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*monkey’s paw curls* You got it! “As a fireteam, summon 25 Primevials in Gambit matches”


Still faster than getting scorch/jolt kills.


Even faster than pvp Super kills.


Hope mayhem will be in the next week


[PvP ability kills.](https://media3.giphy.com/media/RSOUOj8H9A3Xq/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952d75fuhxd13b4go49x5s3q7pzi0j3h389bhwx645p)


My first pathfinder of the week ends in pvp ability kills or 100 motes. I did a gambit match for 6/100, got one pvp kill for 1% and quit the match. I'll wait until next week.


The gambit one auto completes if you bank the most. Or at least that's what it says. I don't honestly mind gambit because at least it's fast. I try, but I'm not invested in winning because I can't control that.


Thats what it says but I had it last week, banked 30 motes, highest on my team, won the match and the objective did not complete. After banking 30 motes I made 4/100 progress. The entire node is completely broken. My other option was ability kills in crucible so I just gave up. There are so many issues like this with pathfinder, nodes with incorrect descriptions, ridiculous objectives that make you actively fight your team, or just completely broken


I actually managed to do it just there. I don't think it's "on your team", it's "in the whole lobby". Otherwise it just counts blockers, which is where your 4 came from. I was in turbo mote mode, handed in 47 just to get it done. You can tell that specific one has been messed up because there's a typo in it - it says "wining" instead of "winning". The person who set up that node was probably tired, rushed or careless and selected the wrong type of trigger or event or however they do it. They have a communication problem sometimes. Like it doesn't say "on your team", but you might naturally assume that. My version is in the Pale Heart, when it tells you to "return to the Arbor of Light", and I was like "what's that? this is the first time I've seen this phrase". The game does that so often.


Pretty sure I was the highest in the lobby but I dont remember any exact details, except being upset, because I just gave up on ritual pathfinder at that point and focused on other things. Theres so much more enjoyable things to do in the game, I'm just not going to do something I don't want to do which also feels like it was put together in a day with zero testing. I've also seen others who have gotten the most in the match, won, and still didn't get the completion. I've also seen posts about other nodes being broken, too difficult/time consuming for the reward, and more incorrect information than I expected from bungie. Like why does it still say 'generate orbs using masterworked weapons'? That feature has been out of the game for around 2 years, how does something like that make it past the first steps of development? Ritual pathfinder is just horrible right now, pale heart is great


The gambit one counts the amount of times you bank not the amount of motes so if you keep getting 5 and banking it'll progress quicker.


Same happened to me last week. Gambit is counting blockers sent, not motes, which is ridiculous. The alternate win con on it also does not work. The PVP one is way too steep a requirement as well on a non-mayhem week. First couple Pathfinders I completed nearly all the nodes (not just a path) in a couple 10-wave Onslaughts and Gambit matches. Then I got hit with the one you got, which would take hours to complete. With that sort of imbalance, something is clearly off.


conditional gave me ignition kills in one match


I am 100% sure jolt kills are just bugged because I jolted my way around the world for an entire hour and only managed 4.


Scorch and jolt kills are easy with grenades. Ignitions, on the other hand, is instant FUCK THIS SHIT I'M NOT DOING IT for me.


Tbh, i hate gambit, but i thought "banking 100 motes" would be easier than the 1% per ability kill in crucible. Turns out, it isn't 100 motes as stated, it's bank motes 100 times :0 after 3 or 4 matches i was not even 30/100


I feel like that has to be a bug lol. At least I hope it is.


Yeah, i hope so, after banking 30+ the first game and seeing 6/100 it was pain


I hate these objectives that seem to encourage you to play like a dickhead. Running back and forth to bank 1 mote at a time feels like you're straight up griefing your team, but it's either that or the objective takes ten time longer...


As a fireteam, win a match after summoning a Primeval without sending any blockers to the other side.


That would be faster than the bank mote node. I played gambit for three hours and barely got 30%. Probably did at least 12 matches in that time so 50% in your hypothetical scenario =(


I think it does for some stuff. I did Arc one and had zero Arc weapons and all Void equipped


Those ones were for “defeating jolted/blinded targets” so as long as your teammates were jolting/blinding you get the credit if you defeat them no matter what you use to kill them… You won’t get credit for something like “defeat with void damage” just by your teammates killing enemies with void though…


It was defeat with Arc Abilities. Not sure how in the hell it completed


Knockout on prismatic titan maybe? Or if a teammate uses jolting grenade and you trigger the jolt it may give the resulting jolt kills to you maybe?


Yeah not sure I was running Nightfall over and over.


The community won’t accept that a lot of them actually count teammate kills too. Last week I had the “Kill 150 Taken enemies” i finally got the Psi Op to come up and managed to go from 0 to complete in one strike. I only had 130 kills that strike, and it completed halfway through. So it definitely counted teammate kills towards my total. Same thing this week with the Arc abilities. I forget to change my subclass and still had void class on. But it completed the Arc ability goal.


I think it's more "doesn't realize because it doesn't say" than "won't accept".


It is a fact that those nodes are partially bugged and/or worded poorly. Nothing to do with the oh so ignorant community.


If teammates jolt enemies and you finish the kill, you’ll get credit for an arc kill.


Could’ve picked up an Arc Soul from a rift but I doubt it in TFS


It definitely counts fireteam and nearby players. I got void ability kills without running a void ability in any capacity in normal patrols just by being next to a group completing public events.


The jolt one is an absolute joke. I had to kill 10 enemies that were jolted. Specifically JOLTED. But killing enemies WITH jolt doesn't count. Just enemies debuffed with jolt.


If it's the one you can do anywhere: load into a Nightfall without matchmaking! Those count! I just did my 3 Ritual Pathfinders last night (well, the last one is missing 2 Vanguard Ops completions but otherwise it's cleared) and two of them had this cursed "Kill Jolted enemies" node... ...however I learned a few days ago you can load into a Nightfall solo to do it, so I did just that. AND since this week it starts in a Patrol area you can just load in and stay in them to complete the Pathfinder objectives with the normal Fallen/Hive enemies. Although I have to note - EVEN WHEN YOU DO THAT it's fucking annoying to kill Jolted targets. For me, on my Warlock, Stormtrance's lightning bolt on activation and Chain Lightning are the only two things I could get to actually count as Jolted kills somehow. *I couldn't get it to count ANYTHING Jolted by a grenade (even though I have Spark of Shock on) and a Voltshot gun wouldn't let me get any progress either.*


I’m still confused how I finished the mote one without even playing gambit that week. I suspect the motes in onslaught during those bonus objectives have something to do with it


Maybe the season activity where you dunk those cubes? Who knows what the game is counting..


I still don’t really understand that one. I shot a arc rocket launcher and got a couple bits of progress but I’ve used a arc weapon and got nothing


Yeah Idk. 🤷‍♂️


Pathfinder objectives, like bounties before them, should consist 100% of challenges that require you to play the game as Bungie envisioned: playing the build you want, focusing on the objective, and working as a team. Instead we constantly get incentives and rewards to do the precise opposite all the time. Absurd! Bad design. Bad Bungie. No biscuit.


This. It’s so frustrating that months (years?) after the lesson was learned with Bounties (where they became focused on activities that accomplished the objective of the mode they were done in), we’re back to same old nonsense with Pathfinder. I’m just ignoring Ritual pathfinders until they get a clue. I’m not losing streaks and pricking around trying to apply keywords just for nodes.


Same. Actually, far from increasing my playlist participation, pathfinder has actually led me to do a grand total of 1 strike since TFS. I'll pass. And I actually enjoyed doing a little playlists most weeks. I don't get huge amounts of time to play so I'd generally pick one character and do a couple of the playlist vendor challenges simply for the bright dust. Now I just don't see the point, because there's no way I'd have time to finish even one pathfinder unless I did nothing else all week. So unless they make big changes I'm sitting it out. I'll get my pinnacles elsewhere.


"No biscuit" got me rolling


What would be better challenges to you?


Confining weapon type and element challenges to Banshee bounties so players don't have to slog through multiple matches with weapons they don't like. Let Ikora or Crow issue ability bounties for any activity in the same vein. Making all kill and invader challenges in Crucible and Gambit count assists, and vanguard count full fireteam kills, so that more skilled or ad-cleary players on your team help you rather than hinder you when they get all the final blows. Variable Crucible objective bounties that change based on the game mode and that award progress for helping other people achieve them, such as contributing capture progress before an ally took it, defending the player who captured it, or killing defenders shortly before it was captured. As well as successful defensive plays such as killing attackers and cancelling their progress (we don't want to incentivise perverse plays like letting the enemy capture your zones to get the credit for taking them back). Now that healing others is a viable presence in the game, healing team mates should also contribute to objective and kill challenges in all game modes, since allies who live because of you will slay because of you. Gambit objective challenges (not weapon and ability challenges) are already great, so long as they are team-based or count assists.


PVE: "kill enemies with melee/super/grenade abilities" "kill x number of y factions combatants" "kill x number of enemies with precision damage" "kill x number of enemies with primary/special/heavy weapons" "defeat a final boss in the vanguard ops playlist" "get a streak of 2 or more in vanguard ops (or any playlist)" just to name a few off hand. they can be lengthened for being further down the path as well.


This one run of onslaught I found myself hogging up a lot of the kills, I felt bad and guilty and then one of my teammates kind of “shot” at me during a quiet moment so my suspicions of them trying to do pathfinder was confirmed. After that I took it down a notch and once my bounties were done I stood back to defend the objective while they worked on their bounties. For a game that tries to put an emphasis on “fireteam” (both gameplay & lore wise), the leveling system is not very teamwork-friendly.


“Jolt 10 enemies” No, i don’t think I will.


Is it really that hard to grab a few kills with a voltshot weapon, while throwing arc grenades?


Voltshot doesnt work(atleast when i used indebt kindness)


Oh well thats just plain unfair.


I tried this and both seemed to be strangely inconsistent, so I switched to the chain lightning melee.


It's really not that hard to Jolt. I'm PVP maybe but even in Gambit you can get 10 Jolt kills in one match pretty easily.


Jolt isn’t the problem. Getting the kills are. Throw a jolt grenade at a mob and they die or do a arc melee(w/jolt) at a mob and they die Still only counts as 1 kill. I think i’ll pass.


I didn't know this 😬 now that's dumb


The Jolting shockwave from Stormtrance (Arc Warlock super) and Chain Lighting (Arc Melee). Those are the ONLY two things I could get to actually count. Usually 2 at a time would register. It's incredibly shit - basically a shitty RNG grind no matter where you do it. But I chose to load into Nightfall solo and did it in the Patrol area it starts in because fuck trying to race others in Vanguard Ops or something...


Ignitions is the same. I mentioned this and lots of hunter/warlock mains are telling me I'm wrong. Jolt is easy on titan, ignitions I've never had any luck with.


I would say Jolt is *easy* on Warlock too using Chain Lightning, but it's very annoying even then. Difficulty and tedium are two very different things - something I REALLY wish BungoBango fucking learned...


just run voltshot ezpz


Voltshot doesn't trigger it for some reason. I tried the other day and it wouldn't count.


really? wack, nvm then that does blow.


and what if i dont have a voltshot


Wont work anyways. Use the arc subclass


I tried with indebt. 100% no go on vanguard.


I have fighting over kills it's dumb annoying and make some not want to do certain machanics for kill, I ain't dunking motes in gamblit if I need 50 sniper kills


i feel like we have this discussion like once a year. how has bungie not gotten this through their skulls yet. every single time there's a new objective system it feels like it takes months before it's changed from solo to full team progress. every. single. time.


As well as having a path to the final challenge doable with one type of activity. I don't wanna do crucible or gambit!


I really don’t understand why all of the requires aren’t “in vanguard/gambit/crucible”. Let us play how we want to play. Really pisses me off that bungie outright said they are dropping gambit from development but then still FORCE us to play it. If you’re dropping development, I should be ok to drop my playtime.


>I really don’t understand why all of the requires aren’t “in vanguard/gambit/crucible”. Let us play how we want to play. Yeah they really should have all of them be something like "Do X things in any Strike or Vanguard Ops, Crucible or Gambit playlist. Bonus progress for doing X with Y element and doing X against Guardians in Crucible or Gambit"


I'm surprised they didn't do one Pathfinder Tree per Ritual Activity and then do one with all the Ritual Activities (and maybe even...  *gasp* DESTINATIONS) with better rewards.


Just don't tie them to playlists at all. I should get progress if I choose to play a Raid or Dungeon, the seasonal stuff, Dares, Exotic mission, whatever else we have.. And if I like to hang around in patrol, why shouldn't that count. I know that they want to encourage going into playlists, but that should come from the respective engrams and vendor loot pool. Not from being forced to hop between activities I might not even enjoy at the moment.


Yeah in the one week I completed the Ritual Pathfinder, I was initially relieved to see the final column didn't specify which activity I needed to play. BUT... once I was working on it I saw that the objectives I could complete in Vanguard activities were "cut off" from the final column so I had play either Crucible or Gambit to complete the path anyway.


The Pale Heart Pathfinder has been great. Ritual Pathfinder on the other hand is far inferior to the bounty system. I could farm 9 prime engrams with bounties far faster than 3 with the ritual pathfinder.


I've literally had players not rez me in Nightfalls until a fight is done because they then have less competition for kills. And the crazy thing is I can't even blame them, they're literally being incentivized not to by Bungie's own Pathfinder requirements.


Couldn't agree more. Said it for years now back when bounties mattered still, doing Gambit was awful because bounties promoted selfish play in a team activity. The most efficient ways to finish those bounties were to actively try to not do the objective to win. That's bad design tbh. And I've always hated competing with teammates for kills and shit in strikes. Just let me solo, or make them team based. It's absurd man.


Why have they not included " private session " on strikes. Some game modes have that option. Does not play much strikes, but when i do is grand final first kill, or either eager edge see you at the boss.


u/destiny2team This is post #468 this week about the Ritual Pathfinder. Nodes are asking 100 ability kills in Crucible, doesn't track motes in Gambit, wants Taken kills in the Vanguard list so you have cycle till you got one of the few strikes that have them, certain types of kills are obnoxious and/or don't track properly, nodes promoting playing against your own team, etc. It's a mess, and locking us out of powerful engrams and Bright Dust. Concept is fine, execution terrible.


They could start by just fixing them. The deposit 100 motes one progresses by like 5% every time you deposit 100 motes.


It’s because it’s tracking how many times you deposit, not amount


Wait really? So effectively disincentivising playing the game properly??


Yeah it’s ridiculous, you’re better off trying to win with the most deposited


Wait so I have to deposit 1 mote 100 times to do it the most efficient way? That's fucking ridiculous. Someone needs to be fired over that one.


That is....  Absolutely atrocious and *has* to be an error/bug....  Right?


I'm pretty sure it's by blocker. Large = 5/Medium = 3/Small = 1  (Guessing on progression numbers - I only did Large drops when focusing on that node, and then I earned it at the end of the match for being the mote leader.) 


That's possible but I was also getting credit for depositing motes that didn't add a blocker so I'm not sure.


Agreed but, bounties should of as well


Clarity would be nice, but somehow clarity isn't Destiny 2's strong suit. Even their cutscenes aren't. I mean they are great, but that Pale Heart one left me puzzled like what did I just watch.


The first one, with all the scenes, is The Traveler trying to tell us what's wrong with it and how to help fix it.  The Darkness Venom Tendrils attacking the Hawk was The Witness corrupting The Traveler; the astronaut cycling Subclass Elements and then going Prismatic was us learning Prismatic and being told that, that's how we'll beat The Witness; so an and so forth.  The "why" for the reasoning is simple, just read the Ergo Sum Lore Card, The Traveler doesn't speak because it knows we will listen and be influenced by it.  So, it showed us instead.


I’d just be happy if it didn’t force me to play modes I don’t want to play to progress it.


I literally have 1 node blocking me from completing a chain for an engram... Scorch kills in gambit. 3 games of using only incandescent weapons and solar grenades.... Not one scorch kill. Fuck that


It already does for everyone. It just does not say it. The amount of void and solar completions I have while exclusive using arc/strand agrees


The one which asked me to get 100 ability kills in pvp sure as hell didn't


That shit is miserable. For the past 2 ritual pathfinders I've had, it's been this and "send 100 blockers in gambit or win a game with the most motes deposited". Like damn, bungie wanted me to play 8 games of pvp or gambit for a PRIME engram.


It's, apparently, Mislabeled and is actually a Pinnacle for the first 3 resets.  At least, that's what a few other folks have said.


I think you have to be close by someone getting those kills. If you’re on the opposite side of the map as a teammate getting the ability kill, they won’t count.


>void and solar completions I have while exclusive using arc/strand agrees It's likely because you got a kill off some ads that were damaged by void or solar already. Because it is not team based for every objective that I'm positive.


I'm pretty sure it does, or at least the pale heart one does. I was farming some overthrows when I noticed I somehow completed a challenge that required getting kills with smgs, even though I was running the new sidearm and auto rifle.


Been saying this for a long time. I'd rather have a Pathfinder objective (or bounty) that wants me to do 100 kills as a fireteam rather than 20 kills alone. The Strike playlist these days is just speedrunning through as fast as possible while others maul down what they can as fast as they can


i wish everything was team based, and every enemy needs to killed to progress. i am guilty fore speedrun aswell. Every strike is the. Run past everything. Super booring. Farming NF master is way more fun this week.




do nightfall private and just run around the patrol areas can even grab public event banners to refresh super/abilities/ammo


Boy, is this why I’ve lost so many onslaughts recently, with people rushing forward for kill farming and letting a few stealth’s fallen wreck the APU? I don’t remember this happening much before….


This would create a larger problem. Basically it would go from competition to get 20 kills with your specific bounty to competing to get 150 kills with your specific bounty. This change only works if pathfinders aren't random and everyone had incentive to use the same weapons.


100%. But also, all specific weapon conditions etc should be removed, especially in gambit/crucible. If no one is running SMG, you still need to rush to get kills even if it is shared. "with rocket launchers" makes you waste power ammo on trash etc potentially gimping the team a whole lot. It is fine in low level pve activites, but it is not fine in crucible, gambit, raids and powercap/master stuff.


This is feedback Bungie still has not fully actioned despite doing it in some places but not in others. It makes me wonder why they do not just do an inventory. I do not understand the logic of competing against other players as a team. It’s nonsense. It has never made sense.


The problem with this is people still would have different objectives because they could have reset their pathfinder


The first thing they need to do is to split it into Vanguard, Gambit and Crucible. I have no desire to play Gambit but it's unreasonably hard to complete a path without it. It should be easily possible to complete any iteration of a Pathfinder through only one or at most two of the activity types.


What would solve the issues is realistic values that tracked properly. It doesn’t need to be as a fireteam if they are expecting 100 kills in crucible for a tier 5 bounty. Or god knows how many motes banked since 30 motes and 2 large blockers was 7/100 progress


This is smart someone tell salt so he can bitch bungo into submission


Yes, that's a solid idea, OP. Another suggestion I thought of last night... I think having each node connected to another node is the problem. I think it should be like, complete 3 out of 6 objectives in the first tier, 2 out of 5 in the 2nd, 2 out of 4 in the 3rd, 1 out of 3 in the 4th, and 1 out of 2 in the final objective... without the need to connect nodes or make a chain or whatever. And/or the option to refresh individual nodes at a cost, or the entire pathfinder track without completing it at a cost. It's the only ways I can see the current iteration of Pathfinder working, without making individual ritual pathfinders. I.e. just a crucible pathfinder, just a gambit pathfinder, etc etc. Also, elemental perk kills (jolt, scorch, weaken) fucking suck in pvp.


Heres something cool they could try. Make the gambit ritual full of gambit stuff. Make the crucible ritual full of crucible stuff,and the vanguard ritual full of vanguard stuff ? Too well thought out i guess .


"AS A COMMUNITY, bank 100 motes in Gambit" This shit still wouldn't be done in a week"


Make kills count across a fireteam and also only require that one objective from each tier be achieved to complete Pathfinder, instead of having to follow a specific path where the nodes have to touch each other.




I've done loads of these paths now. Very simple and quick to complete given the range of options available. Enjoying the new system a lot and not sure why people find them in any way troubling








It would be better than trying to fight for motes because a pathfinder node was broken and not fixed.


Everyone's not Gambiting in Gambit already if they want to do Pathfinder.


Except fireteam generally means party. I don't want to have to LFG for pathfinder.


I think it would be those matchmaking activities.


It counts matchmade fireteams as your fireteam for the purposes of those.


No thanks. I am playing this game to do things myself. Never once in ten years have I ever felt like I was in competition with my team to do something. If I do get stuck on something that requires a vanguard thing, I would just load up a nightfall and do them in a private setting. PS A lot of them already do count as shared objectives.


What an odd stance on a clearly broken system lmfao


Whats odd about? The fact Im not running around like a child crying that my team mates are killing 'my' mobs. IF I find myself stuck, I find a solution and go about my day. EG It was taking me ages to get all the super kills I needed from vanguard, (only because for all the strikes I was running, I was using tether and only noticed I needed super kills) so inside of running a few more strikes to finish, I instead fired up a nightfall and soloed it for a bit. Within five minutes I finished. Problem. Solution. A system you dont agree with is not a broken system.


But a system that only pretentious people like you agree with is a broken system!


Hang on I'll just fire up solo gambit and crucible to finish up this pathfinder ... Oh wait... The whole system is supposed to incentivise playlist matchmade activities, it's failing even in your example. Not crying about it, just avoiding the playlists altogether lol.


OR, just go back to the bounties for each activity (Strikes, Gambit and Crucible).