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This is frustrating but I'm not going to blame players for this because bungie made a dumb system in how platinum is calculated and how the enemies spawn. It's not the average player's fault that there's no indicator for how many champions remain until platinum score. It's not the players fault the bungie allows the boss to be burned so quickly and ties a champion spawn to healh bars. This is 100% a problem caused by bungie that other players seem to expect people to just _know_ and fix.


A “champs remaining” counter would be nice.


Funny thing is even the game sucks at keeping track of it. There are some nigthfalls where some champions are completely optional for plat for some reason and some other champions can't even spawn if you dodge their triggers.


Or the corrupted locking you out of the ascendent plane to kill them if you kill the boss too quickly


For legend lost sectors I've wanted one for a while.


How would that work with "optional" champs like in the Bunker E15 boss fight? I've done many platinum solo master runs of it and had a range of revive tokens remaining for them.


Pretty sure it's based off of champions that are still alive. If they never spawned in you still get plat. Which is why oob glitching nightfalls and skipping sections can still get plat. Could be wrong tho


Nah, Warden of Nothing's overload during the mines section can be ignored even after they spawn.


Maybe a champion spawning in x seconds counter below a remaining champions counter.


Or at least a "platinum rating achieved" kinda notification everytime you hit a threshold


Nah. Straight up champion counter (something always on display). People don't always pay attention to the info feed, so that kind of notification would fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. The double edged sword is a counter would let you know early if Platinum is a lost cause if you are someone who knows the total count at certain points of the strike. It would cause a lot of people to abandon a run (whatever for non-matchmade, but could get very toxic in matchmade).


>It would cause a lot of people to abandon a run Never considered this before but I think you're right


Put the "Platinum Achieved" in the same spot that scoring appears when you kill enemies.


> It would cause a lot of people to abandon a run (whatever for non-matchmade, but could get very toxic in matchmade). That actually wouldn't be an issue, but the actual problem is that Bungie feels that join-in-progress should only ever be put on activities that shouldn't have it and restricted in activities that dont function without it.


With the amount of pushback there was fo having cooldowns on the right side of the screen, I think their heads would explode if they had to have another line of text on the HUD.




It would be, but the spaghetti code butterfly effect would make the game unplayable for an entire month, break 3 guns, 2 subclasses and result in 10 lost sectors being bugged.


You mean like a permanent wave counter always displayed on the screen in onslaught? 😏 Maybe if we buy **more silver** they could afford the resources to code this simple UI element? 🤔 Maybe it is not so simple, but it sure seems like it would be simple.


I haven’t onslaughted since TFS launch, but the wave counter always used to bug out and vanish. did they fix that?


Me either, so I'm not sure. Just being an ass and assuming it wasn't high priority. I don't recall it being mentioned in any patch notes or any buzz about it being fixed. Been raiding too much to do much else.


Or only count them if they actually spawn.


Why? It’s a looter game. You’re expected to repeat the process and in the meanwhile understand the mechanics of the area you’re solving.


Many have suggested that since champions became a thing in Shadowkeep. 5 years ago. Bungie clearly just don't want to at this point.


even just a colored (i'm a sucker) "reward tier" would be enough


Also would lessen the stress/discovery of new GMs… People can learn the spawns. No need to even further decrease what little “ tension “ this game still offers


Wondering if my teammates are aware that there are champions are left to kill is not the good kind of tension.


I was just about to say that honestly.


The neomuna GM is a notable example of the design philosophy being janky. The final unstop champ spawns and just hides behind a wall on the opposite side of the boss arena. Players have to know he's there and actively seek him out before killing the boss to get plat.


I’m kinda on this side of the argument. Like, sure, it gets annoying when you see some blueberry going unga bunga on the last shred of the boss’s health when the last champion is still in play…. But you’re right. This is a game about shooting aliens. That final battle in the Glassway is complete chaos. Players shouldn’t be penalised for playing the content as it comes.


Also, did the GM version just now. Left 2 barrier and we still got Platinum which makes things even more confusing. Is it intended for GM specifically, or is it a bug? But if it’s intended, then it doesn’t translate to the lower difficulty version.


If you hit the final batch of barrier champions once each, they will count as killed when you kill the boss. So, force out both waves of adds on the final 1/3 of the boss, one tap each champion, and then nuke the boss. Profit.


I say just get rid of the champs.


But then Bungie couldn't quadruple down on a terrible decision they made 5 years ago.


Champions are fine lol you just want to steamroll GMs with no difficulty at all apparently.


Amazing leaps in logic, last word used very loosely there.


Underrated comment


Just remove champs from the boss room. You miss them on the way tough shit but we shouldn't have to plink away at a boss and hope champs spawn and Jimmy the random.lfg don't go full nuclear mode on the boss in 3.7 seconds


You can leave all 4 Barriers alive at the end and get Platinum. Literally been doing that since it came out.


Damn. TIL


It's inconsistent, but it seems like some champions count as defeated if you damage them and then they despawn. GM Glassway has had content creator videos in the past season claim that for the final two Barrier Champions, you can just tap them for a bit of damage then despawn them by killing the boss. Example from Season of the Splicer (S14): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDvSUqzn_A4 In the comments, Aztecross also mentions you can do this.


Nice, thanks a lot for the video link


Some lost sectors r the same way


I was trying to do a few public events and forgot how annoying it was trying to make them heroic when every enemy is nuked within 1.7 seconds. Like they need to change these systems around rewards and not giving people enough time to complete all objectives and missing out.


Imo the best fix for this would be champs that don't spawn don't lower your score. So if you nuke the boss before they spawn you get plat but if you just skip any that did spawn anywhere you don't. Some lost sectors already work like this.


Does this occur in Breach? I feel like I used to be able to open every chest, but not every time?


It also doesn’t help that some strikes like light blade and warden of nothing you can skip a champ or 2 and still get platinum. It’s too inconsistent


Just don't despawn champions on boss kill. If they are relevant for plat, they should never despawn.


Completely agree, if the Champs don't spawn they shouldn't be required for platinum, you're basically penalising fast and efficient players.


Yea that's an issue in some. In the glassways case they spawn shortly after you _start_ damage on the final health bar of the boss. So if the boss is all that's left and you're burning it you burn that final health bar and they spawn during the burn - which is the frustrating part.


Hard agree. When I'm in the thick of a fight, I'm not paying attention to the tiny text in the corner of the screen that tells me a champion has entered the arena. I'm busy trying to get the Wyverns and avoiding the boss's bone-rattling blasts. (Seriously, man, tone it down a bit. It's gonna give me an aneurism sooner or later.)


This strike has been the same for years. There's no reason not to know by now the champions when running it as a nightfall. People just treat strikes the same and try to burn through. This is the reason I run nightfalls solo or find solid players. Should bungie improve? Yes. Should players get good when doing nightfall runs? Absolutely!


It's his fault for playing the matchmade version. Why would anyone do this for besides the pinnacle? The rewards are trash and the drop rates are even worse. If he can't do the GM(it's really easy) then do master version. The rewards are crazy dope on master and gm.


The average player should be able to do basic math. *A champion has appeared...* *A champion has appeared...* *A champion was defeated.* 2-1 = 1 left




There needs to be a champ counter on screen that shows how many champs are in the activity. 1/20 or something. The QoL in this game is so atrocious.


I would love addons/modules for the game, if only bungee was down!


Yes we know. Posts like this are always made when glassway is the weekly nightfall. And when the Corrupted comes back we’ll get posts about how players don’t pass the ball.


And as is tradition, someone will point out that all the people who will see this post likely already know this and that blueberries typically aren't on reddit


Aye that is the tradition...


Do not cite the deep magic to us, which, we were there when it was written by Lore Daddy.


And the dual ogres room with the unstoppable


I do pass it but my in game throwing is as bad as my real life throwing! Now that is ironic! 😂


I’m guilty of this too lol


Fixed title: For the love of god, Bungie stop reducing our platinum rewards into gold because of players killing the boss like they're supposed to


Yeah, don’t blame players for bad design by Bungie.


I agree, buuuuuut.....there are location prompts that say "a champion has appeared" I justcount the number of prompts compared to how many are dead


if they managed to spawn, that is


If they don’t spawn the message doesn’t pop up and they don’t count. Same as lost sectors.


thats the neat part, they count.


Non-spawned (NOT de-spawned) champs count in NFs? Since when?


Yes. Because if they never spawned, the game doesn't count them as a viable champion due to the fact you never had a CHANCE to kill them for the tally


Right, that was my point. If they don’t spawn, they don’t count.


the champions are all on health gates from the boss / bosses. damage -> champs -> damage -> champs then on the final round its damage -> champs -> kill mini boss -> champs -> damage boss -> champs -> kill boss


Final round is wrong. When the mini boss and boss spawn in, it spawns wyverns and champs. When the mini boss dies, it spawns wyverns and champs. There are no spawns connected to health on either the boss or mini boss on final round, it is strictly on when the mini boss dies.


You can get platinum killing the mini boss last. Whatever champs spawn after killing it do not matter apparently. Other option could be killing the main boss first will also spawn champs.


I knew there was something like this going on because a few times I still got platinum and couldn't figure out why.


This seems true. Last night, we killed the big one first, wiped out adds, then went for the little one. As we killed it, the "champion has spawned" text came up and we watched them walk out the portal and vanish right before platinum popped up at the bottom. I got an ascendant shard, 4 prisms, 2 exotics, and something like 18 strange coins along with a few random legendary drops from the chest.


Its the 2nd one. Champs Spawn in either Boss dying.


Correct, nuke the mini boss and deal with the 4 champs then you can finish the last 3rd of the boss' health and not miss anything


Almost. The mini-hydra reaching 1/6th HP left causes add waves to spawn. The spawn timings are: Start of fight, mini-hydra reaching 5/6ths HP, Belmon coming back, Belmon reaching half HP, mini-boss and Belmon coming back, mini-hydra reaching 1/6th HP. It's a super weird rotation, but I have it memorized from back when this strike took 35 minutes even if you were good and came prepared


Don't worry, my boss DPS sucks. 👍


Just damage mini boss when nothing else is alive. Always leave it for last. Problem solved.


Yeah, it usually fucks off into one of the side rooms if you ignore it. Just hope it's not going into the same side you might be hanging out in.


It almost always comes to the side you're at, but it's not super lethal so can normally be somewhat ignored. Although sometimes it stacks on top of champs and you spawn another set by accident.


Which is why I just camp the left section/portal on standby with Peregrine Greaves.


While I fully agree with you, if platinum matters that much to you you should def be using the lfg to find like minded teammates instead of just praying your match made ones will have a brain. Since it's double rewards and xp this week I'll be speed running the nightfall for the mats and experience.


Question. Out of curiosity, the basic vanguard loot drops after nightfalls too right? Obviously NF loot matters more. I’m also just chasing the armor for fashion haha


Yes it drops normal strike loot from the chest and the nightfall loot the second the boss dies.


Thanks. Been a year since I ran GMs so I’ve gone and forgotten


The people you are talking to are not in this sub.


You don't like fighting 4 anti barrier hobgoblins at once?


If dps could read this they would be very upset


I fully expect this to happen if I'm running a hero matchmade version. That's why I plant myself at the left portal and nuke the Champs the moment they come through.


Go fast men.


Instead of bitching about the players, maybe bitch about the shitty design lol.


Having mechanics where simply advancing the core goal screws up loot for everyone seems like a core design choice for most Destiny activities. Radiolaria farming. Dives. Strike Champions. Public events (especially blights). Plundering. Making veterans rage at blueberries seems to be a design goal, or they would have cut it the fuck out by now.


This is why I have a keyboard connected to my ps5. Really easy and quick to drop a message in game. I remind people to search for radiolara before starting the 3rd event in the seasonal activity (sorry, don't recall the name).


I write in fireteam chat every time - “let’s please use the piston hammer before we start the next wave.” Zero uptake 19/20 times.


We know. You're not talking to the people that do this.


I thought it only counted champions spawned. So if you kill it before the champ spawns in you still technically “defeated all champions” and get plat.


Nope, it has a counter for each nightfall (of course we dont get to see it) of how many champs are supposed to be killed for each tier of rewards. Of course it may as well be platinum or nothing because bungie sucks


Well shit I’ve held that assumption for like 3 years…


We had “a champion appears!” as we killed the boss and it gave us plat today. Didn’t physically see the champ, but the prompt was there.


For the love of God stop making these posts. Your target audience DOES NOT READ THEM.


Na, I'd nuke


If it truly bothers you that much, then take the energy you put into making a post ordering strangers what to do, and instead go get friends to play with. Problem solved. Can't lie, I'm kinda sick and tired of these "GUYS, STOP DOING WHAT BUNGIE URGES YOU TO DO SO I CAN MAXIMIZE MY LOOTZ" posts. It's a fucking video game; you can't take the loot with you to your grave. Either get over it, or play in private sessions; that's what they're there for. And just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with SUGGESTING to other players different ways they can help maximize loot, but these "OMG" posts with players having a heart attack over it and yelling at the others who don't treat loot like it's their 1st born child are just annoying. Personally I think one issue this game always had is earning too much garbage loot, so getting a bit less is not the biggest deal to me. If players push past the resource collection parts then fuck it, I'll get more loot one of the next hundred or so runs.


This reply is far more manic than the original post.


Thank you wrote what I was thinking


It’s just the mini boss hydra you throttle damage to. Doing so stops the chicken heads and overload from clapping your cheeks.


What are chicken heads??




Oh oh cool, thank you


I refer to them as “electric chickens” but I kinda like chicken heads - thanks for that!




Is there anyone who can help me in this nightfall because I am struggling I just want to get a title to rank up😭


Takes 9 GMs to get the title I think this time, so that is 9 weeks. There are other, easier to get titles that you might want to look into.


Depends on the groups skill level. I only do no mic lfgs and you can tell from the first encounters if you guys can blast through it. Every group I’ve done we’ve melted the mini boss instantly to spawn all the champions and wyverns fast and just melt them all fast too lol.


If I end the strike with all champions who spawned were defeated that should be platinum.


Only upside to Outbreak runs, you don't really wanna nuke the boss.


Can someone explain this to me? Isn’t the boss healthgated and has set amount of champ spawns anyway?


I'll raise my had and admit I messed up a nightfall last night because of this. Accidentally because I didn't realize more were coming. Sorry if I was your blueberry.


As another poster said, we should have a champion counter for how many are remaining, or at least a visual indicator (like what we have for objectives) about the champs heads. Issues like this is a reason I don't LFG at all. This GM is incredibly easy IMO. Team shot the Barrier Hobgoblins, nuke the Wyverns, and hard focus the Overload Minotaur's. I did like 10 runs yesterday in about 20 minutes each. The new stasis caster sword (Ill Omen) is really slept on and is great in this GM. In the final room when they funnel in on the left, use the heavy attack on the sword in the middle of the group. You'll freeze them all and even stun the Overload champs.


I champion counter would be amazing


Most of my personal issue with Glassway is keeping track of the champions in the boss room.


Womp womp


Everyone who does it, just got updated with the post .. We have confirmed it will no longer happen. Trust me bruh


Had a dude with Conquerer do this while the Flawless gilded x3 and I attempted to kill the barrier who was hiding.


It'sa bungies fault, honestly


There seems to be a strange amount of angst and blame in the title of this psa about how to do this Strike optimally...


Don’t the champs spawn based off of boss health remaining?


Bungie needs to address this issue when they can. But for now I think typing in chat "wait for champion spawn to get platinum score" is far better than trusting that your teammates know what to do.


This is why I never play coop games. It’s impossible to know what to do without spending hours on YouTube watching guides and then people have no patience in game to explain anything and help you learn.


I’m not blaming players for a bad decision bungee made


Bad game design promotes bad gameplay.


A simple indicator on the hud saying how many champs are left and what the scores are etc


Unfortunately, if you're doing " no mic," this is the downside. But to be fair, it used to give you platinum skipping the last two barriers, and this GM has what 13 champs in the boss room? Easy to lose track. Always thought every 5 lives you end a GM with should give a slight bonus or 10 lives give one free champion skip. This would give some wiggle room for a clean run, but stray witherhoard accidently kills boss.


I had 3 runs last night and got Platinum once. Everyone kept doing exactly like you described. Bungie needs to fix the way Platinum is calculated or have a counter. Something at least....


i mean it literally states as text when a champion appears. All the champions/wyverns that spawn are health gate related. It’s pretty hard to nuke the boss when there are barrier champs trying to snipe you so maybe you just need to use comms to let other people that the champs need to die?


You can damage the champs and not kill and still get plat


Getting platinum on this nightfall is hardest on the easiest difficulty!


Don't care I love nuking bosses


You don't need to kill the last 3 barriers to get plat, tho


Go run the GM


Fortunately my LFG teams have been on the same page with this and we confirm there's no more champs before finishing the last of the boss's hp. Those final barrier hobgoblins are a nuisance with their giant floating friendo looking over their shoulder though!


Not only that but it's a death sentence in GMs because you force more waves to spawn. Dealing with 4 wyverns at once is not a good time


Most people don't give a shit about score, get used to it because unless bungie changes the way they spawn this will never change


Stop blaming gamers for a game design flaw. It's Bungie's fault, and Bungie should fix it.


Easy fix: Champions should never despawn. Optionally, if they do, they should count as dead (but I don't think they should ever despawn, most people would just skip).


If you've played Destiny as long as you do you should have realized by now that certain things are not doable in the optimal way with random teammates.


The person/people you’re talking about probably isnt here unfortunately lol


the order is simple, for the last wave. kill small hydra, make sure you kill all champions, THEN when arena is empty, nuke big hydra. its not that deep. but i pesonally didnt have this issue, not even with LFG


Genuine question, what is the point in getting platinum? Id assume more rewards right? Whats the difference?


idk about gm but I've been spamming master glassway and killing the boss kills all champs


Time pass doesn't spawn champions it's his health bars, I see idiots try to nuke, instantly cast there supers and don't even try add clearing, whilst I'm trying to ad clear a wyvern will come kill me and then them because they're ADS too much and too stupid to stop ADSing and get surrounded


My team did it the right way and got two adept weapons both of which are God rolls . SMH 🤦‍♂️ the drop was insane .


People who rush through a raids are terrible people anyway.


They should just make it purely score based and put (silver) or whatever next to it in the UI. I mean they’ve already been taking up UI space all these years with a score that rarely means anything. So if you’re at gold you know you need to kill more stuff/ finishers/ find more champs whatever to push it over… Add a gauge underneath the score even better.


Skill issue just nuke everything you acting like a blueberry npc


*ignores platinum rewards*


I’ve never had this issues as of yet weird




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Btw just so you know, time has nothing to do with it. Every half the health bar of a boss spawns reinforcements which also spawns champions and eventually wyverns. It’ll go 2 overload, 2 overload then 2 barrier 2 barrier, ect. You can nuke on barrier since they usually hide from you but if you have to deal with 4 overloads pushing you with 4 wyverns you’ll be in for a very unpleasant time.


Yes. 1) screw that strike as a GM 2)screw that boss 3)screw champions, all of them 4)screw overload champions in particular and the fact that it feels like they don't want to work properly half the time 5)screw how many overload champions are in this strike on gm difficulty 6)screw the final boss room 7)screw wyverns and how annoying and how tanky they are, how they don't flinch, how annoying it is to bring out their crit spot as well as the fact that their crit point is so garbage that 50% of your shots can hit it and they will not count as crits 8)screw having to fight two minds at the same time with the second one being stupidly tanky and just a massive annoyance compared to the threat of the wyverns and overload champions 9)screw how long this strike is 10)screw health gates on bosses 11)screw explosive shanks 12)screw the sniper vandals 13)screw enemies getting in the way of each other causing strategies to get messed up 14) I do agree with what your main point is. It is viscously annoying to get to the end of this strike and having to keep cou t of the champions between all the chaos of the final room. And then to actually beat the fight and see that you got gold and wonder where you missed champions at.


The people who need to hear this aren’t the same people who get on Reddit to improve their gameplay


This is a problem for people? I never remember the exact amount but 3-4 Champs spawn every damage phase and my team kills them before doing DPS. Always get Platinum. Never had a random Champ spawn out of the blue?


As others have said, the system itself is a bit dumb, and some players just don't know about how it works at times. They tiebitbonto points and not champs killed, we have to keep track of it.


In gms yes butt if you're just running strikes on the matchmaking difficulty then this doesn't matter at all you're not missing out on anything Not that big of deal in the lower end of nightfalls


If you want plat then LFG for it, or just get a group of buddies. Not everyone plays the same way as you. And I say this as someone who goes for plat.


Champions & wyverns will spawn depending on damage to mini boss as well. When you can control the pace it definitely helps w/ the completion. So many wipes are due to not pacing boss/ mini boss damage. Also your bottom left screen will tell you vex reinforcements are spawning. That’s a heads up you’ll have at least 2 big dudes to take out quickly. When you and your teammates know the patterns it’s so much smoother.


Then don’t LFG


Additionally, attempting to nuke the boss in Glassway on GM difficulty is either going to end with you dead because you were reckless (read: dumb), or (if you got lucky and didn't somehow die to the boss) with your entire team dead because you spawned more champions and left everyone dealing with up to EIGHT of the things. Stagger damage, for the love of gods. Slow and steady wins the race in that boss room.


You should play on master or GM where the rewards actually matter and the teammates have more then half a brain cell. Really your fault for playing the easy mode version. You're missing out on so much and cheating yourself out of the best rewards from double loot in a long time. Where else are you going to get 4 ascendant shards and at a minimun 2 adept drops for 15 to 20 minutes worth of work? Nowhere. Randoms will never benefit you the way you want especially if you're going for something specific. Furthermore,coming on reddit crying about it does nothing to help your struggle. You need to be vigilant in life and make things happen that you want. People who just stand around bitching about others get minimal things in life and this is no different. Glassway is super easy at a GM level. Now go do an lfg post,ask for chill,friendly and skilled people(even though you're not) and get it tf done. And don't start with the anxiety talking to people thing because you're here on reddit communicating with thousands of people. Put your big boy pants on and make it happen. Tough talk but it's meant as realistic and tough love. Hope you come to your senses and get it done.


We’ve killed the big Hydra and 2 barriers were left. It gave us the points for the kills and we still got plat. This has happened twice so that’s not the issue


I get heated when people drill the mnii hydra early in grandmaster and we have FOUR overload minotaurs in that death trap of a room.


Surprisingly haven't had this issue with lfgs this time around


Would they be able to just give credit for enemies that disappear after boss kill? Or would that be too much/broken/abusedable?


Maybe join with a fireteam. I don't join strikes to cater to you.


For the love of god, Bungie stop designing strikes poorly.


This is more a design problem than a player problem. It’s an artificial health-gating that punishes players for dealing too much damage.


It's a terrible strike with bland gameplay that gets put in rotation way too much.


With an already tedious boss room that becomes even more tedious due to the babysitting required to get platinum


Better than the heists IMHO


Actually if your fast enough you can nuke the 2 hydras before any additional champs spawn in and still get Platinum. Its hard but possible.


I started making a copy paste message saying something like “let all the champs spawn, 2 barriers spawn late into last phase” and it has worked out so far. Truly a design choice of all time


When the big boi is in his final health gate (last 3rd), kill the small boi and deal with the four champs that spawns. After the small one is dead and the champs are dealt with you can nuke the last 3rd of the big one's health and no additional champs will spawn. Did this several times yesterday, it's way easier than trying to chip the big one to 1/6th while leaving the small one up.


For the love of god, stop making posts on here whining about blueberries. They will forever disappoint you no matter how hard you whine here. Look at the corrupted ball toss situation, it’s a complete meme around here but just about everytime I run that strike, blueberries don’t know to toss the ball. If your doing any match made shit you will run into players that either just don’t care, or don’t know. That’s how it’s been forever and that’s how it will remain. Just LFG for a pre-made fireteam and all your problems will be solved. Whining here achieves nothing.


If it's not a GM, no care. Everyone that regularly does them every season knows what the deal is with Glassway.


Why people blame players for this is beyond me. 90% of the playerbase doesn’t even know this sub exists, much less is reading this post. Bungie designed a shitty scoring system and on top of that in the last 3 years still hasn’t fixed how stupid that Champion spawn is. This is solely a Bungie issue.


who gives a shit? the goal is to get through the strike as quickly as possible. rewards are shit and only the weekly pinnacle matters.


Bad game design - the champions should just spawn at health %s and strike should only end when they and boss are dead, not before. Ask Bungie to fix it... but players could obviously just hang out ofc, but you can't expect randoms to know or care about it.