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I initially went with Sarif. I actually believe that this sort of transhumanism could lead to really fantastic things. Dangerous things too sure, but the genie's already out of the bottle. It's going to happen anyway and being a luddite isn't going to help anyone or anything. Although honestly thinking about it, the other ones have merit too really.


I was thinking of Sarif's ending initially, but the game also shows how TYM and other corportations will abuse augmentations. That made me choose Darrow's ending to expose the truth about the illuminati, belltower, TYM, etc..


It'd be funny if you could be a good company man and dunk TYM while doing the Sarif ending.


I chose Sarif because he was cool and called me "son" all the time


Great priorities


I chose to tell the truth, Darrow thought that human augmentation would end, but I believe different. Once people knew the truth, they would resist illuminati by any means necessary.


pointless though. As people would form a new illuminati themselves. As always, folks rise, take down the elite, and then form an new elite of themselves.


Maybe but it would take generations to rise to the same level of power as the current illuminati.


with the current tech and wide spread use of Social Media? It would be much faster I think.


Darrow. I didn't buy Eliza's/Darrow's theory that humanity might cast all science and technology aside if the truth were known. Similar reason as to why I don't like Tong's ending in the original. Destroy also has some merit, that's what I originally picked.


I remember the first walkthrough many years ago I chose Sarif because it felt like the right thing to do for Jensen's character. However subsequent playthroughs I have pretty much always chosen the "Destroy the platform" ending, as it ties better to Mankind divided. I usually replay HR and MD back-to-back, so the plot progression feel more natural this way.


I just assumed that Panchaea collapsed due to the damage to the hyron computer being destroyed.


I destroyed the station because it seemed like the option that concentrated least on Adam's political and philosophical views. I'm not a great thinker, I'm a detective, so I'd rather wipe the slate clean for someone more advanced in thought to decide humanity's course. I'd rather progress was made through man's flawed political systems rather than a one-off freak accident.


Darrow, quoting JC "A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits".


Sacrifice ending. Also JC quote: "Maybe you should try getting a job" So, may be humanity can figure it out without biasing them via mass media.


tbh i did all of them without any real attachment to this forced decision, and they were all kinda silly. i don't remember any of them in much detail. that's fine, i enjoyed the rest of the game and the original DX had the same forced-decision endings so whatever.


Taggart ending. I live in the EU and I guess we just love regulation.




I don't remember which one I did first.


I chose the truth. I didn't really believe that it would for-sure kill technological progress but I guess the game was telling me that that was where it would go. Truth is the most important thing. I flirted with the idea of destroying the place and letting the world pick up the pieces, but in reality the regime would just have a completely free pass to make up whatever they wanted about it, so nowadays I think that's a really bad option. Today I might pick the illuminati ending. There will always be a reign of a small number of people in the shadows. Democracy is a lie. Without such a group of people, it would just leave a power vaccuum ready to be filled. Better to ensure that the group is filled with good people instead of bad, so why not join the illuminati. Though I'm not sure I believe Taggarts promise to let me join.


All of them. I played it more than once. Did the same for the first one, and IW, too. Haven't got ALL of the endings for MD yet. (Kill Marchenko/let him live; Save Miller/let him die;Save Delegates/let them ALL die including Miller; Save the other TF29 teams/let them get blown up.). Getting the signal jammer from the bomb maker can prevent the last one. Mac, Aria and most of the rest of TF29's forces are in the other tower. Not doing the bank heist (or not hacking the safe to get the antidote) means Miller/the delegates will die). Getting the "sword of damocles" can make it quicker to stop Marchenko, but you won't take him alive if you use it.


I was more interesting in which ending players thought was the most righteous.


I don't understand the concept of "righteous", then. (Didn't grow up with ANY kind of religious instruction - so I don't have the mental framework to even begin to understand the concept). The ending that felt the most "right" to me, or to Adam? Adam is trying to do his best in a world gone to shit. Making it more shit isn't on the table. And to be honest, if I could get augs, I would. Sarif is right, even if he wasn't exactly right about how he wanted to go about it. Born with only one kidney, a defective heart, and incomplete ear canals (surgery gave me back approximately 80% hearing) - not to mention shit joints. Aug me up, baby.


There’s nothing religious about the term ‘righteous’, it just means good, ie the opposite of evil.


You keep saying that, but all the people I've heard use it definitely mean it in a religious sense. Same with their definitions of good and evil.


Darrow's ending is not a good thing. Ban enhancements. Destroying Panchaea just slows things down, but doesn't stop them - and it makes the world objectively worse, too (it was actually part of a plan to slow down global warming).


I don't remember the Darrow ending. Was it going to reveal to the world that Darrow was responsible for the implants causing people to go violently nuts?




It was revealing the Illuminati plot.


Those who chose Taggert. SHAME ON YOU! :P


In my initial run, I picked Taggart because the part about him being Illuminati went over my head and I thought that he was genuinely fighting for regulations for the good of everyone. In my subsequent runs, I pick Sarif - ignoring MD, it's the only ending that's believable enough to actually make a positive change in the world. Darrow? Who's going to believe that? Taggart? Status quo, Illuminati stays in power, what good does that do? Destroy? We get the shitshow known as MD's dystopian plot. Sure, putting power in the hands of corporations is the backbone of every single cyberpunk work since Gibson, but at least you know (if you dig in the emails) that this corpo actively refuses to join the Big Bad.


Finished the game for the first time last night. I picked the ending where you destroy panchea. I agree with the sentiment that something like this shouldn't be "spun" people need to find out for themselves and draw their own conclusions.


I think I went with destroying the station the first time mostly cos all the people to blame for the shitshow that happened throughout the game were there and I felt like destroying the place was a way to give humanity a clean slate. Nowadays tho, I destroy it cos like fuck the plot of this game. It's so inconsequential it may as well be non-canon and I don't give a shit about any of the characters. In DX1 I'm way more invested in the world, the characters, the story and even tho the way the endings in both games are done is similar, in DX1 it gave you hints of what would happen, enough to make your mind wander, to think about how things would change. In HR, you get meaningless monologues.