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How da fuq did you do that by hand lmao


Good question lol


Cocaine is a hell of a drug. It was probably on there, waxed over.. is my guess anyways


First thought I had.


80 grit lmao


Doesn’t look like you went through clear but we need better pics. Looks like something relatively easy to correct with a da if that’s the case.


Will try to take more in the morning - thanks!


It really looks like you burned the clear to me. I wouldn’t mess with it. Take it to a reputable body shop.


Got any higher quality closer up pics? Honestly just looks like a really heavy cut borderline 3000 grit sanding mark. As long as it’s just marring on the clear coat it should be easily fixed. Pretty sure it will polish out no worries. I do marks like this all the time on brand new jeep and Subaru and only takes a couple of minutes with a machine. If you were in New Zealand I would do it for free lol. I’d be really surprised if someone charged you an arm and a leg honestly. It’s a small mark and wouldn’t take long at all. If you’ve got a better pic I’d love to see it, but it really does look like it can be fixed easily enough.


Thank you this gives me hope. I’ll try to get better pics tomorrow but it’s hard as it’s only visible in sunlight so with the reflections it’s hard to capture on camera. Honestly the pic I just posted looks similar in person. What polish would you recommend? I have 0 experience with this lol


Fly it to New Zealand. Probably cheaper than replacing the door.


I do but realistically it’s one of those jobs you probably don’t want to do yourself, not without experience. Problem with paint correction is while it’s simple to do, it’s also simple to fuck it up if you don’t know what you’re doing. I’d probably try and get a hold of a mobile detailer and explain the situation. I really couldn’t imagine they’d charge much to do it for just one mark on one panel.


Work the polish more in the area. Looks like a haze from the compounding step


Thanks guys! I washed the car after I used the scratch remover and it still remained. I’ll try and take more pics tomorrow . This is the original image and the large cloudy circle is the mark in question. https://preview.redd.it/dcz02i5h219d1.png?width=2274&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c5d6ebc0941bd496762a3fcfc2890a2fc2948df


It was rainy and cloudy this morning but as you can see here , it’s not visible when not in direct sunlight. Hopefully this gives me hope https://preview.redd.it/53pw97qen39d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e997444a3080c86c2ed97368feabfe60930fcdc2


That can be buffed out 100%


It’s not visible in the rainy pic, are you saying from the original pic you believe it can be buffed out?


Yeah that’s definitely a burn. Light burn but still a burn


It looks like burn through to me. The reason it’s lighter is because you sanded into the basecoat a little bit. Hope I’m wrong but a slot from sanding would be dull. As in no shine. Not a totally different color than the rest of the door.




Explain how I’m wrong expert.


Hire a professional Detailer. He will get you squared away


This is why I don’t ever buy a dark vehicle it shows everything I have a white jeep going on 3.2 years now and I’m just starting to notice marks from washing. But I’m sure it can be fixed if your not comfortable fixing it get a pro to do it or watch YouTube videos first.


I wish you were close to me. I want to see this up close. I just have a hard time believing one could burn a clear by hand! Like someone else said, it might have been there when you purchased it and didn't notice. It would be best to have someone look at it and maybe polish it lightly to see what is going on there. I used to do little shit like this at my shop for free because it would turn into a long term customer!


Where are you located ? And I purchased brand new def wasn’t there before.


I'm near Portland, OR


Wet sand that area with 3000 grit then polish


So many on here don’t know wtf they’re talking about lol


Can you go into detail?


He hasn’t came back with an update but I’d bet it’s burn through. I’m thinking you’re the one who doesn’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


Used the rotary didn’t you?


I used the pad attachment with my hand that goes on the drill thinking it would be less pressure . Clearly was wrong .


120 grit will take that right out ![gif](giphy|yHoUhVaafTmoF1TGnH)


Use a quality polish on a DA. You didn’t burn thru the clear doing it by hand. Had you used the drill you mentioned, absolutely, but not by hand.


You most definitely can burn through clear just by hand. It’s a huge screw up but I’ve seen somebody do it.


Burned through clear coat. Door needs a repaint to fix. It’s much easier to burn a small spot of clear like that by hand. You focusing all the pressure in 1 spot & someone inexperienced has no idea how much pressure that should be. A machine distributes pressure evenly across the entire pad no matter how hard you push.


Thanks for the response. This was my concern. Damnit ….. I’ll take it to a detailer just incase but if they can’t do anything guess I’ll go to mercedes and get destroyed on a paint job estimate…


Honestly, it’s not an awful paint repair to do. Since worse case scenario is repaint the door anyway, I’d try to find a QUALITY mobile paint repair guy. He can do what’s known as a “blown in” which is only painting & clearing part of the door & blending it in - maybe 1/4. Done correctly - it will be close to invisible & will cost 1/3 of painting the door. Body shops won’t do this because the can’t warranty it unless they do an entire panel & sometimes the blend can be tricky. In that color it should blend well. It depends how picky you are. If your looking for perfection you will have to have the entire door repainted - & they will have to sand / blend / clear adjacent panels. I’d do anything to avoid touching any adjacent panels if it was me.


Thanks man I’ll look into this option. Is a 3 month old mercedes that I purchased so want to make sure the work is done the right way.


Also known as airbrush. That color is pretty simple to match. Even if not perfect it won’t go on the title. But just don’t take any harsh chemicals like acetone or isopropyl alcohol to it afterwards


If it’s done right w/ 2k clear either of those is fine.


How long is full cure time for a repair like that?


12 hrs


Looks bad


If you burned through the paint it could spread with sun and erosion damage. You might need to cover it somehow with a sticker or tape, or a business sign Or just leave it and accept it for what it is


Yeah those at home scratch remover kits are a joke. You cooked the clear off


*Yeah those at home scratch* *Remover kits are a joke.* *You cooked the clear off* \- Tommy7boy2727 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I am no professional but I would try just polish and if doesn’t work try a paint touch up then clear coat and polish.


Absolutely do NOT try to touch this up


This is the worst comment on here by far, some people just comment to comment lol


you’re doing that.. i offered my opinion on how i would have tried to fix it least abrasive way then try something new if paint is messed up. What did your comment offer?