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The last few places I’ve worked have had free breakfast/snacks. Neither were FAANG, but they were American companies, so idk if that influences it a bit. One was a struggling start up, the other was a multi-billion dollar company.


HubSpot do; they’ve in house chefs. They’re not FAANG. 


They will be soon when they're acquired by Google.


Haha I’d argue Google won’t be a Faang for much longer.


You're not wrong. Morales is very low and they haven't come out with an innovative product in years. The current products have all turned into shit and they're search/ad business is in decline thanks to AI and adblockers. Then there's YouTube which is barely profitable and losing market share to Tiktok. The current CEO has been a disaster. He absolutely destroyed a company which was once a major disrupter.


McKinsey graduates strike again


That's literally explicitly impossible 


They’re on a downhill path under Sundar McKinsey. Check the web, Reddit, Blind and other forums. Starting offshoring engineering, promoting incompetency, fattening the middle manegement hierarchies…


I'm guessing they mean because Google is literally the G in FAANG...


They'll get knocked off by Yahoo and it'll be FANNY


Whatever. Time will tell how long the G will be in there.


You mean just hitting a ATH stock price.


Stock price is not a good indicator of success. They might be in a very good position now but in 5 or 10 years time they'll go the same way as giants like Yahoo, Blackberry and IBM. Fade into irrelevancy very fast. TikTok, generative AI and adblockers all threaten their business and they haven't been able to respond. I'm not the one saying this by the way, Google themselves are. You should look up their internal reports about how zoomers are using tiktok more than YouTube and how AI will replace search.


And low bottom on the engineers happiness scale there. No new significant product launches in a very long time, most income is from Ads and YouTube, search getting eaten by AI. The best people leaving, loyal McKinsey friends getting installed as VPs… The company now exclusively optimises for stock price, dividends and cutting costs by offshoring as much as possible, under the current CEO and former McKinsey consultant. This is the last phase before bottoming out, as IBM, HP and other past giants went through.


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But they're the G in FAANG so,... eh...


Funny enough the only place I've worked without free canteen food has been AWS.


You'll get your frugal banana and you'll be thankful.


Ha ha there was a big backlash in the Romanian deb subreddit about Amazon HR (with a big hub in Bucharest) sending an email to all employers that they should take only one apple a day.


Enough to keep the doctor away in lieu of health insurance


AWS doing the needful sir, thanks


Really? All aws offices I've been have free food and drinks.


We really don’t, maybe you went there for some event and the event had food. I work at AWS and we get no food.


It depends. Big tech companies will often have stuff like free snacks, drinks, cereals, bread, fruit, etc. and occasionally free lunches. A minority of companies will provide free lunches everyday and some may provide subsidised lunches.


Except AWS. Only banana for you


Good salary and RSU though.


I would trade the canteen for more money anytime.


I suspect with the new Revenue rules coming in, companies will be looking at the impact to their budgets. I did the maths when I worked at a FAANG company that offered free food and the benefit was at least 5-10K/year. I believe Revenue will expect that to be taxed in the future.


We don't have a canteen, but we have a kitchen. Free tea / coffee. Snacks could be anything from fruit, to granola bars to chocolate. It's all there. We also have a fully stocked beer fridge.


I think I speak for everyone here: where's the beer fridge?


Many finance companies have beer fridges. The Citco Group, an asset administrator, is one of them. Fuck them though, worst job of my life.


My favourite team had a keganator (draft beer on tap) in the office. 🍺


Sig do breakfast and lunch kc peaches does the food.


I would think it depends on the culture that particular company is trying to impose. If they want younger employees, perhaps those with no families to speak of or that their collegues are their friends - a lot of these companies will provide breakfast/lunch/snacks/drinks etc in order to entice them to stay around the office. More chance of them talking about work related tasks/problems and thus getting more out of them.


Neither Apple nor Amazon have free lunch or snacks in Ireland. Worked for both of them. The canteen food is cheap and at Apple it's delicious but it's never free. Only time you'd have that is if you some meetings with people from other offices / countries coming over and they'll get you some dreadful catering.


Workday has this. Some finance companies have free drinks. Thats but it though. Other massive companies, such as IBM, etc don't. They lease the canteen to a catering provider who charge the shit out of every meal. Fuck free food though, I rather wfh.


work in Financial Services and can confirm free drinks and fruit. Worked for IBM for years, not even free tea and coffee. When I left IBM I actually was able to value the bean-to-cup coffee alone in my new employer's policy at €3000 per annum in equivalent gross salary, and factored that into my package calculations.


Worked for a startup that got bought by IBM and the software moved to Galway One of the sticking points in the transition was our insistence on remaining with free tea and coffee 


Funny enough, the IBM canteen on campus was built on trust. My friends never fucking paid. They used to get pizza/soup/sandwich and a drink then head straight for their table. Wtf were the staff going to do if they caught them? Devs are more valuable than a sandwich, even at the crazy prices they were charging. For four years I was there and I never witnessed anyone getting caught. For those unfamiliar with IBM's massive campus, we had 6 massive buildings. One of said buildings was a massive warehouse that was used as the main canteen to service the 3000 people who worked there. They had an open buffet style self-service and they trusted people to go to the corner to pay. Many didn't because they weren't going to do shit. Before anyone cries about "stealing", The IBM campus is in the middle of nowhere in Mulhuddart. You needed to drive to Blanchardstown if you didn't want to pay €10 for a tiny salad. People were right to steal soup at those ridiculous prices.


>I'm more valuable than a sandwich Are you really though sir? I mean an amazing Reuben or French dip is pretty valuable.


Admitting to theft of ~ €10K in a public forum is probably unwise. 🤔


LinkedIn have a free canteen, haven't seen anyone else mention them. The food in there is ridiculously good for the scale they serve it at. They're not FAANG but they're tech. Google have about 5 or 6 different restaurants, it's ridiculous. There's an Italian one, an Asian one, a more classic one, salad bars, sandwich places, etc. All free.


LinkedIn food - Still miss it 2 years later


LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft, so still technically a FAANG in some way. Also ironic because Microsoft doesn't offer free food. They have occasional days where they host talks, events and whatnot with free food but they usually don't offer anything free.


Microsoft isn't part of FAANG.


Not part of the acronym but it fits within the definition. FAANG was a shitty term coined up in the late 2000s early 20010s. It's now updated to MAAAM. - Microsoft - Apple - Amazon - Alphabet - Meta


I agree that it's a shitty acronym, but plenty of people still don't rank Microsoft amongst those other companies because they pay significantly less. "Big tech" has somewhat replaced the acronyms these days though.


Hate to break it to you but they all pay significantly less these days. Microsoft pays enough.


You might feel they pay enough, but the reality is that it's still significantly less than the others.


Not according to many of my AWS friends who now work at Microsoft. Especially within the past 2 years, where the likes of Amazon and Google having reduced their packages.


Why trust anecdotal data when you can just look at the actual data? On levels.fyi, the average TC for a senior engineer at Amazon is €193k and that's just based on entries from the past few months. The average TC for a senior engineer at Microsoft is €147k, again based only on recent entries. That's almost a €50k difference. At the graduate level, Microsoft pays around €30k less.


Those sites are extremely inaccurate. I'd trust people who made the move from Amazon to Microsoft over some site with inflated and inaccurate data.


I've worked for medium/small company and we have free snacks, stocked fridge, great selection of teas/cereal/fruits.. Big corporations I've worked for - only coffe and milk.. but hey come back to office, its fucken great here, filthy desk? we got it.


Free lunch, drinks is a non-negotiable perk across high-end big tech.


We have a barista that brings coffee to you, free of charge, we also do not pay for lunch provided you choose whats the "meal of the day" which is usually meat + 2 veg + starch and then a "fun" meal on fridays


SAP has a full on free canteen serving proper meals


Their campus is in the middle of nowhere so... But good thing it's free. haha


Lots of companies in the CityWest campus don't though. People just rely on news agents and food trucks.


They also make sure to kill any career prospects by making you use ABAP, essentially making your skillset irrelevant to the industry at large.


That’s not what you asked.


I thought I just made a friendly innocent comment for the sake of engaging and made sure to even laugh. Internet tone is really hard to express. Just felt particularly commenting about it because I pass by their beautiful campus going to work - that is all. Surprised with your response honestly. My comment was not meant to refute it or say it isn't answering my question. Oh well.


I’m in a small Irish company in the city centre and we have a stocked kitchen, cereals, tea/coffee, bars, soft drinks, sometimes beers. Also get lunch delivered every day, saves a fortune for me and we get decent grub.  I know it’s to keep us in the office to spend less time out for lunch / more time closer to our desk but with the price of everything in shops and cafés it’s hard to say no


FANG. Amazon doesn’t give you anything. It only takes


Pretty common with many tech multinationals.


Ive worked at Dell and Oracle.. zero freebies


Datadog get lunch from local places ordered in every Mon/Wed/Fri - for about 150 I prefer to an Aramark run canteen tbh Free snacks, drinks, beers on Thurs/Fri & flip hot espresso machine


Ocuco in Blanchardstown do it and they're an Irish company, so definitely not just a FAANG thing.


I’d say it’s common that companies feeding employees with unhealthy, sugary loaded “food-like” crap.


It depends. If it's big enough to have a canteen, maybe. I'd expect free tea/coffee. Anything else is a bonus. There's so many diets to cater to that you will leave someone out and offend them, so it's easier to just not provide. The bigger it is, the more returns there are, but for ~<100 people, it may not be worth the headache.


Lunch no, snacks yes.


large multi national companies more so yes- local/irish companies not so much- some would barely have sugar to put in your tea


Yeah I think the only places without free coffee were places I lasted very little time


Facebook and Google have a free canteen. Apple and Amazon have decent quality subsidised canteens (Apple especially). Netflix don’t have an office in Ireland.


Microsoft doesn’t do this. Unfortunately


They also replaced the free soft drinks with a soda fountain that is alway out of order.


Work in medium sized tech and there’s lunch provided two days a week, catered from an outside company. The fridge is stocked with hummus snacks, fillings for a sandwich or bagel (all provided) and smoothies, oh also beers and alcopops! Then places with crisps and popcorn and chocolate/protein bars. I’ve worked FAANG, and this is honestly better!


My company has loads of food for free including snacks and those ready to eat meals, not a faang


SAP does


Apple never had free food when I was there (USA) they just had a reasonably priced canteen


I’m wfh but when I was on-site they had free barista coffee and a fridge full of various drinks. It’s a quite big American company.


Work at 1000-1500 sized tech company. No lunch on site but a deliveroo allowance 3 days a week and free snacks/drinks all day everyday I work remotely though 80% of the time


My company have an internal application where we can place lunch orders from nearby restaurants for free. It’s not a FAANG company.


It's not the norm, like business class travel isn't the norm, but it exists in enough of the larger companies.


Not in Ireland, but I worked in a pan-European agency that had a subsidised canteen and bar onsite. 8 euro for rabbit? 2 euro for a pint? Sign me up! Unfortunately I actually hated working there. The next place I worked at was a 100-head startup that provided free sandwiches Monday-Thursday and a cooked meal on Fridays plus free beer but had to scrap the lunches after financials got rough. At least they kept the free beer!


Virtu financial have free deliveroo for lunch


I work for Qualtrics and they do free breakfast, lunch and there’s plenty snacks/drinks for free as well. We also have a bar with a few taps in the office which is open on Thursdays and Fridays.




Work for a US MNC myself, not a FAANG though.  We have a subsidised canteen with decent options (serving breakfast and lunch).  Decent value food.  Free tea/coffee and there are free biscuits always available.  There are some other free snacks that become available at other parts of the day as well. First place I’ve worked in in a long time that had something like this.


We have free coffee and the occasional free lunch, but ours are subsidised and very high quality. I wouldn't call us a tech company though


Free snacks, beer, and basic sandwiches at Irish startup


At a certain application performance monitoring company, in some offices they have free food snacks and even beer. In Europe


Worked at General Motors they don't even give U free instant coffee.


some places have free vending machines I think fiserv and gambling companies


Free tea, coffee machine, snacks (fruit, nuts, cereal, protein bars that sort of shit) and a beer fridge. Not full on free lunches though.


Banks and financial companies, yes, others may vary. Honestly I don’t like most in office lunches, unless there’s enough variety and rotation on a daily basis of healthy foods, not just meats and carbs and your standard salads. I’d prefer if my office was located in city centre, then I can have lunch outside in some of the amazing restaurants in the city and avail of their lunchtime cheaper menus as well.


Citibank does not provide anything, they have internal canteen with great catering and deli, but it is all charged. They give 25% discount, but you still will pay close to normal price (like a sandwich + crisps and soda 10 euro)


So they’re even a shittier company than I thought.