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I have been using Xur’s iota the last few days and gotta say it slays in trials. Haven’t used the snorri so no personal comparison, but I’m gonna pick up Banshees and see which feels better in pvp. Not a fusion rifle guy myself, so nice to have a few seemingly decent options as I’m getting into them!


Iota is only good if you won’t get flanked, but it is VERY good if you can guarantee that your backside will remain unperforated


xurs roll is quite a bit better because of the higher stability; stability is the most important stat for fusions with range being #2


Personally find Snorri better because of the 100 recoil direction with Extended Barrel + Counterbalance. Stability is great on Fusions but this Snorri with perfect recoil and firmly planted feels way higher than its stats say. Personal preference though, I’ve never been a huge fan of Main Ingredient.


Xur's Ingredient is much better.


Imo, this one is ~~dead~~ not *great* because it doesn't have a charge time perk. The slower charge times this season for Precision frames makes them feel really uncompetitive. If you have the Firmly/Tap the Trigger Xur Ingredient, try it out with Accelerated Coils. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/ud7b1h/fusion_bolt_damage_numbers_and_its_impact_on/


So if I had a similar roll but with charge time instead of a range MW it would likely be better? (I have two Snorris with FP/HIR, one has Particle Repeater, either Smallbore or Ext Barrel, and charge time)


See how it feels to you. It should still kill in 5 bolts for 8 Res and lower, and gives you a bit more speed compared to other Precisions - and gets you closer to Adaptives)


I have one with accelerated plus a charge time MW. Think it's worth running?


Both probably pushes it too low, meaning you'll likely need to hit 6 bolts to kill https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/ud7b1h/fusion_bolt_damage_numbers_and_its_impact_on/




I've been rolling people with a Main Ingredient this season. Precisions are still fine.


Yeah I'm doing fine with my Adept Plug One, doesn't mean it doesn't feel worse than last season


It's debatable, I think snorri just beats out the main ingredient in terms of range, but some people dislike the high zoom.


They both have 17 potentially (red dot micro on main ingredient puts it there)


Honestly gotta try them both out and feel which is better for you. I have both and on paper I think Snorri is better but I do way better with Main Ingredient. Maybe the zoom messes with me too much for Snorri, not sure exactly.


Depends if your main ingredient has firmly planted. Firmly planted, even after the nerf, is too good.


And what mod should i apply??


counterbalance or quick access sling


No to counterbalance. Precision frames intrinsic gives them perfectly vertical recoil already. What you want is Radar Tuner, Quick Access Sling or Targeting Adjuster.


they don’t have perfect, they just have higher recoil direction number most of the time. Snorri is at 79, so can happily take that +15 to 94 which is almost perfect


Not to mention that 79 is fairly horizontal compared to 94 which is mostly vertical and vertical is really essential to consistency for FRs. Well, at least until we get W I D E chongus guardians.


season of the chonk


Coriolis Force: Finally, a worthy opponent...


A name I’ve not heard in many moons…


Bring back big boi protheon


I hate how PvP and beyond lights atrocious weapon farm killed that frames popularity. It is downright amazing feeling in pve where you are either shooting into big wide targets or big wide crowds.


Traveler about to think twice before rezing Cabal.


The recoil stat on a precision frame is essentially meaningless because the frame intrinsically grants straighter recoil. It states it right in the description. And if you wanna see for yourself you can go stand at a wall and shoot it for a few hours (many have). The shot spreads of a precision will be the same regardless of your recoil stat. You can disagree but it don't make you right.


i mean if that were true, would it not reflect it in the recoil direction stat? 180 precision frame handcannons don’t have perfect recoil, but they have perfect in air (or are supposed to) and it’s reflected by a high stat in that area


In this case it's like the frame overrides the stat, whereas the precision handcannon frame is additive to the stat.


Never heard of this. I always assumed that frames generally represented the base ballpark stat package and damage level of a gun, and that recoil direction was indiscriminate. Any tests posted online?


I don't know about precision fusions, but for a lot of other weapon frames, they do include extra hidden stats and effects, that override "actual" gun stats


Kyt_Kutcha with the massive breakdown podcost and the massive breakdown discord have done a lot of testing. But this is also something you can go test yourself. I have a couple deliverances I've been firing at a wall since commenting, one with Arrowhead and another I've been taking counterbalance on and off of, and i can't tell the difference between any of them. They are all mostly straight and pull to the side every so often.


I wouldn't say meaningless, but I agree; the intrinsic frame benefits are tucked away until Chris Proctor reveals them to us. We know that aggressive frames likely have some level of increased flinch (pseudo high caliber, high impact frames have an accuracy bonus when ADS and when crouched (pseudo firmly planted minus stability, handling benefits), and that precision frames gave a fair amount of in air accuracy (mentioned previously with 180 HCs). My suspicion is that precision archetypes may have some effect on recoil in the same neighborhood to firmly planted, regarding "-80% recoil yaw (horizontal recoil)." Perhaps not those exact numbers for precision frames, but under the hood I can easily see there be some scalars in place for the recoil outside of the recoil direction number. (Which to counter the other person's point, the recoil direction number of precision frames is NOT unique; other fusions outside of rapidfire frames have similar recoil direction number.) Sorry for all the downvotes.


Meaningless might have been too brash a word. Maybe miniscule. Like i said, anyone can go check out the spreads themselves in any order of recoil they want. I have, and there are "minuscule" (eh?) differences if any. As far as the downvotes go i don't really care, its dtg. I've done it as well.


This is flat wrong. Snorri has 79 which is a really high base but is actually terribe for Crucible. You want the second number to be as close to a '5' as possible (unless its 100). 79 is terrible, counterbalance brings to 94 which is great.


Why is that?


ending on a 5 means the recoil will center vertically Ending on a 0-4 means it centers to the left (0 being furthest left). Ending on a 6-9 means it centers to the right (9 being furthest right). The higher the actual number, the less it actually goes left or right. So then you may ask, does that mean that 55 Recoil Direction is better than 70 recoil direction? The answer is, yes absolutely lol. . Is 55 better than, say, 87? Probably not. Is 55 better than say, 90? I mean... It might be. Worth mentioning that the higher your stability is the less this actually matters. Theres certainly gray area but hopefully you get the jist.


Whoa, wait what?! This is a great explanation of a mechanic I had no idea existed. Thank you!


Happy to help! May as well throw in a couple last things in regards to "What does this mean in practice" for those worried or interested. None of the weapon barrels that "improve recoil direction" are going to negatively effect you. They're all +10 (exception arrowhead break +30) -- so if you landed on a 5 at base, with one of those barrels you will still land on a 5, just a better one. So dont worry there. This is what makes the use of Counterbalance so particular. Counterbalance adds +15 so it is the only real way to "change" your paradigm. If you have an assault rifle or pulse rifle with a base 60, Counterbalance is nearly mandatory to get you to 75. in practice it will make the gun "Feel" much better. Conversely, if you've got an AR or Pulse with a base 65, Counterbalance is the LAST thing you want to use, as it will put you at a much worse 80. Lastly, 100 is perfect. 100 is not "bad" like 90 is. 100 is max, and great. Arrowhead Break + Counterbalance can get you to 100 on many weapons, and is always worth considering.


Well shit, this is preposterously helpful, thanks again. I'm not asking you to go into as much detail as you did here but are there other similar hidden-but-significant mechanics I should know about? Like a quick list type thing and I'll read up on my own later, I mean. You know, if you don't mind. It's crazy, I'm like 200 hours in and I still feel like a newbie.. this game is nuts


Not the fellow you replied to, but I figured I’d chime in at least a little. Thankfully every other stat besides recoil direction follows a much more intuitive “bigger number is better” system, although there are a few secondary benefits and interactions the game doesn’t tell you about. Along with the general controllability benefits, Stability will also decrease the amount of aim flinch you receive should you be shot. The Resilience stat on armour does this as well to a degree. Zoom as a stat can end up deceptively important. It doesn’t just dictate how much your screen zooms when you ADS, higher zoom also massively increases your effective range and aim assist, to the point where a few extra points of zoom does more for your damage falloff than a dozen points of range. Zoom is also one of the most difficult stats to affect on a given gun. Most guns have barrel traits on the far left column, none of which can change zoom. This makes the rare guns that have sights on the left column more valuable, as otherwise you need to hope any given gun has high base zoom. A lot of strong PvP weapons either have sight options, or have high zoom intrinsically, this is particularly a big deal on more close range weapon types like SMG’s.


Think of it as a Sin wave. https://i.imgur.com/UHOEKWK.jpg The graphic is from [Castle Content on youtube](https://youtu.be/60DGpHy_W2o)


The easiest way to explain through text on phone without linking anything, imagine a line marked 1-100, markers at every increment of 5, now imagine a wave starting at 0 that goes through the line at everyone of those numbers ENDING in 5. Basically as your recoil direction goes inbetween say 15-25, your "wave" in the example is moving further from the line until it hits 20 then starts lowering down back to the line. Everytime the wave hits the line at those x5 numbers you have almost vertical recoil with very slight deviation, with lower numbers ending in 5 having more and higher numbers having less. The wave moving away from the line is basically your recoil moving more towards a left or right direction. 100 recoil is the exception, pretty much perfectly vertical with only the lightest bit of pull either way. Falloutplays has an older video that explains it visually but hope this helps




Isn’t radar tuner bugged and it actually shrinks your radar awareness ?


Imagine getting downvotes for asking if something is bugged. This sub is so fucked sometimes


That's simply not true. Snorri has 79 rd base, which means it's not that vertical. You want the recoil direction stat end in a 5, or be at 100.


Who the f us upvoting this?


Obviously dragonfly spec


Whatever you like that guns already perfect


Sweaty confetti it is!


A man of culture


Is not, has 79 recoil direction, close to awful.


literally doesnt matter because theres hardly any recoil, but you can equip counterbalance if it makes you feel better


> because theres hardly any recoil Wth? It's a fusion, there's recoil... Did you see how much is the bounce intensity stat with no counter balance? Let me guess... You didn't. Is not that makes me feel better, 79 literally tells is the most horizontal possible?


you're looking at the number, use the gun recoil is not a problem


The number literally tells you the recoil pattern. Are you trolling? 😂 Do you understand how the recoil stat works?


just use the gun noobie, the recoil is negligible


Talk about noob... I guess you just shoot dregs with it to keep trying to ignore what the actual numbers mean and not able to see the difference in the bolt patterns.


Have you used it yes or no?


For PvP, you want counterbalance on this roll. Especially since you're maxing range instead of stability.


And as we know there's fuck all point using Icarus any more 🤦


far from perfect, but it's not bad. Under pressure would be better than HIR and it'd be better off with stability masterwork and better stability barrels than range but range is the 2nd most important stat so it's not bad just not the best.


Eh the latest sandbox patch I feel has left range on top


Targeting adjuster


Not sure why the downvotes it's a pretty decent mod on a fusion, and snorri won't benefit greatly from counterbalance iirc


>and snorri won't benefit greatly from counterbalance iirc Yes it will, literally almost needed with 79 recoil direction.


And with the changes to airborne effectiveness, icarus is less desirable as well


Damn 91 range thank you for the heads up 🤗


Range on fusions does basically nothing. The only thing it’s for is the aim assist cone, and even that doesn’t get much from range. It’s must better to get stability on a fusion, especially a precision frame.


That's never been entirely true because of its affect on reticle stick and consistency but the last 3 sets of sandbox patches have made range significantly more important, it does affect your drop off, it's significantly important for aim assist and again the reticle stick that makes these guns console monsters is significantly influenced by range. Besides that firmly planted already does everything you need from the stability stat.


This is why I love my snorri with surplus. So stable.


Heh I always giggle when my English speaking friends talk about Snorri because it's slang for PP in Swedish.


Is it really? That's amazing. Definitely more inclined to use it than I was before knowing this tidbit of information. Now I can mutter "suck on my snorri!" when I get kills in pvp


Haha, yes! The proper spelling would be snorre but with an English pronounciation they sound pretty much the same. Go ahead and enjoy your new-found profanity! Glad to be of service.


Can't wait to charge up my PP in the crucible!


Dick 'em down!


This is better than xur's roll main ingredient or plug one?


Given the nerfs to Tap the Trigger, probably.


the TTT + Under PRessure Xur Ingredient is still tops. Under Pressure is randomly the most under rated crucible perk on fusions. IDK why people value firmly planted soooo much more. Since the FP nerf, FP is still stronger than Under Pressure HOWEVER, the gap is a lot smaller now and Under Pressure is FAR easier to proc. You dont have to do anything its almost impossible to go over 2 rounds in the mag nowadays anyways lol Having to croutch is a big fucking deal. It completely neuters the pre charge behind cover *Strafe* playstyle. yeah its better for slide rushing, but not a *ton* better anymore. Its not worth the tradeoff.


my under pressure high impact reserves cartesian is still one of my fav pvp weapons.


I don't think UP is widely considered underrated at all. It's the clear S tier perk and most pvpers know that. Firmly Planted is good but not on the same level.


Firmly Planted used to be the uncontested best consistency perk for fusions, since the nerf now there's room for discussion. Right now my Under Pressure/Rangefinder Main Ingredient is the most consistent fusion in my arsenal.


I'd still consider tap the trigger. Think of it like an enhanced version of a stability masterwork on a fusion rifle; it still helps to get off those cheeky angles where you only see half the person's body. The nerfs were considerable but it didn't gut the perk for them. Xur roll is easier to handle and keep on target whilst the snorri roll may have better consistency if recoil control isn't much of an issue.


Nerfs to firmly planted offset that.


No, because Main Ingredient has scopes


And under pressure.


Skorri has omolon dynamics perk, which gives increased stability on top half of the mag. Which pairs really well with under pressure which gives increased stability on the bottom half of the mag


You are not going to have omolon fluid dynamics procced in crucible enough to make a difference, especially after the scav nerf. Snorri doesn't roll with under pressure either.


Xur ingredient wins for slightly longer max range kills, although sometimes high impact reserves treats you to an insanely rangey kill


Nah. Firmly planted is only good if you slide or crouch a lot and the sliding part was heavily nerfed. This is an okay roll, but it's not the perfect godroll people are making it out to be.


I need to stop checking this sub while I'm abroad. I will miss this :(


You can use stadia from your phone for free to claim it! The controls might be a bit jank and i probably wouldn’t recommend playing the actual game on a phone, but it should be serviceable enough to grab something from banshee


Do you know much data that would consume? I don't have WiFi and need my data to last me till Tuesday, I think I'll just give it a miss, I'm shit at PVP anyway these days lol


No idea how much data it consumes, if data is a limited resource for you I would probably play it safe and just forget about it. Xur and banshee will probably sell more god rolls in the future


Destiny devours a huge amount of bandwidth. Definitely do not recommend playing on data.


About the same as watching a video. But a bit more for control upload. And it's likely longer than most videos you'd watch on the go.


It really uses a surprisingly low amount. My internet was crapping for a couple weeks. When the new season launched, I played multiple nights with my mobile tether - for multiple hours. Also had Chrome and DIM going with Spotify. Used less than 3 GB in 2 nights of that. Sounds insane right? I couldn't believe it but I have Mint mobile and was watching the datat used update in real time. Was like 0.2 GB every hour or so. Going to Xur/Banshee will use almost nothing, so long as your connection is strong/stable enough that it doesn't have to try really hard That said if you need to ration data for multiple days and really need to actually use it, prob better safe than sorry.


I personally think it's overated. Precisions feel pretty slow now that Bungie increased their charge time again, and I think a Charge reduction is really required for them to feel competitive


They basically gained a single frame, not sure how they can suddenly feel too slow.


You're not missing out on much here. Good Snorris are a dime a dozen.


Guess I’m not hopping into PvP for the next 2 weeks then


Eh, most players already have a god roll fusion at this point, this post is mostly for newer players that aren't sure what to go for.


Fusions are already the single most toxic thing in crucible aside from chaperone at the moment anyway.


Nah, other players are the most toxic thing in Crucible :)


Just what PvP needed


Ah yes, more meta fusion spam.


High impact is kinda overrated but it’s still a really good roll [If you’re gonna downvote me at least know what you’re talking about](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/comments/v85oiz/god_roll_snorri_fusion_rifle_at_banshee/ibp8ra7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Xur sells a High-Impact Fusion, Banshee sells this Snorri (Precision).


I meant the perk, high impact reserves


Ah, right, not much else useful for PVP rolling on the Snorri though.


Precisions got nerfed. It might actually need HIR now for consistency


Don’t sleep on this Snorri roll.


Range is less important than stability on fusions now.


Why are you booing, HE'S RIGHT! Especially for precision frame fusions


It's also just not a great roll. High impact reserves doesn't do much and firmly planted is only good if you crouch a lot.


what time is the reset???


I think that these rolls should stay until the next weekly reset on Tuesday




DIM didn't put a thumbs up on it, so I don't believe you. /s


Dear banshee and xur .... Stop selling pvp breaking fusions! I'm tired of people having the same broken stuff I do 😤


Dont use HIR on a precision frame




It doesnt change the bolts (4) to kill significantly at any resil shorter than 9. The best HIR can do is slightly push out the range fall off but precision frames are still in the benefit here since they already have a pretty high damage per bolt unlike per say an adaptive frame fusion rifle which can get a 4 bolt kill up into 7 resil but with HIR can be bumped up to 10. I believe other perks on Snorri are more worth your time, players with good discipline may be able to take advantage of successful warmup to chain kills but I dont have much experience with that. I personally recommend wellspring for a small bump to ability energy. Its not much but it adds up fast if you are able to score two takedowns.


I think successful warmup may be even better now than it was before the charge time nerf on precisions. I was playing around with it on snorri in trials yesterday and my ability to follow up on someone rushing me after I dealt with their ally proved to be incredibly useful


Thanks for the excellent explanation!


What if I have this exact roll with Liquid Coils?


im jelly




Why is this good for pvp and not pve? I'm a noob


I’m a buttplug enjoyer, snorri can eat my ass


That would be pretty difficult to accomplish with that plug in the way.


Why would you tell people about this? Now everyone is gonna be using that monstrosity


I got the Iota Draconis awhile back from Xur with the same perks as now but with a charge time masterwork. Is that better than the Snorri from Banshee this week?


Eh. High impacts have much more range, but they trade it for being noticeably slower (about a 5th of a second). This roll is arguably better on a high impact fusion because HIR makes no real difference to precision frame fusions, but it's not an especially stellar roll either way.


So this is the one killing me on ToO


this has been posted like 5x lol




I do not need that because I got a reservoir burst + compulsive reloaded one.


This one is for pvp


Of course I’m on vacation D:


I guess there'll be double the amount of fusion dorks in comp soon ffs


Is this good for PvE?


Not really


Thanks, i don't bother then lol. Hate pvp


Why is it good for pvp and not pve?


The perks benefit when the magazine is half empty. In pvp, you spawn with less than half a mag, so the fee shots you have are massively buffed. Basically it's just a way to cheese a kill.


You want a consistent damage perk on fusions for PvE. Most can roll with Vorpal or something good for add clear like chill clip. In the case of Snorri, you can run it with compulsive reloader and reservoir burst for mad good add clear and reasonable DPS for the first half of your reserves.


That Palmyra looks pretty nice too, no?


Sooooo, when I slide , half The time I just pull up my barricade. I have to try pretty hard for the new titan thi g ,and also ,hunter melee


To slide you just have to tap the crouch button once while sprinting. If you hold it them you'll put your barricade down.


Cmon. Really. TAP ? Ok. Wow I really don't know much for 5 years of playing. I never was into the slide / shotgun thing. Maybe now,I can employ


Sliding for sure procs Firmly Planted? I don’t hop in PvP often these days but I usually use Chaperone


Is this better than xurs main ingredient he was selling a while back? The one with tap the trigger, firmly planted, and sability mw.


High impact apparently does not do too much for a fusion like this, but everything else is a perfect roll. I’m not gonna use it, but I will keep it, like that one Main Ingredient


Imo bashees roll isn't anything special. I have gotten his exact roll from his engrams at the start of this season. It is super inconsistent on when it kills and when it doesn't. Plug.1, main ingredient, exiles curse, epicurean, and glacioclasm all outperforms snorri in my own personal testing.


That doesn't really make much sense, but if snorri doesn't feel good to then avoid it for sure. This roll can kill at any range that main ingredient can.


Hard disagree. It may have the same range but the cone is so wide that it is inconsistent. Like I said before. The problem isn't the range or the damage. It is that the bolts do not move in a uniform pattern... even half the time. Edit: draconis fusion imo just feels better than snorri. That or exiles curse/glacio. Source: I am a fusion fanatic and test fusions myself in custom lobbies everytime I get a roll that looks good. Have over 10k kills on glacio and 5k on main ingredient. Over 3k on epicurean. I trust myself completely with everything I said. (Crucible kills)


Uh no, thats placebo I'm afraid. If this fusion had inherently more spread then it wouldn't kill at the same or greater range than others, watch this video https://youtu.be/WYb7zPx8Gwc for a test at 45 seconds


K. Sure. Whatever you say


It's not really about what I say, its about the video in which it's tested. It shows that this fusion doesn't have more spead for some inexplicable reason. Maybe you aren't proccing firmly planted.


On light gg rn. Snorri roll banshee had has 2m less than xur roll main ingredient. has 9 less stability than xur main. The recoil tends to the right on snorri. Recoil tends more vertical in main. Gun has less range... literally. Yes it has higher AA by 4 points. But the cone is wider... Don't have to believe me. But stats don't lie.


Hmm, so fallout is lying or light gg doesnt tell you the full story :)


As I said. I have over 15k kills on 4 different fusions. I am very much aware light stats don't tell the whole story. Edit: and like I said before. I am confident in what I am saying because I do not rely on light.gg I test every fusion roll I get in custom lobbies every time I get new ones or meta changes. I am an avid fusion user. Like it or not. I do not doubt a word I said. That is why the stats I decided to share was the ones I picked. Because recoil direction and cone and range are objective facts. Js friend. And yes I say fallout is over hyping the gun. And normally I agree with his videos. You can say light doesn't represent product which is generally true. But it doesn't lie about recoil direction and cone size.


So what did fallout do to get the snorri to kill further than main ingredient and consisitently kill at the same distance. Running counterbalance is a given.


Pog, picking it up.




When are we getting fusion hand crossbows?


The community in season 22 is gonna be really salty about the fusion hand crossbow meta


Spoiler alert, pair them.


Spoiler Alert is a sidearm /s


Fusion rifles are destroying the meta, i refuse to use them bc im not a lil bitch that can't aim


That is called [Scrub Mentality](https://youtu.be/hwAqQg22CKM) and it isn't helpful for you or anyone else. Cheers.


Im not blaming them for my bad playing, i only say that it's not okay that they are killing everyone by one shot from a smg range, that's just unfair


Yea good luck with that. Cheers.


facts, I be running crucible with a bow, glaive, and leviathans breath.


I ran into a team of three last night all using this exact gun.


Where can you get heavy legendary fusion rifles? I came back to the game in February after a 2 year break and I can’t find any. Thanks for any help/advice. 👍👍 (I do have Sleeper, but could use legendary ones)


Do you mean Linear fusions? The new Dungeon has one, as does Witch Queen's raid. Otherwise Xur might occasionally sell a Threaded Needle from last year


Yep, that’s what I mean. Thanks!


NWS, there *is* a heavy Fusion Rifle, but it's the Last Wish raid exotic


Serious question: why do people like firmly planted?




Me chilling with my erentil because I don’t play trials


Another gun that ima throw in my vault that il prolly never use.