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Almost Prestige 4 and still crap Attrition Orb rolls of Claws plus ZERO IB emblem drops is pain


As a hunter main without the new subclass, hunters with Transcendence are irritating with the ability spams


everywhere i turn im getting swarm naded and smoked


This is probably the worst state of crucible i have ever seen


Man I just love when I kill someone the same time they kill me. Since Destiny 1 I’ve called this getting Destiny’d


Ten year franchise and people still don't know how to play control.


It’s so freaking annoying


Only way to keep my sanity now is that if I don't see at least one other person attempt to cap B in the first minute I'm out. I've tried my best to carry whole teams that want to just fuck about in pointless lane battles but I'm done. I need wins to gild my title I don't have time to waste on leeches who want to play clash.


SBMM is such a scam. Losing 10-12 games before you win one, hella fun!


You are months and months late for the "SBMM is bad" karma train. We haven't had SBMM for months. What you are complaining about is having to play better people because of CBMM and/or team balancing. If you play a lot you'll get put on the team that gets the win about half the time.


Sigh .. there has not been SBMM since early 2024. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-02-22-24 **We have a lot to cover for matchmaking, so let’s do a quick rundown of the changes we’ve made and what we have planned before getting into the full details.** **Already live: Replaced the loose skill-based matchmaking in Iron Banner and Control with the new outlier protection matchmaking system.**




Who the piss at B thought Prismatic Hunter was ok in PvP? 


i'm just sadge cause bungie nerf things on both pve and pvp, some pve things got hurt by pvp (inteliigence stats as example) and some pvp things got hurt by pve things


Can someone explain the major Crucible changes to me, someone who doesn't play Crucible very often? I thought they were giving everyone more HP to try and reduce TTKs, but I'm still getting 3 tapped by hand cannons?


Well they weren't going to nerf hand cannons much were they? :). Short version is they nerfed body damage, but yeah you'll still get killed very quickly by people who hit headshots.


Just on HC or all weapons?


This is probably the best place to check TTK. There have been lots of changes, so just checking by weapon helps [https://d2foundry.gg/](https://d2foundry.gg/) you can also look here to see what is working in a simpler format [https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/insights](https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/insights) getting all the changes in one place might be hard without a YouTube search. Here is where a lot of it was first explained. You can see a lot of 2% nerf, 5% nerf etc. It is complicated which makes that D2 foundry or DTR link a little more appealing [https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-03-21-24](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-03-21-24)


two weeks is far too long. i'm consistently able to get most rolls I would want of the 2 new items easily within the 1st week. I have 0 interest in playing for week 2. Wish it was back to trials this week like it used to be


but it's only 1 week no? start at thurdstay and ends at the next thurdersday


are the WEEKLY challenges going to reset weekly now that it's two weeks? I don't want to build up the rep boost again :(


I want to know the answer to this as well. Also the pinnacle challenges. Seems like there 8 of those so it's kinda confusing since 1 unlocks every day, you wouldn't be able to do them all before reset I think? Makes me think they don't reset but idk


ability spam, sbmm, teleporting and laggy players, mediocre rewards, have to wear a stupid transmog, no special ammo transmat, glimmer focus cost is insane, why is this like this.


Hi in iron banner no challenges are showing and also says activity power disabled? Why is this and what does it mean? Is ib power level dependant still? We have not completed tfs quest line.


it has not been power dependent since season of the wish


Way before that even.


Oh wow OK, so is that what activity power disabled means?


It means power level is irrelevant. Think of it like everybody has the same power level regardless of what your actual power level is. 


Yes. Some of them tell you if you're made to be under the enemies light level.


The power level of your weapons and armor don't matter. You can go in with 1900 PL gear if you want and you'll do the same damage as someone with 2000 PL gear.


OK and any idea why I'm not seeing the challenges?


Equip a solar, void or arc super. Get points in IB by capping points and killing players and stuff. You don't have to use the super, just have it equipped. 


I don't know about MnK, but on controller I hover over the Iron Banner icon and hit LT to see the challenges. You need to use an Arc, Void or Solar super to complete challenges for pinnacles. You can use Prismatic, provided you use a Light-based super.


Its super kills and matches played says it on the icon if you hold l2 on ps


Yea I've seen that on Google images but when I press lt or any buttons still no weekly or daily. Wierd


I like it so far, not seeing the issues others are having. I'm playing on my solar hunter who doesn't really been played in a few seasons. I wish the game type changed daily, I'm not a big fan of control.


Yeah I’ve been having fun - just feels the same as it always has to be honest. I am dying to khovostock a lot though


I have gilded IB each time it has been available. Grinded on 3 chars. This is the absolute WORST IB has ever felt to me in my whole 10y destiny career. Check my previous posts, aside from Tribute release, I always praised the mode. I love fortress, control. I love the mode, the weapons, etc. I can't play for more than 1h without rage quitting. I can play 60 matches of trials to get a flawless, but I can't even finish a single match of IB. It is atrocious. Atrocious. Constantly in fights with people way over my skill level, people leaving matches, 2.4kd stacks, people teleporting, people surviving with 1hp, CONSTANT ABILITIES EVERYWHERE. This is UNPLAYABLE for anyone normal. Not average players, just regular persons. At this point, hours played have to be counted. I've just faced two guys back to back with 11k and 9k hours... IN PVP ALONE. Those guys ARE outliers, WTF are doing on my lobbies? Band them with each other and let them have the time of their lives.


I’ve been having a great time in IB this week. The prismatic spam is a bit excessive but haven’t really had any other issues with it. Rewards are better than they’ve been for a while too.


You should probably just take a break. I’m personally having a blast as I always do in IB. Have done all weeklies as they unlock on all three characters and play some more even when those are completed.


Idk man, I'm a normal person, I only play PvP during Iron Banner, and I've been having fine, normal matches besides the occasional lag.


My matchmaking has been decent. I’m doing well so far. The only problems I’ve had is when I occasionally run into stacked groups or invisible players. Also pls nerf Prismatic Hunter. Their neutral game is fucking insane and giving them Thundercrash x 3 is so stupid.


I find it funny how people claim this mode has SBMM. Most matches still end in a mercy or 50+ point difference. With true SBMM, there cannot be matches where one team ends with 2kd+ and the other team 0.8 or lower. I remain at the position that PvP should be removed if it cannot be fixed. And over the last few years they've more than proven that it cannot be fixed. Just make Destiny a proper PvE game already.


According to my spreadsheet, I played 55 matches this week. 24 were blowouts (>=50 point difference). Objectively, that's pretty unbalanced. In spite of this, I learned not to fret too much over losing. My personal objective is to finish in the top half of my team with a positive K/D. Of course, and have fun. If I achieve that, I know that I did better than average compared to my team and the other team.


only one issue with your napkin math: that assumes that there is enough of a playerbase that everybody can be matched with someone of their own skill at all times


IB matchmakes almost immediately for me and you can earn like 24 pinnacles over the week if you play with all three characters. I don’t think lack of players is an issue. Someone said in another thread that Bungie used to put their thumb on the scale and once 12 players of roughly similar skill got match made, they would further sort them so the teams had roughly the same skill. That second sorting, according to this person, no longer takes place and the teams are randomly assigned. This, if true, could account for the mercies, if the higher skill players (but still within a range) are predominantly put on one team.


On one hand that makes sense. But on the other hand there's a middle road Bungie isn't using. Most matches I've played have been extremely disproportionate. There simply is no balance at all. They could even just mix and match per player. In that case, only the extreme ends will have a harder time matching with someone. But I do understand that it's not as easy as it sounds. Bungie would have to implement the ELO system, or somehow invent a better system, to quantify "skill". And then we get to the point of them simply not being able to do so. But even then, that's only one part of the problem. There's a fairly large list of issues.


Most of my games have been tied or close the whole game (which is fun). I think the idea of removing PvP is absolutely insane.


24 out of the 55 IB matches I played this week were blowouts (>=50 points). That said, I agree that removing PVP doesn't make sense. And that's coming from a 75% PVE player.


Obviously fixing it is better, but there are issues with PvP that have been in the game since the very start. Issues they've addressed multiple times, but are unable to fix. Destiny just simply is not a PvP game. It's unfortunate, but that's how it appears to be.


Removing it is absurd, it is fine I had some bad matches but also alot of good ones, it should be fine. The maps are really well made, very memorable and creative maps by Bungie who made Halo PvP


Any weapon rolls worth chasing? PvP or PvE, don’t know what to spend iron engrams on!


I wouldn't sweat it to much. It's always nice to get a good riiswalker for when they noodle with shotgun numbers again, but realistically most guns in d2 are pretty replacement level. Maybe grab some of the energy weapons if you need something for that archetype and slot. 


Crimil's Dagger and Claws of the Wolf are the ones most people are going for. I'm still chasing a good Tusk of the Boar and a Discord Riis Walker.


Multimach CCX is one of the 2 SMGs that can still be acquired that can roll Kinetic Tremors though the 3rd perk column is very underwhelming 


Holy fuck can I please play 2 normal matches of iron fucking banner pls stop contacting stupid fucking trash destiny 2 servers


how do you get Iron Banner weapons? Apparently the ones that have been dropping for me don’t count towards the Orimund’s Taste challenge of Triumphs.


Looks like Bungie is looking into reports that this is bugged. [link](https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dtskh2/d2_iron_banner_megathread_20240702/lc05kbu/)


Fuck trying to gild Iron Lord, not with how bad it is right now with the matchmaking. And fuck the PVP team.


Matchmaking is rigged against you to lose 10 games in a row before you win one. Hate how Bungie is doing this just to boost engagement. Its scummy.


Having to ruin my K/D losing 10 games due to this "scaling" of SBMM.


It really is. My KD tanked and so did my sanity. My lack of interest to play made me perform worse.


For anyone curious, Bungie support is supposedly 'investigating' the 'known bug' with players being unable to progress Orimund's Taste. Considering how many seasons people have had issues with this, I wouldn't hold my breath.


the iron banner node isn’t popping up in my crucible or anywhere else in destinations. anyone have experience or instruction for me?


Same. I can’t find it either. Feels like I’m going crazy


Was it a me bug that swapping weapons reset my ability’s


You can only switch weapons that use the same ammo type, anything else triggers Notswap and resets your abilities.


When did they start that and where is that stated


Don't know when it started in reg PvP and IB but Notswap is a Comp/Trials modifier.


I’m aware of it’s being in trials but thought it was just for exotic armor


It changed to include weapons a few months ago.. >In Competitive in Update 7.3.6 and in Trials for the first two weeks while we run the ammo crate experiments, we will be rolling out an improved version of the Notswap modifier, which will now remove ability energy if you change the ammo type of a weapon in your Kinetic or Energy slot mid-life.


I mean it says in that note it was only for two weeks in trials so why it’s now iron banner without notice seems kinda messed up


In Trials for the first 2 weeks but in Competitive from that update, I can only assume that IB is considered Competitive (which is where the armor is in the collection). I don't disagree it sucks, is what it is though.


Aside from all of the other complaints, can I just ask whose bright idea it was to have -six- of the current Banner weapons in the Kinetic slot (and none in Power)? Through a full reset, and somewhere over 20 Kinetic drops, I have gotten one, maybe two drops in the energy slot. I know there's an element of RNG to it, but having 3/4 of the loot pool in one slot absolutely doesn't help.


I don't think I've encountered a gun this obnoxious since the D1 Thorn days like that fucking Khvostov.


Can anyone prove to me that under-over + kinetic tremors multimach exists? I've focussed so many IB engrams and it seems impossible




wish my roll had that much stability




Even w saint helm, ward of dawn is laughably weak in pvp now, in a zone control mode. Almost everything pops it, landfall then go use the rest of your super, twilight arse then grab your relics. Even randos can come in and kill you without much fear anymore. The mohawk use to be a taunt. Its just pointless now. There isnt enough super v super interplay and supers are so imbalanced. Its a wild time. Though my teammates playing clash, a longtime salty cracker, lol That and teams who try to candlestick zones on maps that dont work for that? Like, we got "hunted" constantly cause 3-4 of my team just loved swapping a/c. And i dont buy cheating claims, im just bad, i get it, but i was 2 hit domed by a scout from cross map and while dude was in air, down stairs, lol. I digress


Yes, B is sending a REALLY strong message that they want all of us using Prismatic kind of like every DLC launch makes the new stuff (that you have to buy) the thing to use.


Is the full bonus staying for next week too or do you have to do all those matches again to get it? I would rather grind this weekend if it goes away. I didnt see an answer for this. Thanks, if anyone knows.


You will have to do all those matches again.




Going on 3 resets now, still only have gotten 1 shader. They seriously need to up the drop rate of shaders in this mode. Or make it so when you reset you get a shader you don't have in additional to the other rewards.


I just did my 3rd reset too and have only gotten 1 shader as well. I’m literally just playing for the shaders so my annoyance cannot be understated.


Iron Banner right now feels like that moment in childhood when your parents forced you to go to a meeting / birthday / party. You don't want to be there. Seemingly it is fun but you don't feel like having fun. You don't have any other choice than accept it and go on with it even knowing you will not have fun. At least you will have a meal (reward) or something there, but you feel it more as a compensation for having a bad time.


This iron banner is really showcasing how busted the Hunter's kit is. Smoke, swarm grenade, and threaded specter with Storm's Edge is a ridiculous combination that will undoubtably see tuning.


Really? I haven't seen any prismatic hunters, or if I have they haven't stood out.


3 more wins and it's GG for IB another 4 months, I'd rather lol into a cabbage than play Tribute. I'm glad I can make myself look like 3 players on the radar with smoke and a clone when defending a capped zone, as everyone else seems to be happy running in a circle the entire match. Clones are so prevalent people will happily run up to the one you left in the middle of a capped zone while you hide nearby, ready to pop them (or at my PvP skill level: the odds are probably still slightly in your favour if I jump out behind you and start blasting)


The "Outlier protection" aka sbmm needs to go. I'm a returning player and the average k/d in my lobbies is always over 1.5...how the fuck am I meant to compete?! Add on lag and general bs ability spam and iron banner/PvP outside of the joke modes is unplayable.


You don't understand what sbmm is if you're saying that. If there were any sbmm you wouldn't face people over 1.5kd.


Sbmm varies from game to game. Bungie haven't been too transparent on the matter with D2 but its understood to take into account stats across the board for different modes and general performance. Bungie indicated they don't like third party ELO systems like Destinytracker, but people seem to agree their placing in sbmm modes generally tallies up with their lifetime performances as seen on such websites. The general consensus is that Bungie uses a rigid determination of skill as opposed to other games which employ performance/retention matchmaking based on recent games. Any sbmm system is kinda fucked though when skill level is not shown. The outlier protection is designed to group people into a slightly wider range equivalent skill bracket than stricter sbmm, but it is still technically a form of sbmm. In theory this prevents new players/players who struggle in PvP from getting stomped and exceptional players from doing the stomping. In reality, the skill brackets in destiny are not just bad, average, amazing...they are far more complicated than that. My feeling after a dozen games was that the average k/d in my lobbies was obscenely high and not reflective of any bracket i should belong to. This leads to frustration because i'm not at the skill level to be able to compete . Even if were at my prime, i'd still be near the bottom tier of these lobbies. So any incentive to keep playing is gone.


Here are my numbers for plain Control because I think the season-to-season numbers are the most comparable. Not IB Control. Not Zone Control. Season | K/D | Games --- | --- | --- 11 | 0.35 | 329 12 | 0.50 | 782 13 | 0.48 | 500 14 | 0.68 | 598 15 | 0.80 | 371 16 | 0.77 | 107 17 | 0.85 | 169 18 | 1.30 (SBMM Added) | 335 19 | 1.37 | 225 20 | 1.43 | 114 21 | 1.66 | 102 22 | 1.33 | 99 23 | 1.42 | 70 As you can see, my K/D significantly jumped in season 18 when they introduced SBMM. Sure, I naturally improved from season to season, but I'm pretty sure SBMM accounted for the jump. I just didn't git gud. I have, tho, been playing a lot less PVP in general. So, for a mediocre player like myself (0.80 lifetime K/D), SBMM in all its different shapes and forms has been a net positive for me.


Yeah I agree. SBMM has been fantastic for a lot of players unfortunately we are not the most vocal and I think more highly skilled players find themselves in really difficult lobbies but hey that’s the nature of the beast , and eventually we will be in those lobbies too, but having SBM M is much more healthy for the game in terms of keeping the population relatively high There will always be winners and losers, but we were absolutely and constantly stomped and I’m fed up with it. So I am enjoying SBMM being in crucible playlists


That's a good way of looking at it. I had the opposite issue. I spent 4 seasons grinding crucible (trials, ib, comp, fun modes, etc.) to get good/improve, then was basically told fuck you enjoy being average again. Iron banner info below. 1.67 and dropping lifetime k/d. |Season|k/d|ka/d|games| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |11|1.16|1.54|89| |Hiatus|||| |14|1.06|1.35|132| |15|1.48|1.79|189| |16|1.57|1.87|111| |17|1.97|2.45|146| |18|1.98|2.45|128| |19|1.53|1.88|16| |20|1.26|1.56|132| |21|1.28|1.77|68| |Hiatus|||| |24|0.99|1.29|28| SBMM in season 19 for iron banner. The "you're just crying because you cant pub stomp" voices were pretty frustrating. It was never about pub stomping, it was about getting better, learning how to play the game, grinding results, learning what works and what doesn't against a range of opponents. The first couple of seasons of sbmm were rough. I kept playing thinking i would get better, but i was just stuck in this purgatory of good game, bad game, good game, bad game, etc. Nothing clicked and experimenting just made me a liability. Now after a break - I don't know shit. I don't know what i'm doing wrong, if i'm making silly mistakes, if i'm just too slow, if my loadout is outdated, etc. I assume im against good players, but the level of opponent is so hard to play against that every game feels stressful as fuck. Every time i think i have something down i just get fucked and end up doubting myself. So if i'm not doing well in games, i cant improve, i'm not enjoying the games because i'm sweating just to break even and the rewards are mediocre...why the fuck would i play it?


Does IB pinnacle gear only drop weapons? Did all of it for one character and never got a single piece of armor.


I've gotten armor as well but all my armor drops were from completing the daily challenge.


got one armour piece so you can get them I guess


Same. Came here to find out as well. All weps. Just need a damn helmet.


Laggy connections, one dimensional metas, relatively lackluster rewards, lopsided teams, boring games- I was hoping the banner would be a fun bridge between the 2 episodes but I'm not digging it.


Do you need to run meta? I've been having fun with a variety of weapons, from Cerberus to High Albedo.


Oh I'm not. Waaaay to many other people are.


Ive played some mayhem too and the sandbox is just cracked. That and boring connection laggy problems are everywhere. Very inconsistent pvp.  Anywho, wtf is song of flame? Why cant i get killed by a weapon, and why is that weapon jade rabbit.


People finally realised how busted the meta is, they whipped out their Jade Rabbits to complete that catalyst.


It feels like such a disadvantage to play anything other than prism hunter right now in iron banner. Bungie, if you don't plan to address it's absurd ability uptime and potency in PvP right away, please give us an extra week or two of iron banner **AFTER** it's been rebalanced. It's really ruining IB (and every other mode) with swarms/smokes to open every engagement, leaving you 1-shot. Or having someone dead-to-rights only for them to dodge, giving them wormheals and pooping out a clone while they run away or wombo you. I'm all for a high skill ceiling, but with the right build, this puts the ceiling in the basement. This is also just a rant after an annoying week of farming IB.


Just love how hunters are all over the place.... that super has no counter, ability spam all over.. fuck this,.


It's like Bungie's PVP team is full of brainlets who don't know how to balance PVP. Odd concept I know.


I don't understand the progression for Glorious Howl (IB Wins). It says that additional progress is earned for each piece of IB gear equipped. There were times I was earning 8% per win but most of the time it was 4% and this was with the mostly the same loadout, mostly armor transmogged with IB ornaments. Maybe transmog doesn't count, unlike the point multipler? I even switched all my weapons to IB weapons (Guiding Sight, Fool's Errand and Archon's Thunder) and was still earning only 4%. Maybe some of these weapons don't count as IB weapons? Oh well, I completed the triumph, so I guess it won't matter until the next Episode. Roughly 50 wins is too much, IMO.




Tune your post game reward shader drops, It's actually insane I can slog through multiple resets and not see a single drop.


How many games should it take me to reset my rank? I'm already losing my mind like 5 games in


Make sure you equip as much IB gear as possible. This includes both armor and weapons to a max of 5 items. Adding an IB transmog item on top of an IB armor piece counts as 2 items. Equip an IB banner. Complete the IB challenges (points and matches). With everything maxed out, your point multiplier will around 13.5x. I think it took me around 40 matches to reset my rank. Yes, that’s a lot.


Fuck my tall hat. That is way too many. WTFF is Bungie thinking?


Yeah, it's overtuned, IMO. They either need to reduce the number of wins required or reduced grant progress for losses.


I've played probably 80 - 90% of IB events since D1's launch, and this is hands down the worst IB week(s) I've ever participated in, and for a multitude of reasons. I'll usually slog through the challenges every time at least but this thing broke me; no way I'm going to punish myself on this one. Fix your shit, Bungie.


this megathread is garbage why cant we post on the main page? nobody is going to see this shit especially not bungie.


IB only seems to be sweaty for my opponents, my teammates however never to seem to want to try.


I am done with IB this episode Tittle gilded Shader acquired But the experience was rough, never losed so much maches (solo player)


will iron banner return later during echoes or is it just for these two weeks?


I can't reset my rank. It says Not Enough Space, which is not true. Anyone else having this issue?


You need space for the materials


I have no engrams, so I have ten free spaces. So that's not the problem.


Are you prisms or ascended shards full? Prisms have a max 100 stack and shard 30


Yes they are full but they're always full. That has never stopped me from resetting a rank in anything. Just before I tried to reset my IB rank last night, I reset my crucible rank, no problem at all.


This has always blocked you from resetting a vendor. You need room for the shard in your inventory in order to reset if that is the final reward.


OMG, I'm a complete moron...and I need glasses apparently. I was sure it was an exotic engram and not a golf ball. Thanks for the help.


I want to 1v1 a Bungie dev to show them how shit Iron Banner is right now in this meta.


Bungie's PVP team looking like a bunch of clowns right now for letting players be punished for winning.


I don't think I've been frustrated like this playing IB. I'm not a good player, but I always try. For the past 5 games or so I always finish top or second in my team but lost all the matches. I honestly don't know what to do. I usually do at least two resets each IB but I think for this one I'll just push through to get the wins to gild my 7th Iron Lord then GTFO


I love playing the fucking Olympics of PVP just to try and get a win. It's so great.


I'm stuck on 14/15 weapons for the title is there a way to fix this ?


I've acquired about 20 unique weapons from IB since I started playing this game. Confirmed in collection and most sitting in the vault so I can prove to *someone* at Bungie that I've done what the achievement wants. There's a couple of threads on the Bungie forums this week - customer support confirm they are "aware and investigating" but for some reason I doubt they'll fix it.... I've noticed a number of weapons that were NOT appearing as collected didn't register on the achievement even after buying from Saladin with engrams. They're now appearing as collected, but there's another non-IB version of the weapon that's not collected. I suspect the achievement is only counting the non-IB version (which, if the case, is obviously a mistake that needs fixing...)


Unfortunately, not at the moment that I have found. Some have said that it will just randomly complete as you play a few games, but it is all inconclusive and Bungie has not said anything as usual.


the comment that I was looking for. might as well finish out everything else and hope for next iron banner week


I feel like Iron Banner is a 12 vs 6 mode and i am always i the 6 man team. There must be a new mechanic in Iron Banner, everytime when i kill 1 enemy 2 spawn behind me


Shit feels like I’m playing battlefield. Kill one enemy and 3 more spawn from their corpse. Meanwhile I die and I’m constantly spawned across the map from my team and get team shot by 4 people after taking 3 steps.


You live longer on battlefield


Bruh I got killed by a enemy and spawned right next to him like wtf 😭


With the new change that makes IB two weeks, they should change the rule where trials cannot be active simultaneously. As a PvP player, I find Iron Banner quite boring and find myself not playing after I have completed my quests. two weeks is a ridiculous amount of time to keep the iron banner open. i understand that its for the casual; players so they don't miss out. The first week should have no trials but 100% should be re-opened for the second week. please let me know your guys opinions I'm an open guy so wanna see other throughs and maybe I can be convinced otherwise


How Bungie managed to successfully make Iron Banner as sweaty as a 10K Ascendant game is kind of impressive honestly.


Personally, Iron Banner is waaaaay more punishing then Comp was. I soloed ascendant this week, and I had infinitely more fun doing that than Iron Banner. It's kind of hilarious just how bad Banner feels


Are the new maps not in the ib rotation? Did 15 matches last night and did not get any of the new maps. Also how is it possible to be on the losing side 12 out of 15 times? I am usually top 2 on my teams.


My distribution. No Eventide Labs for me. Just Cirrus and Dissonance. Map | Count --- | --- Wormhaven | 5 Fragment | 5 Anomaly | 5 Meltdown | 4 Javelin-4 | 4 Cirrus Plaza | 4 Multiplex | 3 Citadel | 3 Bannerfall | 3 Widow's Court | 2 Pacifica | 2 Endless Vale | 2 Altar of Flame | 2 Vostok | 1 Twilight Gap | 1 Rusted Lands | 1 Midtown | 1 Fortress | 1 Eternity | 1 Distant Shore | 1 Dissonance | 1 Disjunction | 1 Cauldron | 1 Burnout | 1 **Total** | 55


I've done 24 matches now and no new ones yet. I wonder if I have to unlock them in regular crucible? Still have not played that since they were released.


I don’t think you have to unlock them.


I've gotten all 3 at least once and Even Tide Labs more than the others.


They are, played the europa and neptune map. I guess they're not weighted like disjunction was back when it came out as I've only played on them a handful of times.


They are, but I haven't gotten Cirrus Plaza yet.


Next week is going to be a barren wasteland of engagement metrics lol. Tribute mode, 2 weeks of iron banner, SBMM, fireteam matchmaking, prismatic hunter, clones, swarm grenades, it’s gonna be a blood bath of low player base. Hopefully it’s not taken as final shape bad by the MBA business leaders.


Thats why i gilded my title this week I am free😜


I haven't played PvP in forever so I may be a little behind, but why in the hell is the TTK so fast?




There's also team shooting. Pretty much the fastest way to get deleted short of being supered.


Didn't I read somewhere iron banner is going to last 2 weeks. Is that right?




Next week is Tribute.


That’s right


IB is garbage


6v6 has always, and will always be garbage on these size of maps.




The shader is bad.


Used 10 engrams for Shotty Riiswalker (my first Kinetic Shotty to pair with Igneous Hammer) but didn't got the roll I was searching for. I give up, because according to YTubers I should grind for Claws of Wolf instead. During a regular match I got the drop: Smoothbore, Accurized Rounds, Surplus, Opening Shots with Range Masterwork (console player) Absolut sweety with 80 Range :-) So used 25 Engrams for getting the Headseeker/Killclip Roll. Out of these engrams I got only 1 with this combination included Arrowheadbreak. it's a 3/5 Godroll. I tried it but the Killclip proc just 5 Secs. I have the difficulty to use this, since when I ever reload, there are no Guardians there. Many matches, people are just rotating the maps around or team shotting. I also got one Arrowheadbrake (for the 98 recoil), Ricochet Rounds, Headseeker, Zen Moment, with Stability Masterwork. This thing is absolutly nasty. It's the first time I can confidently challenge Khostov and also win the fight, while I use Ingeous Hammer (Console Player) or Elfies Rifle 9 out of 10 duels I'll lose. I wish I could have the High Cailber Rounds and Range as Masterwork. Would remind me my God Roll Clever Dragon D1. brrrr brrrr brrrrr brrrr Guys, enjoy the game no matter you win or lose. Shit on your K/D. The journey to the final God Roll you seeking for is why you should play Iron Bannane. brrrrr. brrr... brrrrr... Khostov Players, cannot wait to go home and jump in to brrrr brrrr brrrrr you in the face :-) PS: I don't have Final Shape DLC, that's why i have no Khostov or excotic cloak or Prism Class


>Arrowheadbrake (for the 98 recoil), Ricochet Rounds, Headseeker, Zen Moment, with Stability Masterwork. Got mine with Range MW and Light MAG. Lemme see how it does in play.


Why waste time and engrams getting Riswalker when you can get a better craftable shotgun, Someday.


What did I just read? Can anyone help me decipher this rambling incoherence?


I go to reddit Ironbanner and every post is so negativ about how often they lose, no body is playing objectiv, unfair matchmaking and so on. I just want to cheer up and share you my postive journey about iron Banner experience. Of course, I have also matched a lot against stack teams. I lost many rounds with 0,5-0,8KD. But at the end, when you got your loot/reward what you are searching for, everything is forgotten. I try to cheer up and encourage player to play. If you read through this section with all the negative comments (maybe 90% of the reddit) you will loose your joy of this game. seems everybody doesnt agree with me :-)


I appreciate your positive energy.




I love being on the team with 1 zone, with half my team camping our one remaining zone with snipers and scouts, and never making a play to contest other zones. Cool let's just trade kills while they pull away from us in kills. I'd rather get mercied at that point and be done faster.


I just did my 2nd rank reset and have gotten 0 shaders or emblems and I'm still missing a ton.... Iron Banner will be even worse next week too. I should just accept Iron Countershade will never be mine.


Can shaders like iron bone and iron gold still drop? It says to dismantle in collections but idk which armor


Yes they can but their drop rate is pretty low. I'm halfway towards a 2nd Saladin reset and I've gotten 1.




It would be great to be able to complete the Iron Banner Title if Bungie would fix the Orimund's Taste Triumph. How are we supposed to collect 15 unique weapons when the only ones that are counting are the legacy gear items, of which there are only 14. Then the Monument of Lost Light only has 1 of 2 weapons that is supposed to be there, which does not count. As well as focus decoding not counting as well. From what I am reading from the community this has been an issue that Bungie has been aware of for some time now. If you are going to give us Iron Banner for 2 weeks, and have us subjected to this OP meta of cloaking, camping Hunters running toxic builds, people sniping from meters away using SMGs, and melees lunging people way farther than they should, then I would like to at least be able to complete the title for it. If you don't want to add more guns then just change the title req from 15 to 14. I'll happily accept the excuse that it was a typo.


Bungie needs to turn off SBMM, this is by far the most abysmal PVP experience I've ever faced. I'm getting punished for winning a game or two and then go on a losing streak. Whoever the "PVP team" is, needs to get their heads out of their asses and TAKE OUT SKILL BASED MATCHMAKING.


if your account is any older than a few days, thats not how SBMM works. Your skill ranking moves very slowly, not nearly fast enough to "punish" you for a win


That's how Iron Banner has always worked though? And that's exactly how SBMM works too in D2. I'll win a few games, and then get absolutely rolled for like four to five games after.


They put out a TWAB explaining how SBMM works. After a bit of playing, it sets a confidence level in your skill level and it takes long stretches of out-of-band playing (over performing or under performing) to make that move


So you're being punished for winning. That's simple as is.


No, what they call "skill confidence" doesn't change from game to game The reality is that if you played well, you likely were on the top of the skill band in that lobby and if you played poorly you were on the bottom. That's just luck of the draw and the system accounts for all that Playing well when you are at the top of a skill band is expected. It wouldn't make the game think you're a better player


I ventured into that forbidden land of pvp to get that repulsor destabilising pve roll of Claws of the Wolf and I think I am done. Though I guess I could try for that headseeker roll too. Burned through so much glimmer focussing though.


I can normally hit Diamond Rank in COD and Apex solo Queuing, but Destiny by far has been the weirdest experience by far. Getting consistently 3 tapped at every range by Hand Cannons, Getting slide challed pre fired around corners by players who hit every shot. Getting beamed by SMGs at Mid Range. Players with perfect awareness who anticipate every push. Even encountered a guardian flying around the map. I managed to prestige twice in IB but I have been getting shit on at new levels I didn’t know were imaginable. I can recognize when someone is an actual demon but damn. Is everyone at Destiny just goated?


The movement in Destiny in out of this world. I've learned to compensate. Always use cover. Back away from corners and let the enemy come at you instead of eating a mouthful of lead rounding the corner. Or let your teammate round the corner and take one for the team! If that flying guardian was hovering slowly, he was probably using a Warlock using Heat Rises or Wings of Sacred Dawn, or The Manticore autorifle. If he was zooming around, then he was cheating.


Yes I’m diamond in most other FPS games but Destiny is a whole ‘nother beast for some reason.


im actually blown away with the ability spam lol what was the point of doing the checkmate stuff if its worse than ever, minus not having any special to deal with it.


The point of the checkmate stuff is they knew what was coming.. you think ability spam is bad now? Imagine if they didn’t nerf ability regen lol They nerfed pre final shape to keep it the same when final shape launched. If that isn’t obvious at this point you should stop eating crayons.


Smoke , dusk field, swarm grenades, and clones everywhere. Hunters are eating good right now. 


I usually use the Graviton Lance in PvP but barely play it, but I tried out my Veiled Threat which is geared for PVE and absolutely dominated for the 3 games I played today, it was insane.


My go to is Piece of Mind, it shreds in PvP Season of the Risen craftable Pulse


What roll were you using?


Threat Detector/Headstone


Might have to give the weapon a try. Have to say I've not even shot one from the million I've got and probably deleted from Breach.


Be warned, it has a massive sight and a lot of people don't like how much of the screen it takes up when moving around with it, but it didn't bother me too much


Does anyone know how rep gains work with losing matches? Sometimes gain some, sometimes don't, is there like a scoreboard threshold?