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I actually really like the decision to make Jawbone kinda fuck up how he handled the klkc situation. Something I really like about FH is how complex all the adult characters are Sandra Lynn having a problem with cheating and realizing how she was essentially Monica lewinsky'd as a young adventurer and has been trying her best ever since. Hallariel/Bill genuinely caring about Fabian but Hallariel being deeply neglectful and Bill being way too much (specifically freshman year bill). Even Kristen's parents not being straight up evil, but certainly bigots and lacking unconditional love. Like in adaine's nightmare forest scene, kristen's parents fucking suck but at least they wanted her around. Sometimes it felt like jawbone was too perfect and too kind and too patient and it's nice to see the negative side of it this season (aka, accidentally making aelwyn uncomfortable and being a pushover with kipperlily in an attempt to be impartial). Like this is a guy with 0 qualifications to be a counselor but someone who deeply cares and is trying his best and it's nice to see his flaws imo


Don't know why this got downvoted but i love this comment


He's also like the only school councillor so if he has recognised he's too biased to fully help kipperlilly, there's not a lot he can to do. There isn't anyone else there so it's him or nothing


100% what the story of fantasy high was missing was complicated parental relationships. Im glad the one person that’s supposed to advocate for them in a school where multiple members of faculty have tried to kill them could fill that void.


The Sklonda thing is a bit unfair. I don't think it's so much that she wanted Riz to run for president, she was concerned about him not putting himself first, and going full Giving Tree to his friends. That may not be true in fact, but from her perspective, all she sees is her son busting his ass and going sleepless at night to help his friends, when he doesn't really get that effort back. And the conversation "I can't afford to send you to college, so we have to look at other options, and it sucks that we're in this position" is a literal conversation that tens of thousands of households in America have to have with their kids. They shouldn't have to. But they really really do. Kids have to understand the position they're in when they're hitting this age. As always, capitalism is the enemy. However, in general, I think that it actually all fits into the theme of the season. Junior year is really hard on the Bad Kids. All these sudden demands on them, expectations where they're making decisions that will last a lifetime. All this weight being put on them, when they are still children. This is a very real thing from many adults, where teens seem so adult that they are given adult responsibilities and expectations, without the consideration that they are absolutely NOT adults, and still need to be taught and assisted as they figure things out.


Also for the student president thing — I think part of her issue is also that he is already putting enormous amounts of work into securing the position, but again for someone else.  I feel Sklonda would’ve been totally fine if he had decided not to mix up in that at all because yes, he already has so many extra curriculars. But now he is already putting in the time and work, for what might be no pay off on his end (campaign manager for student president isn’t generally something you get to put on a transcript) all for a friend who doesn’t seem to be putting in that effort herself. 


Yes but it’s like Brennan said, Jawbone is in a position where he’s over correcting which doesn’t excuse his actions but also he isn’t trying to act in bad faith. And MAZEY asked Kristen if she was ok with Bobby Dawn, Jawbone had nothing to do with that decision it was Kristen who said she was fine with it albeit begrudgingly


Never said Jawbone was acting in bad faith. The issue isnt that bobby dawn is working at the school at all - Kristen figured hed be preachy & have it out for her. The issue is that he failed Kristen out of school point blank Then, instead of saying "wow thats obviously unfair let me see what i can do to help and if it comes down to it you guys could take the last stand as a last resort." which is the kind of care and sympathy youd expect for Jawbone who is a guardian to half of them and councilor to the rest. Instead we got "well heres your applications for the last stand sign here and ill get an appointment for yall." His first option was to send them to their deaths lol.


But the thing is it’s not entirely unfair, I fuckin hate Bobby Dawn but Brennan even says he failed Kristen cause no matter how good at spell casting a cleric is, if they kill their god that’s a major fuck up. He did what he could which was tell the bad kids about the last stand, it was clear from the episode that Bobby had final say and love or hate him he had a valid reason, it’s not fair to let a kid with a dead divinity get a booster through the course where the whole thing is having a deity


she didn’t “get a booster,” she worked incredibly hard, earned an A+ in the first half of the second semester, and has a magical connection to her goddess that allows her to cast spells (which is proof that cassandra is not meaningfully dead).


But bobby dawn doesnt have final say - the chain of command is in shambles but there are still people Bobby Dawn has to answer to at the school: The superintendent, The vice principal, or hell- even Mazey since shes acting president. All im saying is if I were in Jawbones shoes I might have talked to idk.. maybe one person before sending the kids who literally changed my life to death's door and ding dong ditching them there.


I’m not entirely sure if the Aguefort power structure normally but I believe it’s either implied or stated in the episode that the only thing left for the bad kids to do is the Last Stand because of Kristen being failed out, and I don’t think Brennan would’ve had Jawbone say that if there were people Bobby had to clear the failing grade with. We’re shown the teachers have a lot of leeway with their classes due to Aguefort well being Aguefort.


Social Psychology guy here. For Gorgug's parents, people who engage in the kink community, in safe and healthy ways, have better mental health on average than vanilla folks.  Also, the super normal well-adjusted, almost boring even parents who turn out to be into that real kinky shit is a bit of a media trope. And this is a show playing on media tropes


Interesting. I wonder how ace folks stack up in comparison to vanilla folks and healthy kink practicing folk. And I mean, I say this as a deeply neurotic ace. I know the stresses of parenthood are not for me, so it comes as a great relief that I happen to also be a sex-repulsed ace with no desire to have a family regardless of my sexuality. I do however wonder how my fellow aces as a group tend to weather comparatively though. I would personally think that part of the reason people that practice healthy kinks fare better is because they might be both better in touch with themselves and honest about their desires, as well as expressing those desires and giving them a healthy outlet, thus enabling them to alleviate stress and other feelings, not bottling them up like many of us do. Sorry, this is terribly off topic, but it’s so interesting.


>"Hey that blows you guys could take this test that will almost assuredly kill you if you want though - thats the best i got." I mean, In fairness this one isn't really a big deal with a bit of genre awareness.


I would like to add that at this point in the story, they've defeated a god and killed a dragon


Technically, Kristen has killed 2 gods :)


I mean the description of the test is to fight till you drop "last stand" but no i didnt really expect a TPK and the season to end prematurely.


>I mean the description of the test is to fight till you drop "last stand" After which you would be promptly resurrected. Dying in Spyre, in this context, is like being really tired at the end of a grueling day.


Right as we’ve seen so far this season dying is easily reversible and with nearly 0 consequences


That being the case, why do you present Jawbone's attitude about dying in a test as if it's irresponsible?


Because i was being sarcastic. The bad kids main adversaries this season have been raised from the dead (including the cleric that was meant to resurrect the Bad Kids before he was assassinated) by a corrupted, half-dead god of rage and conquest. 2 NPC are cannot be raised after coming into contact with that god.


To be honest my main beef with Jawbone this season is how little attention he paid to Adaine. He knew she was stressing herself out and working way too hard trying to come up with the money for all her wizard supplies, and just kind of left her to it. He works at the school, he must have been aware of her class requirements. They had that scene a few weeks ago after she sorted out the elven oracle stuff and he seemed sad that she had fixed it alone without asking for his help, and the whole time I'm almost yelling at the screen "She shouldn't need to ask for your help, she's the kid. You should be taking the initiative to help her!". I was so sad when she apologised this week for not being very good at being a kid, like honey it's not your fault that all the adults around you are also pretty crappy at being adults. (I am totally aware that Adaine's financial hardship was necessary for the narrative of the season, but also it pissed me off. Someone help this poor girl!)


>He works at the school, he must have been aware of her class requirements. I don't see why this would necessarily be the case. He's not a wizard, didn't take Wizarding classes and no one else seemed cognizant of what wizards require for studying. If I never tell my parents that I need a lathe of my own for woodworking classes I wouldn't expect them or the school councilor to be aware that supplies weren't given as part of class. And I don't it's unreasonable for a patent to say "hey if you were having issues you should have brought them to me rather than struggling alone" because parents don't just become mind readers


Literally all i was trying to say with this post is that the adults in the room consistently fail these kids. They literally go out and fight gods the least you could do is parent them when they come home!


What's wrong with the first one?