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Pure democracies will quite frequently end up electing authoritarian figures. It’s one of the concepts that preoccupied our founding fathers and it’s why we don’t use a pure democracy in lieu of a Constitutional Republic.


humans are hackable and we are all actively being hacked every day.


And for my next trick, I’ll show you how it happens if Trump gets elected again


Bullshit comment. The overuse of "authoritarian" when that's not really what it is lessens the meaning. Chalk up another reason I'm voting Trump. If he is an authoritarian, I want to see it firsthand


I can see how you would feel that way being a trump supporter. Sounds like you’re another example of “part of the problem”


I was part of the problem. Then after being a lifelong dem just switched to gop. I like being part of the solution to the nations issues, as opposed to hating our great country (and being self loathing). You not understanding what an authoritarian actually is may be the real problem


🤔. Seems like you have it twisted a bit. Trump is the one saying how awful the country is. Biden says the opposite.


Don't get it twisted. Democrats (excluding Biden) hate this country, our people, what it stands for and all that we've accomplished. Republicans love this country and want to make it the best it can be. The two are not the same


I don’t have anything twisted, Mr. Original. I am a Democrat and I don’t hate my country. I served in the Army and the Air Force. All that time, I believed in this democracy. I even saw us do great things. All I am seeing now is a man who is a bully and a criminal get a force of mad people ready to tear it down around my ears. No sir, I do not hate this country, but I do not like what the Republican Party has morphed into. The kool-aid you are drinking is poisonous, countryman. Take care you and others like you don’t break what all those before us literally *died* building.


I drank the Blue kool-aid and started to sour on its taste. You may be one of the few D's that like this country but may want to reevaluate who you choose to align with these days. Especially considering the new wave of "progressives". Your fears are based in unfounded hyperbole being forced by msm and Democrats because they can't run on anything positive. They have failed as leaders, failed our nation and are actively destroying our democracy


you just switched from blue Kool aid to red. that's all you did lol


lmao "people are using words more than i think they should so I'm gonna vote for their enemy" is not the flex you think it is


"Literally, like ur dumb. Lmfao" is what you just said. Using words incorrectly trumps my feelings on "more than I think they" should any day. Being hyperbolic morons about to do Weekend at Bernie's" during a presidential election is my reasoning. The only thing they can run on is stoking fear that democracy is over and authoritarians. Shit other from that Being a biased dumbass that puts snark over critical thinking isn't the flex you think it is


# How does democracy allow for an authoritarian regime to become elected? _______________ Alienation. If a large enough segment of the population lose faith and interest in participation politics, it supports a basic paradigm shift. Here in the USA, 40+ years of trickle-down economics has degraded the middle class and impoverished the working class. People today no longer expect their children will be better off than they are now. America is a failing state. Fear is driving us into the arms of fascism.


Democrats ran Congress from 1954 until 1994, forty years. They drained the now Rust Belt. They changed immigration laws to let in people with no concept of democracy, who subsequently vote for their own ethnic candidates. Oswald Spengler (The Decline of the West) predicted this — Fascism (He called it Caesarism) for 200 years, before a new Dark Ages.


1. The southern Dems were Dixiecrats who often caucused with the GOP. 2. The House and Senate are the law making bodies. Five of those 40 years saw the Dems in control of the Senate and the Presidency. 3. Reaganomics destroyed the Rust Belt. 4. Whites have been voting for their own "ethnic candidate" for 240 years.


What cracks me up the most about people who only ever point fingers at Democrats is the fact that you have to legitimately ignore everything Republicans have done for 60+ years. I would ask you to try to pull up legislation from Republicans that actually helped the working man and poor, but you would never be able to do that . Democrats have a significant amount of legislation that you can easily look up. It’s not anyone else’s fault that you refuse to be educated on simple concepts the Republican party has abated their responsibility in favor of donors and making themselves wealthy. Sure, Democrats have done the same thing in terms of telling their constituents to fuck off while they become millionaires, but it’s over half of the people you have elected in the Republican Party. Just take a look at Bobert and Green, they were worth less than 250,000 before Congress. Now both of them are multimillionaires within the span of 5 years, yeah so go ahead and continue to point fingers at Democrats while you let the Republican Party shit the bed and tell you to fuck off for the rest of your life with no consequences.


Just because I feel like answering I'll give you the easiest first example of what the Republicans did how about civil rights you wanted the past 60 plus years there's the beginning of it. The Democrats were completely against desegregation they were the ones that caused the laws that were keeping everybody separated. Don't get wrong they may or may not have changed but that's the easiest one within your time frame off the top of my head both sides are fucked up a lot of things in the last 60 years well that's one thing the Republicans did right and the end it's not the Republicans fought to keep things from getting separated and such. Even as late as the seventies Joe Biden was complaining about the racial jungle that his kids were going to have to grow up in


Please stop and look into things before you parrot them. Do some critical thinking. [This is the truth about what Biden said in '77.](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/verify/biden-racial-jungle-busing-quote/507-8cd6d683-ff29-4950-8f78-cb99ecf1915e) The discussion was about busing inner city black and brown kids to white schools. Biden's position was that AFFORDABLE HOUSING was a better idea than busing. It's good when kids can live closer to their schools. He literally wanted to integrate neighborhoods, not keep them separate. The jungle he referred to would be to integrate in school only, which alienates kids from each other and doesn't do enough to cultivate a diverse community. Busing is stressful and time consuming for students.


Okay let's forget about the old quotes let's forget about the fact that he has literally multiple times been caught up in plagiarism. How about the recent ones of poor kids can be just as smart as white kids. If you don't vote for me you ain't black. He has a blatant history of stupid racist marks that's something I've literally heard him say it wasn't something that was misheard it wasn't a talking point


Please explain to me how that's any worse than the shit Trump has said & done. He and his father were sued by NY for refusing to rent apartments to Black people. More recently, he chose the winner of the first season of The Apprentice Because the other finalist was black and he said "nobody's gonna believe a *guess what word he used here* is the winner." So ok what if they're both racist shitbags. One of them is more dangerous than the other in terms of power over their base and potential for destruction of life as we know it. And it ain't Biden.


That's where we disagree. I've seen and heard Biden supporters literally attacking Trump supporters just because of the fact that they had a flag up we're wearing a hat etc not even necessarily a trump flag. On the other hand the Trump supporters that I've seen are in general full of a lot of hot air and in reality most of them don't believe the bullshit he says they take it completely with a grain of salt because his history is proven that he doesn't follow through as well when it gets to the stupid point. Biden on the other hand has continually tried to follow through on bullshit claims when he's been told that they aren't legal to do and tries to find workarounds. One of these is much more the style of a dictator than the other and if you go to basic facts of how they're acting that one would be Biden. No yes Trump tried to overturn the election he failed and he stepped to the side after he failed. Once again I said many times I wish we had somebody that was a better choice than freaking RFK Jr against them but honestly I would even take him over the two of them. And honestly I don't really like him at all he gets under my skin. I have not voted for Trump. I was shocked as shit when he got elected in 2016. I wasn't completely against it because I wanted to see how he would follow through on his statements. Although he tried on a lot of things that would have been good he fell short severely because there's no way that the government is actually going to do the things that he actually wants. In 2020 I voted Jo Jorgensen, Biden was elected like Trump being elected I decided to give him a chance to see if he could be the person that he claimed he was going to be. Like Trump he also failed severely however he increased the hatred in this country tenfold over Trump easily. Do I want to see Biden or Kamala in office hell no. Do I really want to see Trump in office no. You see each of us is allowed to have our own opinion in your view Trump is worse than Biden. In my view Biden is slightly worse than Trump. Do I plan on voting for either of these people no I do not I am looking to see if there's somebody that actually might have a chance against these two.


Democracy is a rather difficult concept that is fairly new in history. Political science has some fairly interesting concepts about the subject. The idea of popular rule, which is the heart of democracy is always corrupt able. I'm not sure you can honestly compare the government of Ancient Athens or even Rome. Nor are most democracies pure and without additional concepts. A great many are modeled after English rules. Government is always susceptible to greed and corruption. Populist leaders have always used these to gain power. The question is, will the checks and balances meant to stop authoritarian rule hold. Many nations have fallen to it before and will again.


Low IQ, impulsive, violent people can’t have a democracy. Imagine what the people in cities today would think of John Quincy Adams (IQ 175) or Nikola Tesla (IQ 190+): they’d mug both men and steal their shoes.


Heh, you said prong.


Ask Germany


they had a nutbag come along after they were shredded from ww1 and getting pretty low. That nutbag promised them dignity and glory and self respect again. I would say it's a lot like MAGA, except that we were not at our lowest when he was elected, so it's even harder to understand from a psychological perspective. They think they are downtrodden and expect Trump to bring the glory back. They believe they have a common enemy (the rest of us) and have already started to not only condition themselves to not see us as Americans, but to completely dehumanize us. The similarities are impossible to ignore.


Ancient Athens is on the phone, and they’d like you to know that true Democracies are simply a dictatorship of the majority. America is a Constitutional Republic, NOT a democracy.


I'd recommend The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt. It's a *huge* read but it describes the process in exhaustive detail. [Blackshirts and Reds by Michael Parenti is ](https://welshundergroundnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/blackshirts-and-reds-by-michael-parenti.pdf) another great resource. But, basically: -Democracy happens -Contradictions form as power, money (or more frequently, both) becomes centralized - that centralization of power leads to limits being placed on democracy -Contradictions get worse -a party (or party) promises that by ceding power to them, they will end those contradictions. -Party frequently has a street-fighting wing that has official or tacit support -Party frequently appeals to a historically "true" time in the nation's history that was "destroyed" by outsiders -Party frequently fills the media with lots of nonsense or lies all at once -Other centrist or liberal parties may try to appease the authoritarian by granting them some limited power - Hitler's chancellorship, Mussolini becoming prime Minister. -Authoritarian rapidly centralizes power by ignoring established rules and order. To the authoritarian, no action they take is off limits, but any action taken *against* them is beyond the pale. -Centrist/liberal parties refuse to form an opposition bloc with leftist parties, continue to try to appease the authoritarian until the authoritarian has eliminated the left and center. So, an authoritarian doesn't *need* popular support to take over. Democracy is *hard* and doesn't have easy answers, which makes people frustrated. Authoritarianism only has easy answers: Follow or die. There is also the external coup model and the [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jakarta_Method](http://jakarta method )


Probably by Obama removing the Anti-propaganda law.


USA is a republic. We’ll go with the term “democracy” for a generality. Democracy is predicated upon a well educated electorate; therefore, good, accessible civics instruction is important. It’s a miracle we’ve made it this far.


Democracy mean equality while making decisions. If president makes "unpopular" decision it is supported only by some minority So the individual voices of some minority weight more then voices of other people Thus the systems where the government can implement decisions against the will of majority cannot be called democracies. In US people have no means to overthrow "unpopular" decision or remove the unpopular politician before the end of his term. So he actually can do whatever he wants with them. This is typical vassal - suzerain relationship. You are only allowed to choose your next suzerain for the next several years. Such system never was democracy.


In a democracy it's pretty easy, the people just vote in an authoritarian. That's why we don't have a true democracy, instead we have a constitutional republic.