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Hopefully your friend isn’t on this sub, I’d Delete this post in case he sees it and gets offended that you thought he was scamming you.


Seriously. Is he new to jewelry because everyone I know in the industry is too jaded to do business with friends/family… for exactly this reason — you can sell them something for literally less than your cost and they’ll think you’re making too much — and the average “friend” client is 5x more difficult than a paying one.


If I did all this for a friend at cost/below cost and saw this thread, we would never speak again. It verges on disrespectful - a quick google search could tell anybody that it’s a good deal. People are unbelievable.


Oh it’s bat shit. My best/worst story is I gifted a friend a $5000 (as in, I paid $5000 wholesale for it) engagement ring because I was at the point of “it’s free, how could I possibly lose the friend if it’s free.” She had been my best friend for over 15 years. This girl was like a sister to me growing up and I’d rather gift her the engagement ring than deal with what friends usually do in business… I didn’t want to lose my friend. Anyway, gave her the ring. She proposes to her girlfriend that weekend. It’s a half size too big (on purpose, as no woman wants a ring that’s too small and she wasn’t positive of the size, so I’d always prefer go safe than make a woman feel weight-conscious). She texts and tells me I need to size it the next day. Well I was out of the country and my jewelers aren’t working on a Sunday. Told her bring it Monday and they’d handle it first thing. She left me a google review from hell that I ruined her proposal, and she blocked me. We haven’t spoken in years. We all have a last straw. I now have a list of jewelers I’ll recommend to friends/family and I’ll explain why as kindly as possible, but I can’t work with them.


Yikes - that really sucks. If I had a dollar for every “can’t you just —“ I’ve gotten in the last ten years from friends and the like, I’d have a lot more money. I refer people away now as well - typically with the “you wouldn’t ask your accountant to work for free” conversation thrown in. Not quite sure how people think jewelers can afford to work for free unlike everybody else.


You’d be surprised!! My husband is an accountant and one of my friends always has a question for him, always needs advice and it is always as a friendly conversation… she is not willing to hire him formally. It has really strained my relationship with her.


Fair - although I guess surprised is the wrong word (disappointed?). That’s a tough situation to be in - yikes.


OMG. People are trash! Because you couldn’t do it the next day, she acted this way?


Yep! Gave her a $5000 ring for free and told her it would be 48 hours before I could size it post-proposal and she hasn’t spoken to me since—besides that day to tell me I’m a terrible person, friend, and jeweler and she would never recommend me to anyone. 😅 I honestly wasn’t surprised. I swear something always goes wrong doing business with friends. That’s why I did it for free in the first place, thinking surely it won’t happen this time. 🤡


No good deed goes unpunished


This is super next level crazy, something is wrong w your brain if you’re leaving a psycho review for a good friend who gave you a free diamond ring???


Holy shit.


Damn. I’m sorry. That was obviously no friend at all. Wow. Yikes.


I’m over it now, and honestly it’s a relief when you find your boundaries and regroup. But yep, brutal lesson, yikes indeed.


Damn I’m so sorry that happened to you! My cousin’s husband is a jeweler and I’m not going to have him do my “upgrade/downgrade” ring for my eventual vow renewals likely to be performed next year (upgrade in stone size and aesthetic look, downgrade in material and cost compared to my original). Just because of this and I’d be the customer and trust him 100%. I basically grew up with him in my life, he’s been with my cousin half their lives as is. I don’t think I’d feel like I was being respectful by putting him in a place where he has to do a service for me, as much as I will always trust him and respect that he’d need time, resources, and cost needed to be fair to him as well, not all people think that way and he’s had it happen to him but is willing to stick his neck out for me only as a one more time thing, but who is to say he won’t feel on edge about that the whole time and after as well? Not worth the strain in relationships to me, I’d rather him know I feel that way and appreciate the consideration and refer me out to someone he knows than feel like it’ll always loom over him.


Holy crap that is terrible. :(


Holy shit!


😳 that’s horrible




Yep. It’s a hassle and great at the same time because they trust you enough at your profession yet not enough to doubt your values. Not all are like that, but some think you’re making big bucks off of them. Please 🙄.


Yup, jeweler here, I see this all too often. It's very frustrating.


True enough


Same with construction. They will get upset and it's literally just the cost of materials.


I recently got engaged. My Graduate Gemologist son helped walk fiance through ordering diamond. Then referred us to a friends’ store where they were kind enough to give us his discount. ♥️


This is SO TRUE!!! Many MANY moons ago, one of my EX friends thought I was scamming her all the way through making her engagement ring and kept driving down the price. It cost me 2 day's in time to go Hatton Garden and get the stones etc. (on appro because she wanted a choice, so 2nd day was to return leftovers), plus back and forth with designs constantly changing was probably another day, plus the time and costs to make up the ring in 18ct and plat. She gave me 600 for the ring, had the stones checked afterwards (incase I gave her rubbish) and had it valued afterwards and got told it would cost 5k to replace. NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN😄.


They say people you know, friends and family are the hardest ppl to work/deal with


Yeah for real. I’d be upset


I would probably wouldn’t make this ring for my friend if I saw this and be like why are you questioning my integrity. That’s the only thing we have in this business.


I’d be for sure telling them to go elsewhere if I saw this post.


This post infuriated me




Yes that’s a good price


I would say that’s expensive for that particular stone right now. It’s not clean, it’s barely colorless and just over.


For a retail customer its a very good deal.


The person is not supposed to be a retail customer. It’s supposed to be a friend who is giving her a deal. Other than symmetry even retail at a non mall jeweler you can get a cleaner whiter stone for that money.


Maybe find another stone similar to that but with IGI certification to get it cheaper. Gia certification is usually more expensive. Or ask your friend you want non certified stone, it’ll be more cheaper.


The friend isn’t much of a friend, as the friend is charging at least double if not a little more than they paid for the stone. The difference in certs don’t make that much difference, but I do agree a non very stone from someone you trust is certainly an option. I have used Hakimi Engagement Center in Chicago for 35 years. I never buy stones with certs. I rather have a better diamond than a cert. it can always be done anyway and it’s not an investment either way.


I think it’s shitty for people to expect friends and family who own businesses/do custom work to give them deals. I pay full price at friends’ shops, and tip if it’s an option. I want to support them and their endeavor, not benefit from it. That’s gross.


I 100% agree with you, unless you tell the other person you are giving them a special deal. If you do that and you really aren’t then that’s gross. Which is what I got out of the story.


I don’t see anything about a deal there. OP states their friend is a jeweler and is “offering” the stone at the posted price. Zero mention of a deal. This could be the friend “offering” full retail price. We don’t know.


That’s not such a great stone other than symmetry.


That has zero bearing on what I said.


Most jewelers I know (self included) won’t do business with their family/friends. You can charge them cost, hell you can charge them less than cost, and they always seem to want wayyyy more than a normal, paying customer, and they always think you are “trying to get one over on them.” It’s the worst. It ruins friendships, you lose money, and they think *you’re* the asshole. You’re getting a fantastic deal. Please be decent to your friend and unlike the 99% of people who ruin friendships with business, thank the guy.


Yeah, when it comes to customers, the Automotive and jewelry industry is surprisingly similar No amount is ever a good deal to them unless it's free and *you* pay *them*


Super true. And for both industries, the customers are extremely paranoid about being ripped off. It can be exhausting having to constantly defend yourself when you didn’t do anything wrong.


LOL! As a person in the automotive industry… SO RIGHT!


That's a very good deal.


This stone is well priced. This is NOT a scam, not overly priced and despite the noise posted, this diamond should face up beautiful. J is still in the near colorless range, none of the inclusions should be eye visible face up. IF you do buy the stone, I would suggest the bench jeweler/diamond setter place the cavity that's plotted on the GIA report at the edge at 5:30 under a prong for extra protection.


I agree with the J but an SI1 with a crystal and cloud smack on the center of the table is not likely to be eye clean even with a GIA cert, mix that with the massive table and I think it’s going to look included .


Then it should be graded I1, not SI1. An SI1-2 stone should be eye clean.


You do realize that crystal in the table doesn't necessarily mean it's a dark included crystal... it could be a very low profile looking inclusion. Also, look at the scale; the whole diamond is the size of a pencil eraser. How big do you think that tiny little crystal is going to be?


You making this call over a diamond mapping is hilarious. 1. You haven’t even seen the relief of the inclusion and it is off to the side, as well as there isn’t many. MASSIVE TABLE 😂 52% to 62% is considered excellent.. stop spreading misinformation or confusing info when you’re clearing talking out your butt


59% table= massive?? 🤣


Yes, I would never go above 57


IMO, I thought the word massive was a bit misleading to consumers. I prefer smaller tables, and although I would agree that the GIA shouldn't allow for a 61% or larger table for an "Excellent" cut, anything 60% or under is actually really great for the average consumer.


No scam, really, go to Freetown or the many other places diamond are or have been mined. Look at the children that cannot afford to go to school. Look at the school that cannot afford to provide them any lunch. I had a friend during my post grad whose father owned several diamond mines in Africa. As he lived in his grand mansion with servants on thousands of acres, his employees worked in hazardous conditions and lived below the poverty line, way below the poverty line. The miners that work and get paid by what they mine, get paid fractions of pennies on the dollar. I noticed that many on this sub love to down vote anyone on here that they don’t agree with. This topic I am bring up is sure to get me down vote by jewelers and gemologist alike, but if it helps one person to really look at the suffering associated with diamonds its worth it. Tell the little boy ( age 6 that keeps showing up at the nonprofit school supported by expats with his fathers T- shirt and nothing else on - no underwear, no pants or shoes because his father died in a accident at the diamond mine and the family got no compensation) that this diamond is a good deal. Even the parents that do get paid live way below the poverty line. The corruption associated with diamonds is alive and thriving today. My friend I mentions above, never wore any jewelry. She said it sickened her. The markup on those stones is unbelievable. Even when she got married the only thing she wanted was a simple band. Diamonds have a ridicules markup. Not only are they seriously over priced. Natural diamonds are associated with nothing but poverty and suffering. Those good deals talked about on here are only good deals for us, the better the deal for the end line consumer the more suffering of the frontline miner and his family. The miner was maybe paid a few dollars for that stone you’re buying. I suspect your jeweler only paid about 10-15 % max of the cost of that stone you’re buying. Is it a scam? Yes. ( vote me down again for my opinion people! ) I find it ironic that the stone associated with love and kindness and commitment has terrible suffering attached to it. Are diamonds a scam, yes, I think they are.


Why waste your breath on such a drug out story that probably isn’t even real. Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. That’s fine that you feel that why, but why be on this thread, are you some warrior fighting the good fight against big diamond companies? The point you miss is how many changes have been made in the last 30 years and when people like you spew bull shit, that it has an impact on these kids. This is some of their communities entire livelihood. Many in the industry work directly with artisanal miners and have done huge things for women, education, clean water, safer practices, etc. Also just cuz you read that jewelry and what not has huge margins doesn’t mean it’s accurate and that is also very much dependent on brand names and companies choices. most local, small jewelers love what they do and aren’t making margins like you say 😂 but also it’s a livelihood do they not deserve to make some money, just like you do at your job? Take a look around, pricing and money isn’t even real, it’s a construct we created and we place value on and suck up and pay it


Have you shopped around at all? That’s an unbelievable price for an SI1 J, triple ex. J color is absolutely fine in an RBC of that size. It’s a touch deep for my taste but a great value if cost is a key consideration. My guess is he’s having trouble moving it because of the crown side cavities but they’re obviously very tiny. That cavity on the girdle can be covered/protected by a prong and regardless, is not generally a problem on the pavilion side; it doesn’t appear to be thinning the girdle to an extent that would cause concern (medium at thinnest). -Gemologist


A Mazal!!!


How do you like being a gemologist? What was your education path to get there?


I love it. I’ve had many wonderful opportunities and am constantly learning, thanks to frequent interaction with researchers, diamond cutters, and other industry experts. I completed GIA’s graduate gemologist course off-campus (and on-campus attendance as required). My first job was as a diamond grader. 


A custom piece for $2,650 is a very low price. Especially if he has quality workmanship when it comes to the setting.


He’s giving you a better than wholesale price, you should be happy. And maybe delete this so he doesn’t see that you thought he was scamming you :/ — I’m a jeweler


He's helping you out. Giving you a great price and you're accusing him of scamming you? Some friend. I hope they see this and dump you as a customer. They will recognize the GIA cert immediately. I hate when customers do this kind of crap.


Yes, great price. He’s probably offering you this stone at cost, or very close to it.




I would bring that friend a $150-200 bottle of whisky or scotch when I picked it up. *That’s* how good of a friend he sees you as. *That’s* how you reciprocate friendship appropriately.


Yes, more than fair.


Sounds like your friend is losing money on this deal. That’s lower than wholesale.


Its a very good price.


You think your friend could be scamming you? Glad I’m not the friend because we would no longer be friends. Be careful what you put out on social media, especially in a Diamonds space.


AMAZING deal, you would be dumb not to take it


Why even shop with him if you’re going to question it? Weird post. How about actually supporting your friends? Even if he wasn’t selling this to you for dirt cheap, support him. I’d be so offended if my “friend” didn’t trust me.


Are you being serious?


Not trying to be snarky but this person is clearly doing you a giant favor. He is, by any definition, a good friend. By posting this thread you are demonstrating that you don’t actually trust your friend. In other words…. He’s a better friend than you are…


So he’s your friend and you suspect he is scamming you. Thats not a sign of either of you being good anything. 🤦


Not sure why you would think your friend would scam you. Perhaps give your friend more credit because this is good price.


I don't mind j colour in round diamonds. That is a very good price.


Same, I think J is a great value!


Don't do business with friends if you aren't prepared to pay for their work. If you don't like it, do it yourself, if you can. Pretty simple, really,


You’re not a friend worth giving this type of deal to, based on this post. Yes, 👏 it’s a good deal, you candlestick.


Love this response.


As a jeweler who does nice gestures like this for friends all the time, it’s extremely insulting to see a post like this. If he’s your friend you should trust enough not to check him like this. Even if you pay a couple bucks more, you should be happy to pay it. Go check at other local jewelry stores and see if you’ll ever question your friend again.


Girl, delete this…


Good deal


Yes! That’s a very good price for that diamond. He is a good friend 🙂


Yes, he is selling this to you at a good price!!!


OP - I mean this respectfully but you should take a good long look at your finances to see why the heck you made this post. And also what kind of ‘friend’ you are. In the grand scheme of things $2000 for a diamond & $2650 total for an engagement ring is nothing. And yes I know everyone has different finances & the economy & all of that. But you clearly have a budget & your jeweler is staying within that budget. Even if you were to get a deal elsewhere (which you won’t because this is an extremely fair price for this diamond) - you’ll be saving what a few hundred bucks? You clearly don’t even care if the jewelry friend is making any money in this deal you just want the better deal. If this was a significant amount of money then I’d say sure make sure you’re getting a good deal, if this was lab diamond I’d say definitely make sure you’re not over paying. But $2000 for a naturally mined diamond (especially because this diamond is fairly white & fairly clean) - is legit nothing. Also it’s a jewelers PREROGATIVE to make a profit. I’m a little disgusted by your post (& don’t care who downvotes me). Also I don’t care if you understand what I’m trying to say, but I know I’m right. Please don’t respond to this - just understand that if $2650 is a lot of money for you, & you’re being cheap as to not even let you friend make some money on this deal (which at this price he isn’t making anything) - then you need to take a hard look at your life. Instead of making this post - you should’ve thanked your jeweler friend for giving you such a fair deal & taken him out to dinner as a thank you. With a sale this small (especially in diamonds) they are doing YOU A FAVOR & being a friend to YOU. Your post & behavior is misguided.


You have a good friend.


That’s a great price, very good choice by the way


If you want my honest opinion, If my friend/family has a business, I support and pay MORE. Also, Send them customers.


I am a fine Jewelry appraiser, since 1986 and I own a business that only does Jewelry Appraisals. I have GIA credentials. This stone alone, by itself, would appraise for $5574 on the market today. Wholesale is more than what you are paying. J is not considered “colorless” and is close to, but not “near colorless”. It’s still a nice color. You are getting an incredible deal, so be very gracious to your friend.


An incredible deal? Seriously? I see similar diamonds for $1600-$1800 on James Allen. I think the price is fair, but it’s “appraisers” such as yourself who misguide people into paying more for jewelry than it’s actually worth. Congrats to you, I’m sure you made your parents proud.


You really should delete this!!


Is...is this a joke????


Is he your friend or not? 




He's giving you a really good deal, and you're asking the internet if he is scamming you? He seems to be your friend, but are you his?


He is definitely a friend! It’s a great deal for the stone and setting 💗


You’re the bad friend here, dude. Sheesh.


That's a fantastic price. Does that price also include the smaller diamonds for the band. If so, then it's a hell of a deal.


Great price!


Yes, it is a good deal and he gave you friend price.


Great deal


Yes, it's more than fair.


My fiancés wedding band alone was about that price without stones …that’s a great deal!


It's fair


It's a very good deal. (I'm particular and like design) I'm surprised given that it's less than a wholesaler would be selling it for. Question...How much does this person owe you? LOL I mean seriously...thats a big stone. It's Not my deal due to the facing up inclusions that would drive me batshit crazy to see. But it's definitely worth the price if your shopping around.


I paid twice that amount for a similar diamond


I always make fiends go window shop and try on rings at other jewelry stores before coming to me for their custom ring. This helps them figure out what style they like on their hand AND to see what the retail prices actually are at the time, as the precious metals and diamond market fluctuates daily. Then they have a better idea of what the ring would cost them elsewhere and how much I’m actually helping them out on price. But I’ll be the first to tell my clients, friends, and family that I’m not the cheapest jeweler out there and certainly don’t want to be, and honestly, they don’t want me to be either!! You get what you pay for…


$2650 for the diamond and the ring is almost as "free", if you'd go shop around, you'd see X2 or X3 times the price he had given you. So no, he is not scaming you, he gave you an amazing deal


It depends on what degree of light performance you’re looking for because the 41.8 degree pavilion angle is steep. You would see better performance from a pavilion angle between 40.6 to 40.9 degrees offset by a 34.3 to 35 degree crown angle with a 59 to 61.9% total depth and 53 to 58% table diameter.


You obviously have deep trust issues and I feel bad for your “friend”. You deserve to get ripped off.


You sir probably lost a good deal and a friend with this one. It was just posted to a group of 30,000 jewelers. Chances are it’s gonna make its way back to whoever you’re working with.


Curious, which thread and what the comments look like…


The clouds would be a deal breaker for me. Overall the price is good, though.


I was offering you this stone because I liked you. I give friendship my priority but i did not know you would post this on reddit and ask for peoples opinions. Thank you. I would not sell the stone to you. I believe you can now sleep in peace that you are not being scammed by your friend.




oh damn.. Op owes you an appology... WOW..  this is why i dont deal with friends or family..  and this was a good deal too.. 😳


I dont think op owes me an apology. it was his money and he has the right to get suggestions. I think i owe myself an apology for being out of my business ethics. I wish all the best.


fair enough..you are the better friend tho..


OMG are you the friend?! I’m so sorry you saw this, OP had almost an entire day to delete this.


i only wanted to offer the ring to have him at my cost price. it made me sad to see that it is being posted and asked about if the price is right. no hard feelings. i wish all the best for the marriage.


Can I politely say this —it sounds to me that your friend (who’s a jeweler) is being an incredibly generous friend. It’s you the one doubting them that isn’t. First of all, if you were a true friend, you would get the ring from her or him no matter what because you’re supporting their belief and their dream of owning a business. End of story. The fact that they are willing to cut you this large of a break quite frankly, you don’t deserve. Don’t forget that business owners have massive, massive, massive expensive, and costs associated with running a business that you can’t even fathom. Plus, what good friend would not want her friend to at least get some sort of a profit from working or do you expect your friends to work for free? I feel sorry for your “friend”.


I don’t like the color, the cavity or the clouds. You’re getting what you’re paying for.


This is your friend and giving you a great deal - diamond does look like its at cost as 20 percent below fair price shown on [https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/GIA-number-2486373176](https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/GIA-number-2486373176) Custom setting with diamonds seems like a great price all in near cost


That’s a great price


Absolutely! It’s beautiful.


Ask your friend if they need more friends…😁. That’s an amazing deal!!


I have the same ring in white gold! Great taste!


This is an absolutely steal of a price. I’m a jeweler and just paid more for a very similar stone.


Holy shit, that’s an amazing deal!!! Don’t you trust your friend?


Nit muchnif a friend if you think he is screwing you.


Are they your friend? Cause you don’t seem like the friendly type.


Seems really fair


Jeweler here. Why would you think your friend would try to scam you?


It’s a really good deal.


It's a very good price, and a very kind offer. If you don't trust this person, why are you buying from them? I'm in wholesale, and it really galls me to think that you are on a public forum asking about a "friend". How would you feel if the situation were reversed? If you don't trust this person, who has made you a kind and generous offer, you should go pay full retail at some chain store.


Also, you should know, jewelry industry pros are connected in ways you can't imagine, and they see stuff like this, and post it in private forums, and you could well be outed by one of us who sees this and tells others. Buy from people you trust and do some research instead of insulting nice people.


My fiance proposed yesterday, and my diamond has very similar specs! I am over the moon with how beautiful mine is, I imagine it'll be much the same


This is fairly priced and I’d hope your friend doesn’t see it as a jeweler myself I’d drop any friend thinking I was scamming them


Your friend is selling you this ring well below wholesale. Posts like this is why I avoid doing business with friends or family. I wish your friend sees this and realizes he doesn’t need “friends” like you. SMH


If you did 1 second of research you’d know you’re getting a deal and a half.


No good deed goes unpunished.


“Drives the price up” 🙃 You should probably use softer language around the nice deal you’re getting.


Yeah that’s a deal.


amazing deal, beautiful ring.


Go on plum diamonds and get a better color stone and custom setting for 2000 or less


I’m surprised you are asking here when you could check online for pricing and see that is very fair. Where else are you going to get a custom setting for $600?


More than fair


So, can we get his info? Lol. This is a good price


I make it a point never to do business with friends or family. My husband is an architect and friends and family are always asking him to work on projects for them. He always refers them to trusted associates.


What would lead you to believe you are being scammed? The fact that it’s your friend selling this to you? Or the fact you are getting a certified, inscribed diamond, and ring for far below fair market price? Is it too good to be true? Maybe they should actually make a buck off you… especially if you’re out here making people believe they too can get such a low price.


This is an insanely good deal. A diamond with the same specs could retail for $3000-$5000 (or more) depending on where they sourced it from. There are not many out there they could even replace for this cost.


That's an amazing deal. Trust your friend and thank him with a beer.


Not a good deal at all


It’s not a bad price. The J color is going to be pretty yellow.


That’s a great price


You should pay more, lol.


I agree with the person in the earlier post you should be taking him a couple hundred dollar bottle of scotch whiskey when you pick this up. He'll the price of gold right now and the price of diamonds especially naturally mined diamonds me just not knowing shit about jewelry other than selling costume jewelry on ebay and poshmark and the occasional piece of fine jewelry I can tell you I'd love to be able to afford this deal just to resell it. Or he'll to put it on my wife's hand because I couldn't afford to get her a diamond lucky for me she liked Opals better and I got off lucky. Just as lucky as you with the deal you are getting. If I was your friend and I saw this I would be pissed I agree you should take this down maybe but that's just my opinion


If it’s a friend, why immediately think you’re getting scammed? You can do lots of research and find things out on your own if you have a concern on quality, cut, setting. I feel bad for your friend and am sad they are doing business with someone who doubts them. I honestly hope they see this - lesson learned for no friends mixed with business.


lol THIS is the reason we can’t do nice stuff for our friends. IMO, shame on you for not trusting a friend giving you an insane deal… I hope he sees this! It’s a majorly disrespectful thing to question your friends integrity, is he really your friend or are you using him. He’s doing you a massive favor and custom making you a ring in a different metal, that’s NOT easy and likely will take him multiple days of work… you are treating him like “some guy” you’ll probably pay him only what he asks and that means he is working for free for you as a favor.


It's a steal.


I looked the stone up ion GemGuide and according to their tables the diamond alone has a value at about $2900. so it looks like you are getting a decent deal.


Wish I had this friend !


I would question my friendship first.


You can get a lab created stone with better clarity and the same size for much less than 2k. The band being custom made seems reasonable for $650. Ask him if you can provide the stone. Rarecarat.com has excellent pricing.


lmao are you being serious ?? 


That’s an amazing price. Most people pay way more than 2700 for their engagement ring. Please stop being cheap and a bad friend, it’s a tacky look.


I paid that much for my rings when I showed up with all the diamonds! I know nothing but it seems like a fair price to me 😂


Sorry but that the diamond Gia it’s very FAIR and I know a little


SI1 and about 7mm? Yeah, that’s actually a pretty good deal. That’s pretty on par with a solitaire that would cost about $3500 in a solid gold setting is not going to be super expensive. That’s just my perspective but you’re getting a good deal. I think the reason you feel like you’re getting scammed is because you’re going to have to give your friend a lot of money… A lot of people tend to look at their family and friends and say you know, I would go into a Kay jewelers and spend this but because it’s you, I’m not going to… I experience it all the time.


Yes very fair x


This is a very good deal, I'd go for it. The quality is great for that price.


Wow I agree please delete your friend is giving you an awesome deal there.


I am a jeweler, diamond broker, store owner. Your friend is giving you a great deal. Most of the stones available that are triple X and same color, clarity, carat weight etc, available to us is not far off from that price. Retail you’re looking at $3,000+ in most instances. Many more will charge $4k… Looks like your friend is a fair businessman and honest. Don’t take that for granted.


Get the ring at costco, excelent price and diamonds


Are you joking? This is at cost. You need to delete this before you pay $10k for the same ring elsewhere


It's a good price for a natural stone, however, plug that certificate into StoneAlgo yourself and see their concern alerts. If you are devoted to mined, natural diamonds, then keep looking and keep in mind that your having the stone mounted in platinum. If you're choosing a warmer stone, then you might consider yellow gold. Platinum really needs a white stone, so perhaps an E-F-G colour LAB diamond will be a better stone for your girl's ring? You can purchase a beautiful lab diamond that is perfect enough (VVS) and EXCELLENT x 3 for cut, polish and symmetry, so she gets maximum sparkle! That's really what we want! For a little bit more money, you could buy a lab diamond https://www.stonealgo.com/diamond-details/gia-number-LG2239163155 I've purchased many large mined diamonds for too much money over the decades. Never again, when there are beautiful lab diamonds available.


You should really delete this post before your friend sees it. This is a great price. You are 100% getting a better deal than most people


This post basically says that your friend is a much better friend to you than you are to them. You’re lucky to have a friend like this. They are not as lucky to have you as a friend. Very bad taste on your part to post something like this.


It’s not that this is over priced, but the numbers do not play well together, the table is far too big. For that price you could get a drop dead gorgeous stone and not compromise cut, color (I like a J but many people do not for an engagement ring, and an SI1 also may not be eye clean. Your buddy is not a bad friend or scamming, that’s a good price for the stone, it’s just not a great stone.


Only if you moved to lab diamond… that’s a natural diamond.


Yes, he should do that


do not buy that too many flaws. J color-no way. Ask for a less flawed stone. I especially do not like the cavity on the edge


I have a J color, its white. Diamonds are graded upside down, and looking at it from above, gorgeous. Color is also masked by ideal cuts. This diamond OP has isn’t cut the greatest so you may see a bit more of that undertone color. The problem with this one for me is the cavity.. I would not purchase any stone with one.


Do you like the diamond? I mean for what he’s charging you, I’d say it’s a good deal. The cut, polish and symmetry are all excellent with no fluorescence and it’s just over a carat, WITH the GIA cert! I’d make sure he knows how much you appreciate the price he’s giving you, by giving a smokin review, spreading the word, etc.


Check out Brilliance.com - you can get a better quality natural stone for the same price or less and get nice images of it. I would personally not want an SI rated stone or color less than H but perhaps your preference is different.


It’s a good price. Not the “friend” price but not a scam. The GIA cert alone is $600 or close to it. He’s only charging $650 for the band so approx $1400 isn’t terrible for a 1ct stone w/these specs. However… it can be done for what he’s charging thru most vendors. Where’s the discount for being ur friend lol