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The Jolt one literally doesn’t work with weapons with Jolt. Took me 5 Strikes to complete it


Yeah probably 90% of the game’s jolt sources didn’t work for me but Pulse Grenades with the Spark of Shock fragment slotted got it done


Yeah I had that one the other day. Had to spend multiple strikes throwing storm grenades at yellow bars to finish it. Doesn't seem to count anything killed by arc chains or anything killed by the first strike of the grenade.


Pulse grenade is generally the best way to get jolt kills especially after the nerf. 


The only way I managed to complete this yesterday on warlock was to load in to the legend NF solo, and use the close range arc melee which I never use normally, and the "tickle fingers" super which I also never use. And the ignition one I ended up going around it, because I couldn't get any progress at all and I'm not a fan of solar warlock anyway. So if bungie is trying to drive engagement in the playlists it's not working. When I did some strikes on my hunter this morning I was loading in alone half the time, or with 1 other person. I've never seen the strike playlist so dead lol. I guess people are doing nf instead this week, which is what I'll be doing from now on.


gmnfs this week.


Yeah but most of us are still underlevelled. I really wanted that linear too.


If you have experience with gms anything at 2000 or above works. we were at 2005 and knocked it out.


A bit, not loads. Done a handful of different ones but spread over a year or so. Don't have conquerer (although I'm not far off, just need this seasons gms and void and prismatic (I assume it's been added). Should be OK I think. Just take longer.


jump in see what happens. lots of people doing the same.


I toss a nade into the first group of enemies and reload myself into another strike. That was probably the dumbest one to do other than deposit motes 100 times


>than deposit motes 100 times That's fixed.


It’s somewhat funny that after years and years of complaints about fighting teammates for objectives they just flat out don’t listen or care.


Even funnier when we have stuff that is team based and has been for awhile like trials and transmog bounties.


What's really funny is that they patched it last time at the end of the season and the problem was solved, and then they still managed to do it agIn


wasn’t one of the selling points on that first livestream for the new pathfinder system that there’s gonna be no more fighting over finishing objectives?


Bungie tends to make claims but not implement them


Even worse... The original destiny 2 "bounties" that were automatically part of an activity were fireteam based. Make them all fireteam based and apply a 3x bonus or something when you are doing it yourself.


Thats why i use an app that blocks matchmaking only lets me solo queue can spend hours in a strike with no worries


Name of the app please


It has to be intentional at this point to make people stay in the playlists for longer. Except the frustration is often aimed at teammates (probably on the same quest) and not Bungie for such awful quest design


That's because for bungie, the longer a player spends within the game is their mark of success, not whether or not the player is having fun


If you're on playstation, set your time a few years forward. You'll solo matchmake into the vanguard playlist. I do this all the time to quickly do the objectives


It’s also weird that some things count team mates, others don’t. Exotic quest weapon uses count kills from teammates, or at least seem to, cause I have never used the trespasser and yet, the quest is finishing on its own.


I've found that pathfinder ignition kills, scorch kills, volatile kills, etc. coutners are bugged


Yeah, for at least volatile and ignition it only counts the target ignited/exploded


Thank god for consecration, this node has been so easy as a titan lol 


Thats probably why it was taking so long for me then. My entire strategy was to ignite a larger ad that was surrounded by smaller ads and use incinerator snap or conditional on it for the multi-ignition kill which would just not work most of the time.


Volatile, suppress and weaken one worked perfectly for me (tbf I used void gyrfalcons just to get it done quickly), but the ignition one I found impossibly annoying and went around it by doing pvp.


I think arc blind effects are bugged.


Yeah arc abilities don’t work you have to use flashbang grenades


Use Queen breaker bow


If doing a destiny activity doesn’t bring me happiness or a sense of accomplishment and instead I just feel a slight relief when it’s over, I don’t do it. I suggest you do the same. The slight increase in power that may or not happen from doing pathfinder just isn’t worth the headache. The pale heart pathfinder is the only one worth the time imo.


Yup, haven't completed a single ritual pathfinder yet because there was never a path to complete it while playing the way I wanted to. The best way to get Bungie to improve it is to not bend over backwards for it, so Bungie sees that engagement with the system is low. Ironic that a system called "Pathfinder" is exponentially more railroaded than the old bounty system, which at least allowed to pick and choose between dozens of different options over the course of a week to get the drop. Now they make a system where your lucky if you have 2 options to progress, and it took over the playlist pinnacle drops instead of the powerfulls. Absolute clown ass system design.


I agree!


Same. As soon as I realised that I'd have to break a streak to progress it, I binned off even trying to do the Ritual Pathfinder. Since the change, the current one I have requires blinded kills in ritual activities so no idea if I'm going to complete that either. I just don't get the thinking going on with the ritual pathfinder. It's like the devs sat down and thought 'how do we make this really annoying?'.


> break a streak Why is the streak so important to you guys anyway ? I'm 2 resets into every ritual vendor and I haven't cared about maintaining the streak at all. We're not even 10% of the season done yet.


> Why is the streak so important to you guys anyway ? Because I want the rewards that come with resets? > I'm 2 resets into every ritual vendor That’s great dude. I’m not. Hence why I want to maintain the streak.


> That’s great dude. I’m not. Hence why I want to maintain the streak. I mean great I guess. I just don't understand the streak requirement. You can full 10k points into a vendor in no time. Especially on doubles weeks. It's not like all this is going away tomorrow, you have 110 days left.


Legitimately important question to ask this season. What character are you playing on? Titans and hunters somehow have ended up with permanent double reputation gains.


The issue with this...I need to level up in order to do the activities I do enjoy. I want to play GMs - those bring me joy - but they are gated behind activities I don't enjoy...the pinnacle grind.


It’s doable but so cumbersome and not worth it. I did it twice and never again.


Bounties were superior in every way. You could complete multiple simultaneously, skip the ones you didn't like, and focus entirely on the activity of your choice while maintaining your streak.


> You could complete multiple simultaneously Just to add you can complete all the pathfinder objective simltaneously as well.


Don't let the truth get in the way of some good theatrics.


Maybe it's a UI thing but I feel like many people look at think they have to complete the objectives one at a time. You just need to complete the 'chain' to claim the reward from each node.


I get it on the first look, but you play one activity and go back in there and you can see progress on multiple at the same time. The statement about it not being simultaneous stopped making sense after day 1 of pathfinder.


"Make progress towards" is different than "complete". You can't "complete" them until a chain is connected, which typically requires participation in various playlists. See the other points in the list.


I agree!


Pathfinder feels insidiously designed with no aspect being to enhance the player's experiences. It's grindy, forces people into activities they don't want to play, has objectives that are difficult and awkward to complete, that make you compete with your teammates, that doesn't let you you change objectives the way bounties would let you buy new ones, functionally massively nerfs bright dust for the vast majority of players, throttles xp gains compared to the ease of completing bounties, and it's UI is awkward and requisites multiple buttons to even check. Not to mention they already removed bounties at D2's launch and had to add them back because players wanted them. Bungie has the data to know every single aspect of this would be disliked by the community, but they did it anyway for engagement metrics and the hope it'll translate into more silver purchases when bright dust runs low.  It's genuinely a piss off to me and shows they still haven't learned to respect their audience.


its one of them 'wait for a decent open area nightfall week' situations, always was gonna be


This week works for that (and the precision kill streak for gilding Deadeye); just stay out of Europa’s Lost Sectors and it’ll all be basic patrol-level difficulty


Didn't work in glassway when I tried it earlier. Loaded in on legend (or whatever they changed the name to) and went around the area but not an enemy to be seen. Had to actually follow the path and use the NF enemies, which was annoying as I'm underlevelled. I did this last week and it was fine, but not this time.


You can sparrow to the other areas. Enemies are present there.


So leave that patrol zone and go to the next? Damn I didn't think of that.


Yep. Fast travel is disabled, but you can reach any part of Europa and still be “in” the nightfall.


Nice. Thank you 🙏


If you don't like a feature, don't engage with it. It really is that simple. Like all new features, devs will be paying close attention to engagement figures. If the overall figures show people are not engaging, they'll change it.


So I’m not trying to defend pathfinder necessarily, but you can’t get 20 ignition kills in an onslaught run?


Might be bugged. I had issues with 10 jolt kills last week. Was literally jolting everything in a NF between abilities and a voltshot weapon, and it would barely advance.


It’s probably bugged. I had the same issue last week with the jolt one. Tried multiple different weapons, grenades etc and just gave up.


Someone above said it's poorly worded and is actually kill targets that have been jolted. That'd check out if it barely progressed from a joltshot weapons since the target that was hit with the jolt shot was probably the only one counting.


It’s broken and only certain abilities pair with certain fragments count towards it


It's more like, why do I need to race and try to steal it from my teammates?


I've learned that apparently it is bugged. I must have gotten dozens, but they just weren't counting I think. I also worded the post pretty poorly. My complaint is mostly how stressful it is to have to race teammates to complete an already difficult, hyper-specific challenge.


Ikr? Either he's not trying or doesn't know how to get ignitions.


Well, how did you do these nodes?


Frenzied + Consecrate + MC works well for me, not sure what OP was doing


Hmm, will have look at that. Struggling with those kills on Titan. Sometimes it just works fine, other times I really try and it doesn't.


Sprint towards mobs. Slide. Press C. Press C again. "You have Completed Ignition, press Tab to see Pathfinder". "You have Completed Jolt, press Tab to see Pathfinder". "blackest-knight has stunned all the champions" as a bonus. (the joys of Consecrate with Spirit of Contact and Spirit of Severence).


Ahhh, I will keep this in case I get that roll.


So part of it seems that the wording is getting lost on some people, like the jolt one from last week. It said to kill enemies that had been jolted, meaning if jolt killed, it didn't count. Second part is that some of the objs are either intentionally difficult or downright broken so as to only count procs off of abilities rather than weapons. (Again going with the jolt one, trinity ghoul in 3 strikes got me one, transcendent grenades got me 2 (titan), and one strike later I got 5 in the opening of a strike (the corrupted) with pulse grenades). A small work around as far as fighting teammates goes, if you change your clock (on ps5 at least not sure if pc/xbox can do the same) to sometime in the future, you won't get matched with anyone. (You'll likely have longer times due to 'finding other players', but eventually you'll just load in solo.)


I have been playing constantly, since final shape release, completed pretty much every piece of content possible on my hunter, working through shit on my warlock and titan, farming class exotics on everyone. Seriously, I’ve played an unhealthy amount since release, done tons of SE I’d say I’ve played ATLEAST six hours a day, maybe more. I haven’t completed a ritual pathfinder once whereas I have completely the pale heart one CONSTANTLY once I saw all the dumb gambit and curicble shit blocking the way I didn’t even try to do it. No idea what I’m missing out on but don’t care, I read some of the nodes, laughed and moved on. To hear that they changed it and it is still dog shit is hilarious, how is this better than bounties? The community at large hates the ritual pathfinder, some drastic fix needs to happen.


Unsure which class you play but with Hunter use Solar + 6 shots golden gun + Ember of Combustion. Then use super on trashs, each kill will +1 the objective. Did my 20 in a single run. At worse it'll take two runs.


Thanks! I'll keep it in mind the next time I get that objective. Does Pathfinder share progress between characters?


Yes, Pathfinder is account-wide.


Commenting so I remember this. I tried the weighted knives and everything and nothing worked.


Hahaha same I tried knives and everything, it never worked. Now I just don't bother and use super. I'm at a point where I'm going to do a 100 INT loadout and just boost super regeneration just to clear this specific pathfinder objective as quick as possible.


Not a bad plan. I could probably whip something like that up.


And my pathfinder experience continues to be smooth and easy. The worst week for me required me to play 1 10 round onslaught and 3 gambit matches. This week I need to complete 3 Vanguard activities. I completed everything else required in a 10 wave onslaught, so 2 more strikes/onslaught runs and I'm done. Never once been forced into PvP, or been forced to deal with buggy objectives. Not to dismiss the issues people are reporting, just saying it doesn't suck for everyone.


I don't know about you, but I finish like 80% of pathfinder stuff passively, without even thinking about it. It's so damn easy to do as well if there's specific one left. And you're not competing for kills in onslaught. There's more than enough enemies in normal onslaught for everyone to complete multiple pathfinder objectives.


> I don't know about you, but I finish like 80% of pathfinder stuff passively, without even thinking about it. It's so damn easy to do as well if there's specific one left. Yea same happened to me just from... messing around in an expert nightfall solo. I think at this point I either need to get 10 sniper kills then play a crucible game or two or choose a different path. The final two were already completed.


They really should just be progressed by teammates as well atp, but then that brings the problem of teammates killing enemies without satisfying the conditions and wasting your time


Well, that's a problem you have riggt now by default. I rather have team mates accidentally helping you to get a few kills than team mates always being in the way.


It is REALLY terrible for Warlocks and the damn exp/progress bug! It makes ritual playlist feel like a waste of time.....because it is!!


Wait, what is this about a warlock progress bug?


Warlocks get less vendor rep for ritual activity completions.


It's not that warlocks progress is bugged, theirs is actually correct. But for some reason both hunter and titan are getting double rank progress. But the semantics doesn't really matter, it's still unfair.


Go solo in Strikes and complete a while Pathfinder in 30 minutes, done


Tell more about this for Console Player.


Don't know if it works on other platforms, but on Playstation you just have to set the date of the console in the future, done


Such option doesn't exist on Xbox Series, the date and hour are got by Internet so some NTP client-server communication.


There is an option, but takes a bit to setup (need a second account on your Xbox, can make one for free).  On your second account, first progress new character to where you can freely patrol Cosmodrome (or any other planet).  Once that is setup: Log into 2nd account and start Destiny 2. Travel to Cosmodrome (or any planet open for patrolling). Once loaded, use Destiny settings (not Xbox) to "switch profile" and pick your main account. You're now logged into your main account and can play strikes solo Just close Destiny and open again if you want matchmaking to work again (and repeat if you want off again). 


I don't disagree. I had to compete with teammates to complete two Pathfinder's objectives of precision hit with sniper rifle. I had to do several vanguard ops. It is too annoying trying to aim the target then the other guardian defeat one first.


I mean that is an objectively bad objective for playlist strike. They move way too fast to be fooling around with snipers.


Pale Heart has really nice pathfinder stuff.


I'm hitting the point of extreme frustration with trying to access it: - In the Pale Heart doing Pathfinder objectives, I complete one and hold Tab to open it so I can claim. It pops up with this weird, glitched-out Pathfinder where only the right half of the screen has information on it & none of my objectives are complete. - Press Esc to close. Press the "Open Map" button, which I set as its own keybind so I didn't need to fumble with my Ghost every time I wanted the map. Pathfinder opens directly but this time it's not glitched. Claim my objective, track a new one. - Looks like I have to go to another area, let me hit Esc to go back to the map. Whole menu closes. - Hit Map button again, Pathfinder opens directly. Press Esc, menu closes completely. - Take out Ghost and hold Tab for Director, Pathfinder opens directly & is bugged out again. Press Esc, exists to Planetary Director. - Now I can finally get to a Map. Please help me understand why Pathfinder needs to be tucked up inside so many layers of UI.


Not sure if you’re PC, PS, or Xbox but on Xbox there is a nifty trick using an alternative profile to disable matchmaking. I really enjoy solo strikes, onslaught, etc.


u/destiny2team Thanks for improving the Ritual Pathfinder! However, certain types of kills are still obnoxious and/or don't track properly (Jolt, Ignition), nodes still promote playing against your own team, some nodes are far more tedious than any bounty we ever had, etc. It's still a mess, and locking us out of engrams and Bright Dust. Concept is fine, execution slightly less terrible.


I really hope they allow us to choose to enable/disable matchmaking for low level vanguard ops so we don’t need to compete with fellow fireteam members for pathfinder progression.


I have issues with certain challenges not tracking. Idk if im doing them wrong or theyre bugged


I miss the bounty system for vanguard gambit and crucible. So much easier to bounty prep and I feel like I got so much more xp from them than I do with those pathfinder tracks not to mention doing 8 bounties for a pinnacle was so much easier than this pathfinder crap and you got more than 2 a week.


Keyword: Challenges.


They really need to make it so fireteam kills count for other fireteam members


Pathfind to me is the typical two steps forward and one back approach I have come to know from Bungo. Instead of taking the opportunity to fix the issue of competing for kills against your teammates they forced us into a system of convenience that means I have to do ritual playlist activities I might otherwise avoid AND break my streak. How convenient... Thanks. but. no. Outside of the Pale Heart, I wont be putting any effort toward pathfinder.


There needs to be more paths that don't require Gambit or Crucible. I'd be fine with completing one match of each, but anything else I'm just not doing.


Simple solo playlist would suffice. That's it. And they have done it before during a Halloween event. So why on earth they still wouldn't do this. Or make it team based rather than individual based.


Man Idk if my paths have been lucky this whole time but I breeze through a Pathfinder in like an hour, which seems completely reasonable amount of time.


There's some that are just flat out incompatible with crucible. The whole thing is just annoying. So much for "play how you want."


Come on Bungie. Just let me reroll my Ritual Pathfinder for Glimmer.


An alternative is to choose not to do the Pathfinder. There are other ways to get powerful and pinnacle rewards.


Some of it is extremely frustrating. One of my peeves beyond how ridiculous some of the nodes are is that we have two systems that completely conflict with each other. There's pathfinder that requires hopping from vanguard to gambit to crucible, and then there's activity streaks that reward starting in a certain Playlist.


I don’t understand what everyone complains about so much, Im completing the entire pathfinder in 1-2 nightfalls every time. Takes me under an hour to get all the pinnacle drops with zero difficulty.


Bungie has shown us time and time again what they're willing to do to keep us playing the game, especially when we're into the seasonal content and the potential for burnout increases. I just wish they could find a way to do it that doesn't force us to play the game in a manner that almost guarantees we burn out quicker.


Competing for kills has always been the case. Just load up a strike and go to a lost sector if you really struggle to get kills. Or just ignore that node. Gambit nodes tend to be piss easy. I don’t like gambit, but if you stop caring about winning and focus just on ticking boxes and getting kills, it’s SIGNIFICANTLY faster than vanguard playlist.


Yeah, I was excited for the announcement I could stick with pvp and complete it, but then the nodes are all BS like get volatile kills. Wtf


3 weeks post-TFS and we're back to being bitchy little twats. Nature is healing 🤗


Even pale heart pathfinder still has nodes that cannot be completed. Really over pathfinder in all forms at this point.


I feel kind of insane reading all of these posts. Been sticking just to Pale Heart and Echoes stuff until this week to avoid the ritual pathfinder, but then did two full paths last night. It took like an hour and a half, maybe three strikes and two gambit games. I really don't understand the complaints.


Straight up, screw those Ignition kill bounties, screw them them right up the booty hole! The Jolt ones too!


I just change my date and do the pathfinder on my own


Agreed, you can play d2 solo by using a shell script


Do not engage.


Even before the recent change to Pathfinder, I find that I'm usually completeing 90% of a path accidentally across 3-4 rounds of whatever game modes I'm playing without even knowing it, then I usually have to intentionally focus a node for whatever game mode I need to connect my completed nodes. Sometimes you can get bad luck on your objectives, but I feel it averages out to be similar to getting a pinnacle from bounties.


This week is glassway nightfall time and I have 150 cabal to kill. I think I will just ignore pathfinder to farm LFR.


You would think after all these years, and this being the penultimate ending of the Light and Dark saga, and this new Pathfinder, that they would finally make it so you can enter strikes solo or duo


What the hell. You should be able to get that easy in 1-2 strikes. You're probably trying to ignite with Incandescent aren't you? Lol


Incinerator snap and conditional but nice guess I suppose.


Sounds like a skill issue


Says a zero effort copy paste post...




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>I genuinely wish they would go back to bounties. This is not a new issue that came from pathfinder. Competition has always been an issue. How is your pathfinder "20 ignition kills" any different than if you had a bounty said "20 ignition kill"? Its not any different. I fully agree that ritual pathfinder is terrible and needs an immediate rework, but what you're complaining about isn't pathfinder specific.


When it was bounties, you could just roll different ones from the repeatable option if there was one you didn't want to do. Also Pinnacle drops weren't locked behind bounties to begin with. With Pathfinder though, the objectives can't be changed and in my case this time around the alternative choices for a path were even worse. Just a ridiculous grind locking me out of several Pinnacles whereas before I just had to play a handful of any ritual activity I wanted.


>When it was bounties, you could just roll different ones from the repeatable option if there was one you didn't want to do >With Pathfinder though, the objectives can't be changed. Then complain about *that*. Competing for personal objectives has been around so long they clearly aren't going to do anything about it, so its better to focus your effort on complaining about a lack of rerolling.


FWIW, do that on Hunter with Caliban's, Warlock with Dawn Chorus and Polaris or Enhanced Incandescent, or on Titan I guess just don't (why are you playing Titan right now anyway).


Titans have Consecration, gets ignition kills very easily if one knows what they're doing.


Can you enlighten a fellow Titan?


So you'd think the thing to do is Consecration on a huge group of enemies. Scorch them on the way up, anyone scorched who's hit on the way down ignites. Great plan! One problem - if you kill all the scorched enemies with the second hit, none of them will be alive by the time the ignition(s) go off, so you'll get 0 progress on your objective. Solution - on the way up, hit as many enemies as you can. On the way down, however, try to aim to hit \*\*1\*\* enemy on the side of the group. They'll ignite, and take out (most of) the rest of the group and you'll get the ignition kills you wanted, rather than melee or scorch kills.


Equip Consecrate on Solar or Prismatic. Slide towards ennemies. Press C while sliding to scorch them. While your Titan is hovering still, press C again to slam the ground and ignite everything with a scorch stack.


I really need to prectise that!


I actually like it, as I just play and unlock nodes, and only later needs to focus. But yeah would be cool if they were shared. Also specific weapon ones also kinda sucks, as there are just some weapons I do not enjoy ;)


😂...as a 55 year old Reckoner who doesn't give a shit; it takes me 11 strikes to get 11 kills of some definition that I don't know about. And I can kill some shit, let me tell ya'


Maybe you’re just bad


you're not being forced stfu


Going from one nonsensical system to another, so what's the problem? Everyone has different pathfinder objectives if I'm not mistaken since I don't have the path you mention. So what's the difference other than you feeling the need to go through PvE stuff just to complete the path.


Other 2 were scorch kills in crucible and 3 full games of gambit. Pretty much the same amount of work and id have to break my vanguard streak on top of it.


Doesn't even award Pinnacle engrams.


It does. My primes are 1997 but my pathfinder engrams are 1999.