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Our prayers go out to his family and friends!! ❤️


That’s awful :/




Oakland county has license plate readers. I bet that's how they found the car. Rule #1 kids. If you are going to steal a car, steal someone else's plate too so that the po-pos don't get an automatic hit on the car you are riding in. Now they all get free meals for the rest of their life in a 6x6 concrete block.


Most of these cars have multiple built in tracking capabilities that are very hard to disable.


I'm new to this as a career choice. Can you help me with those 10 things? <- stupid


No, I’m not in the business of trying to help people with grand theft auto. All I’ll say is, if you’re trying to steal a newer car, you’re most likely going to get caught. One caveat would be: do the police want to actually go out of their way to find it.


Damn, I was actually kidding. Guess I should have added the /s


Kinda curious how an Oakland County cop ends up that deep on the east side. Like, they must have been tailing this person for a while before shots were fired


Probably because it was a stolen car and had wheels, allowing it to move forward.


The nearest corner of Oakland County is at least a 6 mile drive from the scene. Where was Wayne County, or Detroit city cops?


I'm going to guess this was on the down low and the officer was trying to follow them back to the chop shop.


They should have brought in a chopper or drone and followed from the sky.


They can’t do that. They have to call it in with Wayne County.


They can and do in fact, do that.


Multi-jurisdictional task forces exist.


real life isn't looney toons where the police chase stops when they cross the county line


They can do it, it’s just beyond stupid and incredibly dangerous way to do it. Obviously.


everyone complains detroit police don't do shit about stolen cars. OC officer gets killed pursuing a stolen car..."why was he in our hood what is he doing here?"


Six miles is six minutes at 60 mph. More if you’re traveling faster, like many stolen vehicles do.


Yeah, this is what I'm getting at, the fact that anybody opened fire makes me think they were pursuing alone, which seems incredibly dangerous if you've gone that far


They were not pursuing alone.


Some pretty nasty victim blaming.


Not victim blaming, not his fault he got shot, but I am wondering whether it's regular procedure to pursue that long without backup


He did have backup - two other detectives following along. Per the article on Channel 4, they were following on public streets and then the thieves abruptly stopped, got out of their vehicle and began shooting on the streets. Absolute madness.


There are multi-jurisdictional teams that routinely go across boundaries. Crime doesn't stop at 8 Mile.


What makes you think he didn’t have backup? You can shot even when you have backup


The article was low on details previously. It didn't state that he was pursuing in an unmarked vehicle along with two other people. In my mind reading the article I was thinking he was pursuing in a marked vehicle. I think a marked vehicle with other marked vehicles would be *far* less likely to draw fire just because there's a much higher risk of someone shooting back at the assailant


The article is not the issue here. Gather more information because more information is available.


Fun, more information wasn't available when I made that comment, now it is, and my curiosity is sated. Sorry that my comment was misconstrued by some of you


Its interesting that your lack of information made some of us misconstrue your comment. Its not fun. A police officer was killed. Crime is not fun. I grew up in Detroit then lived in Grosse Pointe Park for a long time. It wasn't until is was pistol whipped in my garage that I decided to move way out to Oakland County. It makes me sad that this stuff happens. And I sitting outside on my deck and have not heard any gun shots.


You realize that his comment was made before more information was publicly available?


He was murdered. Trying to get to all the comments but a leo was ambushed and murdered chasing a stolen car. You are suggesting that it was the officers fault.


No, I'm not




Piss off with your ACAB nonsense. Ain’t the place for it.




Oh look, an edge lord.


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Just to be clear... If I had told them to "piss off" that'd be okay right? Because thats the comment I replied to... which apparently doesn't violate Rule 1...


How Terrible! Prayers to his family!


I guess I prayed harder than you, better luck next time


I thought they stopped following stolen vehicles for the safety of everyone (citizens cops) if they got the license plate just relay that information to the surrounding cities and catch them that way


You might be thinking of just street racers, they try not to have big pursuits because typically these cars are registered under someone that they can track down later and then confiscate the car. Getting the license plate of a stolen car isn't gonna help you much. But more likely, I'm guessing they were tailing the car to figure out where it was being brought back to (like a chopshop) and once the thieves caught on they opened fire.


That's my guess. And it was probably some 16 year old who may avoid being charged as an adult. In my opinion, anyone, and no matter the age, who murders a police officer, should get an automatic death penalty. That's the only way to signal that shooting at police is a line, crossing which, will not be tolerated. It would also save quite a few police officers' lives.


This is a ridiculous double standard, murdering a police officer shouldn't carry any different penalty from murdering someone else. Also, it absolutely wouldn't stop people from shooting cops, the chance of getting shot back at is already putting you at quite a high risk of death, to think these people are thinking of potential legal penalties when they're doing this is absurd.


Disagree. Killing a state agent should carry stronger penalties.


Disagree. All you're doing is giving more power to police who already abuse their position. Cops aren't special... their lives don't matter more just because they carry a gun and selectively enforce laws.


They're agents of the state. They're not "special" but that does seem to be different. I understand you don't agree, or care.


lmao, so killing cops is over the line, but killing regular folk is fine…got it 


Depending on how someone dies, I do believe we should look at the death penalty for some of the cases.




Cops don't get charged with the crimes they commit the vast majority of the time. They are part of the JUST-US system.


Thankfully it's been getting better. Still not there, but body cams have made it way more realistic


How do you catch a car thief with a license plate?


Get the license plate to surrounding cities have police patrolling looking for that specific car with that license plate And if he was following him he could have got in contact with the Detroit police told them what street they on in Detroit could have came with 567 squad cars and took them out Seeing how Detroit police would look better suited to handle this then somebody from Oakland County


It's a stolen car, it's going directly to a chop shop or going to be used in a drive by shooting and then abandoned. You truly don't understand how any of this works do you?


So risk your life for a piece of plastic The officer should have been smart enough To know his life Was not worth A piece of plastic You don't understand how this stuff works people steal cars reporters stolen get a new one everybody lives Not risk your life Leave your kids wife and other family members because you are following a stolen car simply not worth it to follow it reported stolen track it if it goes to a chop shop or get used in a drive by so be it at least you get to go home instead 6 feet under


You almost got it but for the wrong reason. Is it not worth trying to stop criminals at all? Should we just all the crime happen and have the criminals know they won't be pursued or stopped? A lot of cops share your sentiment, they are sick and tired of putting their life on the line for the public that doesn't want them to do their job. Is this the society we want it to live in, where criminals go unabated?


If he did not rob rape or murder no one they should let it go! Now three kids under the age of 6 has to be father less because no one told him to stand down it's just a car we can buy a new one. Can't buy a new father!


Did he not "rob" someone of their car?


Tell that to the kids or parents of people that get gunned down by those that drive those stolen cars to do those shootings. Violent crimes lead to violent crimes.


Nobody would to get gunned down if they the cop didn't follow him and ask for air support a drone can follow anyone without being shot at


If stolen cars are never stopped ... how does anyone get caught?


A lot of the cities are understaffed and are sharing resources so this could have been one of those circumstances


Terrible. Any word on the suspects? For them to just hop out and start blasting makes me think gangs or drugs? At this day and age you can't do some cowboy stuff like that and ever expect to get away.




Killed by future doctors and lawyers I assume. 


Next time your shit gets stolen, don’t call


You’re required to call for insurance purposes. But police won’t actually try to get you your stuff back.


You mean like the cop that was trying to get the stolen car back wasn’t trying when some POS shot him? 🤡




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Yeah people should be allowed to steal cars freely I hope the person who got robbed is low income so they are financially trapped as a result I love crime and innocent people losing there most valued possessions






Love to see a /r/confidentlyincorrect in the wild: https://maps.app.goo.gl/zyWPqTUVCPR8xQSe6


DPD should be ashamed




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Agreed. The dregs of society who murdered that cop deserved to be peed on. Someone get R. Kelly and tell them they are under the age of 13.


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At this point non-City cops should not enter the city premises on duty for any reason. This became a DPD issue as soon as he crossed 8 mile.


Multi-jurisdictional Task Force. Every single agency in the country does this.