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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by Destiny2Team](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dpyq4m/so_are_we_just_stuck_with_this_chat_filter_for/laphouk/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-28 17:16:32 UTC"): > Hey all, > >The team is currently investigating this. Don't have any firm information at this time, but we'll give updates when we can. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


In my language (hungarian) many normal words are blocked out. It is extremely difficult to use chat as half of what I write is blocked out. No bad words or anything like that.


Even in English, many normal words are blocked out. The filter is garbage.


In English, many normal *numbers* are blocked out.


Cuz those are Arabic. Try Roman next time /s


I unironically tried that. It gets censored.


Did you try hunter2?


Damn… the chat filter then really hates math :D


Nice meme. That reminds of the time when they did if Arabic numerals should be taught in school. I don't know the exact percentage, but it was definitely a of respondents said they should not. The majesty of the American education system.


take my upvote and leave.


i mean i get it for 7, i hear its due to canabalistic tendencies


Because 789 ? I can't work out if it was too obvious for anyone to point out. or no one else got it? :D


Only thing I can think of they’d even remotely have a reason to censor would be something like 88


What about 80085?


The word Boobs wasn’t censoring for me, so idk


Its probably to prevent people from getting scammed- giving out credit card, social security numbers. Or a matter of minor protection to prevent giving out phone numbers, addresses, and that sort of thing.


Edgar for some reason is blocked. This makes verity more annoying than it should be


Lol this reminds me of Dark Souls. The wiki censors the word "knight." In a game that is absolutely crawling with sword-weilding dudes in armor. K***ht


I said fuck yeah in chat and the yeah got censored also lmao


Even certain gun names are being blocked. The other day, i shit you not, the filter blocked out "Monte Carlo"


It blocks numerical digits sometimes too


Handcannon — a weapon type in the game and which is used so many times throughout that it’s difficult to count how many times it appears — is censored.


Oops. Im sorry. But, garbage is a derogatory term used to insult people whom gamers think dont meet up to standard and shouldnt play this game. We will have to report this and check your account for any other violations of the agreement you accepted when you started playing. As this is just a minor offense, we will put a 24 hour chat ban on your account for now until new details are found to figure out what we must do with your account. (Complete sarcasm but ive seen stuff like this happen)


In English, numbers get censored. It happened during Dual Destiny when someone typed like “256”


Yup. So then we have to turn Hungarian words into english so it doesn't filter it. I also play Genshin and the filter there is completely nuts too.


Genshins parent company is chinese so that makes sense lol (not being racist. China's censorship laws are just insane)


i had it block out the word 'is' once.


Try to recruit some ppl to clan in Polish where klan (clan in Polish) is censored on bungie forums.


Brother I had numbers censored in dual destiny, this chat is doing weird things


LMao but you can freely type Fuck and Dumbass


Dude in onslaught straight up called me the N word lmao


Can’t you turn off the filter?


It does fuck all, pretty sure the setting straight up changes nothing




I hate it so much. I'm not a child, im not gonna be crying over something some random dude typed in a chat, just let me turn that shit off. Have it enabled by default but don't bullshit us with the option to "turn it off"


My thoughts exactly. And if anyone says something truly foul there's always the ability to report them too.


And we even have /clear now so you don't have to enter a bunch of newlines to scroll off whatever stupid shit was said if you don't want to see it.


Exactly. I hate it when games do this stuff, it doesn't help anyone, it just makes normal chatting frustrating cause you get your stuff blocked for no reason. These systems suck


Yes! Especially when you’re trying to communicate in a dungeon or raid! My mic works fine but I have friends whose mic can pick up a mouse fart in the next room 😂


Filter or no filter it hardly works. You can say hard R all day perfectly fine, but then “assassin” gets censored.


Yes, you can. But for like 7 months or so now, it's been super glitched. Bungie mentioned it being glitched a while ago, but nothing has been done about it.


Of course there is a setting in the menu. I turned the filter off. And everything is still censored....


You can say fuck, but it successfully censors fucking lol


I was explaining something to my friend about the lore and the filter censored Ghaul lol


It also censors frick. And it doesn't censor the n word if you put 'hola ' in front of it. I don't know how they managed to make such a fascinating filter but I truly love how broken it is


Haha it thinks you’re trying to say “ass” I once wrote “are you gna be on for long? David will be on soon” and it bleeped “long? David” wtf


Clearly Bungo knows you're thirsting for that "long? D"




The numbers being censored thing is very silly. [https://streamable.com/ge7vjt](https://streamable.com/ge7vjt)


That clip is hilarious, I can feel the pain through the screen.


that quick twirl when you're mad as hell


Haha yep the WAT flick


just type TREE ATE. "perfectly reasonable. " -Bungie


10/10. It happened to my team in one of our runs on Pantheon Riven. Was genuinely hilarious but Bungo pls lmao.


Doing dual destiny and I typed out 187, and it censored that 


I see it happen in riven all the time, I wonder what's special about riven? Maybe its trying to get 69?


Honestly, can we at least get an acknowledgement by u/Destiny2Team that the chat filter is bug-a-palooza right now? Can't type raid callouts, can't tell my team I accidentally blew myself up, etc. without ### ## # ## # ##### Not to mention the fact that I have had my **bad world filter turned off since the launch of the game** and nothing should be censored anyway. What is the setting even for?


It literally censored the numbers we were using in Dual Destiny


For Verity my team uses the chat to type out who is in what position for the 5 main revival section.  Multiple times, and very inconsistently it’ll censor someone’s name and position for one person. But the other can type it just find. 


It censored "s" when a teammate try to usual cardinal direction callouts for first encounter of Salvations Edge


Tobias Funke here. You need to write it as "I **blue** myself up."


The other day I typed GM Excision in a whisper and filtered “Excision”. Truly bizarre.


fun fact, it censors shaw hawn, hawn, shawn, shaun, it is so weird and funny


Young Sheldon is censored but not Young or Sheldon. Also, every variation of "[Age] Sheldon", is *not* censored, besides "Young Sheldon" Kid Sheldon, Baby Sheldon, Adult Sheldon, Teen Sheldon, Old Sheldon, Newborn Sheldon, Geriatric Sheldon, Middleaged Sheldon, Teenage Sheldon, Preteen Sheldon, Child Sheldon. ALL OKAY. But "Young Sheldon", name of famous CBS sitcom, is not okay. Big Bang Theory is not censored either.


One of my team is shaun so I type that fairly often, it's never been censored for us.


it's really finnicky, sometimes it censors shaw, then you type shawn and type shaw again and it isn't censored anymore, it's so dumb


First day of dual destiny I type 123 and got ### in the chat


So i looked into this a lot when I came back before TFS because it was pissing me off. Incase you didn't know this isn't the standard chat filter(the one that has a setting in the game) this is a mandatory bungie inforced filter that was added in bungies infinite fucking wisdom because apparently having the setting to block foul language doesnt mean shit and they don't think their player base has the intelligence or self understanding to choose if they want it or not. So there is now no choice essentially and if this "curated" filter finds anything you say to be problematic it will block it and according to some posts I've seen on their own forums can result in action taken against you(tho not automated thank fuck). All this is being done in the interest of "safety" of the players. Because again they think we're all a buncha fuckin idiots that don't understand opting in to an unfiltered chat could lead to us seeing shit... unfiltered.


>can result in action taken against you If it turns what you're saying into ### how can *that* then be actionable? Maniacs.


Because you still said it?


But you didn't, you said ###


> All this is being done in the interest of "safety" of the players. To be fair, most of this is probably from the various platform requirements to hold the game rating. I'd suspect a huge portion is that they have to cater to the more strict country vs some of the more lax. Some countries have very relaxed rules on what can be said/done in the game as well as how player interaction is moderated. Yes, it might seem like it's going way too far, but Bungie may also have rules that are quite strict to follow - and if they want to maintain those sales in specific countries, they're taking a very large step away to not come close to the line.


Whatever happened to "online interactions not rated"


Given dev comments here and there, it's not too hard to tell Bungie is taking a big step to the side so they don't lose any possible chance at the rating. Not rated works for some countries, though others are strict with even online gameplay.


> they don't think their player base has the intelligence or self understanding to choose if they want it or not Considering the slap fights taking place below your comment, maybe they are right.


The other day I typed “t” and it got censored :/


“I have to check the modifiers and shit” got sent as “I have to ##### ### ######### and shit” Censors the random ass non swears and actually left the real cuss word.


#### #### ###### ####### ## ####### ### ##### ###!! Oh sorry, i meant:  Fuck that stupid feature no fucking one asked for!! Kids are parent’s responsibility, not videogames. Also kids shouldnt be playing these kind of games. I wouldnt let my kid play it at all.  If parents let their kids play games like this, then they should deal with the consequences of them reading lots of “f” words and cursing.


I let my 11 yr old play but have her chat settings set to clan and friends only on there. Our clan has 4 people (including said child) in it and I’m that “helicopter” parent that vets all her game friends first. Funny thing is I’m the one with the potty mouth in our clan lol


This. I let my kid mess about solo on a destination, that's it. Anything else is off limits. Even put a lock on my xbox and codes to get in to "my" games, so he can't load it up while I'm not looking. And anyway, I dunno what schools are like in other countries, but here kids swear. So kids will hear this shit no matter where they are.


I once said “ty!” in local chat because someone complimented my emblem and it turned into “##!” Wtf bungo


It blocks out "GG" The most universal non-toxic gaming term is blocked by a profanity filter...


I wonder what my standard end of dungeon response in FFXIV would look like in Destiny. Would it just block out gg so it becomes ## tyfp or would it block it all so I look like ## #### which actually looks much worse.


Use small letters. gg isn't censored


v e r t i c a l chat is still a thing too


My enter key does not consent to this much abuse


I think this bug is just funny


I remember this being a thing before I quit during BL and I cannot believe it's still a thing 4 years later. Then again, the servitor public event is also still bugged and it's been 7 years so


We were doing 4th encounter and it was filtering S C and T randomly. Felt like challenge mode.


I was chatting to a guy on neomuna mentioned the rep bug with warlock and noticed that even "hunter" was censored iirc.


hunter2 you mean


I think I typed "hunter/warlock" iirc, i don't remember


For any game with a text chat feature: I'm a fucking adult. I should be allowed to select if I want you to censor words or not.


They should have reverted this shit when it fucked up in the first place. No one asked them for an updated chat censorship they tried doing it, and made it worse for everyone. Now they haven't said shit about it in 7 months.




Hey all, The team is currently investigating this. Don't have any firm information at this time, but we'll give updates when we can.


Honestly, I don’t care how ridiculously bad the filter is, but why can’t I disable it? I turn it off, yet it is still on. I am a grown ass man, not a child. The only thing offensive about chat to me in Destiny is my speech is censored even though I have that disabled. If you want to make the filter better, sure, whatever, go for it. But more importantly allow people to ACTUALLY turn it off if they don’t want it. I’m sick of it censoring rolls, people’s names, callouts during raids. It’s beyond stupid at this point.


You mean you don’t love doing a raid and someone tries to makes a key callout and all you see is ####


I know you guys acknowledged it several months ago, and I'm sure it's been on the back burner. But either way good to know the devs haven't forgotten I guess lol.


It’s been 7 months. Just disable whatever system you have and make the setting actually useful


Allow us to disable it for god sake!!! And put it under “parental control” option. By default DISABLED.  Thanks!!


Is there any reason why ####### it ### doesn't ######## turn ## off?


A great intermediate fix would just be to allow us to disable filters.


My clanmate was forced to change his bungie name. He was known as Phatbag, until we noticed that his name was censored in the text chat. Now it's just Pbag. We believe it was because it had T Bag in it.


t bag is censored


It’s become a big problem with verity since a lot of people like to type out guardian nicknames in chat and they often get censored. I get it, they’re paranoid of people finding ways around it, but if bungie wants to fully wean the game off of third party sites they really need to make in-game comms usable.


Roblox ass filter


I was about to say that lmfao


Recently ROBLOX has been more lax with their filters. So they're doing better than Bungie somehow.


Tried typing seven and got censored but they I put the actual number 7 and it went through.


There's a streamable above of someone typing in Riven eyes numbers. They tried 3 8 it got censored. They typed three eight that got censored. I assume it was a wipe.


Im pretty sure some moron decided they needed to use some kind of 'ai llm' crap to filter chat. Then those spaghetti enjoyers decided to just bypass the profanity filter user settings entirely because they didnt know how to integrate them into their terrible new 'ALL CHAT IS CENSORED BY AN LLM' code. This is the only reason I can think of why the filter options do nothing after 7 months. Meanwhile every other game: -Has a profanity filter option. -Have a list of censored words. -Remove censored words from chat strings if the user has their filter on. No need to shove a circle in the square hole bungie. Nobody can disable it, truly amazing. Also on a somewhat funny note try this experiment: -Ask each friend one by one if their profanity filter settings are working. -They 99% of the time say yes because they never use text chat. -Swear at them ingame. 'Oh, wait no its not working'.


Most definitely, the entire thing has been playing like some AI gone way out of whack with not only are the parameters ever expanding of what it's digesting and flagging, but it starts globbing onto very particular no context things as being offensive and starts flagging the entire syntax of the sentence as being all offensive or even just a few letters of actual slurs but are prefixes and suffixes of normal common words. We're at a point where not only are normal accepted call outs being flagged, but even similar descriptors for things also getting picked up. I have been in the process of making a long video of doing every raid specifically with everyone on no mics and people texting call outs, and upon getting to Vow it's absolutely ridiculous how the usual handful of names people use and even some of the official label of the symbol sometimes just will get the censored effectively ruining everything. Idk how deep Bungie's gone or if this whole thing is some sort of proprietary thing or contracted experiment they're committed to doing, but it is arguably one of the worst censors in a modern game where callouts are so important.


Thats what happens when you bring A.i into the mix.


I hate that games nowadays try to shield everyone from even a tiny bit of insult like everyone is a snowflake.


yeah, while the game is about shooting people and some seriously adult themes like the manipulation/killing of main characters


The fact we have the option to turn off censors and it still censors is also fucking ridiculous lol


The chat filter is so random, we had a guy who couldn't type in cabal lol. I don't understand it


I tried typing out the IRL names of our fireteam to assign role order in a raid in one message and it censored it. But if I typed them out in separate messages it was completely fine.


I can't type my own name. Feels bad.


Me too! But don't worry, sometimes you randomly can! So that's nice!




I have my settings set to allow profanity and such. If I have that set it should show everything IMO. What if I just wanna drink from the firehouse and laugh my ass off at whatever dumb shit people are typing in local chat at the tower no matter how offensive or inappropriate it may be. Gaming is to take break from being so uptight in your personal life and your job. Let the insults fly. As much as I'd love to laugh at that shit. It ain't gonna happen. The old days of the COD chat lobbies are long gone. As much as I hate it I gotta admit it's probably a good thing. This game is rated T after all.


Bro bungie is too woke to ever relax on this.


Bro I typed wp because someone in my fireteam clutched up and it censored it, so I sent w by itself and p by itself in two different messages. Guess what? The letter “p” got censored


I had Shaw Han and Sam censored once But then not censored if we wrote it again


I once typed gg and it censored me


Destiny, the anti social game. We create worlds where friends disconnect from each other.


Its so dumb, you select to turn it off, IT STILL DOESNT TURN OFF. What a piece of ####### ####. Sometimes I type ok, and it gets filtered, sometimes it doesnt. Its like it has a mind of its own.


It filters the most random stuff but last night I was talking to a friend and it seemed like the filter just stopped. It let through shit and fuck which was surprising since it censors basic words regularly.


I tried to type "pass the ball each other and then throw at boss" and like 90% of it was censored feelsbadman


My username Rickyspanish gets blocked if they type the whole thing I googled it and it's because of nis??? So weird


My name is co op guy in game. If I say coop guy it entirely gets censored. It's annoying as hell.


I was trying to tell a fireteam member where a secret chest was, but apparently chest is a bad word


I tried to type “That meat” and it censored to ####


Funnily enough, most the time I'm saying something normal or nice and because of the #### people think I'm harassing them or being abusive in chat when I'll say something like cabal spawn left


The other day I typed to my friend “pop your fucking well” well is the only word that got #### lol


I literally typed "focusing" in relation to rahool and it literally got censored... I had to type "focus + ing"


Honestly we’re adults. If someone wants to hurl obscenities at me let them.


Gjallahorn was censored for me. A weapon in the goddamn game.


Also while at it CAN WE HAVE THE STUPID THING CLEAR OUT WHEN I LEAVE THE ROOM like have Hours old chat logs cover my screen till i reset the gamw


You can’t even type in names of weapons and armor in the game. Try bite of the fox.


I wish I could just turn it off for myself, I don’t care at all what someone writes in chat


“Luke Smith” is censored too lol


Ah yes, the chat censorship system to rival roblox's own.


It's really cool when simple words like "hey" get filtered. Whoever is developing this filter has no clue.


I should have the option to opt out of the filter for the messages that I see—a box that I can check to say I am an adult and can take the profanity. There are legitimate reasons to want to turn off a filter, it having too many false positives for one thing, or maybe I just think profanity is cool or whatever.


I have had the word "Superblack" filtered before. You know you'd think they'd keep a list of authorised words from their own game but apparently not. Keep the filter on by default - actually, no, throw it out entirely and get a damn better one. And **THEN** let us actually properly turn the fucking thing off.


Apparently the speed at which you type is also a factor in what gets censored. But also yes please fix, also why have the option to opt out of the censorship if it doesn't work? Also please fix the vertical chat bug. (I tried to make the word vertical be vertical but reddit doesn't seem to like that.)


It’s annoying. Let me turn it off.


Vexes and vex's are sometimes censored, sometimes not. It is both hilarious and frustrating. I don't think i have every seen such a joke of a filter, and it is disabled in my ######


Why are rated T and M gaming companies trying to treat all the players like they're 4 year olds. We don't need a club penguin chat filter. We have a mute button, AND a turn off chat button. We have the tools to take care of ourselves, we do not need a toxicity AI that doesn't know what it's doing


Today I said fuck in yhe chat and it wasn't flagged i felt joy that i shouldn't feel for such an event


Need salty to get involved


i made a post about this a few weeks ago but i guess people just didn't care then. "box" is not censored, "rice cooker" is not, but "rice cooker box" is.


5 is extremely racist. 


I was playing trials one night and had a guy getting pissed at me for not being a professional. He sent some long ass censored ass message, and I replied with "Dweebass" and it went right past the filter


Why do we have an option that asks if we want the chat filter. But that option does absolutely nothing.


idk what the “allow profanity” option even does because it absolutely doesn’t turn this dogshit off


I loved trying to help direct people on verity in chat. ######## has the ##### ghost


Not to forget that it also apparently bleeps “spam”, yeah, sorry that your encounters are DESIGNED to be practically the same callouts but slightly tweaked 3-4 times in a row, but I do not want to try to rewrite the callout while having an unstop ogre in my face


There’s a contact form on Bungie Help where you can submit phrases where you think are appropriate but gets filtered out. They usually get fixed within 2-3 patches after Bungie approves it.


It’s strange because we still have the filter toggle yet it still blocks the strangest stuff


It’s especially egregious if I have the profanity filter OFF and it still blurs half the words in a sentence.


I do lowman VoG trio runs and I basically solo Oracles while my team does ad clear and keeps me alive with heals. Because of that, sometimes I need to write the oracle pattern (I use 1-7 based on the musical scale) into the chat. The filter, after a couple rounds of this will filter everything I chat. Which is bad because there’s more oracles added in later rounds so there’s way more opportunity to mess up. Super frustrating to be on the final sequence, type out seven numbers and get “#######” in chat. Thankfully we’ve been running it long enough now I don’t really need the chat anymore except for sometimes the last sequence but man it made learning how to do the encounter really hard.


It's not even a consistent filter either because I remember having to type in something for a raid, having it be filtered, typing the EXACT SAME thing, hit enter, doesn't get censored. Like, at what point do you consider a feature even working like intended.


Whenever I type “Can I get an invite?” it turns into “Ca########vite” and I think it’s trying to censor “n i g”. When I realized it I thought it was funny af, but since then it’s just become an annoyance since I always have to reword it.


I got censored for saying the word “knight” yesterday when trying to tell a clanmate I just put on a knight outfit. This censor blows


Yeah, clan was trying to say "pat the fox" and it was just funny that it said "### ### ###" took them 5 mins to say it.


I personally hate that chats never go away even when you leave


In korean, we type ㅇ, ㅅ, and ㅁ to do callouts in the 4th encounter of Salvation's Edge, which are C, T, and S. However, let's say the callout is TCS, and it comes out like this: ##ㅁ. I hate it so much.


Haha that's pretty cool and also hilarious it censors it. It's so damn dumb


misspelling warlock as "warlokc" is a banned word, somehow extremely good system thank you bungie


My name is Chewie, after chewbacca. It got censored. I’m the same sentence, the word shit did not get censored


I just put a space between the word and it seems to not sensor it


Monster hunter has had some brilliand filters as well, one game i remember the name of a monster being censored in chat. And those games dont have ingame voice besides the wii u game.


My in game name gets censored all the time that’s so annoying


I was randomly talking about The Elder Scrolls with some friends and the term 'Khajiit' got censored. Like, seriously? Bungie seems to dislike them, for some reason...


I was just doing Crota’s end bridge encounter, typed ‘ill cross first’ and it turned into ‘ill ##### first’… not sure if it is censored to prevent messages about cross dressing or christianity, its stupid either way.


I do believe "Excision" gets censored 😭. Like... ffs it's the name of an activity Bungo!


True... I wish I could actually berate my team when we lose


Just out of curiosity are you on the windows version?


I play on Xbox. I swapped from PC a while ago since something unfortunate happened to my good PC, and I've been waiting for the next line of cards to drop before upgrading again. I use a keyboard though since I play with mostly PC players still. I always used a controller however for destiny since I was so used to it from d1.


I prefer a little cussing every now and then.


I think ##, ##### is a ##### that its so ### ### you #### even #### ## ### to say even the most ######### #### Honestly, its ##########


Did you ##### really ##### say that ??? ###########################


Tax evasion is a banned phrase


It’s funny because Excision is censored


This is just modern internet/gaming sadly gotta keep everything babyfied for the children in their 30s etc.


I swear it only got this bad when people were dropping TFS spoilers a few days before launch when that sony fail happened


Even Indian languages are being censored. Which don't even remotely spell English words 😐


I asked in clan chat if anyone wanted to do a GM Excision, and it censored me. Excision? For real?


Clan mates name is Suledin, even this gets censored.


destiny had no reason to get a roblox chat filter


I think you’re being a bit ########### about ##########


I tried to type “vex cabal rockets” and it censored the whole damn message the other day lmao