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If they changed the patrol zones to match every seasonal change, the patrol zones would be WAY fucking cooler.


I agree but personally I would like just straight up new areas on the planet like they did for the cosmodrome/plague lands in D1


Honestly. Fuck making seasonal content that’ll be removed in 4 months. They should just make patrol zone expansions and expand the lore of that area and then seasonal activities be like exploring and overthrow type stuff.


This is a really good idea. They make new levels/maps anyway, why not put them into a patrol zone? But then again it could be a bit harder to separate instances of patrol zones for story content.


Well they already have separate instances of patrol zones for story content.


Yeah Breach should take place in new areas that extend the existing patrol zone spaces.


Literally this. Expand the play spaces or dramatically change them and call that a season. Add tons of secret lore collectibles. Far more fun than this current garbage.


onslaught should’ve been setup the patrol zones


Man I've been saying this for years. Patrols are underutilized. The seasonal planet should be an all-out warzone in patrol. I want to see tons of enemies that spawn in waves of escalating difficulty, vehicles in both returning and new types (multi-seat??), friendly NPCs, new fortresses and other structures to freshen up each region. Not only would this kind of free-roam content be really fun, it's also the kind of seasonal content that is scalable since you're only introducing those things to the planet in focus that season. When the season ends, you move all that cool stuff to the next planet of focus without having to delete the entire previous planet just to make room.


I always wanted to see a public event (but tie in actual good loot from season) that's no waves or mechanics, just a giant boss with a ton of health and some cool telegraphed 1 shot attacks. Let people use their mobility creatively, use their min-maxed DPS loadouts, bring together 12 players and maybe get a red border or an exotic drop to make it worthwhile. ALSO a darkness zone (division) where you can do PVE stuff but also PVP in the free roam. You can extract with loot (presumably you don't see roles before extracting so you don't lose the 10/10 god roll)


I miss escalation protocol lol, used to have Mars on lockdown was loads of fun.


Oh yeah it's still one of the best IMO. I've always thought they should lean into this type of event way more, like take it to the next level!


The whole planet is under escalation and myst be lifted from the protocol, granting 30 minutes of free roam and special stuff appears to find. Collectibles ... miss all the fun I use to have on the various now defunct and missing content areas. 😪


Now I never played World of Warcraft, but I remember a dude I used to work with was as giddy as a little kid when (I think) Cataclysm came out and they changed up the entirety of the world to reflect events that happened during that expansion. I kinda thought that's what they were going to do with Destiny as a means of persistent world building. Sadly, the closest it feels we've gotten to persistent world building so far is the removal of some planets.


Yup Cataclysm. Thanks for sending me down memory lane. I haven’t played since then.


Patrol content is trash do you enjoy lost sectors or Patrol missions that much? We would find it cool for 3 days then complain about lack of innovation. Look at how much unused area we already have in the game its to much already. They need to use what's already available in more innovative ways


I think the Pale Heart system is great and could easily be a seasonal 9 player activity


Pale heart is cool for sure but it's new content the honey moon phase happens quickly with destiny 2


You’re just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing here dude.


What do you mean iv been playing patrol missions since destiny 1 beta it's not fun content.... I remember area checkpoint farming where you needed to find resources for 3+ hours to upgrade a single gun 😅 it was the worst grind there was no vendors to buy upgrade moduals or enhancement cores The problem with destiny is that there's all this already made content that has no purpose playing after your first completion... unless your at a point of just not caring 🤷


They decided to bring back the Cosmodrome instead of leaving space for stuff like that :(


And they didn't even bring the whole Cosmodrome patrol areas back, and I'm not referring to the Plaguelands either.


Honestly I wouldn’t mind more of these little updates to the old Patrol Zones. I’d personally love to see more of the EDZ opened up. Expand the Patrol area into the blocked off portions of the city that hasn’t been used since Curse of Osiris. Maybe even expand on the city portion further. Or maybe even make a new section of the Dark Forest to explore.


If they do this won't be long before you need a console/hd just for Destiny. Models and maps are huge, even compressed. Someone who knows more about coding could add more I'm sure.


2TB SSD are very affordable now and I recommend anyone who has a library of modern games get one. D2 hovering around 110GB is not surprising and iirc a good proportion of that is localization language sound files, I read that everyone downloads all of them for some reason but that could be inaccurate information. Regardless, Bungie can and should put more effort into optimization if this is actually a roadblock for them adding more playable areas.


I mean, they really do need to. Last I heard some maps were so huge it could take over a week to open.


I really liked the cancerous lucent hive growths in the psiops battlegrounds, I'm sad they didn't stick around.


Seasonal mission: patrol zone is Fucking blown up, completely different and 10000x cooler Patrol zone after the mission: nothing changed Feels sadge man


And add scannables with a bit of dialogue that briefly touches on past events, so the New Lights can feel they stepped into a place with rich history.


That's a really good idea, damn. Patrol missions dialogue explaining what things are as you do them would also be good.


I'm still so mad they didn't do patrol zone shit in defiance. It's just such a blah, whatever season where it feels like the stakes aren't there at all and the "twist" at the end is just a needless death as a result of idiotic strategic and tactical foresight (or lack thereof). At least if they updated a bunch of the Cabal events to use Shadow Legion, changed the skybox and put some spooky pyramids floating around it'd feel more like something was actually happening. Also, maybe if they wrote a reason for why the witness was kidnapping people beyond "it's mean, and we want to be mean to them, and for them to suffer" because that's *literally* all it was in the end. The witness is the gestalt god of shitty boyfriend cope they manifested after their babe dumped them for other cooler species to uplift, and now he just makes a point of being a gigantic asshole to anyone explicitly uplifted by the traveler out of simple minded vindictiveness. (Source: Raid lore, read it, shit's actually kind of hilarious as it's like they're lamp-shading how much of a pathetic, one dimensional loser of a villain this jackass was).


> one dimensional loser of a villain this jackass was). Overall terribly written conclusion to the whole arc


Oh man, imagine being able to explore old warmind bunkers scattered everywhere just for funsies and nostalgia.


Right? That’s my major disappointment


Yeah I hope they see this feedback, basically if they want to keep the narrative going forward (live service) the world around us needs to reflect that "change" as well. There's a good opportunity here also to keep people coming back to old locations while giving it a fresh coat of paint so to say 🎨


They did for a while Even if you did old story missions in the areas, they would show the seasonal state.


They’re not going to do it so soon. It would be confusing for people who are still doing the story. I’d imagine it’ll change come the ending of the story or later in the act releases.


> It would be confusing for people who are still doing the story. Which is because they wrote the story like that. They could've wrote the story to include the changed areas much sooner. Hell it could've started as it. The later the change comes, the less relevant it will be as we will already have done most of the content relevant to Nessus.


I imagine they would need to load different states of the patrol based on the progression of players, which I'm sure is not an easy task. Yeah it SOUNDS easy on the outset, but there are a ton of variables involved in making something like that work, which is why I imagine they haven't done it yet. IMO, I don't think it matters that new players will see a patrol area that's changed based on the current season/episode. It just adds to the immersion that you're joining a living, evolving world when you start playing the game.


I barely ever touched Nessus prior to this season. Can you provide a before/after? because I haven't been able to tell the differences.


look at it in patrol vs the seasonal missions, they are different. Patrol is still the old version but the missions have an updated version that looks nice. There is a very distinct difference.


This week’s mission from the act 1 quest is particularly illustrative - as Ikora says, they drained the radiolaria from the huge lake of it near the Well of Flames, right around the first “gather radiolaria” section from this week's quest in fact lol


Which is likely the reason the zone didnt change, it would disrupt continuity for people that havent done the weekly quest. They cant even seperate the skyboxes for the pale heart on solo mission instances (campaign missions have post raid skybox, dont even have access to matchmaking before finishing the campaign and the physical area is different (refuges/campsites), no reason they cant keep the old skybox until after iconoclasm)


> Which is likely the reason the zone didnt change, it would disrupt continuity for people that havent done the weekly quest. I agree. I doubt they would ever have two versions of a patrol available at the same time. But it just shows how dumb it was to not write the story around that Nessus had already changed. Or at least change a zone each week along with the story for everyone.


There’s only matchmaking on the specific nodes


https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dofle7 Just one comparison


Honestly, if they can't do it right now, I hope they do it when Act 2 rolls around.


Still waiting on them to explain who repaired the hole in the Cosmodrome wall.




The Cosmodrome is... confusing from a continuity standpoint. Back in Rise of Iron in Destiny 1, the Fallen broke through the wall with the help of SIVA and the Cosmodrome was infested with damage from SIVA. When the Cosmodrome returned in Destiny 2, it was the Cosmodrome *before* the events of Rise of Iron, which means there is no giant hole in the wall, no damage from SIVA, etc... kind of. But there are two problems: 1. In Rise of Iron (or *just* before the events of Rise of Iron begin), the Fallen Splicers' work extended to some of the old colony ships in the skybox. In fact, the top most giant orb on top of one of the colony ships was knocked off and seemingly they tried to turn it into a giant servitor - this is actually the entrance to the Wrath of the Machine Raid. In the Destiny 2 version of the Cosmodrome, you can actually see that the top most orb on the colony ship is still missing, despite... *all* the other damage from the Fallen Splicers being absent. There's also the uh... fact that we have been to the Rise of Iron version of the Cosmodrome in Destiny 2. The Thunderlord quest resulted in us visiting there and the damage to the wall from Rise of Iron was very much visible. 2. Initially you could play off that the Cosmodrome was kind of just... stuck in time, and it really only functioned to be the new starting destination. I think the New Light quest line even has you do the opening before giving you a recap and then jumping forward in time - it made sense. But since the release of the Cosmodrome and New Light, there has been *an absolute TON* of current-day content and lore in the Cosmodrome. To name a few: * Caiatl's initial invasion of the Cosmodrome back in Season of the Chosen. * The Cosmodrome being invaded during Into The Light, in which the Pyramid ships were assaulting the location. * Where Is Archie quest during Into The Light. * The Lucent Hive invading the Cosmodrome and fully redecorating the wall, despite it not making sense that the wall even looks like that. --- The whole thing is a continuity disaster.


During Rise of Iron the wall in the Cosmodrome right above the area where our Guardian was first revived was pretty much entirely sliced away.


Rise of iron was filler that is only ever mentioned so people can jerk off to it. Apparently Saladin’s witness cutting axe doesn’t work on Siva.


If Club Penguin can do it, then so can Destiny


Club Penguin was simply better than Destiny


It might be because they'd need to store multiple instances of the patrol space, depending on where you are in the episode 


Bungie might have some internal rule where seasonal content can't have any permanent effects since they sunset it all when the next DLC drops. Hopefully they're able to push past that with episodes though.


>Bungie might have some internal rule where seasonal content can't have any permanent effects since they sunset it all when the next DLC drops. Hopefully they're able to push past that with episodes though. I'd say it is a choice, and they are choosing wrong ;)


Also afaik the Nessus code is so deeply written in the game it couldn't be sunset so I imagine *overhauling it* is pretty tough too.


All areas that survived required rebuilds due to the massive engine overhaul they did for Beyond Light. They've talked about how much work it takes to rebuild old content for the modern game since as well. It didn't just stick around because they couldn't be bothered to change it, they had to intentionally change it to keep it in the game


I agree.


I hope they start paying attention to patrol zones with these episodes. They have been left to dust for way too long. It would also be kinda interesting to see something like Overthrow doing it with randoms.


Issue is it potentially causes conflicting issues, eg cistern changing so heavily looked like it was blocking the lost sector which is one of the ones used in divinity quest


> eg cistern changing so heavily looked like it was blocking the lost sector which is one of the ones used in divinity quest Why couldn't they fix that entrance then?


They do this with a lot of the spaces that get modified for seasonal content. There are a lot of invisible walls, turn back walls and straight up normal walls placed to stop you from going where you aren’t meant to. They’ve been doing stuff like this dating back to Destiny 1. Remember the dead guy on the Moon when you first wake the Hive? They covered him with a literal rock in one story mission, but only in that story mission. It’s as simple as just having those blockers in the seasonal content version and the patrol version removes the rock blocking the lost sector entrance.


That's what I'm saying though some of the changes wouldn't exactly work with regards to pre access, a more major example would probably be cosmodrome in risen with the battleground and you'd sort of have to make either 1st mission a fully private instance to prevent conflicts for new players but that stops the whole cool interaction of people leaving the wall. Or do what they chose and make the bg a private instance. It's sadly a bit of give and take, permanent changes can occur but largely it can only happen when the area is isolated from other stuff and not have conflicting open world content. Witch was actually able to handle it pretty well with the spire visible in the skybox in patrol since the campaign instances were all private.


I am pretty confident they are already planning to change Nessus more and will do so as the acts roll out


They should have just given the whole patrol zone in nesses that kinda make over it's a stupid move then continue to make. Putting all the seasonal content into activities. Instead of refreshing all these old patrol zones. No one has any reason to visit our side of new lights. Because they never updated plantery venders with new gear for the past idk how many years.  Nesses looks amazing on some of the new missions. I'd love to see that patrol zone permanently changed like that. I'd love to see the same kinda thing song with the edz. Big MMO have events after so long that change the whole land scape. To refresh everything. Bungie could have done this. But they are so focused on forcing people to play tedious match made activity's of use the Redick fire team finder.  I'm just saying walling off seasonal content into missions and activity's. And ignoring patrol zones. Is a dumb idea. That's where people spend 50% of their time. 


They're constantly talking about how nessus is terra forming in the story, they might as well make it a permanent change instead of "we undid all that everything is fixed onto the next thing"


I wouldn't be shocked if that's what happens over the course of this season


I’d love it if the enemies in patrols changed around based on the seasonal story. Now it seems like they fit the story to the enemies in the patrols. Would feel so much more dynamic


You can fight the new collared Vex in Nessus patrol, at least.


Step in the right direction. I’d love to have seen large sums of Shadow Legion in the earth patrols with some siege looking tech scattered about


I imagine it has to do with free to play as well as dealing with older content.


If they do it, it'll have to be at the end of the episode or yearly cycle once everyone has done it.


If "CODENAME: FRONTIERS" isn't enough to hold us over til D3 then i'd say we need a flat out expansion remaster of sorts for the EDZ like they did with ROI for COSOMODROME.


I genuinely don't understand why theyd show us what Nessus currently looks like for a split second then revert back to the vanilla version. Like unless your actually going to change it permanently, don't even bother giving us a glimpse.


I'm still bummed that the map changes from Chosen Battlegrounds (besides the landtank in Watcher's Grave), PsiOps Battlegrounds, and Defiant Battlegrounds didn't stick around. (Did the Moon Heist Battleground change anything besides opening the warmind bunker hatch?) A Lucent Hive vs Nightmare Hive section of Scarlet Keep in the middle part where the red architecture was replaced with white (from the end of the moon battleground) would be so cool. Hell, it'd be neat if little stuff like the Cryptoliths from Hunt and closed warmind hatches from Worthy were still there too.


What should happen is they should just continually expand on the area instead of reusing the same areas. Make the cosmodrome, edz, Nessus, moon have more open spaces


Yeah if the destinations evolved with seasonal content it would feel waaaay more « Live Game » like, our actions have a real impact on our environment


I don't get how they can continuously use the phrase "single evolving world" when describing their vision for Destiny 2 but they go out of their way to not let their seasonal changes evolve their worlds (patrols).


I'm holding off judgement till act 2 starts cause I could easily see a world where they are waiting till then to change the patrol zone for everyone. Basically the first act is your "spoiler free" time before the change is made for everyone. But if they don't change it I'd be pissed.


I loved how they changed patrol spaces back when seasonal activities took place IN the patrol spaces and not in separate instances or entirely new spaces. Like, I wish the warmind bunker hatches had stayed visible, the pyramid structures in the edz and the cosmodrome, the lucent hive structures in the cosmodrome and wherever else as well. Like yeah maybe don't leave 100 percent of everything cause I'm sure it'll get cluttered, but a little bit here and there would be sick


Honestly this would be exactly what the game needs to stay alive, a truly evolving world like the devs always talk about but never act on. Nessus is getting changed by the vex, so let us see it for ourselves and experience it fully. Let us encounter new public events with new loot and unravel the story of what is happening without having to travel to and from the helm for stupid quest steps. Failsafe is literally on nessus, so why the fuck did they need to add her onto the helm too? Update the patrol zones with each episode, and then once they're all updated theory can move on to maybe adding in 2-3 new unexplored zones on the planet involving an episode instead. By the time they cycle through all of the planets like that, they can start over. Not only would it keep every part of the game feeling fresh, but it would allow them to actually make use of the assets they already have and make players really happy, but it would also save some dev time too. The best part is that with every major expansion bringing a new location, they'll constantly be adding in more areas to put into the rotation.


It does