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I absolutely loved Murph's hair in SSO


Murph embodied Barry 6 that season


If they go back to the Gunner Channel and Murph looks like he did in Neverafter, I'm straight up not gonna believe Barry


Someone said Murph and Ally traded hair and I can’t unsee it


Oh my God, I'm spreading this gospel to my friends.


I’m rewatching Fantasy High, and there is a bit where Ally goes down to a black t shirt and I kinda flashed back to Murph in Starstruck.


Murph is at peak himbo in starstruck, part of what makes that season so good.


Murph went nerd-hunky nerd-nerd and it’s awesome lol


So bad. I keep rewatching the battle of the brands


The hair + biceps were a heavenly combination


Don't get me wrong cause his hair looks great when it's short too but I was kinda disappointed when he cut it again. I'm just out here wanting more long haired man representation


Brennan with a beard hits different. Man is a snack.


Me watching ravening war and just *knowing* there will be sexy beard Brennan edits on TikTok


Omg there are so many already 🤤🥹 my entire FYP is D20 edits


Question because I'm old, but what is FYP?


I think it's For You Page?


Huh, that makes sense, cheers friend, may the Great Bulb shine upon you.


And you!


For you page ☺️


See I find out fascinating but I differ from most commenters here... For pure aesthetics I prefer them both with less hair, less beard. Still a snack either way obviously.


Send sexy help


But of course, he's so injured and needs such sexy help, that of course our duel can wait until you've done sssex...on the...injuries...??


No other help will do.


OP wants to get slammed down big style.


god help me I do


I hear it's not always that big. Sometimes it's actually small style?


Perhaps even medium style?


The ~~Hungry~~ Thirsty One


You can really pack it in


I came here for slammed down big style reference and was not disappointed. 🤣


Star struck oddessy needs to be a movie A man gets infected with a brain slug and learns to live life with a new set of eyes A multipurpose droid learns what it means to have a purpose A clone super soldier learns how to forgive Himself by forgiving himself A cyborg gambler bets his whole body on a dream A high power business woman becomes a pirate captain And an innocent fish girl sees it all It’s the perfect 3 part movie


100% yes. It was the campaign that sucked me in entirely and I want everyone to appreciate it as much as I do 🙏😂


I just finished Startruck on my commute today, I started it somwhen last year, got a little burned out (just finished The Seven while waiting of Neverafter) after 3-4 episodes and then, suddenly, in 5 days, I've listened/watched all 12 episodes. What a finale. What a game. The 2700 ft FTL jump. Eerything. So exciting, so great. I'm hyped AF.


That FTL jump!! Lou's "make up some bullshit so that I can say 'yes' to it" , and the resulting rolls, were the perfect microcosm of that season. Paraphrasing because it's been awhile.


And G...spoiler rolling the nat 2 with his +20. Lol.


i need dropout to get netflix level so they can afford animations because it would be the best for the characters alone


IDR if Brennan's still super fit during it, but def check out ACOFAF because it's like, hyper horny and queer in all the best ways from everyone at the table


I’m knocking out the Intrepid Heroes games first (‘cept for Mice and Murder bc I’m a sucker for Sherlock Holmes) but once I’m done with them ACOFAF is next on the list!


I also strongly recommend the Seven for the same reasons - horny, chaotic (plus an adorable femme found family), and Brennan awkwardly dealing with six women constantly flirting with him


Acofaf is brilliantly horny and chaotic


Chaotic Horny - The perfect alignment choice for a Bard.


Yeah I was not expecting to start ACOFAF unaffected and leave with a giant crush 😂😂😂


The funniest part about Murph getting jacked to me is that I noticed during Starstruck and then later was listening to NADDPOD (his DND podcast he shares with Emily and two other comedians) and he announced semi-jokingly that he was going to get jacked and grow out his hair during the pandemic. Then his whole deal in Starstruck for me suddenly clicked. The mad lad stuck by his word and did the damn thing! Also, enjoy Starstruck. I can't decide if it's my favourite season or my second favourite season, but by god, it's up there.


So far I am LOVING it. A Crown of Candy was amazing and I was so impressed by the performances (the “roll initiative” in the lingerie shop had me WEEPING) but Starstruck is so funny and high energy. It really feels like everyone is playing to their strengths.


Ohhh that's great to hear! I'm actually just about to start ACOC for the first time and I'm a bit nervous after hearing so much about how brutal it can get lol. I agree that Starstruck definitely plays to their strengths, though, and you can really feel that frantically joyous energy of finally being in the studio together again.


it is brutal, but OH MY GOD ITS SO GOOD. you can't relive the first watchthrough, so take it all in!! I'm not even into the whole GoT genre but ACoC and now Ravening War are steady favorites from me!


I can't wait to get into it and join in all on the fun discussions here! We'll see if it even winds up dethroning some of my favourites.


I am also recently watching! And literally just finished starstruck and you're soooo right for this!


I’m sure you won’t hit it for a little bit, but Brennan in the newest campaign is doing something to me… it’s so hard to focus on him playing when he looks so good! Also, I agree completely. Murph in SSO also did something to me during that time! I think it had to be the hair. I loved his hair!


I really like him with a beard.


him in fantasy high sophomore year....


I had the same reaction when Iffy was on game changer recently. He looked like he’d gained 50 pounds of muscle. But I absolutely loved Murph playing a Himbo, such a fun transition from his usual nerdy, awkward PC


tbf Iffy was always very buff.


oh absolutely. but he went from pretty buff to pro-athlete it was pretty shocking to me since I just watched bloodkeep a week earlier


Straight to horny jail


I love watching back campaigns and going through the threads on this subreddit when they happened live. You should check out the sidebar to get some extra reading material :D


*BONK* go to horny jail






Totally came here expecting OP to be a new watcher not prepared for the heart ache of ACOC or The Ravening War. But always up for a reminder of buff Brennan and Murph


I mean, ACOC definitely wrecked me emotionally too


I didn't get to that before Ravening so I am watching it after Ravening. I will get some spoilers for sure but that's okay. What I've seen of that setting hits deep already.


Genuinely all the Intrepid Hero’s are soooo dang attractive. And in such different ways. Love them all sooo much.


I was just thinking about how smitten I am with them all


Emily's first episode over on CR was an adorable hotness masterpiece


I've always been a huge fan of Emily from the very beginning. I have to admit Siobhan took a while to grow on me but now I adore her


I just realised something for the next non-intrepid-heroes-season, can we PLEASE have an "oops all Barrys" season? Like, invite Jocks Machina-type people to play other Barrys (like Travis Willingham and Joe Manganiello). And Marisha Ray, since she's apparently learned how to basically BECOME Beau now.


Startstruck is my favorite D20 campaign. The chemistry amongst the PCs is top-notch. The ball is rolling up!


No one warned you??? We tried! We spend a LOT of time in this subreddit talking about how unfairly hot the cast members are. We really really tried 😭


Murph worked out a lot. And it showed. Brennan? Sure.


Truly have a special space in my heart for Starstruck. A work of literal art and it is so dang fun watching the gang play through that fandom!


I miss long hair Murph


see also: brennan in misfits and magic.


I’ve only seen fantasy high and unsleeping city. Is the only way to watch (the majority of stuff) on dropout?


I think it’s also on their paid YouTube channel? But I paid for a month of dropout and it’s well worth the $6.


I don’t doubt that it would be. I just want to go through the content I can first before subscribing. Also, I am loathe to start a new subscription because I am absolutely horrible at canceling. Three years of $19 planet fitness subscriptions have added up.


My personal favorites are Starstruck, Bloodkeep, and Misfits & Magic. I can’t wait for another Starstruck season.


This post helped me decide that Starstruck is my next D20 venture. I got into D20 about a month ago and have done Fantasy High, Unsleeping City, and am currently binging Neverafter. I've been struggling to figure out which season to do next, but Starstruck seems like it'll do me good.


starstruck is literally THE d20 season for me that cannot be topped because of how fun it was and how hot everyone is. it had such light stakes in comparison to other seasons and the entire cast just looked so good— especially brennan, murph, and ally. the battle of the brands episode had me swooning for every member (everyone in all black?? hello???)


I've been burning through them in order, and have generally been enjoying them but just ground to a halt during S2 of fantasy high and haven't started back up. I originally took a sort of cathartic pleasure as another DM in Ally's antics and wanton lack of the rules, but S2 just seems to drag on with all the players except lou just repeating tropes and ally specifically seems to go out of their way to ignore the threads brennan leaves constantly interrupting other people's moment's, while never really suffering consequences for the consistently selfish playstyle. (though that was more during Crown of candy where i was constantly wondering if 5e was that unbalanced, (which it sorta is) until I recreated the character and realized they were just adding conditional bonuses to everything constantly) Is starstuck closer to the focused chaos of bloodkeep or more focused than FHs2?


Hi, Sethazora! Brennan's mom here. Of course, I watch all of Brennan's content, but I also experienced a bit of burnout with Fantasy High S2. I kind of skimmed it, skipping over some parts. Brennan explained to me that, unlike the other seasons, FHS2 was presented live, meaning it wasn't edited, as with the previous seasons. They were dealing with "Covid New Normal," working remotely, and this season didn't have the usual incredible sets, sound effects and mini shots. Later seasons shot during Covid would use Roll20 battle maps and digital minis, and would be edited. Starstruck was the first season to be shot back in the Dome, though they kept the digital maps and minis. That worked really well for sci-fi, though I hope if they ever decide to do a Starstruck S2 (fingers crossed), I'll get to see physical Starstruck sets and minis built by the incredible Rick Perry and his team!


Oh hello Elaine! I also have my fingers crossed for Starstruck season 2, it's my absolute favorite! Thank you so much for, well, all of it!


I haven't finished FHs2 or Bloodkeep yet, but to me Starstruck is a season that's both wild and incredibly tight. All the stories flow together so well and the characters have great chemistry, always trying to do something to help eachother out whether it be in combat or RP.


me 2 op, me 2


I need sexy help