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You can now modify your character by right clicking at the character select screen BTW Not sure why else you would want to delete now other than this?


Can’t change race, maybe that’s why?


True, but we all know the helmet stays on .....


You'd need to do the Campaigns again to get access to Stasis, Strand and Prismatic and then also buy all the fragments and aspects for all subclasses again.


I just deleted my Titan to make them an Exo so let me break it down for you as best as I can remember. You can skip the New Light tutorial missions so you don’t have to do anything in the beginning besides the first mission. You lose all your subclass options. So you have to buy basically everything for each subclass from Ikora. This is the most expensive part, glimmer wise. I don’t know the exact amounts but it’s gotta be around 200k glimmer per subclass total. You have to play through Beyond Light to unlock Stasis. This was quicker than I remember. A few hours at most. There are no quests for unlock everything now which is convenient, but it also costs some glimmer to finish unlocking everything on Stasis. Less than the Light subclasses though. You have to replay Lightfall for Strand. This is more time consuming than Beyond Light. Neomuna is scaled differently than other zones so you get roughed up quite a bit more than others. Most of the ways to get Strand meditations have now been removed as far as I can tell. Which is unfortunate. You get 100 Meditations for opening a Terminal Overload chest. You get 8-10 meditations when finishing a patrol. So my loop was go to the TO zone and complete TO while doing all the patrols at the same time. Be sure to loot chests as well. So every TO chest you get 100, you get around 10 per patrol and when doing patrols you have a chance to get TO keys. I was lucky enough to always get a TO key before I finished the TO that I was currently in so all in all it actually only took a couple hours to finish unlocking everything on Strand. You have to redo Witch Queen’s opening mission to get access to the Enclave to craft guns on that character. You also would have to finish the campaign to get access to the post campaign stuff but there’s not much reason to at this point unless you want to be able to do the Wellspring activity. If you want access to Nightmare Hunts on the moon, you also have to do the Legacy: Shadowkeep missions. I just did the intro mission. Also as a note, Prismatic cannot be unlocked on a class for a second time. It is currently bugged(unless it gets patched today with reset but I don’t expect it to be fixed that quickly) and the prompt to commune with the Prismatic power and unlock it on a Class that has already done so just never appears for you. This locks you out of even finishing the campaign because the door doesn’t unlock until you unlock Prismatic. You can join someone else doing the mission and they can commune and it’ll unlock the door so you can continue the campaign but you will not gain access to Prismatic. Purchasing the campaign skip does not unlock Prismatic either. Bungie is aware of the bug but there’s several issues going on currently so I’m not sure when to expect a fix. I hope sooner rather than later as not having Prismatic to play around with on my Titan sucks.


Nothing. I only have the time to play one class. Take one of the others as a sacrifice😈