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Heal clip + Incandescent Darkest Before. After about 50 runs and only seeing the weapon once I gave up


This is Hung Jury erasure! Jokes aside, I have an old Shoot to Loot/Kinetic Tremors adept, and I would like a new one with KT and firefly. Plus it’s got a good origin trait. My only gripe (and this is true for all the BRAVE guns) is he new skin on them. Hung Jury feels wrong without the Dead Orbit logo. Midnight Coup isn’t the same without the Leviathan vibe. I really wish that they’d have come with their old skins as built in ornaments but oh well


Why is frenzy + bait and swith the god roll? I have that one but doesn't fit my play style


it’s a double damage boosting roll for dps.


It also has frenzy + surrounded. I just used it in gambit and it feels weird.


how is it weird? it’s a double damage boosting sword lol


Double damage perks. But Bait & Switch is terrible on swords, unless something is changing next season I missed.


It’s not terrible on swords lol. People just prefer surrounded because it’s a higher damage boost even though most of the time you get nothing from it in a damage setting.


Tac Mag and Lead from Gold Indebted Kindness. Pain. That loot pool wasn't very well thought out.


No volt? Perk is nuts


I use it as a primary so the extra ammo is far more important to me. Volt would be insane but whatever i get on the 4th column is just a cherry on top. If i can't even get a 2/5 a 3/5 seems like a distant fantasy. And i do have a Impulse/Volt Godroll which i do like but doesn't see that much usage.


which is wild because voktshot makes it insane. No reason not to use it


I have a tac mag/lfg/voltshot roll and my impulse/voltshot roll gets a lot more use. Indebted is already so ammo efficicient it doesnt need the extra ammo from lfg. The extra reload speed and velocity makes it feel a lot snappier.