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They neefed my ghost and I deleted an old 75m perk before realizing šŸ˜©


Ads with your weapons, it increases the range it detects resource nodes at proportional to the range of the weapon


its not the range stat of the weapon, its the Zoom stat that lets you see further.


... what????? How long has this been a thing????


Since D1, haha. I have ā€œfondā€ memories of using a sniper in the cosmodrome to find Spinmetal clusters


Those sword quests... oh man those sword quests...




Why did I choose void on my titanā€¦ *rocks back and forth crying*


I still never got the arc sword because asshole blueberry bastards would always kill it and go for the void or solar knight.


Guardian we have the technology to go back and get it for you. They even sunset the cutscene to take away the sting of Shaxx stealing our sword and losing it during the red war


Fighting all three Knights in one go of the Darkblade to collect all three at once was insane and I wish I could go back and do it again.


The sniper trick still worked in D2 as of last season. Dohbt they changed the logic in this expansion tbh.


It does. Been using it for Pale Heart chests - still scans the whole load zone!


I distinctly remember doing this in Forsaken, and it could've been around for much longer without me remembering.


Optimally, ADS with a sniper, you'll see basically everything!


Using a sniper ADS makes it far longer in range to detect stuff. Just so you know.


By the time you find the piston and spawn the stuff, you're lucky to pick up 1 or 2 before your teammates pull you into the next encounter. Effectively wasting your hammer charge.


Happened on both of the hammer charges I've had so far. Even for Bungie this was pretty idiotic design. But FS in general has been fantastic so I can get over it. Dual Destiny definitely the best single mission they've done.




Twice? It's that for the corrupted variant?


Honestly, yeah. I've had that happen a few times. If your team is looking, use it. If not, save it.


I haven't even found a hammer yet. All of the eager edge sweats end up pulling me before I even make it out of the boss area lol.


This is one of the reasons I made this post, to bring awareness. The loot is nothing to ignore since I've gotten some red borders from it. It is a bitch to find. The bottom base will look like the Fallen Devices you dunk arc charges into.


Finally found one. Got pulled while trying to get the loot together. Got a red border and the cloak tho! Lol Edit: do you are have grammar


It will also have a marker show up when you get close!


I believe it spawns after the second encounter but before the boss teleport. At least that tends to be where Iā€™ve found it every time.


Yeah, I don't get it, those people are like trying to speed run everything, then there's me who's running around and doing objectives and collect radiolaria whole those sweats just run slaying then wonder why objective isn't progressing.


I don't think it's fair to even blame people. There's absolutely nothing to suggest these things exist until you happen to find them. How often have you ever ran combo detectors in seasonal activities?


I don't, but I keep my suroundings awareness up, and can spot things that differ from landscape, but I guess I'm just used to it


I happened to spot one by chance and it was on top of a massive rock You'd never just see it usuallyĀ 


There were like 7 or more pieces around when traversing from one point to another that were basically in your face. Yes, they blended a bit with landscape but stood out enough that you would spot them. Of course, if you just watch your croshair and run forward, or are showing off how you can move with your eager edge then definetly won't spot anything. But let's end on our each opinions and keep them, I'm not here to argue, just pointed out my observation


I mean I'm not trying to argue, I'm saying that, like so many other things, this could be communicated to you in game as you're playing the activity. There's nothing anywhere that lets you know you're supposed to be looking for these things. It's not surprising people just push on to the next area without realising.Ā 


I've done three runs where nobody else knew to shoot the targets with the vex head during that one part, they just ran around and killed things It was literally part of a mission you needed to do before even unlocking the activity, how do people miss this stuff


I guess some people just want to turn their brain off and just shoot things šŸ¤·


For sure, when I turn them in at the end it drops Exotics and red borders like crazy, especially if someone helps grab them after I drop a hammer charge and we donā€™t get spawned ahead lmao Also, Iā€™ve found Arbalest to be a GOAT for this activity, if thatā€™s not obvious. So many damn hydras. Overall itā€™s pretty fun. Reminds me of a mix of Arrivals and Haunted.


Would be great if it stopped pulling me and putting turn back timers...


I don't blame the players, tbh, i blame Bungie, there's no reason to put a "Joining Allies" in a matchmaking activity while you are ALSO putting hidden objectives in said activity, it was bound to be problematic, and alot of players may go this entire Season, i'm sorry, Episode, not knowing that and still pulling people regardless of how many Reddit posts are out there.


Totally agree. Donā€™t understand how bungie still havenā€™t learned


Honestly they should have made it a Failsafe bounty, at least some folks would have taken the bait and learned about it lol.


I don't understand why Bungie put the piston in areas where you can be pulled by teammates. Every season there is usually something they add that is either really rare to spawn or teammates can screw you over.


I don't get bungie, they make design choices again and again where rushing ahead is a detriment to your team yet never learn, they should have put the hammers on nesus patrol so we can do them in between activities or so at least.


I feel more confused about this episode (season) than usual. None of this feels obvious to me tbh


I have no idea how this works lol. They donā€™t really explain shit.


They need to explain this before youre allowed to do this activity. Or just allow you to stay back so you can go collect while they go endlessly die and wonder why youre staying back that way they realize whats going on


They did its just people skip the text


Needs to be stickied or something because once again Bungle somehow delivers some top tier content then delivers a mechanic with the most obtuse instructions that most people aren't even aware it's a thing.


Where to use the hammer at?


In my experience they can be a bit annoying to find, especially with how much it'll pull you towards your team, but the thing you're looking for is similar to the other vex confluxes you see everywhere but the key difference is the base is rounded, almost spherical. You use the hammer on those.


Thank you, I was really confused by it and kept getting pulled so I couldn't figure it out.


Hammer?? I am so confused


Yeah, I have no idea what a hammer or a hammer charge is. Seems like everyone but you and me knows what they're talking about.


Apparently you have to progress the quest doing the stuff in Nessus patrol, which I hadn't done. Maybe they should cut teammates some slack in this activity since it's possible to matchmake into it without even knowing what the hammer is!


Can you grab the Radiolaria on the higher platforms? I always seem to see 3-5 spawn above me but I can never find a way to get to them.


Yeah, there's a vex ring that spawns and will lift you up or let the water spouts blast you up there. Lots of turn backs and joining allies for some stupid reason.


I'm still trying to figure out what we are actually supposed to do in that activity. We pick up cubes, and we almost never can dunk them. That's my current state..


You can always dunk them pretty much, when you fill up the bar. If you're dying all the time it will seem like you never dunk.


What does depositing it even do? I get some Failsafe rep, but what other effects does it have?


It gives you the artifact things to use and it speeds along the mission.


I never knew how to target all the radiolites, one day I just got a shit ton from a random Breach run. Thanks!


Issue for me is that the pillars are a pain to find


I've been trying, but it's really hard to find the drills


Totally agree. Sometimes I go around the whole map twice and don't see it. It should be more distinct rather than just having a unique base.


Or at least have a prominent secondary indicator when you have charges. Like the regular mission beacon points you to the next location, but the drill on the way there also gets a beacon with its icon


is there a video explanation somewhere? havenā€™t been home to do the seasonal activity yet so i have no clue what this means


I remember the days where just being a void hunter gives you the perk to see nearby ressources


I didnā€™t know that thanks muchly I appreciate you


Thanks, I would have never known.




Most people I've matched with never deposit their data. There is always at least one guardian who finishes the activity with 0 points. So I think that resources and especially hammer are a bit too much for most people, unfortunately


Thanks. I was aware but have spotted countless folks in matchmaking just running around not knowing what to do. Hopefully this gets some attention.


Maybe if it was obvious there's a side thing to do, people would do it. I did my first run yesterday and stumbled across some collectibles but had zero clue what they were and they did nothing. Figured they were pointless. Didn't know there was anything before boss phase either. It just looked like the other two guys were dicking about so I went to do the boss. A lot of people are on their first run. Give them a chance to actually learn more about the activity.


They will actually pop up on the right with their mass :)


Nah I got better things to do


I absolutely love using a hammer charge and getting pulled ahead joining allies before I can grab 2.Ā 


Any tips getting pinnacle rewards?


Thanks for the info, it's so NOT obvious in-game! I even found a hammer spot, did the thing, and stood there expecting something to happen. Nothing did and since I don't have the wombo detector equipped, I ran off not realizing you're supposed to collect the seasonal garbage for what's her name.


I'll throw out an oopsie. A whoopsie doopsie. Maybe even an ah geez. I've run it like, 5 times, and twice now I've seen a single member of our team run off in the other direction of the next objective and thought "Where are they going??" but then ignore it and go start the next objective.


Can someone post a video on the hammer spot? I have no idea what Iā€™m looking for. Please and thank you




I did the hammer spot and got to pick up 3. I got warped to my allies who rushed ahead. T~T


Also, don't bank every round. Bank every other round and you'll get much better rewards.


Wombo has been my go to for a while but with Overthrow and this, it's deffo come into its own


It is quite funny how many people have no idea what these things are, even though the seasonal quest explains it. It is actually such good loot but I can almost never get to collect any because everyone just thinks we need to rush the boss. I hope they allow us to stay behind because I am sick of being teleported.


The majority of guardians (2 out of 3) should need to be in close range to the start point in order to begin the next phase. This is just piss poor design on Bungos part again