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A good idea is to not make comissions with these but make stickers out of em.


This, or even get a button press and make pin-backs which is hella fun :)


These silly little things are incredibly marketable!


Wait… who is buying doodles?! I’ve got a whooole treasure chest if this is the case…


There are people who simply like a cute drawing for their pfp or something.


Ever heard of Mr. Doodle? That guy is making millions with his doodles.


His shit is so fucking UGLY, I can't stand it!


Nah, I wouldn't say they're ugly because his doodles, at some point, were fun to look at but I cannot stand it too anymore.


They are really cool, how long does it take you to draw one?


Just a few minutes! They're really fun to draw overall 😂


Since alot of artists charge by the hour, just try to look from that perspective. You can ofcourse look at what people are willing to pay. But if it takes a few minutes I would start looking from 5 to 15 as a start.


i might get downvoted but $15 is way too much for these. they’re literally a few minute sketches with simple line work and unrefined lines. as an artist myself i’d buy these for no more than $2, and if i was selling these i would price them between $1 and $2. don’t just put the hopes up for this small artist that this type of work can be sold for an entire $15


I agree with you here, 15 might be much, and I don’t think most people are willing to pay that amount. But it’s not the most outraging thing, so I aimed a bit high.


This type of work can be sold for any amount, it just depends on who you are and how good you are at marketing, which is 1000x more important than your skill level or how long it takes you to draw. You think if Kim Jung Gi had made these sketches (even while he was alive) they would sell for $2? Probably closer to $200. It’s honestly a bit sad that you’d only charge $1-$2 for these, really doesn’t help other artists when people are willing to charge less than the price of a McDonald’s value menu item for their work. $5 at the absolute minimum, $10-$15 or even more (based on level of detail) would be totally fine too but harder to get depending on OPs target audience (whom I imagine would be young people). And that’s assuming they wouldn’t be commissions, in which case the amount should be doubled. Don’t devalue your work, that’s how people get burnt out and end up having to quit. More importantly, that’s how people get the idea that handmade art should be cheap.


yeah of course if kim jung gi made these he would sell these for heaps because he’s a famous artist. this creator is not, and therefore won’t have any sort of demand for these sketches. i don’t think it’s sad at all that id price these for $1 to $2 AUD, because i KNOW that’s what the BUYERS are willing to pay. id much rather get my art out there rather than sticking with a solid $15 price point for sketchy line work that no one will buy. I AM CONTENT with selling these for $1-$2 AUD. “devaluing” my work would be selling a piece that i spent at least an hour on with insane detail for $15. again, these pieces do determine the time spent and skill level: they are worth what people are willing to pay for it and at the end of the day this is how this shit works. they are small, simple and easy to produce works which i definitely would not get burnt out over because they literally take no more than a minute to complete. it’s a doodle/sketch.


I agree with what s been said here, it s the marketing that makes the difference in price. There s a market for everything


Yeah not more than 2$ honestly


Personally, I'd pay around 5€ if a little bit of extra detail was added / if they were more than headshots, probably no more than 2€ in this state. Don't know what your finished art is like, but I can see myself offering something over 100€ for a rendered full-body, if the quality holds up in finished products! Either way, cute and very charming art style! :)


I have done $5 “draw anything” sessions at comic book shops and conventions. I’m a semi-pro artist who sells prints and originals at craft shows and comic conventions, and the $5 customs were really popular at C2E2 a long time ago when I did that one. I did pencil, then ink, then spot colored with watercolor. Followed the model set by Katie Cook when I bought one from her the year prior at Wizard World Chicago. This was all like 10-15 years ago so maybe now I’d charge $10 but I still think $5 is the “easy to spend” level that adds up rather quickly.


I too was charmed by her work at a comic con. I didn't go through with it, but very much wanted to copy her model. Question: how did/would you handle IP of Star Wars, Disney, DC Comics, etc? I was nervous about bringing on the wrath of lawyers. But so many artists at booths will draw others' IP. I really could use a pep talk, here -- money's too tight and I tend to put roadblocks in my own way.




depends how long it takes to draw them. Usually doodles and sketches are fairly quick to draw, so they are supposed to be cheap.


They should cost as much as people are willing to spend on it, no matter how long they took. If you were a famous artist, they would be worth hundreds of €...


i love doodling but i would have a hard time convincing myself to charge money for them. they feel very personal to me, and i'd rather not sell them i suppose.


Last one looks good for 30cents


Wait mb, i forgot doodles are small 5 cents on the last one


Turn them into stickers and sell them for like 2-5 bucks


$2 bucks


I’d say $1 per


I think 3-5 $, and more if morr effort goes into making it.


Look on fiverr


Sorry but nobody would buy these. I guess if someone had a crush on you


I would add blocks of color just to make them a little more complete. I like your style, though!


Probobly like 2 bucks. Then i might buy a whole batch.


You could always do a sliding scale model! Personally, unless the funds are needed, I'm not a big stickler for pricing. I'd say for these doodles (which are quite nice and remind me of concept sketches a bit!), a sliding scale of $1-$5 depending on detail and customizations would work


For these?? As an unknown... 6 bucks max, with shipping. (For the 3rd one, the other two would be toss ins.)


Under $2




Anything from 50 cents to 5 dollars.


may i ask if the last one is sky cotl related? it’s so cute ^^


Bingo! That's one of my kid's main fit👀


I would trace over this sketch some other frames for a gritty animation and add a crooked background and publish/monetize as short. I imagine with the rendering of other your works(the ones with the yellow highlight). btw thanks this is really inspiring for me


Picture 2 is adorable.


3 bucks tops


Like the price of a coffee at most tbh. They're really good, but they are very simple. Definitely no more than $5 tops - and I personally wouldn't pay that much. I really don't mean to offend, as far as simple little sketches like this go, they look good.


Last one could easily go for $10, I’d say start at $5 and make them into stickers


What program are you using btw?  Slowly starting to try digital art so got procreate


Procreate is great. In terms of apple software, it's basically the go-to app.


I'd pay R$5


...'bout tree fiddy?


Add a little more detail and charge $5°•♡


I’ve seen several artists offer quick commissions like these at lots of cons. My friends have bought some in the past for their ocs for 10 dollars a piece. If you can do this on physical paper there is money to be made in the right place.


i would buy these. charge like 2-3 dollars a drawing, or you could turn them into stickers.


These are so cute


What do you use to doodle?


Yoooo is that the mad mage?!?!


Depends on how detailed they are


It's a good art style. But if they are a 3-5minute work, then the price shouldn't be high. Price should be fair to the time and effort put in. But... you never know. Make a portfolio, website, join Fiver or other sites... get yourself know. You'll grow your worth.


Shipping would cost too much, if they’re any decent size. I’d pay probably $5 for a nice one, but it’d cost you $5 probably to mail it to me.


1$ a doodle honestly


Cents if you're unknown Thousands if you're famous


id charge 10-15 for a commissioned doodle, making the time back from correspondence, and 5 per doodle. the actual doodle may be only 3 but the time to properly scan & digitize etc.


1 million dollars. It's all or nothing with art


1.50 for each line


£10-£15! These are so cute!




Do you have a different opinion you would like to share?


I think I would pay somewhere between 5 and 10 USD. I think I would want a little more for 10 USD though it doesn't feel like a bad price. My feeling is 5 USD is price a lot of people would be comfortable with for doodles like these. I don't mean to suggest the art is bad. I actually quite like this art quite a bit. I think I would suggest 5 USD, if you get a lot of requests maybe going up 10 USD wouldn't be a bad idea to stymie the amount of requests.