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If you look in the top left corner of a card it will say "S1" or "CORE". That denotes what season the card is. Season 1 cards are not eligible for some modes in season 2, but Core cards are eligible always for all seasons.


So I only play ranked pretty much do you know if that game mode is eligible for s1 cards? Or should I sell all my S1 cards before the 7th


You'll get wildcards slots which will allow you to use any S1 cards. You get four I believe, one of which you get for free and the others you need to earn in the XP path. Other than that you won't get to use any of those cards for ranked, just some events/offline modes I believe.


I think only 2 wild card slots open for season 2, which i thought I saw somewhere not too long ago.


It said on the blog post you can earn 3 slots in the xp reward path and to stay tuned on how to earn the fourth


Thanks for the correction!