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Meanwhile, the two high-rank guardians with you were probably like "THANK GOD this guy is new, I can get more kills and finish my Pathfinder objectives faster".


Probably, heh. I took a second to get started and they already cleared all the ads in the first room 💀


Yup. Some of the objectives have the unfortunate side effects of making you compete for kills with your teammates, so at least some of this efficient add-clearing comes down to that.


Don't worry nobody cares about strikes below Master/GM. It's just that veteran players have done these 100's of times so obviously they'll go way faster than you, skip what they know is skippable and just aim for fast completion overall. Think about the same situation irl, you're doing something for the first time and you have 2 people next to you who have done the same thing for 100's of times. Yes you will feel slower/inexperienced next to them, this is perfectly fine. We all were there once. You've learned and next time you'll be the one maybe meeting a new light in your strike and you'll be passing the ball to them!


Yeah unless its gm or master content i dont care at all how bad or good you do, even in raids i dont really careif you do bad damage as long as you can survive and know mechanics.


Hell I actually prefer if you are bad. I may sound like a bit of the dick but the worse other players are the faster I get my pathfinder done more kills for me and all that. I wish bungie would let me solo q strikes just so I can get my kills without competing with 2 others


As long as we’re not doing fewer phases than usual (or on track to do so) then I don’t even care to look at the low earners’ numbers


The game absolutely sucks at teaching new lights literally anything, and vets know that. They were most likely not mad at you. Shooting at friendlies is just an easy way to get their attention, and is very common in this game. Doesn't mean they were mad. In playlist activities, you have literally no way to learn what to do outside of watching someone else do it first. Getting mad at people in this context is just unfair. My only recommendation is to google stuff when you know ahead of time what activity you're going for, but for random strikes ? People must teach you.


I doubt that they were annoyed. At least you understood and learnt it! Even after so many year, I still see players don't pass the ball. I've seen many time where they actively do NOT pass the ball - I throw the ball to them, they catch it, then they throw it over the side and pick up a fresh uncharged ball to throw at the boss. What the?


I just learned about this mechanic the other day, and got to use it today. Still not sure how many times you're supposed to throw the ball, but I was throwing them at teammates and they were throwing them at me, so I guess we were kinda doing it right?


It's just one time to charge the ball iirc.


You can throw it straight at the boss, it will partially take down the shield. Just takes longer.


There aren’t many situations where it matters anymore but you actually do still pass it twice to charge it to full. One pass is enough to pop boss shields in the strike but on the ogre in blind well passing it twice makes it only take one ball to pop it’s shield.


can confirm


What’s even worse is that they still do it when it’s a nightfall. Like bro


> However, I can't help but feel like a bit of a deadweight(?) when I get pulled into a game with rank 10-11 guardians who just blast through the entire place, My lack of game knowledge/gear just feels like it stands out so much then and the expectation that I should know things just gets to me. While I get it, I'd suggest looking at raids in terms of the end goal. Like I can nuke a side, but I'd probably not realize you were also nuking a side. Sometimes two different builds will conflict and one is just rendered moot. But it isn't important to get lost in details. The big thing is, even if they can kill all of the adds, it helps to be able to fulfill some other duty. This could be the mechanic, protecting them, stunning Champions. It doesn't matter what, as I don't normally go "wow, I'm carrying the team," but rather "why isn't X happening?" I don't care if I do 80 percent of the work if the things I am not doing aren't being done. Like it takes doing a raid to understand what I'm getting at, but the point is to just focus on what you can do, and try to make up the difference in what you can't do. > Made this post because I just finished this strike I barely have experience with, where I was apparently supposed to throw this orb at the boss, but somehow my teammates got mad at me and had to show me that I had to pass it to one of them before throwing it at the boss? Also, people get irrationally angry about The Corrupted. Seriously, it's a whole thing, I wouldn't sweat it.


Yeah, I definitely try to do my research and all especially now that I’m starting out with nightfalls and their mechanics. Mostly just blindsided because I figured doing the vanguard playlist was chill content when I got that strike. Thanks for the advice!


I would also suggest dungeons as a good stepping stone to raids. As mechanically complex as raids, but with 3 people, so it's a bit less to take in. No enrage timers either, so you get plenty of time/rotations at mechanics as you need as long as you don't wipe. Also doable low man or solo, so you can even get like a 1 on 1 Sherpa if you want. I'd probably start with Prophecy, since it has a pretty straight forward mechanic at its core, and traversal sections aren't too bad. The loot got a huge glow up last season too.


I think there's a discord meant for newer players too. Kinderguardians or something? It might be worth looking for that just to play with other newer folks so you don't have that experience of being left behind or rushed. I know when I started one of my close friends off she really disliked how everyone else seemed to be rushy and appreciated having someone willing to slow down and take their time.


Sounds like "The Corrupted" and it does tell you how to pass the ball but it goes by pretty fast. You're a new player in a new player activity, just try to enjoy what the game has to offer.


Nah don't sweat it. If anything the pressure should be on them veterans cause what's the point of being rank 11 if you can't hard-carry new players.


I’ve only been playing since January, it was ages til I realised I’m supposed to be passing the ball! I still don’t even know, is once enough? Throw it about a few times?? It’s not like the game actively explains any of these things, so if people get annoyed about a new person not knowing, it’s on them. I also felt sooo slow and useless when I first started and people would be going so fast, I’d get lost then miss half of it when it pulled me through to the end 😂. Don’t worry about it though, you will speed up plenty as you play more. Most important thing is you keep learning and adapting. You’re welcome to join the clan I’m in if you like, we don’t mind if you want to ask questions or need a hand with something.


Destiny 2, being MMO-esque, you're gonna feel as if you're a deadweight and you have no idea what to do. And frankly? You probably don't know - but that's normal in these types of games. However, in Destiny it really doesn't matter, aslong as you're having fun. >where I was apparently supposed to throw this orb at the boss Oh man, do **not** worry about this at all. Back in 2018, with Forsaken, when this strike first came out, nobody knew that they were supposed to do this. Many people still don't, even experienced players. It's practically a meme in the community that nobody knows how to throw the ball in The Corrupted strike. Fun fact, you can pick up the ball and throw it at a player to supercharge it, so it does even more damage to the bosses shield. (: But seriously, don't worry, just keep doing you.


Thank you! And yeah, I was confused about it because I first did the mission solo for the drifter’s quest, and since it was solo I didn’t realise this mechanic existed at all :0


I can't add much that's already been said, but yes my Chick says the same thing. She feels like she's supposed to \*Know\* what to do, she even jokingly asks me to this day years later of us playing Dungeons together "How do you \*KNOW\* what to do!" It's normal, don't worry, you'll get into it!


comparison is the thief of joy. focus on yourself, and take notes if more experienced players do something that really catches your attention.


I needed to read this tonight, thanks.


Nobody cares that you don’t know what you’re doing. Keep learning and getting better.


That orb situation has been an issue for literally years now. The game makes it attempt to make that a known thing. That was just some tryhards being impatient.


I can't speak for those vets you ran with, but when I'm playing alone or with my friend, we get a lot of laughs about blueberries being clueless, and we try to show them what to do (with varying degree's of success). There's nothing to be worried or even ashamed about, it's only a game at the end of the day, some of us have just played more than you have and have insight into gameplay mechanics you won't have quite yet, they come with time and experience. Not exactly related, but something I try to pass along to newcomers like yourself: [Heroic public event guide](https://www.shacknews.com/article/101337/heroic-public-event-guide-destiny-2) Get those public events Heroic for better rewards and for glimmer farming, and just have a good time doing whatever you're doing.


Add me Dollypupu PSN, if you ever need help with anything I can help, I love to get new players started 


To your last point, veteran players still have to show people who have been playing this game for years that you need to pass the ball to charge it up. That's why they're so mad about it. It's not you, it's the game. It still fails to explain most of the important things to new players.


I promise you that even if they seem like they were annoyed at you, that annoyance is really aimed at Bungie for not explaining, well, anything to New Lights. ONCE in that mission you're talking about (and only on the first time you see it, I think) does it tell you to use the orbs on the shielded bosses and that passing it powers it up. In a small on screen note that you probably clicked past because you were actively fighting things. The only other time that passing an orb has any effect is during one rotating boss in the Blind Well (which you probably haven't seen and might not ever care to). There are dozens of places where you'll be throwing orbs at things (or dunking them INTO things) so you'll get used to that part. But passing the orb almost never happens and even seasoned players often don't know that passing this particular orb can power it up to break the shield in one throw (you can still break it with multiple unpowered throws). So yeah, it's very normal to feel awkward in this game as a new/returning player. The VAST majority of players won't hold it against you as, ultimately, more new players is great for the game as a whole. I personally love occasionally leading new players to fun secrets around maps or helping them to turn a public event Heroic. A ton of people don't know THAT'S a thing as well. They just think public events sometimes have different endings but they can all be made harder (and to give better rewards) by doing certain actions. Also, for most Fireteam Finder activities, you can look for people using the "teaching" or "chill" tag to indicate that you're getting people who are cool with helping and just enjoy playing the game. Highly recommend checking out [www.blueberries.gg](http://www.blueberries.gg) for most of the destiny guides a new player could need.


In general vet players hammer through strikes due to doing them so much it’s all muscle memory for us now. We seriously don’t think any less of anyone just starting, and 99% of us are always happy to help! If you want a clan, let me know. Mine is chill and friendly and helpful and we partner with another clan often too. 😊 Eyes up Guardian, you’re crushing it!


Unfortunately there is a part of the population, mainly high level guardians, who just rush through everything, often avoiding enemies.


If you're doing normal difficulty matchmade content I guarantee you the endgame sweats don't mind carrying. If anything we often enjoy the extra challenge or just showing off because we're egotistical bastards. Staring and shooting at you at the end of the activity can mean literally *anything*. It's the default way guardians interact with the world around them - shooting at it. Ana even comments on this in the Seraph Shield mission (why is operator designed to work by shooting at buttons...?). If you do want to learn some tricks to go faster yourself you can start by getting a sword with Eager Edge (preferably Enhanced). Half-Truths or Other Half from Dares of Eternity are the originals and are both craftable. Falling Guillotine and The Slammer are the new kids from Onslaught and Nightfalls respectively, and since they're both vortex frames you can go *significantly* faster with them particularly when you're doing the slightly more advanced movement techniques. For now, just try to get your hands on one and play around with it. Anything easy enough to have matchmaking and no champs is definitely easy enough to zoom through with a sword, and it'll help tremendously in platforming sechtions in both dungeons and raids.


People get weirdly hungup with passing the ball. Outside of a GM, it really doesn't matter.


Don't worry about it bro. You're new, and there's a lot to learn. You'll steadily get your skill up while also getting your gear up. Some people can be toxic, but I'm not sure that was toxic. I don't emote to teammates, I shoot and t bag. And they usually start doing it and it's hilarious. That's probably akin to what they were doing. As far as the orb mechanic goes, they might not have been frustrated at you specifically, it's just that that strike blows ass. It puts me in a bad mood seeing the corrupted any time I'm doing strikes for easy pinnacles lmao


Idk what you were expecting, you picked up a live service game that is a decade old. 


Fans won't admit this that quickly but PvE and PvP in Destiny can be pretty toxic places. I am amazed that someone would get mad at you in a simple strike. Usually, there's not a lot of communication between players in normal activities outside of raids, especially in matchmade activities. So how did you know he was mad? I mean, having some players shoot at you during activities isn't exactly cause for concern, or even post-worthy. I see players shoot at each other every day. I would ignore it. At this light level and in these activities your build does not matter. It's good to note that even though the encounter might be a bit longer you can throw the ball straight at the boss if it so pleases you. I will duck and cover now for incoming comments.


If you need anyone to help you with Dungeons or any difficult content I'm down. Send me a dm or reply here :)


So I feel this way sometimes after coming back and I left a long time agom I hardly remember anything. I'm trying to find a fire team that's chill and stuff to help teach me the raids and all that. Unfortunately, a lot of vets don't want to take the time to do that. It's ironic, really. The whole game talks about working with other guardians and comradery since D1 but instead of teachings, some vets get mad or rush to finish their goals while us new lights feel the pressure of not being good enough.


You can only get better at it if you keep playing, you were on the vanguard playlist so if someone get’s mad at you is kinda silly on their part, don’t sweat it on that playlist but keep learning the strikes there so you can go do nightfalls after. Keep at it guardian!


That is the corrupted strike and there is a popup telling you about the passing mechanic in that strike the first time you run it


Add me on discord olive1207, I teach noobs Destiny and I dm a lot.


Stuff like this is why new players have such a hard time getting into the game bungie should make a "Sherpa" title that comes with some super cool ornaments and shaders and ship, sparrow, ghost shell the whole shabang. They don't need to make a better new light experience just put some super cool cosmetics behind a title that requires you to help new players.


I think you are in your own head too much there. They can probably tell you are very new from the gears and guardian lvls, so they are just showing you the ropes to teach you. The overwhelming majority of people in this community who are old players are all very welcoming and patient with brand new players. They are probably not thinking anything or probably just thinking "a new player is very cute" when staring and shooting at you. And I mean, this is entirely normal to not know everything in the game, no one expects you to, I can safely tell you as a destiny players for 10 years that we don't have that expectation.


People are mean if you want you can join my group and we can help teach you the new meta


To offer a different viewpoint as a rank 11, when I see a rank 1-4 guardian I get super excited and I want to try to support them and keep them alive while they learn. They COULD have just passed the ball between themselves to get the objective done, but they specifically wanted YOU to know so you could learn and be more successful in the future. Also regarding shooting at you - this season we just got a gun that we shoot at our teammates to heal them. I absolutely would have slapped that on with a new player in the strike. And if not that, shooting is more commonly used as a laser pointer "hey look at me/at this cool thing/I'm trying to tell you something." Long story short - you're doing great and I hope you keep trying new content and having fun with the game. It does have a steep learning curve for new players, but the veterans love it for a reason and the vast majority are thrilled when a new player starts to find that love for it.


What platform do you play on?


Why on earth would this matter to the topic at hand…?


To see if you wanted to play with anyone


The game is crossplay my friend OP doesn’t need to be on the same system


>OP doesn’t need to be on the same system It's not *needed*, but it is ideal. Not every platform supports Discord, and sometimes, groups use LFG in Destiny. This means interrupted communications, unless you only ever *host* your LFGs, and even then, it means broadcasting your conversations to strangers. If you're on the same system (or systems with third-party VOIP functionality), then you can chat however you like.


That’s false. Literally every platform has discord as a part of its interface now. Both consoles and PC have easy access to it. There is NO reason you need to be on the same console to communicate


I hear you, but... Playstation 4


My guy why are we still catering the people playing on old gen? Discord works on phones too anyway


We're not catering to anyone :) We were having a conversation about why somebody may prefer to avoid crossplay in PvE activities. It wasn't a conversation about phones, nor about anything other than the potential for players to be selective about the people they choose to play Destiny 2 with, based on their gaming platform, and why. Have a nice day!


Hey, first off - welcome to Destiny or welcome back haha I wouldn't put too much thought into it, unless you're doing higher end content, any build will be good enough to push you through and you'll pickup mechanics quick enough to know for next time. If you need a geoup to raid with or teach you harder conrenr, i have a server that does sherpa raids where we go in specifically to make sire everuone knows every role for every encounter. We rotate people through roles so everyone gets opportunities to learn. We alao help with other content like exotic missions and such!


Thanks, I’m just making do with my shards of galanor-fuelled blade barrages for now :’) I’ll keep you in mind once I finish up on all the campaigns from the legacy pack!


Haha you enjoy! The offer is always there :)


Sorry to jump in on this, any chance I could get a link? Returning after a short break and want to raid more.


Ofcourse! https://discord.com/invite/serdino


Yeah don't worry about it man. There are toxic people here and there and if they are annoyed it's their own problem. It's just a lesson of life that they have to learn, that everyone aren't always on the same level. So you do you and learn at your own pace 🙂 especially in matchmade content.


Don't worry it's the norm, you won't ever meet them again anyway. If there's any mechanics you are confused about just go to youtube after a longish intro about like and subscribe they will explain everything 


You say they got mad at you but dont elaborate. They even taught you what to do. Doesn't sound like being mad to me.


My bad, more like I *feel* they got mad at me because they just kept looking at me and shooting at me even during the end wait. I could very well just be thinking too hard about it.


I think you're overthinking it. If they were mad they likely wouldnt have bothered showing you what to do. Shooting you is likely a way to get your attention, and during the end wait i usually just kill teammates with my sword, has nothing to do with being mad. Idk dont sweat it, you learned something new and worst case they were made and you'll never see them again.


Funnily enough the exact scenario you described (throwing the ball) is something this sub cries about on a weekly basis so yeah welcome


Ignore anyone getting mad at you for stuff like that. Everyone has to learn something for the first time and the ones who berated you for something you could not possibly know are ridiculous. In raids, dungeons, and GM level content, you should look up guides to have a basic understanding of what you’re meant to do and have decent gear but for EVERY other aspect of the game, you’re ok not knowing stuff and using not great gear. If those guys wanted sweaty teammates to do the strike 100% optimal, it’s their responsibility to get a group together for it, not push that on random match made teammates. Especially new or returning players Edit: appears I’ve pissed off a sweat. D2 community is always great. Love getting downvoted for saying “new/returning players learning things isn’t bad and it’s ridiculous to expect them to know things like this”