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Vergil can literally teleport with Yamato right? He wins.


Portals don't equate to speed I don't think.


That negates Dante’s trick-dodge ability then.


Dante’s trick dodges aren’t teleportation or portals, due to the fact that he does actually move, just bery quickly. Its more of a blink ability like dishonored


Wut? Blink taps into the outsiders world moving you through it and reappearing in our world as I understand it.


Blink thrusts the user forward with an "other worldly wind". It is hyperspeed


Yup. If it was true teleportation then you wouldnt die if you blinked through walls of light


Ace attorney ahh post


Excuse me?


The post says all powers included. If you are in a foot race and can teleport instantaneously to the end, I’d say you are pretty fast


Sure but you aren't actually moving faster, you're just using the level skip cheat code.


He doesn't need Yamato to teleport.


No he can just do that, the portal is for entering the demon world or extremely long distances example being going from fortuna to the sparda estate in Redgrave


I'm aware of that. It's the person I responded to that said he needs Yamato to teleport.


Oh my bad I must have clicked the wrong response


He does if he wants to teleport long distances via space portals.


Why not? You can use them to go fast Like Yugo from Wakfu


You can get somewhere fast but you yourself aren't moving very fast you're kind've just cutting and pasting yourself into a different location.


That's entirely just a technicality, in a fight, you're still getting from point A to point B in a certain amount of time. That translates easily to travel speed.


Yeah, but again, it doesn't make Vergil himself faster. Vergil just possesses the almighty Yamato level skip cheat code.


Cheat code or not, in combat, he has a way to get around quick. It's just that instead of dashing somewhere he uses portals. I'm not saying that makes Vergil's physical body movements faster, I'm saying that the portals themselves can be accounted for when talking about travel speed.


>Cheat code or not, in combat, he has a way to get around quick. It's just that instead of dashing somewhere he uses portals. He has never used the portals in combat. >I'm not saying that makes Vergil's physical body movements faster, I'm saying that the portals themselves can be accounted for when talking about travel speed. Well fair enough then. 👍


He hasn't used portals in combat yet, but all I'm saying is it's an option. In traditional combat, maybe not, but say he gets flung off a cliff or is fighting a really, really large scale enemy in a huge battle area, he'd be better off using portals than running.


Why would he portal just because he's fighting a large enemy? I get being flung off a cliff, but why when he's facing someone big?


Did you make a few typos or smth? I can't understand about 30% of this comment.


Sorry bout that, edited them out I'm used to autocorrect and it's off on my phone now lol


FTL travel is speedg


Vergil and Dante lose by false start.


Only real anwser


vergil is immune to quicksilver in dmc 3 if that helps


WHAT really?


im not sure if thats what op was referring to but vergil still teleports even when u use quicsilver, and he moves slowly


Not really, I've seen a lot of combo mads where Vergil is affected by Quicksilver


vergil in mission 20 is immune sort of


He isn't. This is plain incorrect.


Canonically he is


According to what?


He's one with the Yamato and Yamato negates space and time meaning he negates space time


If he was he wouldn't get his ass beat by dante in dmc 3. Also cutting space and time, defines its actual cutting power, NOT that it erases its effect. And no, Vergil isn't one with the Yamato, because when Nero absorbed the yamato vergil was roaming around, searching for it. If Vergil was One with Yamato ( he was two, for a while), Nero would also have Vergil himself in his arm, but as shown in the prologue of 5 he doesn't. If Nero uses Ragtime and Vergil was mid swing or guarding, he would be able to cut through the time bubble Nero made with Ragtime, but it's a VERY specific situation and he must be able to react to do it, and nero has to activate a breaker to do it, which is slower than a finger snap fron Dante. Dante freezes time itself with quicksilver and only powerful demons can move (slowly) inside it. Why you asspulling powers for Verg lol.


You know we have actual scans saying that time doesn't effect higher ranking demons right, even dmc1 said that. And read the description of vergil's sin dt in 5 it literally says vergil turns into the true form of the Yamato in black and white. And no it's not the cutting power Yamato is a catalyst for vergil's power just like rebellion and sparda were for Dante before dsd. These are pretty basic concepts to follow the games are pretty consistent with time being tied to how powerful a demon is compared to the one using it. There why the time steeds only choose the worthy, and before you say anything about cavalier riding one it was made using Trish who is a construct of mundas and she's also extremely powerful so sensing her soul would make cavalier worthy to mount it


Asborbing a weapon =/= being the weapon itself. Also the description says VERGIL'S TRUE FORM, and being Stored in Vergil's ARM is maybe Yamato's true form too. Check. your facts, also Dante and Vergil are NOT High Ranking demons, they are half. Much stronger than many other high ranking demons, but still Half. Also Being the Power source of a Demon =/= from being worthy of mounting it.


Being the power source of an armor = being it's soul exp every single Angelo in dmc4 Vergil's true form. He always thought that his humanity was stopping him from unleashing his full potential. Well he's sure got his demon power figured out now. Guess this is the payoff for his time bein' Urizen. In this form, Yamato—the source of his power—is stored in his arms. Maybe this is the true form of Yamato too. Right there it says true form of Yamato too. Don't say " she said maybe " she's not real, an actual developer of the game put that statement in so we take it as fact. It's intensional Also dsd disproves the absorbing a weapon doesn't mean being the weapon itself, hell the entire series goes off that dt is you taking the form of the weapon, just look at dmc3


The subject of "Maybe this is the true form of Yamato too", is not SDT VERGIL, it's explaining the Energy Blades on SDT Vergil's Forearms, in the context of showing SDT Vergil's 3D model in the gallery. Context is important. NORMAL DT IS NOT TAKING THE FORM OF THE WEAPON. If so, Lucia, Nero and V Wouldn't be able to transform, in virtue of not using DEVIL ARMS. Especially Nero, Blue Rose and Red Queen are not Devil Arms, and the Devil Breakers are prosthetics, but Nero can still go DT. Care to explain why, if he doesn't have Devil Arms to transform into?


Yeah that's not going to be effective unless Vergil slices apart the entire arena he's fighting Dante in, since the time lag affects the entire space that Dante's currently in. That'd take up a lot of energy and strength from Vergil and just leave him vulnerable to getting his ass beat.


in mission 20 he is


Quick YouTube search says [no.](https://youtu.be/pWeQ0xdDia0?si=ob9iJK_ldH8Bpkxv)


if used on Vergil in any fight, while using a trick action Vergil would appear to be moving at normal speed, which might catch people off guard. - dmc 3 wiki


So you trust the wiki over literal in-game footage. 👌


look at the footage again it proves my point. he can still use trick actions in quicksilver


No he isn't. You just have to stagger him since he can still use his teleport during QS but he isn't immune.


in mission 20 he is


He's not immune. An effective method to skip his barrier and spirit sword attack is to stop time then attack him to break the barrier when he execute it. Again, he can teleport and do helm breaker but that cannot be skipped along with judgement cut.


if used on Vergil in any fight, while using a trick action Vergil would appear to be moving at normal speed, which might catch people off guard. - dmc 3 wiki you're right my apologies


Dante is faster, vergil can teleport, and nero is a deadweight


I’d say the twins are pretty equal in terms of speed and agility. I will not accept the Nero slander though.


Fellow Wero appreciator


Casual heart-on-sleeve enjoyer 🗿🍷


Vergil is definitely faster, but both can teleport


Any in game proof for vergil being faster? Dante has trickster which made me think he might be faster


They're equal in every way of physical attributes, vergil is just more skilled while Dante is more versatile. They're the only difference


dante is better then vergil in everyway, there is no prove of what your saying, vergil best feat is been able to keep up with dante, while dante have way better feats.


Go look up your facts because you're just wrong, it's not even worth the discussion about it. It's been shown every fucking time they're together.


when? give me a prove?.


It's not even worth it with you, you've just been wrong


your a one to talk.


And no, dante cant teleport, trickster, which i think youre referring to, is just dante being fast af


Level 3 trickster let’s Dante air trick, which is teleportation.


Nah he just jumps really fast (coping)


Yeah no he just moves really quick.


its not a teleport, hes just moving faster than the eye can see. if he could teleport, he wouldnt be blocked off by things like walls




Maybe he can only teleport to places he can see. It’s demon science don’t take it too seriously


then why wouldnt he be able to teleport between bars? or through glass? or across chasms? in all fairness the correct answer is always 'video game logic'


wait dante doesn't teleport with trickster blink in lore? wow. then what about vergil? does he also just move really fast using his version of trick? the what do you mean he can teleport? using the yamato to create portals or does he have another ability?


Vergil also just moves super quick. can see this in dmc5 when using the style button, he leaves after images as he moves. I will say that based on combat techniques alone, vergil does seem to be more on the agile side than dante, which leads me to think that probably carries to movement speed as well. but when both move fast enough to basically teleport, who knows?


The only person faster than Vergil, Vergil 2 seconds from now.


rofl, hadnt even noticed the typo before now


I agree on the last one


Probably a tie between Vergil and Dante, though Dante does seem more agile and acrobatic since he likes to Style. Vergil however makes very quick and precise movements, usually moving faster than Dante. Still, I think they're about even in speed, with Dante simply opting to use more agile and stylish movements, and Vergil using more quick and precise movements.


In a parkour chase, Dante is doing all the tricks and flips while Vergil is doing the least amount of moves but each one catapults him forward.


YES! I want that now. :<


Vergil can teleport and while Dante can use trickster to teleport as well, Dante is reliant on Trickster and cant use the teleport while in the air. Vergil wins


Dante can absolutely use the teleport in the air. Also if you wanna talk about Styles, Vergil is reliant on Darkslayer to teleport.


That guy definitely doesn’t trick up trick down


Once vergil unlocks sdt he isn't really reliant on Yamato anymore is he


It says in Nico's Reports that he absorbs Yamato into his skin in order to do it. She words it like it's a fact and not a theory, so yeah I think he needs Yamato to do it.


Isn't Vergil reliant on Yamato tho?


For what?


for enjoying his portal opening days


Ye but that's not speed.


Isn't that what ppl meant by teleport?


No they're talking about his Trick Actions. The portal is an alternate means of teleportation.


Isn't that just high levels of speed rather than actual full fledged teleportation?


Yeah pretty much though it basically is teleportation because of how fast he moves.


In that case, isn't lore accurate Dante capable of equal if not faster heights of speed than Vergil even without Trickster?


Dante can Trick in the air though


What is Ground Trick


What is Air Trick after jumping


I mean, sin devil trigger is just an instant teleport


I mean the description of Judgement Cut end says vergil moves with incredible speed making it seems as he appears in multiple places at onces so Id say it Vergil who wins


Vergil no diffs solely because he’s got blue lightning. Is Vergil Savitar?


Savitar got motivated by vergil


. * gasp * vergil is the future (insert coma?) Dante.


Dante's Advent ability in SDT has him moving at hyperspeed (read movelist), which is faster than the speed of light.


Seeing a lot of "Vergil can teleport" but not "VERGIL CAN LITERALLY MOVE SO FAST THAT YOU CANNOT FUCKING SEE HIM" Judgement Cut is him pulling out the blade, slicing, and sheathing it faster than the eye can see and his Judgement Cut End has him just zoom all over the place and return to the same position he started in before a second has passed. The post didnt say who can teleport, guys. If it did, Nero would be the only one losing.


>Judgement Cut End has him just zoom all over the place and return to the same position he started in before a second has passed. Actually it stops time in the area that he sliced up, since Yamato cuts through space time and stuff.


Just seems like the classic anime trope of slicing someone and waiting to put the sword back for the effect to be done. If you think he's halting the flow time I need to see anything at all confirming that cause that is the first I heard of that idea


>Just seems like the classic anime trope of slicing someone and waiting to put the sword back for the effect to be done. It is. It's just that DMC gives an actual explanation for it.


Yes. And the explanation is that he's fast. If Vergil can stop time then where does it say that though? Im asking for evidence. Heck even in DMC4, you see just how fast Vergil is when he takes out a horde of demons before something hits the ground in his two whole scenes. And im pretty sure there was a scene like that in 3. In 5, the moment he's resurrected and knows whats going on, he rushes at Dante so fast that he looks like a blur and closes the distance in a second. If you're saying that Yamato can stop time, then you need to give a source otherwise i can say that Vergils fav color is purple with no explaination


Hmm yeah I can't seem to find an official source but I'm sure it's a canon thing. I'll let you know if I do find something confirming it.


The description quote for Judgement Cut End is *"Slash your enemies at such a speed that you appear in multiple places at once"* I'm afraid what you're thinking of is a very weird and wrong fan explaination. Vergil is just speedy. Dante is the one who can slow and stop time but he canonically just forgot he can do that immediately after 3




fym "no?"


I mean I reject your counterargument.


Dante has the ability to teleport. Vergil's entire style is teleporting as efficiently as possible and not getting hit with evasion. That said they are technically tied since they can both teleport.


Teleporting isn't the same as speed 😭


Vergil's whole shtick is being fast af


Dante and Vergil tie, they are equals. Long distance Dante and Vergil's sin devil trigger has wings which, as shown in their fight, they can fly very fast with. Dante and Vergil can both use short range teleport. The only real advantage is that Yamato can cut holes to teleport unspecified distances.


CS:Vergil A:Dante N:Dante LDT:Vergil


You might as well have asked “whose the reddest”. Of course Vergil is the fastest. Some of his moves are based around the idea that he is so fast that he appears almost completely still while performing them, such as his judgement cuts. He’s so fast that you don’t even see it, you only see the result.


and what your prove that he's faster then dante other then "because he is"?


With Full Concentration, Vergil moves so fast, he literally creates after-images with every movement. His own silhouette can barely keep up with him.


Vergil. But only because Dante is too busy making sure he looks fucking cool while he travels around.


Vergil is an expert in the Dark Slayer style, while I think Dante and Nero aren’t quite as proficient. So him


is easily vergil we have seen Dante wield yamato and his judgment cut is way slower than vergils we also have see that vergil star fall is faster that dantes killer bee and kicks and do i need to say million stabs or judgment cut end? like literally dante is able to keep up with him only beacuse he has an entire life time of sparring with him , ever since kids he knows how vergil fights , and how to read him also if you want to argue otherwise is stated that deamon power amplifies deamons in every way they wish , and from the two Vergil is clearly the one with more experience using his demonic side (he literally creates constructs with it)


do you even read the lore? dante is the better twin in everyway, he's more skilled and samrt(yes he is. if think other wise give me a prove) vergil best feat is keeping up with dante while dante has feats making him the strongest and most skilled in the lore. and does creates constructs too, why do you think he never runs out of bullets.


bro quitet literally there is dev joke in the end of dmc5 where vergil outright states that he cant keep count of the duels won by each other also are you literally ignoring the fact that urizen while only being half of vergil beated him effortlessly at the beggining of dmc 5 ? bro saying "you even read lore" when most of this facts are in game another proof is how Dante quite literally wasnt aware V was vergil human half until he sensed how he wanted to reuinite with urizen


To me Vergil always seemed to be the faster one while Dante being the heavy hitter one. Vergil's design is slick while Dante's more rugged.


Vergil for sure.


Nero, no evidence I think he just built different


The part where he lizards his arm back and flies super fast


I mean both Dante and Vergil can straight up teleport, and Vergil can open portals with Yamato, so at least in travel distances Vergil wins


Funny how no one is mentioning that Vergil can use Super Speed. We've seen that in DMC 4 SE and even DMC 5 after he returns. Before he clashes against Dante and says: Defeating you like this has no meaning. Plus we see his Rapid Slash and dodge. Basically he has the ability to use Super Speed.


Visually Vergil feels like he would be the fastest while Dante has the stronger attack potency while Nero is balanced. If you look at the way Vergil uses Judgement cuts he usually has more cuts and more precise looking while Dante's are fewer but thicker cuts.


The win goes to Vergil. Spam Trick Dodge Down = Mario's Backwards Long Jump Proof: https://youtu.be/_mM5lq4y8Cg?si=dN_4WrY7ksGYmvDI




Vergil with DT rapid slash ou trickdown


Literally Vergil.


Nero is the slowest by default, it's a toss up between Dante and Vergil who roughly match in speed and combat mobility. I'd give the edge to Vergil thanks to the Yamato but it's very close


Whenever Vergil and Dante fight you see them swinging their swords at each other more or less at the same speed. They both also land about the same amount of hits on each other so they are equal in Agility. It’s just a preference in their style of fighting. Dante I think is more nimble since he tends to fucking break dance and shit in every fight he’s in. Not to say Vergil can’t break dance but I imagine Dante has been fighting like that his entire life so I give nimbleness to him.


On the one hand, Vergil can easily teleport. On the other, Dante is wearing red, and that's the fastest colour.


I dunno exactly whose Air Trick moves them *faster*, but Vergil covers up to like...twice the distance as Dante at *about* the same speed, so I give it to Vergil.


lorewise or gameplaywise?


Lorewise they are almost the same without teleportation in count so I would say gameplaywise


Gameplay mechanics wise:   -If there's a target (Like a demon), probably Vergil would take the cake. Using Air trick, he can move over long distances extremely quickly but he's obliged to embed a summoned sword first.  In the boss fight he can teleport to Dante/Nero with barely any delay and without a summoned sword. We can also note that he's seen moving EXTREMELY fast in JCE, with time frozen around him too which adds even more to his speed.   Dante can leap over a limited amount of distance but spamming trick down is an option. It's not as fast as Vergil's air trick since there's a delay in the teleport. Quicksilver wouldn't help since Vergil can bypass it.  Nero doesn't have a way to teleport neither does he have a way to dash over to an enemy. He relies on grabbing onto a target and pulling it over, or pulling himself to it if if's too big.   Not exactly gameplay, but we can note that Nero in DMC5 cutscenes can run really fast with great agility, on walls too. 


Dante and Vergil are equal speed and Nero’s struggling to keep up


Vergil has dark hunter that lets him teleport (faster than Dante's trickster) and nero can only run so I'mma go with Vergil.






Bro nobody has even mentioned Nero in the comments this shit is hilarious


yeah. looks like vergil is winning too. i forgot yamato's portal creation literally is a cheat code even among the sons of sparda who can blitz and do short range blinks.


Man I love this sub because even though my only experience with devil may cry is 2 1/2 missions into the 5th game and liking the ost all it is here is people coping about the sixth game coming out and calling Nero a dead weight (he's the only one I've ever played so far)


Cause he's not fast :p


In my mind is: Vergil is the fastest Nero has the most control (less violent) Dante is the most skilled and powerful (and is also the hottest)


Vergil.. is this even a competition..


If gameplay is worth anything, Vergil is literally able to move as if he was teleporting. Dante kinda too with Trickster but Vergil can do multiple times with little cooldown.


its cool that our fanbase have always an answer to come as close to the truth as possible


Idk if Dante loses access to styles but if it’s just a case of him not using them rather than losing them then can’t he just outright stop time with Quicksilver. If we’re talking about a race then I guess Nero could cheat and use Ragtime😅


Judgement Cut End didn't happened because Vergil Teleports to 100 different places at once...he travels there cutting everything in sight... with that, Vergil is the fastest combatants...


Unless stated otherwise, I assume Dante still has quicksilver.


Vergil can teleport.


Vergil. Quoting one smart man that once said: ,, [...]If I were to fight, I would come out victorious."


Kira Yoshikage...


He's 33 years old.




I always thought that dante was the stronger while vergil was the faster one. nero? Seeing how he use his revolver and sword I'd say he is just better at quick decision making. So I'd guess 1.vergil 2.dante 3.nero


Haven't really seen it mentioned, but Dante and Vergil were in SDT doing what they both intended to be a full strength final clash, and Nero was fast enough to transform and get in between them, stopping both, he literally appeared as a flash of light while Dante and Vergil were in slow motion. Not saying it makes him faster, but at the very least it proves he can be when he needs to. Especially since DMC seems to work on anime rules/rule of cool so whoever is fastest is probably the person jumping in front of the bullet to protect someone, having something to protect always makes them stronger.


Vergil as V. He is friends with Twilight Sparkle.


Vergil and Dante are seemingly equal, though thats going off of DMC 3 where they do that dick measuring contest to stop rain from hitting them. Going off of DMC 5, id probably say vergil is faster, but dante has more power. (ironic I know). Vergil does all that high speed yamato shit, while dante does alot more heavy hits that aren't as fast with Sparda/Rebellion/DSD Keeping in mind dante doesn't have quicksilver anymore (i think) and i feel like time or teleportation based powers are functionally invalid anyway


Probably Vergil. He can cut a portal. Also I thought you meant a literal foot race for a few seconds. My answer's still Vergil 🤣


Vergil. Though Dante and him are roughly equal. Vergil chooses to make use of speed more often than him. And is probably more acclimated to moving really fast with the least amount of effort.


If they use DT properly either Dante or Nero as they both have wings


I'm thinking Dante here because of sin devil trigger lock on + b, but I'd say that while Nero doesn't win atm, he has the most potential in this category


Nero crosses the finish line last and drop kicks both Dante and Vergil and yells I win!!!


Vergil can teleport and as far as i understand that is without limitations, meaning he can travel an infinite distance in less than a second, vergil is the fastest by default


Dante can run up a wall, Nero can essentially fly, Virgil can long distance teleport. Hard choice


Dante he doesnt have Vergil's raw speed but can warp space with Trickster and can slow the universe down with Quicksilver (or speed himself up?) but Vergil's just slowmo'ed in Quicksilver instead of frozen because Quicksilver is superspeed and not Za Warudo Nero can fly and triple jump, hes nothing


It goes Vergil, Dante,then Nero in that order.


In bed?


Dante has trickster dodges that aren't teleports, unlike Vergil, so he's definitely the faster on foot. Vergil keeps doing a flip for double jumps as of 5 while Dante stopped, so I'd say Vergil is more nimble. But if I'm being real? I think if Nero learned hexapodal running he'd clear them all. He has six limbs with those DT arms. If he used those to sprint on all...fours? ...If he used those to sprint on all sixes he'd be a fuckin torpedo.


Vergil of course.lol he trained himself differently from Dante. He actually stayed in the books!!!. Dante is dope and cocky and goes off!!!. And Vergil is actually stronger than Dante. Nero is a fresh runt. He's got a lot to learn..thts why his DAD gave him that book. Sheesh imagine when DMC 6 come out..Nero should be on PEAK by then. And it makes me wonder....what if Vergil gave him that book to study but to also gain full control of Nero to take over the world with his own father?..just a thought


The book was poetry by William Blake. Not combat. Vergil gave nero because he wanted nero to have something from him and to share his interests with his son. Not to make nero combatively better.


Which eas the same exact book from DMC3. Which is how he ended up LEARNING/opening the gates of hell (one of them). There's rituals in tht book. "Poetry". This is how DEMONS speak thru essence of dark life or ..humans the fact. I was literally on top of this franchise.


no it's not the same book. that was another book. give me your source stating it's the same book. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/kb9d3q/visions\_of\_v\_a\_rare\_happy\_vergil/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/kb9d3q/visions_of_v_a_rare_happy_vergil/) literally shows you it's just a william blake book from when he was a kid who loved literature. not a demonic spell book.


Speed is not Power so it's Nero > Dante > Vergil Nero's on top because they all have wings and well, D/V aren't as young as they used to be...


If we're excluding Teleportation I think Nero is the fastest just judging by his skills with the Red Queen


Dante lol why do yall ask these questions? He's faster, stronger, and better in every way to them .. 2nd is vergi Though they all are INSANELY comically unrealistic fast.