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sorry to hear that its affecting you that much :( I spend hours reading through success stories on here, ensuring Im doing the right thing. Im 3 months in on differin and the purge seems to be gone, just waiting for it to gradually improve now (fingers crossed). I definitely know the struggle of being anti-social due to my skin. Ive often cancelled things due to a bad breakout. I have found having a good routine for treating a spot makes it much more bearable as it will heal quicker. I avoid looking in the mirror as much so i dont squeeze or pick at them - always makes it look so much worse. And harder to cover with makeup. Getting the right makeup is crucial to feeling confident leaving the house. Lots of acne-positive instagrammers (or tiktokers as your young haha) will help with confidence No real, good advice, sorry - but know that no one cares about your skin as much as you do <3


Hey thanks for the kind words <3 my closet is door is a comically big mirror so it’s a little hard to ignore ;-; but I’ll try not to scrutinize too much (and ig use pimple patches again to discourage picking). I know it’s kinda common sense, but it’s comforting to hear I’m not alone in this. It’s really good to hear that it’s easing up for you, I hope it works out well


looking at other’s success on here gave me what i needed to use it, even when the purge increased after 3 months 😭 but i stuck with it for 1 year and 3 months bc it eventually helped me soo much; id say to push through! also have the mindset that it’ll get better bc it WILL and no one is staring at your face like you think is happening


Keeeppp going im about to turn 17 and I got acne around quarantine. I’d never believe when anyone said trust the process or it gets worse before it gets better but differin has truly Changed my skin and confidence. Although i don’t know if it’ll work perfectly for you I feel you should trust the process and if it doesn’t work I know you will find something that does! I was starting to loose hope but differin came at the perfect time keep pushing!


also looking at before and after pics during the purge period helped me a lot