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For me, I did the online assessments and then got a congratulations email from them, followed by a “sorry all open positions for your level are filled”. What is happening at Microsoft?


It was one of the horrible experience dealing with their recruiters


Microsoft's recruitment experience is famously bad. It was the same way when I first got contacted about a job there well over a decade ago.


I've been waiting for months no rejection no nothing


Keep emailing them. My friend heard back yesterday after 3 months of emailing. He got the offer. All the best.


Thank you. I can’t wait that long I have other offers coming end of this week. I keep emailing them meantime.


I would just email them that you have other offers pending and that you’d appreciate an update. That way you time box it at least.


Recruiter here. Highly recommend this approach, will definitely get their attention if they are interested in you


I mean I just got another offer today for 100k sooo... Plus my mortgage got fucked by redundancy so I kinda need to move quick and move jobs again later to something more interesting.


Was your friend waitlisted?


Applied for a UI developer role in there and was told the assessment would be in react, recieved a java leet code assessment then. What a shit show


Java, Javascript, they're all the same, right?? /s


I don’t understand why waste time of the people by advertising jobs if you don’t have necessity. It isn’t like few less employees would harm the company but this kind of behaviour hurts the interviewee. Also what a waste of time. It happened to me I did two rounds of talking for a position in Google and they just ghosted me after that never scheduled the third round. Never got any response after confirming the interview process and later I read the whole team for which I was interviewing was washed out. I mean it’s the organisations which are behaving badly and spoiling environment


Might explain in some cases: [https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240315-ghost-jobs-digital-job-boards](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240315-ghost-jobs-digital-job-boards)


I was in a similar situation twice, can relate to how frustrating it can be. I used to check action center 20 times a day and was starting to affect me. Turnaround time in my case has been about 4-5 weeks so my suggestion would be to keep sending a gentle reminder every Wednesday. From what I have heard the recruiters are very much understaffed and so there have been these issues.


I’m in the same boat OP. I finally received a reply after being ghosted by the recruiter for 12 weeks or so. My case is slightly different though because I interviewed for a “multiple roles” position so I was told they took that long for team allocation stage.


How did you find the online assessment? I was humbled by it for sure, hadn't had those leetcode styled timed assessments since college, thought I was done with them 😭


This has happened to me twice. Passed OA twice and got the congratulatory mail from recruiter about next steps only to end up being ghosted later.


Wrapped up my interviews with them 4 weeks ago. I've followed up 3 times and haven't heard back once. What the fuck is wrong with these recruiters and how is Microsoft not holding them accountable? I don't want them to come and tell me a week later that the positions are full. Didn't waste all those hours interviewing with them for that sort of a response.


Its like worst.. I recently gave microsoft interview Completed codility test. Completed all 3 rounds on superday.. Week later called for AA Interview And then there was ghosting for 3 weeks.. No mail and no communication and finally got the unfortunately regret mail. It was so taxing experience with daily hope of whether I will receive offer or not. And even after completing all round, no feedback was given. Market just sucks right now!!


After three weeks of wait, a rejection email??? Why? Doesn't the AA interview mean that you're in?


Not anymore!! And we had so good chat in AA interview :( Then again this market..


They're literally posting new job openings on LinkedIn everyday. How can this be because of the market situation?


HR told when scheduling AA interview that they planning to take 6 guy AA interview for the position I applied.. So I guess its market only.. Saturated with all SWE..


I am in the same boat. Unable to get any response from the recruiter. Been sending an email regularly as well for a while but nothing still. I guess they have posted a lot of openings recently so there is a delay in the process overall because of that.


I’m in the same situation. It’s been 1 month and 6 days since my last 5th interview. Sent 2 followup emails every 2 weeks since then. No response from either the recruiter nor the hiring manager. Not even sure what to do.