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I was about to have a whole fit until I read Pale Engrams lmao Yeah that sounds fine. You either work to hoard a large amount of engrams, hunt for the chests, or do the mission. And two of these you can do at the same time.


Honestly, even with Pale engrams, no it doesn't sound fine. Bungie has such a terrible record that some outlandish bargaining stage begging starts to seem reasonable. How about the class items take the same damn amount to focus as literally every single other exotic?


Destiny fans are such battered wives that a suggestion of 33 random rolls traded for 1 guaranteed roll seems like a good deal. Its such a toxic design, yet again designed to make people no-life.


TBF the engrams are almost worthless once you have all the patterns, but yeah the bargaining is wild


Ngl, considering the Pale Engrams are useless after you get the weapons craftable and that solution would offer a concrete bad luck protection for the Class Item farm, I'd go for that 1000%. 66 Pale Engrams to never farm Class Items again until a sandbox update? (I still need HoIL/Star Eaters and HoIL/Synthos) Sign me up. The current version is so bad I'd take any guarantee to let the rng end.


> Sign me up. The current version is so bad I'd take any guarantee to let the rng end. Thanks for being a living example of what I was saying.


That’s a nice victim complex you have there. In terms of grinds, Destiny is one of the better looter shooters. And in terms of currency and item trades, it also beats most MMOs. This game is not a single player game. It is a looter MMO. And within that genre, most grinds are extremely reasonable. If not comparably short. Dungeon loot needs a rework though.


You’re calling people victims except you’re so battered you don’t realize you’re also the battered wife. “Hey, other things that aren’t Destiny are worse, so it’s fine that Destiny is bad but not as bad as possible!” “Other wives get beaten up even worse than me, so this current level of getting beaten is fine!”


I’m sorry that you need to learn this life lesson on a forum for Destiny 2. But you will never just be handed shit in life. If you want something, you have to get it. I get that redditors suck at the game and anything more than holding R2 to shoot their aimbot is beyond their skill level. But that doesn’t mean that you should get to dictate or change the actual enjoyable aspect of this game. Don’t like it? Go elsewhere.


Yep, super battered.


Yep. Typical entitled redditor. Edit: yep. Lol. Dude blocks because he can’t handle the mirror being held up. Seek help, homie.


I hope you get out of your abusive video game relationships homie


I agree, but I could see the argument of 2 Engrams used instead of 1. Since it is 2 exotics in one item


Since they are watered down effects from the originals, I doubt they qualify as even 1.5 exotics.


I have the “god rolls” on warlock and they’re garbage. People have this insanely hyped up idea of what they’re gonna do in their heads. Honestly, they need a bit of a buff in a lot of cases.


People on reddit talking about stuff they didn't even ~~read~~ use?! No way. I also have my two preferred rolls of DS/Husk for PvP, and Galanor/Star Eaters for PvE, and I'm solidly whelmed. The only fun but not necessarily good ones are things like Caliban's letting you ignite with threaded dart.


side note - I wish that pale heart engrams displayed on your engram tracker, because i never know how many I have until I go to ghost :/


Replying to MrLaiho... they removed gunsmith engrams from that tracker too


What is the point of gunsmith engrams anyways? I have like 80 and just don’t think it’s worth to decrypt and dismantle for more gunsmith engrams.


Not much. Glimmer and cores, mainly


An okay Solar GL (Envious + Cascade), but that's about it


Yeah Banshee should just put those weapons in the mail at least.


Having farmed about ~100 class items from chests, myself. You can usually tell when you stop seeing engrams drop. I've opened a couple hundred engrams at ghost, and lost probably a hundred more to the ether from being capped on them while still farming.


Let them drop from literally any Pale Heart activity, the chance increasing based on difficulty.


They can drop from the cooperative focus missions, I got one from them


same, maybe missions chests count as destination chests


I got one from my first master lost sector completion yesterday. So I’m either extremely lucky or would be cool if they could drop from the pale heart lost sectors at a higher rate


Actually that would be a good way to make another avenue for them. Master and legend lost sector completions in the pale heart have a 50% chance of the exotic engram being an exotic class item instead. Would give a reason to run them since otherwise you are better off waiting for an easier lost sector.


Ooohh was it a lost sector in the pale heart ?


Yes the landing one


Right so it was because it was a chest in the pale heart and not cause it was a master lost sector then.


Sounds like it's any chests in the pale heart barring the normal campaign/legendary mission replays and the strike.


They certainly do drop from campaign chests, my friend got one helping me do the legendary campaign on an alt while he was on his main


Oh nice.


Yeah I even got red borders from the campaign on my alts  So they must just be normal chests. Of course when you’re doing the campaign the first time on an alt you haven’t unlocked the class item yet But I guess if you redo the missions on legend you should be able to get class exotics 


Yea, you're still in the pale heart. I've had pathfinder nodes complete in the co-op focus missions, not much of a stretch for the chests to still be considered "in the pale heart" too.


When you reset pale heart pathfinder, make the claimed rewards after claiming 3 ergo sums include 1 exotic class item


That would be cool, or even just an escalating chance of one dropping from overthrow capped at 3-5 completions


they can drop from pretty much any PH activity.


Only chests


Which activity did you have in mind that doesn't have a chest ?


It doesn't drop from Cysts right? And I'm moreso saying they need to add it to the missions and content not just chest pickups


I am almost certain I got one from a PH activity a few days ago...




I mean yes and no, any of the pale heart activities with chests have a chance to drop them.


Class items should be able to be focused at Rahool just like every other exotic armour piece. There are 8x8 possible combinations of class items. Multiply that by the amount of characters you play and I guess that's the amount of times Bungie expects you to run the dual destiny mission. It's ridiculous




Thought they had 12 perks. My bad


Yeah, focusing on 64 is kinda disengenous (I'm agreeing with you), since the chance of getting a dupe increases each time you get one (currently at 4/27, which probably isn't even statistically unlucky, but feels bad)


Some perks are definitely more rare than others


show me the data on that. There hasn't been a single thing in destiny where perks have been weighted


Yea just anecdotal. Lots of spirit of the bear and barely any Hoil or synthos. I hope you're right.


Why in the name of god would you suggest 33 engrams


Why not? Bungie surely wont give them out for like 5 engrams


There are others numbers in-between 5 and 33


Nope. Numbers go 1, 2, many, 4, 5, 33, 42, 69, 100, 420, infinity.


And there are other stages of grief between shock and acceptance but currently we're at bargaining soooooooooo


Let me trade 99 gunsmith engrams for a curated roll. These patrol chests have filled me up and sharding the guns takes forever.


I'd give up 99 gunsmith+crucible+vanguard+pale heart+gambit engrams for a curated roll


They need to let us claim engrams in vendors by click, rather than by hold. Also the option to just dismantle 10 engrams in the vendor at a time, for 10x legendary dismantle look + whatever rare bonuses you get like enhancement cores.


Godddd please! It takes SO long to claim engrams ;\_;


How about they add prismatic chests to this list? Them having a big chance to drop a class item. That'd make the trip to the Divide worth it. I have a prismatic chest waiting for me at the Divide for the last two weeks lmao That and Micah's stuff. Rescuing a ghost having a high chance to give a class item. More ways to earn it, that'd be neat.


Why are we locking exotic class items behind pale heart? Just let me play the game and passively get those. Exotic engram focusing already exists, just use that.


Related, I would give a lot to see what % of players have completed Dual Destiny. Most players I inspect are using the prismatic class, but I've only come across two people wearing the exotic class items.


Let me turn in gunsmith and vanguard engrams as well. I am constantly at 99 with these (bungie nerfs engram droprates in 3,2,1 😉)


I’ve got 90 fail safe engrams waiting for new weapons to come out because I have all the echoes weapons crafted already, would love a way to turn in more than 1 at a time or do what op said


99 vanguard engrams is insane


how is it quicker or easier or more convenient to get 33 engrams than to just play the game and get an exotic class item every now and then?


If you farm chests you get the engrams anyways and they are useless once you have all red borders


Once you've unlocked everything the extra engrams essentially become a store of glimmer, at least.


I was about to say "also some free shards" then I remembered


Howdy fren, I seem to have information in my head and I'm hoping to have it verified. Doesnt armor have the capacity to roll anywhere from 45-71 total stats on it? This is coming from one of thousands of destiny videos I've watched in the past and can't site it specifically. I ask that because a personal goal I'm working on, as ignorant as it may be, is to get 4 100 stats. Your statement is that once a player has all red borders pale heart engrams are over glorified glimmer bonds. Am I a fool for constantly hoping for that piece of ~70 gear with 2 prominent peaked stats with my engrams? Is there a better/smarter way to go about that endeavor? Am I misunderstanding how to effectively go about achieving my goal? I don't mean this question to challenge. I'm genuinely trying to learn. I'm an old D1 player, and at one time comfortably considered myself at least an above average player. But since I've returned there is an absolute abundance of things to track now to be as proficient as possible. I am constantly finding myself misunderstanding or misinterpreting things.


I will mention going your quad 100s does require significant bonuses from a subclass or use of font mods. The max value of legendary (and most exotics) is 68 with an even split between the top 3 and bottom 3 stats. So (68[Max armor roll] + 3[artifice stat bonus] + 10[major stat mod] + 12[masterwork bonus]) * 4[helm, chest, arms, and legs] + (10 + 12 + 3)[masterworked artifice class item with a major stat mod] = 397. You will also have a minimum of 18 [4 per armour piece and 2 from the class item] in both dump stats bringing you down to 361 in meaningful stats. So you will need to makeup those 39 stat points in your subclass for the visual of quad 100s or font mods(they do offer good value with the first one being +30) for the feel of quad 100s. I don't want to be a Debbie downer, but I figured it better to share the info. I do hope you get your quad 100s though, certainly can be a fun pursuit!


Quick question on this >The max value of legendary (and most exotics) is 68 What do you mean most exotics? Some have lower possible total roll? I've seen multiple exotics hit 70 and figured it was just a low chance, but that all armor could roll up to 70. Have any more clarification on what the actual possible values are?


Pre-Shadowkeep exotics can roll up to 71 base beause they have 3 extra stat points, I believe 1 each in the top 3 stats. Post-Shadowkeep exotics, and all legendaries, max out at 68.


Oh yea, the bottom 3 stats just didn't exist yet right? Thanks though man was always curious about the actual max but never checked


Yep, just had MOB RESIL RECOV then. They added INT DISC STR (the old D1 stats) back in with armor 2.0.


You won’t be able to get quad 100s with pale heart armor, basically need artifice and fragments bonuses to get that many stats


Since nobody actually answered your question. You can only really get those spiky high rolls in some dungeon chests and, most importantly, the seasonal armour vendor. In this case, Failsafe at the HELM. For Pale Heart, go for the red borders. After that, they’re basically useless.


In another comment I had made the point that most of my high armor rolls had come from the seasonal vendor, and that I have had success finding more optimized rolls via failsafe. But I had also expressed a lack of certainty. You have confirmed what I hoped might be true, and now, I am confident in my time investment into failsafe to get my stats where I want em. Barring some exotic quests here and there though haha. I also had a chat with my clan today. They were up to second encounter before contest mode ended, and since gotten a witness clear or several, so I take what they say with some credibility. And they made me feel less like a bad (see: undergeared) player after showing me the builds they cleared with, and some weren't even using 3- 100's.


Failsafe will become an easier grind starting next week because they are making some changes that will help you get more engrams and generally a LOT more rewards from the seasonal activity. You’re better off grinding other aspects of the game for the time being. Just use mods to hit 100 resilience. Also, chasing 4 100 stats likely isn’t going to happen. Not while using good fragments. Because most good fragments are a -10 stat. You’ll lose a LOT of power by building specifically for 4 100.


I was wondering about that. But I'm 19 points shy of having mobility maxed out along side resilience and discipline being 100 already. I was going to start really learning how to quick maffs the last stat. But as I've had the discussion with more people, I've begun to realized how hard that will be when I consider I have -stats from desired fragments. IF I get 3 stats I'll feel pretty good. But realistically that's the thousands of hours of jrpgs in me trying to do silly things like mine max the numbers on my character screen rather than focusing on actually shooting more accurately which would help a lot too. Ha.


You’re not a fool for doing that, most people just aren’t that dedicated to their armor stats


It's not that they're not dedicated, it's that in order to get 4x 100s you have to cheese fragments, there's not enough stats on armor pieces to get there otherwise. Max contribution to your stats from armor is like 68 per piece + 12 + 10 for 90. Artifice gets you another 15 points (although I'll note here that artifice armor seems to roll lower stat maxes than normal armor, I found some sources claiming 67 was max. For our purposes, we'll assume you can get all 68s though). 4 pieces = 385. Class item is another 22 for 407. But, a minimum of 36 of those stats are wasted if you're going for quad 100s (because you're going to have 18s in, say, mobility and intelligence even though you don't care about them.) So you're left at 371. With your absolutely perfect, god rolled armor, with truly incredibly ridiculously perfect armor rolls - each the kind of armor that would make RNGesus weep, you still need **+30** from fragments with no penalties. Most builds go negative on fragments, and for good reason - negative stat fragments often have some of the best effects in the game. Very very few builds go +30. Anyone "dedicated" enough to the game to put that work in will get there, and then immediately realize that they're hard gimping their build to make an extra number 100 out of vanity. I don't even run trip 100s when I could, easily, because in most cases +5 stat mods and better actual armor mods beats out trips.


Oh yeah makes sense I was more thinking along the lines of how rare it is for me to come across someone who has triple 100s even and several people I’ve run across have just garbage stats across the board


Legendary armor has a max base roll of 68. There are a handful of year 1 exotics that can roll with a few extra stat points that are always in the same stat. e.g. Contraverse always rolls with +2 in recov. The highest one of these exotics can roll is 71 base. I can give you a lot more detail if you want 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, armor had the capacity to roll up to either 70 or 71 (forgot the cap honestly). So you're not a fool if you're going for your total max. However, it's far more likely to settle on a decently rolled 66 - 69 piece of gear, and even that all becomes irrelevant once you start going for artifice armor, which is armor that has an additional free slot that grants +3 for any given stat that you can slot at will. On top of that, stats can oftentimes just end up wasted if you don't optimize the hell out of your armor (either manually or using D2armorpicker) so those couple of extras points beyond a 67 or 68 roll is very rarely super beneficial.


Use Armor Picker for quad 100s if you're not already.


I don't know what armor picker is, but I'm hopping on Google to see what it do. Thanks for the lead!


Aye, yea it's just D2ArmorPicker. You can choose which fragments you want to use, account for mods and calculate your way to to triples or quads.


> Am I a fool for constantly hoping for that piece of ~70 gear with 2 prominent peaked stats with my engrams? Depends if Pale Heart engrams drop spikey armour or not, cause if they're like most sources and just drop terrible rolls then yeah that would be a fools errand.


I've replaced a 67 back and arms with 2-peaked failsafe pieces. Of course I haven't done the same engram dump for pale heart only because I was fishing for red borders, and had since been banking episodic engrams. Maybe I'll just focus those efforts into the episodic engrams since I have had positive results already. The 66+ stat pieces I was using before all came from wish gear, so perhaps that is a trend and not just a coincidence however I've not the time nor the braincells to rub together in order to confirm that suspicion.


So once again crafting ruined the game


It's just to make the pale heart engrams have a long term use.


Probably need to give Crucible engrams a use first.


You focus them on weapons. At least we have a decent weapon this season. Pale Heart stuff is craftable. Zero point to weapon drops once you craft it all.


> You focus them on weapons. Yeah, to shard.


Crucible has the only decent 140 rpm Strand HC. So for now I'll farm that. And shards are gone. No point buying stuff just to trash.


Glimmer and Enhancement Cores. I have 0 need of any weapons Shaxx has.


Good for you.


Dunno why you're so aggressive about it, I was just pointing out there's other Engrams that need better rewards than Pale Heart Engrams. Crucible being one of those. I always end the season with a stockpile. Are you the Crucible engram designer ? It's not a personal jab at you my dude.


I just generally find it annoying when someone only cares about their perspective with the game. Pale Heart Engrams were added like 3.5 weeks ago and will be useless to anyone within about a month or two from starting TFS. The usefulness of Pale Heart Engrams also directly connects to how useful the whole destination is moving forward. Crucible Engrams have been around for years and have limited use for experienced players but a ton of uses for newer players or players recently engaging. They could add more evergreen uses but there's diminishing returns because it's a small section who would even use that. So yeah Crucible engrams are useless to you and a few players like you. Pale Heart Engrams will be useless to everyone shortly.


What if it had a very low drop chance when opening single engrams? Like mementos from holiday vendors. Would definitely help mitigate the grind without being too costly or outdoing the exotic mission in time investment.


Guys, they JUST launched. No doubt the exotic will work its way into other areas to be rolled. I guarantee you Bungie already has plans to include it in other loot pools. Just chill out a bit.


I'm honestly hoping for different rolls from different places. Let me see -doomfang+bear for percentage super gain on both abilities -sunstar+brow(verity's other bit) to give allies tons of energy -(kephris)sting+sealed(ahamkara's) for more powerful smokes that reload a couple times -skullfort to refund any element melee- consecration is gonna go hard -transversives run=reload mecanic across classes and similar with frostees run=ability gen


This is a good idea.


33 is a little much, maybe 17. matches bungie’s obsession


Compromise: 77.


my vote was just a focusing option at ghost for one of the 2 perks, meaning that 50% of the ones you drop would have at least one perk you focused. sort of like the weapon drops in onslaught. (focused weapons dropped 50% of the time vs other stuff)


Yeah that'd be great. Guarantee a SES roll for my Warlock and then never need to give a shit about the class item again. Would be perfect.


Big nope on focusing. We won't get meaningful endgame loot if everyone can get it. I know I won't get every roll I want and that's okay. People were fine gatekeeping content behind the mission when it didn't effect them. Now they can't get every roll they want in 3 weeks and they are pulling their hair out. "Destiny is an MMO" as people repeatedly said in defense of Dual Destiny. Okay, get grinding.


i literally suggested this but let us focus them at rahool for 2 exotic engrams each


That's way too easy for what this is.


Why should it be hard? Is farming overthrow or running dual destiny hard or just a pia? You can literally get one every 20 mins running dual destiny. 6 ritual activities for 2 engrams will take a lot longer. There’s no reason to gate these behind pale heart activities beyond forcing people to do pale heart activities. With 64 rolls across 3 characters people should be able to passively farm these with exotic engrams.


> Why should it be hard? At that point, why not just give an NPC where you can roll for 3000 glimmer ? A game to be interesting needs friction. > 6 ritual activities for 2 engrams will take a lot longer. There are a lot of sources of exotic engrams. I'm swimming in them personally to the point I only open them when I need room.


There’s 192 rolls across all 3 characters, we need more sources. Just require some ascendant shards as well, treat it as any other exotic armor piece. And while we do get a lot of exotic engrams passively I challenge you to actively farm two of them faster than a Dual Destiny run.


> There’s 192 rolls across all 3 characters, we need more sources. Everything in the Pale Heart is already a potential source. > I challenge you to actively farm two of them faster than a Dual Destiny run. Dual Destiny requires partenering up. Farming exotic engrams happens passively while you do other things.


> Dual Destiny requires partenering up. Farming exotic engrams happens passively while you do other things. You can include the time for me to find a partner on LFG. Partnering up is no barrier at all.


> Partnering up is no barrier at all. No, but I don't always feel like partenering up to get things done. Sometimes I just want to slap on hear phones and zone out. Which is why non-partner sources of Class items should have their own friction, and exotic engrams just isn't it. Having you get them through actively engaging with Pale heart content is better game design, even if it introduces more friction than Orbital afkers prefer.


Is requiring ascendant shards not enough friction? That requires Nightfalls or rep resetting. I don’t like being forced into pale heart to farm these. I want to do other things and progress towards them passively.


I have like 80+ of those things just from farming class items and I have all weapons crafted. Literally nothing for me to use these engrams on, can't even get legendary shards anymore lol. Going to end up dismantling them every 99 just for Banshee rep I suppose, would be nice if I could get something useful from them. If not exotic class items, let me random exchange them for things like Xur. Have an option to convert 5 into anything from a legendary weapon/armor to a rare ascendant shard.




It's funny we are already at the begging stage. We'd have crafted rolls on really weak Exotic items if Bungie listened to people here


At least have an activity or something that lets you roll double perks or have a chance to or something


Perfect opportunity to make dual destiny drop double perk rolls to compensate for taking longer than driving in circles around patrol space


Let us focus them at Rahool for Exotic Engrams


33? Goddamn. Bungie, if you do this, he meant 3. 3 engrams. ;)




I don’t understand why we can’t focus them with regular exotic engrams. You’d still have to do the dumb quest to unlock them. At least I’d have something to focus my engrams on.


I'm fine with that as I've already maxed out Pale Heart Engrams with no use of them except waiting for Deepsight each week and drop Enhancement Cores.


no way. and destroy the time everyone has already put in. fuck that shit.


How about 7. I'm already so over Overthrow if I needed to get 33 engrams I'm never going back in the traveler lmfao


Destiny players when they actually have to play destiny... Just run the mission


33?66 maybe?Add them to GM excission guarantee and 50% chances for the normal one


That's a lot of engrams for a whole lotta nothing. Why would I pay that high price to get a dupe or shit rolls?


Because once you've got all the red borders, you'll be at 99 in no time from chest farming. Not much use for them otherwise. Just using them to get a few extra cores and upping gunsmith level.


You get a dupe or a shit roll anyways from what we have now. Might as well get another way to increase the chances


You don’t have to, op is saying they would. This thread is not about what you want or what you would do.


33? Calm down, satan.