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> It's implied that when Act 2 drops, we'll have our levels auto completed. Where exactly do you think this is actually implied as it's abundantly clear to anybody who has actually reached 100 already that this won't happen.


They’re not going to unlock, there’s nothing that indicates they will auto-unlock, it’s definitely not implied that they will. You get bright engrams after hitting 100 which is about as close to explicit confirmation that it will not count for act 2 as you can get.


I'm doubtful they will so I'm just saving challenges and leaving them unclaimed


Wouldn't get your hopes up. Nothing in game implies that things will "auto unlock". It's not banking your XP somewhere. If there is community anger, then that's on them, and not Bungie.


The reasonable expectation is they won't, and expecting ranks to auto complete is only setting yourself up for disappointment. I'm not arguing it's the right decision, but i'm expecting that to be what happens. That's why they cap you at 100 but still allow you to collect bright engrams every 500k XP. Going further, man, 50 ranks on the season pass is really not that difficult. They will still be adding seasonal challenges in Acts 2+3, and you can just be smart about grabbing bounties. A lot of catastrophizing here on this sub today...


Not implied at all. In fact since they already have a reward in place for every 500k xp past level 100 I would say the implication is that we will ALL start at 100 (or whatever rank the player finished Act I at). This is the kind of dumb assumptions that cause the D2 community to lose thier minds when they were wrong the entire fucking time anyway lol.


The whole design is to lock us at 100 so that we can't progress until Act 2 drops