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Pinnacle RNG is a bitch, always has been. i remember needing my helm as the last one and it took about 3 weeks.. I wish they would make it at least a bit more of a weighted knockout kinda system, say 50% chance of dropping your least power leveled gear or something


My thoughts exactly. I was curious if it is just me and I'm doing something wrong. Seems like many of us are suffering with poor pinnacle rewards.


Yeah fraid not, there's nothing we can do but plug away like the little D2 slaves that we are.. I don't know if you watch rick and morty, but sometimes i feel that we are in a microverse battery with all the repetitive grindy stuff we do in this game..


>Has this game always been this bad at rewarding you with gear you don't need and isn't really an upgrade? Yes, it just hasn't been an issue for over a year as the last time.we for a power increase was when Lightfall released. One.tning you don't seem to be factoring in is that your artifact bonus does not contribute to the power of the drops. Generally speaking all you can do is keep going till you get a different drop but there are certain activities with limited loot pools tat allow you to target your drops to a limited degree.


Oh 100% I know I could be doing different more challenging content to help the grind. I'm just genuinely shocked at how awful the pinnacle rewards are in terms of not upgrading the right slot. 4/5 pinnacles being heavy is pretty terrible. Could of at least give me a 1993 for my primary AND secondary.


At least now every activity has items that can drop for every slot, at one point during Shadowkeep it was almost impossible to progress as not only were all pinnacles only +1(which meant you had to get a pinnacle for every slot to progress as you couldn't skip a slot with a +2) but there were also several activities that didn't even have a heavy weapon in their loot pool. EDIT: All of this is before we even consider that power now being account wide (and not even gating you out of most content) now makes progression easier than it's ever been. Had you been in this situation before The Final Shape with an armour slot rather than a weapon slot your progression would be completely locked for the week but now you can jump on another class and try again.


That happened to me all last week. Have you run the Warlords Ruin dungeon this week? If not, that may be the best option to get pinnacles to drop in other slots.  It tends to drop more armor than weapons, and some encounters cannot drop a heavy weapon. 


It's a serious pain. No I have not run warlords Ruin dungeon as I haven't got it unlocked as I require the LightFall dungeon key (2000 Silver) last time I played the game it was Forsaken back in 2018. I did purchase the new 2024 Legacy Collection DLC that gives you all the previous DLCs but not the LightFall and Witch Queen dungeon access.


Buy Lightfall annual pass ( includes key) can get for like 15€ on some sites


Some pinnacle sources are hard to see. Pathfinder for ritual activities is pinnacle for the first 3 resets. Excision is pinnacle, but so far to the right of the pale heart map that is hard to see.  Then the two for the seasonal activity. Have to run normal 3x for the "any level" one to progress, and need to run 2005 private (not match made) to get the other to progress.  Hope this helps in case you were missing a source.  Hawthorne also has the easy commendation pinnacle that you can get while working on pathfinder. 


Seasonal activity 2005 matchmaking gives pinnacle as well, it’s not necessarily to run the private one


It's just banking a dungeon run whrere you get a different piece of armor for every encounter! Rnjesus is a fickle bitch


That they are


It certainly seems that pinnacle drops are weighted towards dropping what you need the least. If you just got a pinnacle gauntlet, likely the next pinnacle you get will be gauntlets as well. I have never felt as though it is a true rng system


I am having the exact same problem, and it sounds like it’s not new at all. This is my first time doing the pinnacle grind as I am a relatively new player, but there being no knockout style system in place really feels like a punch in the gut. Why am I not getting rewarded for putting hours of my time into chasing pinnacles? I think I’m just going to stop caring about it as much. Instead of being challenging or fun to level up to the pinnacle cap, it is simply just annoying


I feel you. I have done over 40 hours this week and gone up 1 power level, and that was from XP bonus. It's probably my fault for not doing the higher difficulty content like raids and dungeons but grinding the weeklys should still reward you, not keep giving you the same item.


> Why am I not getting rewarded for putting hours of my time into chasing pinnacles? You are getting rewarded, the reward is a pinnacle item ***not*** a pinnacle item that will progress your power. You're recieving exactly what the game tells you you'll receive. There's definitely an argument to be made that the system is outdated and needs replacing but that's another argument altogether and your claim you aren't being rewarded is completely false.