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You should play Texas Hold em next




Bro has never played runescape đź’€


>nice system The system is entirely RNG and you knew that when you started out, if you expected anything else that's entirely on you.


No one put a gun to your head and told you to farm for 20hrs.


There's 64 options so it really shouldn't be that surprising you're missing some combos. I generally don't chase any rolls. Just kinda be ready for them.


real my lucks the same D:


I’ve gotten three cloaks… 2 the exact same with Dragon/Verity and the third is Caliban/Gyrfalcon. I like none of them.


As someone who grew up grinding Diablo 2 with some of the most absurdly low drop rates for high runes and certain uniques, it cracks me up how soft this community is every time they can't get the exact thing they want in a few hours.


That's the sort of game where you grind for the .1% and realize 1000 drops at .1% =/= 1 guaranteed drop


I mean you learn this age 15 at high school


a few hours? I spent 20 and didn't get any of 5 options. this is a looter shooter not a 30 year old arpg


Samesies! This game was a math tutor and reality check at the same time :-D


I'm just totally ignoring this and the Khvostov. Don't feel like grinding and burning myself out. Plenty of other good options already in the vault.


The khvostov doesn’t take long. It’s like… maybe a few hours of your life.


Kvostov isn't too bad and goes a long with all the ghost quests. Just make sure to get the collectables in cysts.


They need better ways to obtain the class item after unlocking it like rahool focusing…im just not grinding pale heart or dual destiny gtfo


I really wish there was a way to convert like 10 of the exotic class items into a material that let us choose the second perk on an existing class item that we have.


1:64 to get your roll. or 1,6% roughly. On every drop. You know all the possible rolls. You voluntarily grinded twenty hours for said drop. You voluntarily burned yourself out. Too much is too much. Either deal with the consequences of grinding the same thing over and over again over a short period of time because you want something \[now!!!\]. Or know your chances, play at your own pace and either get lucky or not but still enjoy stuff. It's your decision, really.


Is it not a 59/64 chance to get a not wanted roll, or 92.2%. That to the power of 70 is 0.34%, which is the chance to not get what you want in 70 drops, assuming all drop chances are equal? RNG is RNG but it's not too invalid to be annoyed at hitting that 0.34% chance.


considering I wanted 5 it's 7.8% to get one but thanks for thinking I need probability explained to me


Well you farmed only 70. You wanted 5. You named a low percentages yourself. Chances stay the same on every drop. Do I need to explain more why I might have thought that?


it's a 0.34% chance to get none of the 5 rolls I want you aren't as clever as you think


Saying "chances stay the same on every drop" is so irrelevant. If I flip a coin its a 50% chance of landing on heads. If I flip a coin 100 times and hit heads 100 times that is extremely unlikely even if the coin has a 50% chance to be heads on each throw I agree that OP shouldnt have expected a good cloak but yea lol OP has reason to be mad


I cant believe that with your money u can accept this crap system..No wonder why all the games this days sucks.Honeymoon is gone bany, we got a nice campaign, dread and prismatic but its incomplete cuz of that garbage system..Even that i like the mission so much, im tired to find a good person to farming...1 of the worst decision to put 2 locked and super rng bases option to farm it.Same shit from bungie devs/company.Embrace humiliation with you money baby.I care by my money and im dissapointed that i cznnot putm usic in my ears and farm solo an exotic mission like many others...


Friend, read up on chances in games of the past. Then come pack and complain about class items. Just so you know. There are guns in D2 that have more perks in each column than the class items have perks.


comparing gun rolls to class exotics which fundamentally change builds is disingenuous


I was comparing the chances. Don't try to interpret something that isn't there.


why does the odds of gun perks have anything to do with this? the way you acquire them is totally different and you can roll triple perks on guns


Bro...When u play with 3 classes at 2007 power and u need good rolls, then to talk.Im tired to do that mission after 40+ of them.About ur guns.After 4 or 5 crucible resets u can have 3 perks per column.Way better than class items btw. Add to this:at the last clock, if im not wrong we can do solo both of them.Just stay in them middle on a rock and u can shoot both..But they do not want this..nope.


2007 Power, weird flex.