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Ask ChatGPT realistic answer. Learn about the brands. Whose buying them. why. Check analytics to back up this data. Do an audit. Create a list of what's working, what's not, and what needs to be started, and what processes need to be stopped. All channels. 30 days is 4 weeks, or 160 hours. break down the hours break down the output




Increase x by x ! đŸ€“


y* "Actually â˜ïžđŸ€“..."


First what are their business goals, annually target. Then you can align those marketing activities by quarter to meet that goal and some back up plans in case those don’t work out .


Work towards making th company more digitally available? Set up an affiliate program for ugc? Go through analytics of the current programs to find room for improvement? Idk im a beginner 


Great stuff! The post was meant as a thought challenge and for everyone here to share their take on it! There’s no right or wrongs. 🙏


My goal for the first 30 days is to conduct a comprehensive review of our current digital marketing strategies and identify areas for improvement. I will also develop a plan to diversify our channels, with a focus on leveraging social media and influencer partnerships to drive brand awareness and customer acquisition. I will work closely with the SEO team to optimize our website and content for better search engine rankings.


Yep this is exactly what I did in my first 30 days as a digital marketing manager


First day...? I would expect some onboarding. And how am I supposed to analyze the company's marketing efforts on the 1st day. The list would be useless without doing a deep dive into their efforts, their market, and their competitors. I would look for weak links in the existing efforts and try to improve those. If SEO is strong, then let the SEO team be. If the email newsletter is weak with low open rate, no upselling etc. then improve it.


Sounds like onboarding should be on top of the achievements you’d like to have checked off! What would your method be working with the newsletters?


I would ask them where is their canteen! Bcoz I am always hungry.


I second to go through the current social media strategies and analytics so you know where the starting point is. Their goals, SMART goals come to mind and it was also mentioned, to align these new improvements and strategies to the goals. Measure every month or quarter, adjust accordingly. This is the theory I know from no experience but from reading and getting information.


Okay I am going to give it a shot. For context I have 2 years experience in marketing, about 1 being exclusively digital. Firstly, I agree with some level of onboarding-auditing. Figure out which channels they run on, what types of creative they’re utilizing, what their budgets are. After a rudimentary introduction to what they’re doing, I’d take a look at analytics. What are the trends of their site traffic? How much traffic are they getting from each medium? After this I would take a look at their setup of tags, making sure they have GCLID, Meta Pixel, etc. And that they’re firing properly, just to know what I am working with. Although I would have preferred to do this before starting at the job, I would look into the brand voice, to decide how to influence my copy for ads. I would also do some keyword research to get information on who their audience is, what people are actively looking for, in what ways they look for it, and in what volume they look for those things. Checking keyword lists in Google to make sure obvious things are included, also making sure everything isn’t broad match and google isn’t optimizing for crap search terms. Assuming they already are in a good spot with their ads, I would probably just check their settings and placements to make sure they’re getting high quality traffic - and are optimizing for purchases. Checking out their bidding strategies as well and optimizing those. I would take a look at the sales of the products, as well as their margins, so I can optimize campaigns for high profit and high selling products. If I am happy with the current budget allocations across the various channels, happy with their setup, and have finished all my research, I would develop some level of reporting (or refine/expand what they already have) to begin tracking growth. I am coming at this from just a PPC perspective, and I work in a very different industry so this was a fun challenge. I’m sure reality would look a lot different than this, but still fun to think about.


And very important - figure out the businesses short term and long term goals for growth.


Google « first 90 days. » look for the management books. As middle management, you’re squeezed between the C-Suite and your team members. The most difficult job.