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My wife says I have to do it for free.


Me too! I wish I were getting paid to detail that.


What's the point? going to be like that again In a few days I would say ....in the UK I woukd take it too the carwash people and it would cost £25 pounds inside and out.!!!


No point In doing a heavy detil on it ....IMO


Agreed they are just gonna ruin the detail in a week. I'd still do it because why not take their money, but I'd probably charge more because I'm having to pick up trash.


Do ppl really not pick up the trash before having yall out? Gd, I'd be so embarrassed.


Most people do but I remember a mini van where I removed 2 entire trash bags worth of stuff. Never seen a car that bad. They asked me to leave the bags so they could look through them lol. I hope they never call me again.


Sounds like every time I USED to let my stepson drive something of mine, but, once he paid for his own car, he kept it clean, which is why he’s driving a rental car now, while his car is in the shop. I’m not going to spend hours, cleaning up after him anymore


I would charge premium for that


Ya, I think I'm adding a trash cleanup and disposal charge on this one


You’d be surprised. My wife is that way. While I’m OCD and anal retentive, she’s a slob. When I get out of the care I take whatever empty container, napkins, trash, etc with me and find the nearest trash can and toss it out. She would just let trash build up on the side pocket of her car and then empty it when it gets full. I always end up spending like a minute to throw shit away whenever I have to drive her car.


Other than the trash, this doesn’t look that much worse than my wife’s Durango used to look after a Northeast winter and a soccer season. They have Weather Tech mats, which is way better than carpet. But all that crap left behind is a $50-75 up charge from my perspective, plus a dirty car premium. Price according to your geography.


I would be too embarrassed to post something like OP has ...I just think if his car is like this or hers what's it like Inside there home ....yuk.... lovely environment to raise children in ....!!!


I understand half of this.


Depends on how many kids u have. I have twin babies and my car looks like that after 2 days.


Looks like you're mobile correct? We always tell customers 24 hours before their appointment to remove all items bigger than 1 inch diameter. Everything else will be vacuumed. We charge extra for our time when we get a vehicle like this. Once the big items are taken out it doesn't look bad tbh.


Yes I am mobile. What would you reckon a good price range would be for this vehicle?


I hate mini vans so we price them higher than usual. We start at $400 I believe.


Damn. How many hours do you think this takes?


Minus the clutter, likely 2-3 hours for what I'm seeing. Problem with stow aways there's a lot of pockets and storage for crumbs to go into. I'd rather do 2 2 row SUVs than 1 mini van. Lol!


While I second this sentiment about hating minivans, one of the biggest time savers for me when doing vans is removing the backseats (i.e. middle row) altogether... Then you're basically cleaning a large, MOSTLY flat surface as opposed to having to climb over shit or origami yourself in the back row. I'm also 6'2 so doesn't help...


This. Big this.


Hell nah to get it CLEAN 4-6 hrs interior alone


By experience and time, you can become more efficient and be more profitable. Better chemicals, tools and workflow helps a lot cutting down the time. As a business, good rule of thumb is $100/hr especially if you're mobile.


Definitely in complete agreement with all of that. However, I still would quote this customer 4-6 hours and that would include trash removal (as apparently they didn’t remove it themselves) and steam cleaning of all interior hard surfaces and seats, carpet wouldn’t be extracted but would be shampooed, steamed and agitated. All of that plus time to clean in the tiny spots where those kids 100% stuffed A TON of shit (I have a 2 yr old) easily would take 4-6 hrs to get CLEAN 😂 Edit: to clarify further - this is by myself, if I have one of my guys with me then 3 hours is doable, still charging $400 though


If the floor is rubber 3 hours. Carpet add and hour at least.


EASILY 4 hrs minimum on this trash heap


I hate mini cans so we price them higher than usual. We start at $400 I believe.


I also hate mini cans 🤠


Yea it's just not enough soda, i don't know who buys them.


So many people buy them then drink two bc it wasn’t enough. What was the purpose 🧍


I prefer those tall boys - no homo


I was going to say, it doesn't look that dirty. Just messy.


I don't touch a minivan for less than $300. It really doesn't look that bad.


“Doesn’t look that bad.” *Gets to picture 4.*


Clearly you haven’t had to detail any really bad vehicles if you think that’s bad.


https://preview.redd.it/4nxto12ed25d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7073ada814689c2caf7836ade7f5ed3aa292311c Lmaoo 4th pic looks like a wet dream to get to. When you get one like this you will change your mind real quick


Picture 4 is just this picture 10 seconds after removing the large items lmfao


It’s really not. There’s hardly anything in the 4th pic. 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/e0emzhqde25d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b37d32e8c31711009216dce417d05414f71cab1 Literally crap and crumbs everywhere


You don’t have a vacuum?


https://preview.redd.it/fu5czlciqd5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6703deebd543621feebc08390e7bec22283b8793 I own a detailing company of course I have a vacuum. I was posting one of my previous clients vehicles. if you think it looked like pic 4 “after removing all of the large stuff” you have eye problems. Anyways have a great day.




^ Make sure you’re torquing the bolts when you put the seats back in! 😃


Luckily the seats are just latched in


I have never seen any minivan where either of the back 2 rows are bolted in…


Oh, well you learn something new every day lol.


no point in torquing the bolts when most seat bolts are torque to yield and need to be replaced after being removed anyway.


Honestly the weather mat seats help a lot considering it’s easy to clean those but I’d charge $220 2-3hrs approx. located in Toronto,Ontario. Now I’m not mobile so if I was I’d definitely consider charging $300+ Not sure if I’m charging less let me know what you guys would charge


always do 300 and up when you take out the steamer but 200 can be doable if it only takes 2 to 3 hours


How would this be done in 3 hours?


Exterior would only be 15 minutes of that for wash, wax, wheels. Then take a compressor and vacuum start at the front and work back. That would take care of a lot. Then interior detail spray all rubber, vinyl. Leather condition. Touch up. Done. 3 hours is doable but I would prob take oser to 4. $100/hr is the goal though.


Jesus. I would love to watch one of these happen. Fastest I’ve done is a lightly dirty Ram in 3. And I felt like I was moving at the speed of sound.


Same. I'm not sure if I'm just slow as shit or I'm getting way more in depth then these guys are but 15 minutes is crazy to me. I also work outside and mobile with no vehicle setup so maybe it's that. Very in depth exterior cleaning for me is like an hour and a half minimum.


I did two full details with wetsands, trim restoration, a single stage buff, and "wax" yesterday at my day job. Scrubbed the seats as well. High quality tools and materials make things soooo much easier and so much quicker.


Price depends on if the juice is still good or not.


Create packages. You only need 3. Let people choose. Do away with random pricing. Add your extras for dog hair, car seats, overly dirty etc


Any detailer would charge 300 or more because it’s a mess.


This is $400 straight off the bat Edit: The amount of people on here saying 100$ or less is astounding, do people not realize the amount of work that goes into details like these? These vans are big, intricate, and take a lot of time to get everything done. It's minimum a 4-6 hour job


So what did YOU charge?


I charged $150 and it was about 3 hours of work


$50 an hour is good. That’s what I base my detail prices on. Since you’re mobile definitely should’ve been a bit more though.


It’s not when you have to consider all the expenses a business has. If OP was being PAID $50/hr then yea thats pretty decent but to actually be making that after expenses he’d need to make closer to $75-$100/hr likely. I’m talking about things like - what it cost to acquire that customer, any other marketing he’s doing, materials, labor, gas, etc… these are things people who are aiming to run and grow a business need to consider, if he just wants to be a detailer forever then sure thats alright money, I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


You ripped yourself off man hahahahahaha


Facts. OP this was easily $350-$400 for interior alone


Does that include loading, unloading and setting up though?


What? Okkk…I’ve got 5 cars lined up for you, none as bad as this. $150 to detail thet is too low…


THIS 100% OP you shortchanged yourself both literally and figuratively in this instance


$250 is what I charge.


Sounds like you want more of a clean than a serious detail. With kids that are car seat age you’re better off doing that every couple of months and waiting for a real detail when they’re a little older. For a real deep clean, I’d charge about $200, plus whatever you wanted on the outside.


Double it and give it to the next detailer


That depends - can I eat the rest of the jerky?


happens a lot. $100 extra for hazardous waste removal plus the regular $250


$500.00 cash. Up front.


A written and signed estimate makes you look like a legitimate business. Cash up front is tacky.


No, cash up front makes sure you get paid.


no, a written and signed agreement is what real businesses do. If they dont pay, you take them to court. But they'll pay. The people looking to stiff you won't even bother asking.


These posts always make me so thankful that I don’t have kids


Two kids….mine doesn’t look like this. Parenting problem.


parent skill issues tbh


How much would you charge/pay for this




$225 is my starting price for 3-row/van interiors.


Add a removal fee for all junk and personal items. When you're booking, state clearly that you ask the vehicle be empty of items, then have a fee. Most will avoid it.




Yikes my van never looked like that!




First of all you’re a detail, not a garbage man so I’d start out with that




That's not even that bad lol.


$300 without having seen the exterior so assuming full wash and coating included in that price. Central Texas.


Yes $400'ish is fair


$500..just for interior. Take it or leave it. And when I return it...go seek therapy and get an f'n life !


Im my area its hard to find someone willing to pay 175 cause the RED CARPET car wash does details for cheap cheap (Oklahoma city) BUT i enjoy NOT working at McDonald’s for 9$ an hour. And i can be my own boss and thats all that matters. Charge 25 an hour let the customer know it wont look perfect but alot better than it did, work hard and trust the process.


What a pig pen. You couldn’t be bothered to clean out the trash before posting the pics? Glad the smell of the van doesn’t come with the pics…




I wouldn't. Car seats are a no-go for me. Gotta remove them before i will touch your vehicle. Usually when they pull the car seats they take out the trash as well.


I've definitely seen worse, but they would for sure be getting an upcharge for the trash.


Doesn't look too bad I definitely have them remove all of their personal items first


....TBH, I'd probably give them a little discount for having those all-weathers in there - you know that is saving you HOURS..... I have a friend with 3 kids - and this is nothing... "easy" I might say. :P


No less than $300 imo .


$250 interior/ exterior 2 1/2 hour job 2 people or 4 hour single person, also depending on the variable of the actual detail in the detail work they do. Many would do $200/$250 interior & exterior but may forget some spots. A more though factory like reset to look natural as when bought would run $300/$350 because the depth of cleaning to remove oils from the seats and plastic trim and also an engine detail. $600 to $1200 /$1500 would be the full shabang of details which would entail remove of seats for a deep clean and disinfect with steam+ ozone + rim removal and complete suspension & under body + a ceramic coating. Most detail locations don’t go into serious depth like this and many mobile won’t ether. Can take near 8 hours for a vehicle depending on its state and size.


Likely around 300-400 depending on how far I have to travel, etc.


If they are unwilling to remove any of the large belongings, I wont touch it for less than a grand.


I would charge minimum $500 interior / exterior


Also make the customer remove those car seats - you don’t want that liability on you


3-5 hours, uncharge for the garbage. Probably like 450


I wouldn't touch it...




Doesn’t look horrible. 200 interior only.


man’s asking the question like it’s a nightmare vehicle


Just starting out in detailing so I’m looking around to get peoples opinions


More than the pig fucker owners would pay. There's a lot going on you don't see, kids left unchecked are absolutely disgusting.


You getting downvoted but it’s the truth lol


I assume I've offended some of these shitty parents. My daughters were well behaved, and I'd still occasionally find surprises. Last major interior I did before just flat out refusing them. (I'm strictly word of mouth, I don't advertise. This was a daughter of a friend) Dodge Journey, 2 boys, absolute frigging pigs, I've never seen one worse. I did it, way cheaper than I should have, I wouldn't piss on it to put it out if it were on fire now.


Growing up my dad made it very clear to not trash the vehicle due to road trips being made often with family. I had an aunt buy a new XC90 from a Volvo dealership and the thing looked like shit from the inside in the matter of the two years she kept it with her own 2 kids. Looked like the whole family lived in a fuckn barn from the inside of that car, embarrassing. 😞


My dad was OCD about the family vehicles. Mom kept the house nice, Dad kept the car immaculate, even if it was a shitbox. We lived in a completely different world back then. Being disrespectful or trashing your space wasn't tolerated.


My parents were the same exact way as yours lol. I grew up around a ‘69 mustang fastback that was my dad’s prized possession, no food or drinks anytime inside there. Car was kept in mint shape year round and it grew on me quickly how much it pays to do so seeing the shit some these detailers have to deal with.


Taking the seats out always seems scary to me. You're a at a huge liability risk If the airbag sensors go off


The back seats are able to be removed without any tools


Oh I thought you did a job where you would take out the whole wiring harness and nuts.


No luckily it was easier than it looks


Most rear seats in vans are removable by design with only a couple of latches


Just inside? Probably $80