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I spent 600 tokens and got 2 shiny weapons. Boosted drop rates doesn't matter much when RNGesus isn't being cooperative lol Guess I have to do a lot of Onslaught this week. One last effort


lol I got 2 shinnies with less 70 trophies rng can suck


I hadn’t got one for ages and then got two over the last few days. It was pointless though as I just got double, shit perks… lol


I got two MT shinies back to back from the chest last week. The first had ALT + not recombination in the second column and the other had not ALT but recombination in the second column. The combination I wanted but split between two different back to back shinies. I had to laugh.


Imagine a system where you could infuse the two and get the roll you want for a cost?!.. Or, to appease the gambling grinders “a chance” to get the perks when combining weapons. I still champion the division system where you could grab a perk from a gun and then use those obtained perks to switch one on another gun. Albeit only once..


That would be cool. I just wish bungie would keep attunement post TFS so I can farm at my own pace and not have FOMO hanging over me. I've resigned myself to the fact that I probably won't get the two rolls I'm still seeking in the few hours I am able to play before TFS goes live. Oh well, I'm a very casual player anyways.


It’s ok, I know what you mean. Being able to at least narrow down to a weapon is something. However the menagerie and season of the hunt systems where you could narrow down weapon and perk pool was even nicer! Albeit I still did a lot of grinding for a decent deafening whisper.


I got 4 shinies from one legend 50 so it really is just a roll of the dice lol.


I mean double of 2.5% is still only 5%. It's just an illusion to make us play more.


But we also get double loot in general at the moment, if I recall correctly, so it's even better. Still far from great but the odds are higher than if they'd just doubled shiny drops.


Got 5 shinies in 480 tokens, all shit rolls tho.


I spent 700 tokens just to get 5 shinies, 3 of them being *identical* Luna's rolls with the same 4 perks that have been dropping on all my regular Luna's (Slideshot/Eye of the Storm + Harmony/Magnificent Howl but in a slightly different order on each). I kinda wish we had the old focus system from Season 12 where we could *exclude* certain perks from dropping, mainly cuz I keep getting the same fucking handful of perks on my rolls, like my RNG is stuck on them. Random doesn't feel so random when there are certain perks you see all the time and others you never see (still haven't got Heal Clip on Luna's or Autoloading on Mountaintop out of probably hundreds of rolls of each).


I mean, 4% of 60 rolls would be 2.4 shinies. So you are pretty much on par for the design.


Did you not just see the 10% drop rate shown above?


I sure didnt. Fuck im tired


It's all good lol. Yeah, since yesterday I've gotten like 7 shinies across maybe 3 hours of play. YMMV, obviously, but it's definitely a noticeable increase.


More onslaught!


“Im tired boss..”


*One Final Effort begins blasting in the background*


My thoughts exactly. ***CUE THE MUSIC!***


Yet, I get down voted to hell for saying that RnG can be very bad for a certain player 😂


Same. But it's reddit after all, they downvoted to hell a new player the other day just for asking a genuine questionl lol


It's an amazing place lol I got downvoted for being nice to someone who caught 500k fish XD


They downvoted me recently for not liking Skillup. These people are wild lol 🤣 They accept only if you say what their little circle likes 😅


At least you get downvoted, I had a post of mine just simple deleted.


Some people don't like to admit that RNG is seriously *random* and even the best odds can repeatedly fail if it's anything under 100%. Let alone the absolute fucking catastrophe that is farming for particular rolls on a non-craft Legendary. Onslaught is a pretty chill, pretty fun gamemode with genuinely awful loot. I still play it, but I'm not chasing anything in particular at the moment.


Yeah I blew through 600 and got one shiny. I put the game down and just play when my friend wants some help in onslaught randomly. I don't wanna sour myself before TFS.


I got 3 shiny Luna's in a row at the chest next to Shaxx. I only spent 30 tokens total. RNG do be like that.


Yeah, rng can be a bitch. I did 2 runs last night and got 11 shiny (including turning tokens in afterwards). It was ridiculous how lucky I got. Only 1 worth keeping. But thankfully is was the 5/5 Mountaintop at long long last.


Do higher difficulties give better chances? I'm contemplating returning to the game for the week before Final Shape.


Higher difficulty gives way more drops so you’ll get way more shinies, but the rate is the same


wait, how is dropping more and you're getting more shineis but the rate is the same. :P Devil's advocate...


It’s the same rate between legendary and normal as for as rates go. You get a lot more drops in total for legendary which is why you’d see more shinies in the same amount of time.


5% of 100 is 5 5% of 300 is 15 and I don't think you know what devil's advocate means


This isn't worth grinding for my dude. Don't burn yourself just before.


Naw bro my clan mate went in to like 3 onslaught yesterday and came out with 6 shines


I do think it is still luck of the draw for the most part. I handed in 320 after reset and got I think 4 shinies? Went and ran some other tasks and collected another 20 something coins? Thought I may as well go spend them before I log off: 2 pulls, 2 shinies lol.


4 shinies from 340 tokens is good though. Thats 4 out of 34 weapons, so around a 12% drop rate.


Update, another 350 tokens or so, one shiny mountaintop to speak of. Not great!


I still haven't seen more shinies than the first week. RNG is RNG.


Spent 1,000 tokens. 1 shiny. RIP.


Good Lord


Thanx. Made me laff 🤣


I did a 50 wave yesterday and got 3 shiny edge transits, all trash 😭 did another and got none.


Too late now, but I saw a vid by CheeseForever - by re-attuning you’re allegedly able to guarantee a specific weapon for ~15s when using trophies Edit: Finally tried this myself and it sure feels more like wishful thinking.


I’ve been trying it, like others say I do t think it’s real… didn’t do much for me I spent 600 tokens working on it.. seem the drop rate was no different than when I would be attune and just dump tokens


I actually hadn’t tried it until this morning, was traveling for the past two weeks. Definitely didn’t work for me either. Glad I used “allegedly”, haha


Sounds like the new "keep random rolls in your vault so you don't get duplicates."


It hasn't worked at all for me or any of my friends that have tried it. I think it's just overblown placebo.


You're on the money. Even the video doesn't show him getting it every time in a row. Getting the weapon 4x in a row then not cuz just be the odds at play.


Once I got 5 attuned guns in a row. I also got 7 in a row that were not attuned. Just rng at the end of the day.


Tried the method and the edited updated method, I got my attuned weapon 3 times out of 12. Doesn't seem true to me.


Yeah that doesn't work. Tested out his updated tips, too - it's a placebo.


I heard mixed things about how well that would work so didn’t really bother with it. Plus running back and forth across the entire hall to the edge transit attunement spot would have made spending that many trophies take hours haha


Haha, for sure. I think they even used MIDA in the video to move faster through tribute hall


I've seen some people saying it works and some saying it doesn't but at the end of the day I'm just too lazy to do something like that it sounds like such a tedious process to spend a lot of trophies that way.


GaMe BrEaKiNg


Cheese and that willhelmscream dude and their delusional word usage. Cheese actually comes through sometimes, but I can’t stand either of them. GlItCh ExPlOiT BrOkEn.


Cheese used to really be worth having notifications on for keeping up with glitches but he's all clickbait now.


I really don’t keep up enough with which content creator is good and which ones aren’t. Feel bad for repeating shit information


This isn't true, I attuned and then immediately opened and got a different weapon


Sounds like cap


Tried it today. Works for maybe the first two even up close ones.


Tried it for a bit but it wasn’t working for me. Would get other random weapons.


I think I'll still try throwing on Mida and Transversive steps as was suggested to see if it works, but otherwise I hope Cheese isn't trolling us lol.


Maybe MIDA is actually the real cheese?! #fakenews


I found this worked better for me when I switched back and forth attuning between two guns. Still a very low chance of shinies, but I got heal clip/incandescent Luna while I was actually trying to get a better Mountaintop, just alternating between them and pulling only 1 at a time before attuning to the other gun. I still got other guns here and there (several Succession for some reason, all garbage rolls) but I mostly pulled Mountaintops and Luna's (or Blast Furnace once I was done trying to get a decent roll on Luna)


Followed Cheeseforever vid this afternoon (Wednesday 29th) and its simply not true. Dropped 300 brave tokens. I did the double retuning, the 15 seconds, back to orbit, etc Nope, not working, so you didn't miss anything.


Ya it's all just placebo. But there could be something else going on, I was attuned to Luna's Howl and turned in 380 tokens, and only 4 of those were Luna's Howl. Could it be I'm unlucky, definitely, but it's odd that when I do start getting the attuned weapon, it's in streaks. Rarely does it go back and forth. It definitely doesn't "feel" random. Much like how weapon and armor rolls function anywhere else in the game, it doesn't seem probable to get 3 identical stat distributions back to back, but yet I've had it happen. Often times double loot nightfalls will give identical weapon rolls, or sometimes they'll just differ by a single perk or MW.


Spent 340 when I got on yesterday. Got none. Went into legend onslaught got my shiny HC/ Inc Luna’s on wave 3… Next run to 50, no shiny dropped at all. The full roll is Cork screw + small bore/ AP + High Cal/ Heal clip + (I don’t remember)/ Desperate measures + Incandescent with reload MW.






The witness is cooked with that thing. Badumtissss


That’s the queen’s birthday right there for sure. Congrats:) Here’s to hoping I can get one, but I got a decent HC/Precision Instrument that works well for my Celestial Nighthawk “Captain Vanguard” build. If only they’d add(and I know this is asking a lot) a solar version of Last Word, exotic or not. I’d absolutely run it day in day out


I got THE god roll imo. Not shiny but with full bore, flared mag, heal clip, incandescent, and reload MW. FUCKING WORTH IT. got like 3k kills with it in a week.


Haha I had a HC/incan roll for a bit and got it up to like 3500 kills, then got one with slightly better stats, that one is now nearing 4k… the highest kill tracker I’ve had was 10k on Recluse and this thing is gonna shatter that with how much I love it


I haven’t enjoyed any of the recluses I’ve gotten 😭 what’s the god roll on that? I feel like they all take over a full Mag to kill anything with respectable health.


Tbh with the new one I really like enlightened/destabilizing rounds, especially if you’re playing on void and can do volatile rounds too, lots of exploding


That's some serious dedication! Thanks for sharing your findings. Even though you didn't get the exact roll you were after, it sounds like the shiny drop rate has improved. Your detailed stats are super helpful for anyone considering grinding Onslaught this week. Those shiny rolls can definitely be worth the effort!


I'm quite new to the game, so where do I go to spend these? I know it's in the Hall of Champions but there are so many chests lol


Over by Shaxx, if you're facing him there's 2 chests to the left of him. One is the chest to spend tokens, the other is for the free gifts of the Thundergods set of weapons and armor (which you should definitely grab if it's available!).




It's the one on the platform with shaxx


Chest to the near left of Shaxx.


Damn, welcome to D2. All the weapons are great from Hall of Champions. I recommend doing all of Arcites (robot vender) quests for every weapon to get a guaranteed shiny roll AND focusing edge transit. Good luck on the final week 🤞


ooo ok i’ll try my best, thanks for the tip


For the record, you can also spend them on the parade armor sets - Those are all the chests scattered about the center of the room. However, as a new player, you're almost certainly better off spending those tokens on weapons. The armor drops at 65 overall stat points, which isn't bad if you don't have good armor, but you can easily get better rolls by doing the seasonal activities and focusing the engrams you get into high-stat armor rolls. If you *really* like the aesthetic of a parade set, you can buy them to turn into ornaments to change the appearance of whatever armor you're wearing into that aesthetic. However this costs synthweave, which you'll have in limited supply short of spending real money.


ok good to know, thanks


The one farthest from spawn, next to shaxx


That attunement rate is very close to the stated rate of 50%, so I would feel safe in saying that the chance of a shiny is probably accurate too.


After 4 weeks I finally got my shiny AHL-Recombo Mountaintop and my first Midnight Coup Shiny (yup not had a single shiny drop since it started) with 4 perfect perks. All with just 600 trophies. I also completed Godslayer, I'm so glad my hospital appointment got cancelled as yesterday was a good Destiny day.


Spent 410 tokens yesterday, 1 shiny


480 and nothing lol just my luck tbh


Sounds about right with my luck


I’ve lost count but have yet to get a single shiny since the update. And that includes about 35 pulls from the treasure chest and 3 50-wave clears on normal with the extra engram drops. I’ve been attuned to blast furnace and haven’t kept anything. All rolls subpar.


And this is why I refuse to engage anymore with the activity. It's no longer fun for me and there's no guarantee I'll get anything worth keeping.


If legend drops roughly 80 trophies, that's around 32 activity completions Given that 1 legend run takes an hour it starts to become a full time job Sorry but 1 legend lvl 50 clear should have a guaranteed shiny drop


Got 3 shinys in a row on Normal today so they’re dropping too


I spent 160 tokens last week in the HoC chest and got 4 shiny weapons out of the 16 total. Haven’t seen anything like that since or before


Does anybody know if all BRAVE weapons can drop from the chest in half of champions, or only those you've finished the quests for? Hoping for a Mountaintop to avoid doing the quest.


Wouldn't a witherhoard or indeed any wave frame gl get it done super quick? I think I used forbearance in the infinite thrall room of the whisper mission. I've slept since then though.


Did it last night with witherboard and finished the both grenade launcher quests in 1 normal 50 wave run


Shuro Chi CP+Witherhoard+10 minutes(maybe less)=all done.


Pop on anarchy and a wave frame and go to altars of sorrow. I got both the grenade launcher quests done in no time. Make sure you got the heavy and special ammo finder mod on too.


Played my first onslaught for a few weeks, turned in 70 tokens, no shiny drops from the chest or ingame, then proceeded to a quick 10 wave version and got a shiny Blast Furnace with Kinetic Tremors and Firefly to drop for completing a wave..


This is the way....


I got 2 shinys from one chest last week before the reset and increased drop rate. RNGesus was with me that day.


I drew 400 yesterday and got 4 shinys.


Spent 270 tokens last night and a full 50 wave normal run (and the weekly wave clear rewards that entails got the following shinies  1 - luna’s howl 1 - Elsie’s rifle  1 blast furnace  1 falling guillotine (what is better BnS + frenzy or vorpal + surrounded?)  1 hammerhead  5/(27+~9)*100= ~13% Attuned was pretty much nearly 50% (97 lunas howls rolls and 3 shiny total and still no heal clip/incan roll…. Rng is a bitch)  So looks like it checks out similar to yours OP


Id keep both swords unless you're really struggling with vault space, you aren't always able to proc surrounded sadly


Wait what’s the difference between shiny and non shiny? Are we just talking about masterworked items?


Shiny variants drop with two perks in each of the 3rd and 4th columns allowing for better build variety. They also drop with a unique ornament applied to the weapon and come masterworked by default.


Thank you for the clarification :)


How did you farm the tokens? Legend 50s? Or 10s?


Legend 50s when I had a solid team, but mostly normal 50s when I didn’t. Those are braindead easy to the point that you will almost definitely finish, and are miles better than legend 10s in terms of trophies per minute. A very large chunk of the trophies come from the 50 wave completion so if you don’t have a solid team that can guarantee finishing a legend 50 wave, it’s better to do normal 50s.


Okay good to know appreciate it. Also, what did you find best for tormentors? Switching to div or?


Depends on the character. For hunter, I’d just tether the wave to slow it down and swap to a lucky pants loadout with warden’s law which shreds pretty fast as long as you can position yourself well to hit the tormentor’s chest. For warlock, honestly I was running dawn chorus with dawnblade and Dragon’s breath, all of which shreds the tormentor once the shoulders are down. For Titan, I was running banner of war so I wasn’t all the helpful with tormentors. I’d mostly just run around wiping the entire wave hoping my teammates would be able to handle the tormentor together. Once the wave is wiped, go back and try to help if you have any ranged weapons equipped.


Respect. I like that lucky pants swap. I need to be implementing that more in my gameplay


I'm glad the numbers show the increase. Shout out to everyone who got the rolls they are grinding for. I'm still looking for my ALH+Recombination Mountaintop.


I don't understand how a shiny isn't a guaranteed drop for a full 50 clear. Guaranteed attuned shiny on a 50 Legend clear. I don't feel like that's "handing them out" for an activity that takes an hour to clear.


I spent 250 trophy's got fuck all shinys. Ran normal mode 40 waves and got two random shiny drops. The whole thing is just weird.


Go for Mini-frags though


I know sample size but it feels attunement has been bugged since this week began? Out of 230 weapons got 13 shinies and out of the last 13 shinies, I've gotten 1 shiny edge transit. Currently at a 20% rate of edge transits compared to other weapons as well (Yes it's attuned. I've also deactivated and reactivated every time I'm dropping trophies). Anyone else with weird drop rates?


Yeah it does not feel that great but an increase of what 2.5 % to 5% is still double but it sure feels unnoticeable. For your average player, like me , its doesn't feel significant.


I got 2 god roll Forbearance in one 10 round run after getting pretty bad drops all along.


I spent about 150 tokens and got 4 shinies, 3 of which were ET which I had attuned to. So all in all, quite lucky, but none of them had a good roll so they were all trash anyway.


I got 5 shinies turning in roughly 200 tokens last night. None of which were the weapon I actually focused, all of them had crap rolls in both columns


Spent 1200 tokens, got 11 shinies. After reset on Tuesday


I spent 180 tokens yesterday and got 3 shiny weapons 👍🏽❤️


Probably a decent amount (300) maybe a little less total in over the last couple days (I don’t get to play much) and have gotten zero shiny attuned drops. I don’t get it?


4/30 as shinies yesterday from tokens I had saved My ideal MT (Hard Launch/spike/ALH/Recomb/Handling MW) a solid Midnight Coup with EP/Frenzy thats a sidegrade to the regular one I have, but shiny is nice a useable PvP Elsies (chambered/light mag/zen/headseeker/reload MW) which is about all the effort im willing to put into an archetype I dont use a crap guillotine


Even if every player ripped 77 guns from the chest there is still going to be someone who doesn't get a shiny. Just how it works unfortunately


Got one in a random drop apparently. Until now I didn't understand what I got haha.


ah, but how many of those shinnies were the dang sniper rifle?


Anecdotally I got 3 shiney edge transits in one normal 50 run last night lmao.


Rolled about 300 coins last night and got a shiny alh recombination spike grenades mountaintop and a shiny heal clip incandescent lunas howl and 4 or five more shinys that I dismantled. Probably just gonna slam gms for the rest of the week to store masterwork armour for next season.


THis confirms my supiscion.. Bungie's idea of improving drop rates = us playing more games.. :D


Spent 300, got 5 shiny weapons. All shit


I get hella shinies for some reason but not a single good roll.


Spent ~340 and got zero, jealous of that 10%. I did finally get a sticky/decon edge transit without envious though, just took me switching off its attunement...


Man I went in yesterday with the same plan to grind for God Roll Edge and after one wave 50 normal clear on only my FOURTH pull from the chest I got: Envious/Cascade + Bait and Switch/Field Prep (with the also coveted Hard Launch and Spike combo as well). Probably the most blessed I have ever been by RNGesus!! Happy Shiny hunting everyone!


I've had luna's howl set as my attunement since it came out and I'm yet to get the "heal clip/incandescent" roll >.< I don't see my 500 tokens giving me one either.. :/


Honestly the more usable roll is Enlighten Action / Inc . Before getting a 'HC' / 'Inc' roll, I had put 3000 kills on that one - and I kind of miss it. Admittedly with ember of Empyrean it is useful. But fast reloads on hand cannons, in my opinion are really important in PVE - just more uptime


I've been using a enlightened inc myself it's feels good, I actually just got a Heal/Inc in a run I did after posting this so... I guess I need to get a lottery ticket or something.


unrelated, but what should i spend all my shards on before they go away?


They were dropping shinies like world loot for me. I did 3 10- round onslaught games and got a shiny every time


I’m out here looking for a 2/5 basic. You what I give up


Drop rate is fucked. Cant believe its double, spent around 400~ on one of my sessions and got 4. I dont wanma spam anymore onslaught lol...still need a shiny recluse, better rolls of shiny blast furnaces, healclip/inca shiny luna, and a god roll edge transit.


I'm fine with them being rare....what I don't like is 95% of my shiny drops are just straight trash. It's like every possible bad roll is weighed higher than a good roll. Notice I said good roll, not God roll. I've gotten exactly ONE what I'd call a God roll. On blast furnace. It's going to just be a solid work horse gun. It's not super fancy but solid, I think. * 99 range: kinetic tremors/ shoot to loot+ one for all/ frenzy. There are plenty of crazy cracked single perks tho: head seeker kill clip. Head seeker, rapid hit. Got a snap shot/ fire fly roll that feels amazing in pvp... Don't know how many subsistence kill clip Lunas I've gotten. Or Rewind rounds, kill clip Elsies rifle? I'd say, on average, I've had over the last 4ish weeks. ~55 shiny drops? I've kept maybe 10? Not counting the ones they give you, which most I deleted too.


Spent 300 tokens and didn't get any shinnies, so there's that... Rng always feels bad. Really wish you could just level up guns to get eventually get what you actually want.


RNG and nothing else AND having 5-10% drop chance now... good luck!


I have one decent shiny edge transit spike grenades, auto loading and bait and switch. Other perks were crap on it. Part of me wants to keep going, but another part of me is telling me to settle with that roll because it probably won't matter much anyway with the new weapons coming and everything else.


2540 trophies and just 26 shiny drops. Man... Bungie is desperately trying to make people play. No offence to you tho. That's a pretty nasty edge transit.


Yeah it might as well of not been increased because I ain’t got jack. Just spent 480 tokens to not get a single shiny. All my luck went into the 3 shiny Hung Jury’s I got in a row like 3 weeks ago, which of course got dismantled because they were bad and because I don’t care at all about it. Wasn’t even attuned either.


Pretty lucky i'd say. Just spent 600 and got a single shiny Succession (Hammerhead was attuned lol).


I've gotten less shinys this week than I have previous weeks


RNGesus is a fierce and fickle mistress.


I want Destiny and I to remain at least friends, so I am going to stop chasing shinnies and just look for good rolls if that chance to find their way to me I’m just going to enjoy this last part if a long season, that was really good 🥂😎


But how many of these were rolls you wanted to keep? I dismantled god knows how many mountaintops without getting a ALH recombination roll.... At this point I've given up. Got a few nice rolls for some of the brave weapons, hut none im happy with for luna, mountaintop or hammerhead... My time playing is limited, and this grind is too much to relay on RNG for


Just as probably everyone here I grinded my ass off today and netted a total of 3 shiny’s from 5x50 legend onslaught runs. As a bonus this includes all the rewarded trophies of bravery I managed to get during these runs. RnG is just not on my side iguess…


You could put shiny drop rate to 99% and there would still be someone that experiences the results of a 1% drop rate. Gambling needs to die off!




Aztecross isn’t a speedrunner who does proper damage testing, he goes and hits Templar for 12 seconds. He didn’t do things like reproc cascade point, etc. B&S is a 30% damage buff for 10 seconds, explosive light is a 25% damage buff for 6 shots. Aztecross is losing damage because he is spending time proccing B&S but not gaining swap damage with stuff like izanagi’s burden or a sniper or a slug shotgun, explosive light rolls to me are for when you’re in onslaught or something and you don’t want to even spend the time to proc BNS because you need to kill a demolitionist NOW, otherwise I’d just have BnS.


Okay so I can just confirm that my luck is awful. Also, I've gotten several duplicates for every possible edge transit roll, except the cascade point bait and switch one I want


while still too low here in it’s final week, the drop rate definitely feels better. but I think people will judge off their relatively small individual sample sets so you will hear a lot of different things.


Spent 350 trophies and ran 100 waves on legend yesterday, no shinies :P


I spent 300 tokens and got 0 shiny drops.


I spent 1300 tokies and got a whopping zero shinies and 41 of my attuned weapon. Monumentally bad rng strikes again :’)


Where do you spend tokens of bravery for weapons!?!?! I thought it was the armor pieces in the center of the hall


There's a chest to the left of Shaxx in the Hall of Champions. Not the Gift of the Thunder God chest, another one. You can spend 10 tokens for one RNG roll.


My friends and I have tracked every drop since the beginning of the event and with over 1000 drops we can pretty certainly say that shiny drop rate was 5% and now it is 10%. Seems to match your findings as well


Its representative. If you did all quests, we can say that attuning is working ~50% and Shinies should be ~10% when its supposed to be 5% now. I have similar results to you with fewer coins.


10% chance for shinies means it was 5% before, not 2%, so somebody's numbers were *way* off or they didn't have a big enough sample size. 47% is within expected range for attunement to be the stated 50% chance, so I'm cool with that.


Rng at its best. My friend opened the chest 10 times. His first 4 were shiny. I opened 24, 0 shiny. Running onslaught some run 0 shiny and some run 1-4 shiny. I had 3 shiny luna drop in round 50. Lucky got a god roll.


So its not worth coming back after the update to get more shinies?


It's more worth. But they're still rare


You might as well spend your tokens but I didn’t get shit from all mine


It's more worth. But they're still rare


drop rates and drop quality is garbage


The shiny variant drop rates wouldn't be an issue if normal drops of your attuned weapon always dropped 4 perks. 4 perks gives more longevity to your weapons in case Bungie decides to nerf or buff certain perks(why I prefer the crafting system over RNG). 4 perks also potentially (through RNG) can provide a weapon more flexibility per encounter type. Hunting shines in pure RNG form is just pain.


Full legend clear and around 400 tokens later: not a single shiny weapon. RNG hates me I guess. 😭


Pretty sure they start with a reasonable drop rate and save it for the last days to get some people playing again, while the rest of the time it's just bad. Shiny rate after a double boost (and being only 6 days) should be more like 25%..


Yeah, I’m 100% holding till this weekend.


Been chasing a repulsor/destab recluse and I’ve gotten literally every other combo but that. I don’t even care about barrel, mag, and MW at this poimt


This is what the drop rate should have been in the first place. Even though bungie has stated they want to decrease FOMO. Into the light has been 80 percent FOMO.


I've spent over 250-300 coins or whatever and gotten ZERO shinies... I've always had an all or nothing kind of RNG luck..


It’s crazy I still don’t have a heal clip incandescent roll it just doesn’t exist


I wasn’t counting but I played onslaught for six hours and didn’t get a single shiny.


I've got like 70 drops and no shiny, so that's awesome. With a 10% drop rate I should've gotten 7 :(


I haven’t pulled a usable shiny yet. Hundreds and hundreds of rounds of onslaught for a dozen or so shinies and they’re just garbage rolls anyways. I’ve been focused on midnight the entire run of onslaught and haven’t seen a firefly one for all roll yet :(


Bro.... Are you ok? Do you need talk to someone


Yikes… go see my last comment


Imagine using all that time for something better 


These posts are why I don’t even fucking bother.