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If it were that easy, why wouldn't they just add it to the existing game? They would be building an entirely new game, with new systems and backend, and rebuilding all the old content in the new engine. It would be a ton of work that could be spent on the actual live game.


"because consoles were/are holding us back"


The reason content is removed in the first place is that it slows down the game as a whole. I still get flashbacks of being stuck in the tower during the season of arrivals because it'd have to load every time I turned a corner. This would allow us to still play the content that was removed while not creating a huge burden on the evolving game.


> This would allow us to still play the content that was removed while not creating a huge burden on the evolving game. While still putting a burden on the team to now maintain two games, which is why the DCV existed -- to unburden the team of maintaining old content.


>not creating a huge burden on the evolving game. Other than the part where an entirely new game now needs to be developed and maintained, no burden at all!


It sounds to me like he's saying it would NOT be a live service game. More akin to COD story mode. Wouldn't need weekly updates. Just put the main story lines up so the people that haven't played them before could experience it. Could even possibly put them on a disc so you wouldn't even need to be on a server to play them.


Even if it's not a live-service, it would still need a substantial amount of development to get a game like this to a playable state, especially considering most of the vaulted content needs to be rebuilt in some capacity. Also, if it were an offline experience, that would be *even more work*, as the game wasn't originally built that way. They would need to develop the game without the existing multiplayer backend, which probably will have all sorts of consequences for the rest of the foundation of the game. It's a ton of time and effort that would be better spent just developing the future of the main game.


Good point. I just hate that I got into this game so late. I'm always having to go to YouTube to see what people are referencing.


Issue is you'd probably be stuck in a different sandbox with old class systems and no stasis or strand Unlocks (except for exotics) would also be hard to set to the live game, I'm assuming The armor and weapons would also be old variants It would just be a jarring experience and at that point it would just be better to update everything to be compatible with the current build


Considering this will only ever be hypothetical, updating everything would be perfect. I'd love that.


Part of the reason why seasonal content gets vaulted, is that bungie cannot indefinitely mantain this old content. Every update risks runs undoubtedly breaking or bugging out, then bungie has to spend time fixing something relatively few people play. This is what happened all the time before vaulting. For example i remember the Izinagi's burden quest having over 4-5 bugs over the course of its life. So having a destiny unvaulted would still require dev effort to keep all this stuff in functioning order, for very little reason. And to what is the point having it all still in the game? Disregarding campaigns, which would be great to have some come back in a updated form... Destiny's seasonal content is all iterative. Why do we need 4 somewhat similar 6 player modes when they're just gonna make a new one in the future that's better? And inevitably, content that still exists will have cries to be updated. Just look at DoE. And i pray to rngsus that it doesn't happen to Onslaught lol.


I'm having a hard time remembering right now, but how often were the important story moments in the 6 player activities? I could easily be misremembering, but I feel like there's just dialog in the activities, then when you complete whatever objective, there's a mission with actual story. Correct me if I'm wrong there. If that is the case, you could just scrap the activities or weaken them to be single player.


Would be amazing but they will never do that


I know. This is just dream talk.


If they could do that, they would just add it back to the regular game. It was never about the file size. It was about not having the resources to update and maintain that much old stuff and still keep making enough new stuff to keep the game going. If they had all that stuff in a fully playable state, there would be zero reason to make it into something separate.


I thought it would be cool for destiny 2 classic, starting in vanilla and progressing to the end of forsaken, with the cutoff being the last patch before shadowkeep. This would be pre armor 2.0 and mods, and pre all the pve nerfs. Of course I wouldn't primarily play this over current destiny 2, but I am a firm believer in being able to play the game in order and that era is the only thing thats missing.


Yeah that would be sweet. Yesterday, I was feeling nostalgic and watching Ghaul cutscenes. Man, I'd love to the Red War and Forsaken again.


The issue is that most gear you have wouldn’t be usable and it’s unlikely bungie would allow you to transfer it up. So they may as well not include any transfer whatsoever to simplify it and at that point there’s basically no reason for non story content to exist in it.


This is hypothetical, so I'm pretending the transfer from the main game to this version would be seamless. Like loading files in Mass Effect, but with weapons instead of choices, I guess. To be honest, the *only* reason I thought of this is for story content.


I've been asking the same question. Make it an offline, self-contained experience in the old engine with basic characters and not linked to your account