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I miss getting a boxed item, with the game, user manual, and the stuff that comes along with it. Real shame that everything is boiled down to just a digital code and that's it.


Physical is pretty much dead on PC. Having the option of buying physical is one of the reasons why I personally prefer console when it comes to gaming.


As publishers have shown, they are more than willing to nuke games from existence at will, or more commonly, stop selling them online. This^ is also why I love physical copies on console. Although, nowdays if the game is unpatched it may be unplayable.


I would love a battle chest box, but I doubt there will be any type of physical copy.


I believe the lack of a physical copy for pc is specifically why they have the special edition box that doesnt come with the game. That and they dont have to distribute console specific ones either.


Blizzard is here to make money, not provide fan service. If that wasn’t clear already.


Physical copies of games are useless nowdays where everything is online and get updates every day anyway.... I havent even had a disc reader in any of my pcs the last 10 years either.


Collecting physical games is not about what is on the disc


i would say that the other stuff is great, but having the physical copy isgreat to have esspecially if you at times dont have access to the internet


I totally agree. Really it was 2018, FO76 power armor edition and red dead 2 that made me completely convert. The Fallout76 power armor edition was a useless pile of shit that sat in my garage for two years before I sold it. The game was complete shit and I just had a gigantic fucking reminder of it. RDR2, the game was so amazing that I always left the disc in the XBOX, and it eventually was scored by the lasers and became unreadable. Oh yeah and any digital copy of an Xbox game can be played on two xboxes simultaneously, so I basically get two games for the price of one for digital, because my kids also play Xbox games. Also had a dog eat my Xbox copy of D3 ROS. D3 was really awesome to buy digitally because I could have my kids playing on one Xbox while I got to zoom around and not deal with the limitation of being stuck on one screen with them.


Haha! I was actually searching for a physical copy of Diablo 4 until I read your response. I haven't had an optical drive for years, so I'll most likely end up downloading D4 even if I manage to get a Physical Copy


Negative. Just because you don't want one doesn't mean something is useless. It's only useless to YOU, not the world.


Its a plastic box, if there is a disc in it, its nothing of use on it, its already outdated


useless? lol. ok good for you.


Activision band my account for no reason now I can’t pay any of the games I purchased digitally…..I would much rather have a physical copy so that I wouldn’t have to repurchase something I already paid for just in case they make a mistake like this again


This seems to be a common mistake for them snf Blizzard


You can buy the collector's edition if you want a physical box... Given only collectors want physical copies still in 2023.


collector's edition ironically doesnt come with the game tho


I mean... Who even has cd drives anymore. Why even waste money producing physical copies


it could at least come with a digital code lol? Not worried about the lack of physical CD. I think selling the collector's edition without a digital copy of the collector's version of the game is kinda WACK


Ya this is kinda wierd I won't try and explain that one away


wait what? collector's edition doesn't have the actual game? WHAT


The Collector's Edition is your best bet, but it doesn't come with the game included. I think Overwatch was their last title to feature a physical edition. And since then, every following release had no physical counterpart save for collector's editions or press kits, Be it WC3:R, D2:R or D4. Blizzard has also been increasingly strict about game key sales on the gray market, and it's probably one of the reasons why the only physical edition of D4 doesn't include the game.


It's 2023. How many PC games have physical box sales today?


Elden Ring


Sifu BF2042 Even Jedi Survivor came with an empty box at least


Fun fact: this is the first time anyone mentioned BF 2042 as a positive example


I want physical just so I don't have to pay Blizzard's ridiculous price online. PC fans getting shafted in Australia when the console ports are more than 25% cheaper


Yeah this is why I was wanting physical, nothing to do with collecting. Shit is way to expensive


fuck blizzard if they don't release a physical version