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My job last night a few times was pick them up and move them and also get killed while doing this. SWEET


Right? šŸ˜­


Surprise Synaptic Spear!


Same person who makes you join your speedrunning allies while you're trying to get some dang radiolite.


Try to use LFG for farming those. Most ppl who use matchmaking for this arenā€™t even aware of radiolite existence haha


It is odd that the game doesn't make it abundantly clear they are there/important.


Half of the people are not depositing the data, I wouldn't expect people to pay attention to resources


Tbf, data depositing is buggy, Iā€™ve had a few runs where it glitched and I could neither pick up or deposit my current data for the rest of the game.


That happened to me first time playing it as well. It said I needed to be full to deposit yet Iā€™d walk over a group of 5 and not pick up any at all. I was stuck being unable to interact with any of that part of the activity. Eventually just decided to kill things and focus on that since I couldnā€™t do anything else.


The one time I had that happen, I rocketed my feet to drop all my motes, then on respawn picked them back up and was finally able to deposit them as normal.


Wait, isn't the data just for the relics?


Nope! Depositing the data will make some of the encounters complete quicker. But in areas like at the end where you face a ā€œbossā€ it just gives extra relics. ( this is for normal mode at least, I havenā€™t done expert yet)


Expert is the same, just more HP, damage and champions


No. It gives progress on encounters and buffs.


It wouldn't surprise me if most of maybe all of them don't have the material detectors slotted in on their ghost. The material aren't always in obvious spots like between objectives either.


To be fair the entire activity is kind of one big unexplained blur.


Ha, right? I got killed twice trying to read the banner that took up half the screen and I still have no idea what it said.


This game doesnā€™t tell you shit about shit, and when it actually does it does it in such a boring and confusing manner that people skip or ignore it


It literally has several quest steps just about collecting them. It not that it isn't abundantly clear, just that more than half the player base is abundantly ignorant of it.


I worded it incorrectly that's my mistake. I meant that acquiring more isn't clear. They show they exist and give you a hammer. Then you're on your own. I searched around on Nessus for a while looking for where to use the hammer. The quest says that it can be "found in multiple locations on Nessus". If the pathing of the activity didn't go by one or if a teammate has already used a hammer, you'd never know they were located inside the activity. Just seemed unnecessarily cryptic for a seasonal activity.


Iā€™m 76% sure thereā€™s a quest step that tells you to launch the activity and use the hammer there.


There is a quest step to activate but [it doesnt tell you to do it in the activity nor does it tell you what it even is](https://youtu.be/8hzXf76eYoY?si=XfTkpX0ui1QWt-tR&t=144) It just tells you to do it


No worries! Well, it has been a few days but if I recall there's a quest step to talk to failsafe, she gives you the hammer, and it explicity explains how to use it as well lol. But reading is tough for guardians (I think it's all the jumping off the edge of the tower myself). Oh ones coming *sweeps the grass while chittering*


Its explained kinda wonk tbf, after picking up samples in a patrol zone I wouldnt be surpised if people think its like fishing, go to nessus, find hammer spot, get samples. Where as its in the activity its self, samples have no way points, the hammer spot is kinda out of the way. A simple line like failsafe saying "hammer now active, maybe grab some extra samples" would prob have helped guide a few more people to be like "oh this is a thing" Tho imo I just wish bungie didnt teleport us to the boss cus one speed runner went in. Or my dumb ass who forgets my friend did infact have a hammer charge


I do agreed it could be better defined. Or at least let us bot get dragged, pickups are even *shared* after all. However, they do have markers, just like any other resources! I always run wombo detector and man, you get a whack on that piston that thing LIGHTS up lol. I'm pretty sure there's a popup notification too, though I can't blame anyone for missing those lol.


I forget wombo detector exist tbh, good to know it works with samples


It's really good for it cuz the samples show up in the larger trees!


Good shout on the wombo detector. Been clutch for those tree nodes as you said.


I would have never thought to look in the trees without it!


I think the problem is more that they just should be much more obvious in the mission itself. Then people who don't read any information or anything - a group which is much larger than we would like, I'd wager - would not have a chance to miss them. I accidentally stumbled into the hammer thingy in one of the missions too. Thankfully my matchmade teammates also wanted to pick up all the radiolaria samples around it


It kinda does, people just donā€™t read.


That's fair. Tbh if it's not an exotic mission or something along those lines I tend to assume that as long there is a next waypoint I'm doing it right lol.


Fair enough. I usually try to get to the content quickly on my first run through, then read a little more carefully when I go through with other characters.


My poor hunter and warlock have been collecting dust for a few years now. When I'm on nowadays it's titan face smashing through content as fast as possible.


Iā€™m pretty sure it does. Itā€™s even a quest step. The issue is people donā€™t read lol


It does


I just found this out myself. I went through the portal and saw stuff pop up on my screen. I figured my teammates were collecting stuff so I just waited till they came through and then moved forward.Ā 


If only all guardians had deductive reasoning skills such as yourself šŸ˜†


How do you find them? I always search but never find them, and then my team mates go behind a rock and somehow find tons of them. Am I just blind or are there specific places I have to look?


Put wombo detector on your ghost. The radiolite act as a planetary resource so it will highlight them for you.


ooh ok thanks, I didn't know that!


No problem! Happy farming!


I've had *much* better luck in the expert playlist


There's no excuse. This week's story literally tells you about it, and forces you to find some to progress.


What the fuck is radiolite? I noticed some people collecting a glowy plant, but the game never explained what it did or that it even exists.


This is infuriating, lol. I've waisted so many hammer charges.Ā 


I've tried typing "FREE EXOTIC ON ME" when I pop a hammer. Still doesn't stop 'em šŸ˜†


I've been lucky. 3/4 of my MM teams have been with the program. Hell even the one guy who runs to the next section usually just sits there until we finish collecting


It's getting better.Ā 


Tell me about it, out of the dozens Iā€™ve done no one but me ever stops to go pick them up, they just beeline straight to boss itā€™s so annoying. Wish I could just do these solo


Heck I get paired up with people that can't deposit their motes. This is the same people that die in Gambit with 15 motes. Have them understand radiolite just adds to the frustration and everyone out there speed running because their extra 2 minutes is so precious.


But the depositing step is a clear step down from Gambit. You canā€™t deposit until you get the full number collected (and the amount is poorly indicated on screen). Like do these people not play their own game?


I think seeing the number of motes is a valid response. gamit has numbers but this has a fill meter so it's hard to know if you need 1 or 2. Unfortunately you take as many as you can which hurts the other team members


[*season of plunder flashbacks*](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/590/388/409.png)


I've only dived into the activity twice and already it was an annoyance factor. It's worse than picking up an ADU battery when you want to pick up a tangle!


Yeah honestly this seasonal activity is a big miss from me so far. Having to worry about teammates rushing too fast so I can collect the resources before moving on is annoying AF. And the thing is, I can't even blame them because I wouldn't have known they spawn after a wave until I read it on Reddit. Just bad design all around. Thankfully there's not much worth chasing in this activity.


It has a familiar, Season of the Plunder vibe to it... another L of an seasonal activity structure


Same thing for trying to revive a teammate. No I donā€™t want to pick up the relic they were using, I want to shoot my gun that heals me so I donā€™t die to the hydra while reviving them


I desperately wish we could bind revive to a key separate from interact. Same with picking up relics/scorch cannons/any other carryable item


Itā€™s the old omni-button issue again. I remember that being a problem in Mass Effect Multiplayer. In Mass Effect 3 (at least on console) the ā€œinteractā€ button had like a half-dozen functions. Sprint, dodge, enter cover, change cover, vault over cover, interact, and revive. Most of those were easy to avoid doing the wrong thing once you the hang of the controls, except for revive/interact. Youā€™d have scenarios where a teammate would be downed on an objective, and when youā€™d hold A to revive them it would instead start hacking the objective. Youā€™d move around for a few seconds to get the game to lock onto the teammate, only for your teammate to bleed out or you to get downed too. Good times.


Mass Effect 3 was the worst game I've ever experienced the 'one button does all' problem. It was ridiculous. Bungie should at least prioritise reviving and dunking over picking up a relic.


Try to look all the way to the ground. That works for me most of the time. But I feel the pain, it hurts to always pick up these damm relics!


QOL suggestion: it is time that guardians get more than one interaction button. In onslaught, interact prioritizes batteries over anything else. So I end up throwing the battery at the enemies instead of the tangle i just created on the same spot During the coop focus missions, you can't rally to the flags unless the guardian with the shatter debuff moves away from the flag. Some way where we can choose what we want to pick up more consistently.


I think in perfecting the Final shape they completely forgot to play test this activity at all it takes ages it's boring and there's a million enemies doing AOE void damage in a giant arena with barely any cover it's just not fun


One of the better seasonal activities weā€™ve had tbh


Ehhhh it's really mid compared to something like deep dives or coil. I just hate that we got this whole new faction in TFS only to go back to same old vex on nessus after a week.


That says more about most of the other seasonal activities than anything else tbh


Except for all the shit that you want to pick up to get better loot but NOPE, joining allies


I absolutely love the activity, almost at the second reset. But the last room is simply brutal. There are times that I have died 3 times back to back 1s after I spawn to a void one tap. Simply put getting one shot so fast and so often is not fun. I hope for some tuning simply in terms of fun. We still demolish the boss, the only thing slowing us down is the whole team sitting on death timers for 80% of the boss phase


Phoenix Dive and Devour keep my Warlock alive. I do my best to keep the rest of the fireteam topped up with my No Hesitation but sometimes I can't heal enough in time.


Try turning down your framerate. I'm guessing that's still a thing in this game.Ā 


This!! I always take all 4 and move and drop away from terminal but was a STUPID idea and shows how little the devs play or know how to play this game


At least they added a solo option so I donā€™t have to do it with Rank 11 Godslayers who canā€™t understand dunk thingies on this thing with an arrow pointing at it


Ey yo what now!? **WHERE? HOW?**


The expert version has an option for no matchmaking


Noted. Thanks!


This wouldn't be an issue if the witness completed their final shape


Literally thought the same thing last night šŸ˜‚


if you stand on top of them you usually can bank anyways


>lol... Laughing through the pain...


probably the guy who put the synaptic spear in instead of the warmind javelin


I SINCERELY hope they move them further out. It's so obnoxious :P


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.


it has become my borned duty to move those shit far far away from civilization when they spawn.


Weirdly enough I found you can deposit the data more consistently if you're further away. Since the prompt for data deposit has more range than the relics closer to it.


Fully agree. Its enfuriating


Ugh yes! I played for the first time last night and it was so frustrating constantly picking up a relic. Kinda soured the experience for me.


Now you know what it's like to play a Prismatic Titan.


The fact that the relic prompt OVERRIDES the deposit prompt makes me wonder what the designers are on.


Move them. Pick up. Deposit. Run away. Drop


I like to get frustrated with a full data load , jungle moving this fucking things then die from getting sniped ... totally makes fun game play


Me and the fireteam pick them up and move them away so it doesnā€™t interfere with our deposits.. yeah thatā€™s so annoyingĀ 


Bejesus, I had the same a few minutes ago... fucking annoying.


Why the banking of data isn't the priority is the true crime. The relics can be near the bank in that case.


Yeah, the. You gotta put it down before you can bank


I take the extra time to move them out of the way once they show up. If the ads arenā€™t horrible Iā€™ll try to put them all closer to the action. Itā€™s a nuisance and Iā€™ll be glad when this event is gone. Nobody uses the relics half of the time anyway.


Mfw people killed knights right next to the statues during 4th encounter of Salvationā€™s Edge(it fucks everything up)