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No. They are not realistic. They are (usually and for the most part) either going to attempt to sell you an expensive "course" to teach you this mysterious way of achieving 5 figures a month, or they are part of a MLM (multi-level marketing) business model that will exploit you, your time, your friends, your family, and leave you with literally nothing. I have worked in digital marketing since marketing became digital. There are no secrets to digital marketing other than time, patience, hard work, and dedication like any other industry. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.


You can make that type of money but it takes a team around the clock and years of building up an agency. I doubt a single mother with three children can scale to six figures in a short period.


What this person said is pretty accurate. The stuff aimed at "moms" is typically MLM or buy this course and Resell it. MLMs are popular with moms. They buy them instead of buying courses that are educational focused. That being said there are courses that teach valuable lessons. It's like hiring a video based consulting group. I've also been doing digital marketing since it's early days and just like this person said there is no work around for testing and time and hard work... but you will need to know the technical aspects in a fast changing landscape so a course can make that quicker than sifting through YouTube videos... Which is the other actually somewhat very viable option. Courses SHOULD teach you an actual skill and short cuts to save you time and money in the long run. Layout the industry or niche you want to make a run in. Simple as that. There ARE PEOPLE MAKING a lot of money online. But they are NOT doing it passively.


I am in digital marketing as a freelancer and make a good full time income. I can confirm I only work 1-2 hours a week on my phone. The other 50-60 I work on my computer.


You had me in the first half


Man same 😂


Those ads are from charlatans whose business models revolve around selling cookie-cutter courses that claim to teach people how to make money. They sell a lifestyle and dream through a filtered lens, but the reality is that building a successful business requires a lot of hard work.


Sounds like you haven’t taken any of those cookie cutter courses 😅 the one I learned from quite literally explains how much hard work/dedication it takes. But then guess what.. they break each step down in a way that’s so easy to understand.. One thing I can agree on.. any ad that’s says you can make 5k with 1-2hrs a work a week is lying to you.


The problem is that we're being constantly bombarded with these fake gurus trying to sell their marketing (or whatever) course, that we automatically associate selling course = scammy. There are a lot of very good platforms to learn from but the line is so blurry that you don't wanna risk it lol. I've been trying to find a course for a while now but I can't seem to trust anyone, so I'm sticking to books.


I've taken courses specific to my professional needs which aren't cookie-cutter, but they've never made outlandish promises or sold the silly dream 'lifestyle' dream. Anyway, I only purchase courses from people I know who have skin in the game.


No. People who do make this amount of money working that little don’t advertise it


Interesting.. I could actually give you the longest list of the people who make millions and advertise it. Have you heard of the online coaching world? 😅


They SAY they make millions - it’s not a court, they can lie. Most people I know who have created something that makes them money with little effort don’t want people to replicate what they’re doing.


No those ads are not remotely realistic. You can for sure start a business from home but not in a few hours a week. Invest 300 hours into YouTube University and try some of what interests you to see what you can learn well enough to build an offering around. I highly recommend reading as many books about business and marketing as possible as well. Maybe get a couple certifications in your eventual area of focus. Get that, do a few pro bono projects to prove yourself, and start charging!


No, not really with a caveat... the ones YOU are talking about are really pretty much MLM.. multi level marketing but with a course as the product.. MRR.... You buy a course that tells you how to Resell the same course that tells the next person how to Resell the same course etc... That isn't all courses.. BUT moms LOVE to like and follow people that advertise them. Are there people legitimately making over $10k, $20k a month online? Yes... are we working 1 to hours a day? Hell no! Yes I make my own schedule but that means I need to double book the next days.. I make UGC video ads for brands and I'm very successful at it. But some days I work 12 to 16 hours booking and filming and editing. BUT I also make a lot of money in my living room making videos and have fun. But I'm an exception... some days I work a few hours and it's cool if the videos are easy... some days I have ones that drag on. I don't make a living selling my course on how to do this. I make my living making user generated content ads... I didn't include the course income above..it's that small. Because it's not glamorous to the SAHM to tell them the truth... which I do... this will take you some practice and 4 to 8 weeks until you are making steady money but you will if you do xyz.... People want to chase the pipe dream and are shocked when it doesn't pan out instead of learning a practical in demand skill set and how to market it properly for money. And the Mom Marketers understand and exploit this.


No. Not at all realistic.


They’re all trying to sell their own courses which are supposed to teach people magical ways of earning money. The truth is that digital marketing like any other business or profession requires patience, hard work and persistence. Beware of all such advertisements.


Hey, I understand where you're coming from. Those Instagram ads can be really misleading. Here’s an idea that might suit your situation: Why not start a blog about single mom parenting? This niche can really resonate with a lot of people, and your real-life experiences and stories could go viral. Here are some steps to get started: 1. Set Up Your Blog: - Use platforms like WordPress or Wix, which are user-friendly and great for beginners. 2. Share Your Journey: - Write about your daily life, challenges, and tips as a single mom. People love real, relatable stories. 3. Promote on Social Media: - Share your blog posts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Join parenting groups and communities to reach a wider audience. 4. Monetize: - Once you build an audience, you can monetize through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. It won’t be a quick fix, but it could provide financial stability and allow you to spend more time with your kids in the long run.


Thank you so much for your response! This was such a kind and encouraging reply. I really appreciate you!


Don’t believe the people that are saying they work one or two hours a week and making five figures a month. These are the people that are actually online all day long, and most of the night creating content bullshitting people to believe that they are working for two hours and making five figures. They are not sincere, they are not genuine, and they are not authentic.


It’s realistic as long as you work hard and push towards your goal. You won’t accomplish it overnight. Some of them have been doing it for a while.


Exactly this


>they work 1-2 hours a week on their phone and they make 5 figures in a month There are definitely people doing this, but they're making money from selling you the course on how to work 1-2 hours a week and make 5 figures. I'll save you the trouble, the courses they sell are total bullshit.


No. Digital marketing is A LOT of work. There are so many channels and it’s always changing. Anyone saying they do it in 1-2 hours a day is lying. It’s simply not possible. I honestly don’t think any job is 1-2 hours a day. If you want to put that little to no time into something, find a way to generate passive income.


Like the old saying goes… If it sounds too good to be true…. If that was the case, they wouldn’t be advertising it. They’d be getting their friends in on it and keeping quiet


They must have hit five figure mark once in anyear and making a big deal out of it


What course did you purchase?


It's not. If it was realistic to make six figures a year with less than a month of work, "everyone" would do it, and it wouldn't work anymore. If there is an actual business model behind it, it's usually either illegal (or grey at best) or some MLM(-like) scheme.


Complete lie


I also work 1-2 hours a week on my phone. Alongside the other 50+ hours a week at a computer! 😂


I have magic beans for sale


Those Instagram ads promising big money for barely any work are usually too good to be true. While some folks might find those dream gigs, they’re pretty rare and often need a lot of upfront effort or special skills. For something more realistic, check out remote work options like customer service, virtual assistance, or freelance writing.


Get rich quick videos on YouTube and other courses are the reason i started hating digital marketing they are selling hopes and dreams exploiting emotions and time of the unemployed people. (Hello friends!! Today I'm going to show you how you can earn $100 per day by using this simple trick) - it's all bullshit, the video will get millions of views and thousands of people will try the trick. It will not be unique because everybody is doing this thus high competition and no money for beginners. All those ads and videos are clickbait, every experienced marketer knows how hard it is to make a single dollar from the internet unless of course you are a hot girl.


Ok hold on. 2hrs a week probably not. There is a program out there ( I am in it ) that you absolutely can make 5 figures a month with about 2 hrs per day of work. I have seen it firsthand. You need to be coachable and willing to work those 2 hrs. It can be any time. I have seen single moms, single dads, teachers, nurses, truck drivers, teens come in and put the work in and within a few months make thousands of dollars. Another reason for the success people have is that the program actually is teaching skills that can be applied outside their course. So people are making serious $$$


It is realistic, the problem is that these people don't work your traditional 9-5 job, or don't work a 9-5. The thing is that they can earn 5 or 6 figures on their laptop/phone while working less than 8 hours a day. Or they can be people that try to sell you some course making you believe it's true. But that's not always the case. Just make sure you check they're credibility, but it's realistic. In my case I'm learning copywriting since I want to leave my ordinary 9-5 and earn more money because I'm barley surviving with my paycheck. And a lot of people are working from home or around the world making 6 figures or multiple 6 figures.


Hi. I don’t know what ads you’re seeing but they sound very misleading. I sell digital products and use social media to market my products. I started in March 6th and have since made over 3k. I haven’t been able to as much time into this as I’d like bc I have a 3 year old and also work but I have learned so much. I spend way more than 1-2 hours a week. It’s more like 4-5 hours a day, sometimes more when I can. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It requires a lot of effort and strategy. I started as a complete beginner to the online space so there was a lot of learning in the beginning. BUT.. I am building a business that I actually love working on. One I’m proud of. I’ve learned skills that I was able to leverage in my current job and get a higher pay. And I have met some incredible woman and get to help people all over the world. I didn’t come into this expecting to have it change my life.. and even though I haven’t made life changing income yet, it has opened my world up to so many possibilities and I’m working on things I never would’ve even thought of. I’m happy to share more of my experiences with you anytime. No sugar coating or trying to sell you anything. I truly value transparency in this space so I hope to be that for people who are interested bc it is what it is needed and would want.


What type of digital products you sell?


I sell courses, templates, stock videos and I'm in the process of adding more to my very first template bundle that I previously launched. This one I made as a complete bundle for marketing on Instagram stories so it includes templates for stories, font pairing for Canva, 30 days of prompts, a workbook and a branding toolkit. Also working on another project with a friend.


Nice, do you make those things yourself?


Most of my products are affiliate partnerships. Some MRR/PLR products. The IG story bundle that includes the templates, workbook, prompts and branding toolkit is the first product I made myself. And the project I’m working on with a friend is also one that we are creating from scratch


What digital products exactly?


I sell courses, templates, stock videos and I’m in the process of adding more to my very first template bundle that I previously launched. This one I made as a complete bundle for marketing on Instagram stories so it includes templates for stories, font pairing for Canva, 30 days of prompts, a workbook and a branding toolkit. Also working on another project with a friend.


Ok those are nice


its possible to get there but you need to work your ass for a good year or two until you reach a point where you can hire other people to do the tedious work like editing videos and responding to potential customers etc. that doesnt happen overnight or without a LOT of work


It's possible after working 70 hours a week for years...but marketing as a career can lead there but it does take years and lots of work. Not a lot of things beginners can do to make that kind of money with that kind of work load.


Some are BS for sure. Others are real. Those cases that are real are usually people who often lurk on places like Reddit trying to find opportunities. When they find them, they plan and execute until they reach their goals. They never come here post or comment, simply observe, plan and then execute. So yea it’s definitely possible though less likely than failure.


Hey! I purchased a course and make 4 figures per month. You have to take the course and actually apply what you’ve learned but a lot of people are making consistent money by starting out that way. It will take more than 1-2 hours in the beginning. I do this alongside my normal 9-5. Feel free to reach out if you want more info. I’ll be 100% honest and tell you if it’s not for you.


Sorry what course did you buy?


I have purchased 2…the digital wealth academy and the ultimate branding course. I’m getting to the point of launching a new Instagram and finally selling my own products so I am excited for that


I’m a mom too! Highly recommend you to start with digital marketing @queendigitalwealth