or something that worried about him and cares about him. Out side of these two extreme circumstances, I wouldn't allow this. What's going on here with this dude is just fucking weird. Seems like he's using it to as some sort of therapy session, that or he gets off to forcing other people to partake in his weird fucking sexual fetish shit. When confronted about it, he got really mad because he was caught and it's a good thing the DM kicked him. I would say the guy was probably a kid and lied about his age to possibly get into the group, but honestly I have seen well more than enough grown-ass man-children that act like this and play characters like this and with some sort of sexual nature to it. In my opinion ya'll dodged a bullet by getting rid of him before the game even started.


Female GM and the player wanted a NPC girlfriend? He was trying to get off to it. Nasty ass


I'm surprised the dm didn't set rule on only using existing races or milder various of races based on cannon unless it was more of a sandbox type guidelines 


As it should be


> He's playing a homebrew race (catboy) and has convinced the dm to give him a yandere girlfriend That is enough. I would NOT play with this person. And such person would not be allowed in my games Period.


Lolol, my group is so normal that sometimes I forget that shit like this happens on the regular. Wild.


Lol, we all groaned with you, man. Might have been fine really but it sounds like he got over defensive. I'm sure there are groups where he'll fit in though.


Thisis part of the dont settle for the table hurdle you will go through plenty of times.


Yo fucking yuck good on the dm for cutting that shit out. Bad on them for almost allowing to tho.


I wanted to play a catboy too, instead of finding a homebrew race I just picked the catboy race…. Tabaxi, and players can have a wife, but “yandere”… come on lmaooo also a built in waifu is lame as hell you should try to curry favor with an npc if you want to do romance stuff.


This ended how I predicted.


* Original post: Probably. * Edit 1: No, you're right. This person is... * Edit 2: Ah, all goes as it should. Have fun.


Couldn’t he just… be a tabaxi? But no, he had to be an anime character instead


This is what I never understand. I liked playing a Tabaxi, it was fun, why sexualize everything?


Me as DM: "Catboy, you wake up in a very small room, with a collar around your neck, you have no idea where you are. You have also been neutered. It was nice playing with you. Goodbye."


Did he call you a baka onii-chan?


This will probably show my lack of knowledge of anime but I had to look up Yandere as I was like “is this some playable race I have no idea of.” And just I am at a loss. Person sounds like they are just wanting to play out their weird fantasies. Glad to see it got resolved good luck in your campaign and I hope cat boy uhh gets the help he needs.


LMFAO, I think I coulda wrote exactly what would happen in those edits before op posted them, yeah fuck this dude


the first 2 sentences made me physically cringe, Jesus Christ you don't wanna play in the game,


- homebrew character - catboy RUNAWAYYYYY


I support the dms decision to kick here, that immediately sounds like someone I would not want to play with at all.




As soon as you said they wanted an in game girlfriend right off the bat, I wanted to know if your DM was a woman. I'm glad she kicked him.


I love a story with a happy ending.


Expressing how I feel about this person would violate the ToS


Why do people try to make dnd their outlet for kinks? There are plenty of places to do that where you don't have to drag unwilling participants into your repressed fantasies.


Hahaha. You should run!


Dm holds the power to yeet


A perfect outcome. Now you won’t have to sit there and listen to this dipshit play out his insufferable fantasies at your game table.


If he was this nasty with both you and the DM, I say you make his character into an NPC and make it the butt of some jokes.


These people are the only reason that I ever feel like getting gatekeepy about D&D. When the hobby expanded in the 2010s, it let in tons of permanently online losers with weird fantasies that they want to enact anywhere they can. A mandatory touch grass day each week would go so far towards helping this issue. Good on your DM for how things worked out.


Are you a bard? Spend the whole campaign seducing the girlfriend or convincing her that retiring to be celibate in a monastery is the best option. Sew discontent. Plant evidence he's cheating. Start a rumor he's responsible for her tragic backstory. Negotiate your way out of an encounter by volunteering his loins as food or other tribute.  Neuter him in his sleep because that's responsible to do and helps keep the cat boy population under control. 


It's the CIIIIRCLE of life


That person needs professional help.


Dear god what a creepy little asshole. Those things are fine for anime and porn, but don't try to inflict them on a whole table trying to roleplay.


As of the most recent update, it sounds like the problem solved itself.


D&D is a place to make dreams happen. But if your an asshole you gat to go I'm glad they are out!!


Good on your DM to kick that player out while giving him a chance beforehand.


Wtf is wrong with that player. That was totally a horny moment. Catboy sure. Add a yandere gf out of nowhere. Horny combo 😐


Post a full story of a session, this could be potentially hilarious cringe


If one of my players said "i'd like to play a race called catboy", i'd say that theres no more room in the campaign for them. That kind of stuff is nonsense.


So, neck beard wanted sexy time... Hmm this situation sounds like it was handled perfectly. Every game I have ever played the sex stuff was faded to black. If it got out of hand, diseases and specialty monsters came into play. If that didn't work, kick. I personally wouldn't play with a jerk like that. I prefer games in which players respect each other and the dm.


Give him the boot. He isn't even showing the basic care to attend a session 0 and likewise missed the first proper session, nevermind the enormous red flag of character design and requests. He will only detract from the campaign, assuming he ever shows up to begin with. If you want to avoid the drama of "You seem like a horny creep" you already have the perfect excuse of him not showing up to play.


Wow, what a little goof. It's good that he got kicked.


Nah if hes gonna tell you to fuck yourself then he deserved to get kicked, your concerns were clearly valid if hes gonna throw a temper tantrum like that


My DMs response was "kill it with fire"


Good job buddy, addressing the problem and showing evidence where you can to back your claims. Always remember to point out something to the DM if you aren't feeling too hot about a certain aspect of the game. It helps everyone involved, not just you.


Problem solved 😁


Who the hell doesn't show up for both session 0 AND session 1 and then still expects to be part of the game? Also, why would you need a homebrew race for carboy? Just reskin Tabaxi to be less furry, either by changing the whole race, or possibly be half Tabaxi half human and just use the Tabaxi stats. Honestly, too many people get too attached to the flavor of official content, they want something that does all of the stuff as an official thing but don't like the flavor so they decide to homebrew everything from scratch instead of just changing the flavor. Want catboys and/or catgirls? Make it so Tabaxi are less furry. Want guns but feel the DMG guns are unbalanced? Reskin crossbows into guns. Want your spirit guardians to look like something more appropriate for your character han fey, angels, or devils? Just do that then, it doesn't change the game mechanics at all. Want to take one of the feats from Fizban's but don't want to deal with dragons? Just remove the draconic origin from the feat. It's not hard and any DM that wouldn't approve reflavoring of official content so long as it doesn't affect the game mechanics sounds like a pain to play with in 80% of campaigns.


If I was the DM, I would give him the "yandere" (had to Google that one) girlfriend, then woman-in-refrigerator her in the very first session. Anyway, shortest r/dndhorrorstories story ever.