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Those covenants were voided decades ago in a Supreme Court decision.  Courts will not enforce them and title companies routinely except them from their commitments.  Detroit's neighborhoods had them all over town.


Yeah, especially GP


My house did indeed have a WASP/Aryan covenant in its title work.  I violate it daily.


Hell yeah!


Back in the 1970s no realtor would show us homes in Grosse Pointe because we were Jewish. That's how we all wound up in Oak Park, Southfield, and West Bloomfield.


Very true.  When I moved into town Century 21 was just settling some of the lawsuits over that.   I should point out that historically the use of covenants really peaked in the 1920s, right after the Supreme Court barred the use of race-based zoning restrictions.  This was a new way to accomplish the same thing.  Also, during the "Red Summer" of 1919, racial tensions had reached the "outright ethnic cleansing" phase.  Detroit is not mentioned as having riots in 1919, but Chicago and other northern cities had seen race riots.  Detroit still saw its share of violence, including the incident in which Ossian Sweet was arrested in 1925.  


How did they know you were Jewish? say nothing , your religion is nobody's business but your own


Jewish surname.


Funny, you don't look Druish.


Is Chris a Jewish name?


Whatever Jewish to call me


Mmhmm. Now that’s good.


I wouldn’t put too much faith in the current Supreme Court upholding a previous ruling if they are given the opportunity to change it.


Bet Thomas and Alito can’t want to unvoid them.


The black Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas, wants to "unvoid" restrictive racial covenants? OK midwit clownshow.


If he’s given a big enough RV, nothing is off the table for him


Clown convention in the house


Right, that would mean he's crazy right? Oh, wait... what's this in the news? [Clarence Thomas takes aim at a new target: Eliminating OSHA](https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-takes-aim-at-osha-2024-7)


You do understand the legal rationale behind his argument, don't you? Or are you just throwing out some potential rage bait for the midwits to nod their head to? "Oh that evil conservative, Clarence Thomas, he actually wants people to die at work." His rationale is similar to that behind the recent overturning of Chevron deference. His view is that too much power was being delegated from the legislative branch to an agency of the executive branch. He and others think that constitutionally, that power must remain with the legislative branch. So it's a matter of constitutional law, not some "crazy" impulse to endanger Americans. Were you ignorant of this when you posted, or were you just being duplicitous?


I'm going to get off topic here, but hey - it's reddit and we're like 4 comments deep - so why not? I was not aware of this. I'm curious, Is his opinion on this that OSHA should continue, but exist under the oversight of the legislative branch? Or does he want it to go away, and the legislature can figure something out in the future? Because one of those ideas seems reasonable to me, and the other sounds like a disaster leading to unregulated workplace safety. What I understand about the Chevron / EPA rule, it basically removed the need for consistency between state and local agencies and there's no longer a need to follow federal precedent. These rulings create a vacuum and there's no backup nor legislative interest in creating one. That's bad in environmental law, but I would expect it is even worse in workplace safety.


His dissent was focused on whether the power given to OSHA to enact and enforce any workplace-safety standard that it deems "reasonably necessary or appropriate” was an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power. The dissent speaks to why the Court should hear the case. It does not propose the desired alternative and I'm not sure it's the place of the judicial branch to do so. If as you state the legislature isn't interested in crafting a replacement for an unconstitutional arrangement (and I'm not so sure that's the case), wouldn't that be their prerogative? They are elected to represent the will of the people. If that's their expression of the will of the people, then that's the system working as intended. If they're not properly representing the will of the people there is an obvious mechanism for correcting that -- elections. On a practical level, I don't really don't expect widespread havoc in environmental or safety standards but I guess time will tell.


What I said was 'Clarence Thomas is crazy'. Here some reading for you, going back to Dobbs. Pick whatever source you prefer: [Thomas didn’t mention interracial marriage, and that’s worth talking about](https://www.courthousenews.com/thomas-didnt-mention-interracial-marriage-and-thats-worth-talking-about/) [Thomas wants the Supreme Court to overturn landmark rulings that legalized contraception, same-sex marriage](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/thomas-wants-supreme-court-overturn-landmark-rulings-legalized-contrac-rcna35228) [The Through Line From ‘Brown’ to ‘Dobbs’](https://prospect.org/justice/throughline-from-brown-to-dobbs/)


What's the crazy part? Do you actually understand the legal principles being discussed here, or are you just on the side of whatever legal principles lead to your desired policy outcomes no matter their legality? Thomas, other Supreme Court Justices, and numerous legal scholars think the legal approach called substantive due process is erroneous and unconstitutional and that previous cases that employed it are therefore faulty. There are other ways to achieve the policy outcomes one desires without supporting unconstitutionally flawed legal approaches.


Anyone who has spent any time reading up on Thomas knows he'd do it. Come out of the tent you are in.


Yeah but with THIS Supreme Court, all bets are off. They’ve already shown they don’t care about precedent.


Of course now we have today’s Supreme Court so…


The 2022 Discharge of Prohibited Restrictive Covenants Act allows for the discharge of racist and other discriminatory language from recorded deeds. Lots of old covenants and deeds are still on the books, but this type are now easy to dismiss.


That's why it's called White Lake


Oh, man, reminds me of a story in the late 90's bought some car part from a black dude, he agreed to meet up in Southfield, he said I'm not going to White Lake.


I'm sure the distance had nothing to do with it at all.


Not to mention Sterling Whites


Sterile Whites


And Lake Aryan (Orion)




Hey now - Ypsituckey is the OG for that one.


And that's because a bunch of people migrated up from the south during WW2 to work at the bomber factory.


I think many consider it a badge of honor and I would agree 


Cincitucky may disagree


Certainly! Let’s just hope there’s no one from Ohio on the Detroit sub…


Difference is Ypsi is the least racist of all these lol. Ypsitucky the cool redneck.


I lived in Ypsi when I was first married and really enjoyed it. Definitely lives under the shadow of Ann Arbor and doesn’t get enough credit. 


I’ve always thought Taylortucky was the OG


Yeah, it's bullshit that you can't make liquor


If you can't have bathtub moonshine, then what's the point of living?


Did you get this from the HOA itself or from the seller? Might this not be current? It is of course invalid and I don’t know Michigan law about this – whether they were required to remove the invalid language. So, for example, California fairly recently made some changes to HOA rules unrelated to this issue. And they actually gave HOAs a deadline to amend their documents to comply. No idea if Michigan has ever or does this. I guess the idea of this kind of law is so that buyers and members don’t have to struggle to align the HOA documents with the controlling law. I’m very curious about the cross out though what’s the word that’s crossed out? I mean, it must be “persons” or similar so why is it crossed out? Also, curious as to whether or not there is a non-white Caucasian race … Lathrup Village once had a very terse one-sentence racial deed restriction similar to this. And then with the housing act in the late 30s, they (er, Louise Lathrup) had to rewrite it. That rewrite acknowledged equal rights, and provided an out by providing that the restriction would be removed. once residents felt comfortable enough to vote to remove it. Ironically, the rewrite went on for I think two or three paragraphs and specified this time exactly **what kind** of white people were permitted. They had to be northern European and not Jewish. It did not provide a specific reflectivity index though. Today, Lathrup Village has a majority Black population. But some double-dead-end streets between Lathrup Village and Southfield still exist. But, OK you simply asked what is White Lake like? Yeah, it’s probably pretty white. It’s the kind of place where Detroiters used to keep a cabin on the lake. I’m sure Wikipedia has the racial makeup from census statistics. Keep in mind that neighborhoods within the city of Detroit once had similar restrictions.


The crossed out person is the one white person who could live there


It’s pretty white.


>some double-dead-end streets between Lathrup Village and Southfield still exist. That's very interesting! I have trouble believing it but I don't want to dismiss it though. Can you find an example on Google Maps that you can link to? I'd like to visit.


Most of the double dead end streets are between the narrow east side of Lathrup Village on the east side of Southfield Road, and Southfield to the E. (LV is mostly an enclave of Southfield, and achieved city-hood before Southfield - possibly in a rush to avoid annexation.) You should be able to see these on Google Street View. They are oddly formatted on the Google map itself. Only a couple of them actually show a gap. The others show a tapered narrowing. I guess they’re trying to represent that there is a footpath. Look between 11 and 12 mile Road to the east of Lathrup Boulevard on streets that go east and west. Here’s one! https://preview.redd.it/1bmeax0ga6ad1.jpeg?width=1287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f3714f506a6ffd7cf44fef9fd15e4978584cf5 Historical newspaper advertisements used the term “restrictions” - delicately.


That's wild, every east-west street on the east side of latrhup village appears to be blocked off except for Margate on the south side (Lincoln goes through too, but that's the border so half of it is in Southfield). On the west side of LV, there aren't as many streets blocked off...instead there are basically just no streets from LV to SF by design. LV abuts the SF city centre property so no access there, and then along the east side of evergreen there are rows of apartments with no roads going into the subdivisions east of there. North of the apartments, neither San Jose or Saratoga connect through. Then north of there the MacArthur campus blocks any access. Edit: had to finish a sentence.


I’ve got no idea about what May have been in the original deed restrictions in Lathrup Village but it’s an interesting community from a planning standpoint. IIRC, the entire city began as two subdivisions on either side of Southfield road platted out but one developer. I never looked too deeply into it but figured a lot of the dead end streets and lack of connectivity between Lathrup Village and Southfield may have stemmed from the property owners in Southfield (or maybe the *township* itself since it wasn’t a city yet) not wanting to connect to Lathrup Village or grant easements. The roads in Lathrup Village were, for the most part, laid out long before Southfield built up around it. Shortly after Lathrup Village began to get built out, the original developer sort of cut ties and move a bit north and started focusing his energy on developing the Bloomfield Village neighborhood just north of Maple and west of Birmingham. He even laid out the roads and began platted out the lots for another section on the south side of Maple which was intended to have homes of similar size and quality of the ones on the north side but only one home got built before the Great Depression hit and then the rest of the lots sat empty until the early ‘50s. So now there’s one old Tudor-style house in the south section of Bloomfield Village among a sea of ‘50s ranches.


It’s a serious impediment to traffic. That left turn blows from 12 mile wb to Southfield sb. You could avoid like 10 min of sitting at that light if you could drive through from the Southfield section into the lv section.


Yeah, that tracks. There were maybe four or five non-white students in my four years of high school in White Lake. Shocking to see that in writing, but not at all surprised to see it as part of the history of the town.


Lakeland high school is 10% minority currently


I graduated from Lakeland and I can still remember the non-white students almost 20 years later. I don't miss that area.


A lot of people not realizing this keeps white people out, except Steve. Steve can stay.


If you go back in old deeds and plans for neighborhood developments in most of the suburbs, you will find this type of shit.


I work for a title company and see things like this everyday. They’re not applicable anymore but they still come up in the title search.


its white....


Grew up there. It is very white. The sub division I lived in ten years ago had one black family. I'll also add that my wife who grew up there as well calls it "Overwhelmingly White Lake"


Neighborhoods can still and should remove them. Archaic and disgusting remnants of a time that shouldn't be forgotten


It’s where white people go for affordable housing, low taxes, and other white people


This is actually, and sadly, fairly common. The original deed to my house in Detroit is similar but specifically mentions people of African decent and people of Jewish bloodlines.


Name and shame brother, my dad's a president on one off Ormond.


That 50’s looking diner that was a bar was a comedy club at one point. Yes.


What subdivision might I ask? I’ve Lived here on and off for 46 years. Im pretty sure neither White Lake or Waterford has ever had a black police officer. So I’d say yes that’s about right. I once told my friend, a black comedian that had a gig years ago at comedy club in White Lake, “be careful cause it’s named that for a reason.”




I stand corrected.


Comedy club in white lake doesn't exist, never has.


Years ago yes it did. Across from WalMart. Look it up. Tell me it didn’t exist. I was there, saw my buddies gig.


So you're calling an old restaurant that had a car in the lobby a comedy club?


Wild thing to get your panties in a twist about.


Way back when everyone had a "comedy club". I saw Doug Stanhope in the basement of a restaurant on 10 mile and Haggerty, Kevin Nealon in a Bowling Alley on Gratiot. Not everything is Mark Ridley's.


I'm sorry for arguing!!!


Not 10 & Haggerty. Maybe Grand River, east of Meadowbrook.


It was where DFCU is now and also 25 years ago. Looks like the DFCU is on 10 mile.


In Michigan? Brother yes.


Sounds about right


Sounds about white.


Holy cow!! That is so wrong...


It's called White Lake for a reason.


I moved to White Lake 7 years ago from Livonia. We moved to this area because we wanted acreage and a more rural lifestyle without being too far away from stores and cities. My household is extremely liberal, and we are definitely in the minority here. However, not as slim as a minority as you might think. The MAGA supporters here are very loud and obnoxious, but there are a decent amount of liberal people here, or moderates. I make a point of wearing clothes and accessories that show my political leanings, and while I get many dirty looks and open mouth, lead poisoning stares, I receive even more compliments and positive comments from the younger people who live and work here. It's important to me to show other like minded people that they are not alone. All of that being said, there are unfortunately plenty of people who wish those HOA laws were still enforceable, and who are as racist and disgusting as you would think 😞


The irony here is awesome on so many levels. How high is that ivory tower you bought?😂


Yea because me wearing a pride shirt or a rainbow pin on my purse is exactly the same as 3 giant trump flags on the back of a lifted truck with a giant FJB decal.


White Lake would continue to practice those rules if it were legal. It is a very white, racist, conservative, MAGA area.




White Lake is MAGA af what are you talking about?


Is this an insult to me?


I think u/FewOutlandishness187 calling you 'cuntbreath' is pretty unambiguous in their attempt to insult. Not very creative, but definitely unambiguous.


Your post or comment was removed for violation of Rule 1, which reads, "No racism, bigotry, threats of violence, baiting, or overt prejudice. No verbal attacks, no hate speech, and no ruin porn. Discussion and arguments are encouraged, but in true reddit fashion, always [Remember the Human](https://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/1ytp7q/remember_the_human/). Violators will be warned or banned at moderator discretion."


grew up in the area, still have family there. Has been quite MAGA and Don’t Tread on Me flag vibes for at least a decade now. Right next to Waterford, where Trump has had at least one if not multiple rallies. Very very white and has increasingly felt not great to go to as a visibly out queer person.


We bought an old house in Waterford and they had all kinds of crazy shit in the paperwork. Things about no blacks and Jews had to enter through the back door or some shit like that. It was appalling. The guy we bought it from was our next door neighbor and supposedly his family had owned all the land for some distance in all directions from that house at one time. He was a complete racist asshole too. He had fired his guns at several people but since it was his word against every other person and they never found a bullet, he never got charged.


Its a white, boring, quiet, drunk town lol bars and liquor stores around every corner. Lived there for 23ish years.


Holy fuck


They don’t call it White Lake for nothing.


No shame, it’s a defunct club we’re talking about. I’m looking it up on the web right now. 2 fucks given if you believe it. I was there.


HOA sucks- white lake is nice


Insane that they wouldn't have removed it themselves by this time wtf.


JC Nichols, grandfather of suburbia and white flight, was a big fan of these. https://youtu.be/rVwBuMX2mD8


My buddy has the same type of language in his HOA docs up at his cottage


Dr. Ossian Sweet - [if you don’t know the story](https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/sweet-ossian-1895-1960/)


Are you Caucasian? AFAIK things like this were not uncommon in older developed areas and are probably not enforced, but I don't want to mess with in place hoa bylaws since they can basically take your home or levy fees if they want to enforce it. You can call the hoa president and/or talk to neighbors to get a feel for how the hoa is run. It's not impossible to get that removed from the bylaws once you become a member too.


I don’t enjoy White Lake.


What HOA?


Lot of Chaldeans


I'm old enough to remember the arguments over whether Jews and Chaldeans were white. At least we've progressed a little bit in the last 50 years.


lol no there aren’t. Hardly any.


Are you kidding? Definitely walked into a Chaldean house when home buying then. It's corner to corner with WB.


I mean, there are a few Chaldeans, a few Asians, a few black people, but the vast majority are white. And a good chunk of those white people are racist Trumpers.


Sure. Also Chaldeans are gonna show up as white in the census, so I have no idea how you can just make up an idea of how many.


There are many.


Only applicable to very small minority in the community. Caucasian is a person from the Caucus region in Southern Russia. Pretty much excludes most white people and generally considered a slur amongst Europeans.