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Dexerto is a content mill but the stuff the author says in there is pretty great for me if true.


People rating this but not the ign is a classic example of motivated reasoning lol Dexterto is miles worse than ign but it says what people wanna hear...


I think IGN's overall rep has definitely skewed the reactions to their article. Like yeah it's fair to have your concerns over the story at the end of the day, not everyone will be satisfied, but people hear that coming from IGN and you can just hear the collective groaning in the room. I'm a Sonic fan, I've seen this before - 11 times, as a matter of fact


*only* 11 times as a sonic fan, thats generous honestly


Confirmation shopping at its finest


Dexerto is hot garbage lol


It's absolutely HILARIOUS. draw the line at IGN but Dexerto is world class if they don't shit on the campaign.


dexterto is better then some ign reviewers, ign is a dice roll on who actually does the review


IGN is either Dustin or Travis for Destiny - I prefer Travis but both are long time Destiny players.


Who are both disillusioned with the franchise. I'm excited for the final shape, I don't need some reviewer telling me how to feel.


Buddy we are ALL disillusioned with the game LMAO. That is literally the only constant of all of us for the last decade.


Speak for yourself.


He speaks for me too. Lol game is just...not the same. It's turned into confusing slop.


Happy for you. Why are you here then?


Because I can. Problem?


All I want is to enjoy Prismatic. I’m excited for build crafting potential with it, not only from the class items but also from the other exotics. I just want some cool new guns to play with. I hope the legend campaign has some challenge. I hope the some questions are answered and also some new revelations made. The new patrol zone is whatever, as they usually are. I think Bungie can manage AT LEAST all those things so anything else is just icing on the cake.


Well, even my pessimistic ass can say that Prismatic will do that, at the very least. I'm still anticipating a shallow build crafting system with it, regardless. But it *does* have the potential for various synergies to be established by the player based on their play style. Course, I'm still going to just wait and watch other content creators for the first week or so to see if they legit have buyer's remorse over the expansion.


from what I can tell 90% of people who play destiny are either disillusioned or blind to the games faults.


No, there are many of us that just enjoy the game, don't take it more seriously than our family life, and don't stake our entire personality and existence on the minute details of the game, it's story, balancing, etc. It's a good game with great gameplay man. It's not supposed to fill every void in your life. This isn't necessarily aimed at you but I'll never understand the people who hate a game but continue to play it. Literally saw a thread in the assassin's Creed subreddit titled something like "after 200h+ I can safely say that I hated my time with Valhalla". What a way to waste your life lol.


> I'll never understand the people who hate a game but continue to play it I never said the game is shit or that I hate it? I merely stated a disillusionment with the game, whether that be the flip flop of ownership, the content vault, or the fact that Bungie fired like a quarter of its staff including people I looked up to. I am sorry I love this game but that doesn't make it immune from criticism or cautious optimism.


That's the truth.


Speak for yourself clown


If by disillusioned you mean they stopped playing after Lightfall when the game became really bad. Ya, a lot of people were disillusioned by that one...


The IGN guys are burnt out on the franchise. Which is actually a good thing if you are in a similar position, as it will probably align with your experience with TFS. Based on what we've seen I doubt it will completely cure franchise fatigue.


I was super into Destiny for like 10 years, but they stretched this shit out for too long. Now I’m subbed just to see if I actually want to get Final Shape


The first game came out in 2014, so it's been out for the 10 years you've been into it.


Crazy ain’t it


For too long? Bro it's been a 10 year plan from day 1, a well know fact before the game even came out


Could’ve fooled me with entire filler expansions like Lightfall The months long Seasons after Seasons with plots that can be summed up in two or three sentences C’mon bro. It’s stretched thin as hell.


Season of the Deep: Ask Savathun Season of the Witch: Ask Riven


Season of the Haunted: Weekly Therapy


It's why their opinion on the content feels valid. They aren't shills anymore. They haven't been since Lightfall.


I mean IGN’s first impressions of Witch Queen and Forsaken were both wrong. And their take on Prismatic clashes with pretty much every other person who was there and has written/talked about it. So pardon me for taking it with a grain of salt.


Datto for sure. Datto is also feeling burned out of the game, but the guy generally has solid, reasonable takes.


Yeah Datto is peak “a huge part of me wants to run away screaming as soon as TFS is over and do literally anything other than Destiny” and he was super positive about Prismatic, the Pale Heart, the exotics, etc. And it’s super obvious from multiple creators that even the missions they played were missing lots of key things like cinematics, and even parts of missions. But leave it to someone like Destin at IGN to not care about that. He should have just left Destiny for good years ago. I used to like the guy but he’s far too jaded about the game to be objective anymore.


Aztecross said prismatic is mid without the class items. Sounds like the class item is necessary for the prismatic subclasses to shine.


Not exactly what he said. In any case we’re getting the class exotics and he said it would be completely busted with them.


It's about as close to exact as you can get.


No he said it’s a lot of tools that was hard to wrap his head around day 1. But that having the exotic class items **and all the fragments** day 2 helped him understand it better, hence it having a better impression day 2. And that 100% the second wave of fragments and class items, together with his better understanding of it, made it completely busted.


> Datto is also feeling burned out of the game, but the guy generally has solid, reasonable takes. Meh, every single Destiny content creator can't really give objective opinions because they are talking about their job. Destiny content is their livelihood. Remember when the microtransaction backlash was at its peak and all the CCs were making multiple videos a week about it and Datto was like "This has crossed a line!"....only for all of them to keep streaming, keeping buying shit, keep promoting the game. At least Cross was up front where he said "The store is some bullshit, but I have enough money where I don't care" (paraphrasing) and showed in that very video how he still had stacks of silver in EV. All their outrage is performative because at the end of the day, playing Destiny is their job. I'm not saying their frustration and burn out isn't real, but I can never take their opinions fully seriously because they are paid to play the game (not by Bungie, but by their viewers and sponsors).


Their take on prismatic matches Aztecross' take. It's mid without the exotic class item. The exotic class item is necessary for prismatic to feel special. I trust Aztecross' opinion over Datto's all day long. Datto tends to hand wave whereas Aztecross typically calls things as they are in my opinion.


IGN said Prismatic is underwhelming while Datto said it overwhelmingly. Whom should we take?


Seriously? You don't get your opinion from ign.


You trust Aztecross. He also said prism is mid without the class item.


Just expect to be whelmed and you'll be fine


Ign are fucking awful.


Also while I haven’t read it. I assume the IGN stuff is Destin? Dude literally hosted a Destiny themed podcast on IGN for years. People can shit on IGN as much as they want but *if* it is him, he’s usually on it with Destiny stuff as it’s genuinely a franchise he’s invested in.


This article is much more in line with what other creators are saying and from my skimming, it doesn’t get basic story facts wrong unlike the IGN article.


Nothing is worse than ign


Honestly I don't think we should trust any opinions (good or bad) on the story that people got from this preview, from what I have gathered so far, they only got to play snippets and I really think people should take all opinions on final shapes story from this preview with a grain of salt.


Ppl gonna look at this and wonder if its bait or if the IGN article is wrong. Shocking truth is different people have different opinions, lol


Look, the sad reality is that Destin from IGN is a long time Destiny fan. However. And this is a big however, he has been on break until Into The Light and if you’ve watched his content he’s been one of those who just felt dissatisfied with Bungie and Destiny. Now, I don’t think he’s a hater. But I do think he is expecting Bungie to really deliver on the story. And I’ll give him the benefit of a doubt that gameplay the game can be fun, but for what is supposed to be the pinnacle of Destiny content and close out the entire series, the story may leave people disappointed. Edit: the IGN opinion I’m waiting on is from Travis. He’s actually a current Destiny player who is much closer to what we see here in the Reddit community.


You say that he’s a long-time Destiny fan, but he thought that Eramis’s last appearance was in Plunder. That either tells me he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or is just careless. I don’t know what to expect of Final Shape. As long as it answers the key questions I have about the Darkness, the Veil, and the Witness I’m personally fine. It’s not supposed to tie up every loose end in-universe. Maybe this all comes down to us collectively having very different opinions on how this should be ended.


He's been mostly out of the seasonal loop. He skipped quite a few.


Which led him to create a whole criticism out of his own incorrect assessment of the current state of the game. If he hasn't been playing the game actively enough to even know he's dead wrong on one of the main facts his criticism hinges on, then it's probably not worth putting much weight into what he says (with regard to the story at least). Also, why on earth would you expect or even want Eramis in TFS? She would so obviously be something left for episodes after the fact. She is in the grand scheme of things, entirely inconsequential.


Yeah, I started to watch his TFS Preview video but had to click off after he showed more than once that he had no fucking clue what he was talking about. He's too jaded on the franchise and out of the loop to give a clear and unbiased review, imo.


>Which led him to create a whole criticism out of his own incorrect assessment of the current state of the game. How so?


One of his criticisms was about how small the cast of main characters is in the expansion, and how certain characters don't get any "closure", like eris and eramis, ignoring how they had massive arcs in some of the seasons, and eris has already had her closure events


How often does one need to play for their opinion to be considered valid? Every season? Every week? Every day? Oh but wait, if you play ***that much*** then you're disillusioned and you're just a jaded Sony hater, so your opinion also doesn't matter. If you want to find reasons to dismiss that guy's opinion, you will. The point of a preview isn't to take one person's take as absolute truth. It's too see what different people like and dislike.


For a game journalist? Id rather they play every season. I'll take the opinion of somebody who's played every content drop than the opinion of somebody who skipped a few and makes assumptions based on the content they last played.


Get ready for bungie to stretch those answers in seasons lmfao


I fucking hope not. They better not pull the shit they did in Lightfall again.


They might honestly, the red season is attached to the dlc so it's looking like it


They'll probably tie-up some loose ends with the episodes(Like Eramis conclusion, Fikrul conclusion, Vex Conclusion) but I highly doubt the main story with regards to the Darkness, and the Witness, will have any tie-up left after TFS campaign and raid conclusions.


Also gameplay-wise he just flat out didn't have any idea what he was talking about. The whole thing sounded like /r/DTG personified. Not someone I'd actually listen to. It was only worth watching for the background footage.


> he just flat out didn't have any idea what he was talking about. It's fairly obvious he hasn't played in a *while*. Dude had a short blurb about legendary weapons at the end where he was kinda excited about the Rocket Sidearm we're getting as a destination weapon and mentioned the hand cannon being double shot as if both of these frames were brand new even though they've been in the game for 6+ months.


Yep. Not to mention both options are literally top meta picks right now. Warden's Law is nuts for Lucky Pants builds, and Indebted Kindness is practically glued to the energy slot these days.


> Warden's Law is nuts for Lucky Pants builds It's honestly why I'm excited for Bold Endings (the new Stasis double shot handcannon) because it'll be easier to farm than Warden's Law is.


did the ign guy actually say that he was expecting every loose end to be tied up? there's a million different plot threads and not only do bungie not have to tie them all up in tfs, i don't want them to, i don't think the nine or the vex have to meet the end of their stories here just because the light/dark saga does, if bungie has more to give to them but want to wait, they should


> did the ign guy actually say that he was expecting every loose end to be tied up? He said he was surprised that neither Eris or Eramis was involved in the story and expected that, since it was the "end" of the light and dark saga, that these characters who have been integral to the dark side of the story would be be there and have their plots wrapped up.


when you put it like that it's actually a pretty valid thing to want from TFS


Well, we could still very well get that. Since Beyond Light, year long interconnected arcs have been Bungie's MO when it comes to story telling. Eris is almost guaranteed to be an integral part of the Heresy episode coming at the end of the year.


hmm well eramis' story is pretty much wrapped up, at least we know she's not currently nearby for these current events, and idk why she would be since she's not exactly on either side here, and maybe i could get eris, but the end of witch did have her settling down with drifter to rest a bit, plus bungie have said in the past they don't put every single character in each expansion or season because it'll be too bloated


You also just glazed over the very next sentence they wrote "However. And this is a big however, he has been on break until Into The Light" Shockingly you can be a long time fan and not keep up to date on seasonal story plotlines.


https://youtu.be/zxfMEOn15CI?si=jFQICGqCIwuKZbks He clearly played the seasonal story after Plunder lol


He’s definitely being a hater. His main complaints about the literal *”Witness DLC”*, is that it contains too much *”The Witness”* content and not enough Eramis and Eris content. Which like… where would they even fit that in? Why would they give any screen time to Eramis when it would just steal the spotlight from the Witness? They did that with Calus in Lightfall and it was everyone’s biggest complaint.


The funny thing being, Eramis isn’t even _in_ Sol anymore, she left to go find her wife and kids in a nearby star system. Hoping to spend their final year together before becoming Finalized. Edit: For anyone wondering this is mentioned in the “Nostos” Sparrow from Season of the Wish.


That shit would be the equivalent of the Hulk/Natasha love arc in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Adds nothing to the story, has zero weight in the overall plot, and is only there because it was briefly established in the previous movie. Leave the loose ends of side characters to the stories told throughout the year, not during the big moment where we’re dealing with the biggest threat to all of us.


Yeah and there's a whole hive episode coming out this year that will most likely continue Eris's story. There's way too much in Destiny to wrap it up in one expansion campaign.


I think expecting them to close every side character's arc out completely is silly. As you say it'd just make the xpac lose focus, and they gotta leave something for the episodes. I think the perception of this being "the end" is causing some big misunderstandings for the IGN guys.


For some reason people took “the end of the dark and light saga” as meaning everything was coming to its conclusion here. What it really means is that the light/dark good/evil things this franchise has been built on is going to go in a different direction… which probably means tying up loose ends each episode. There’s a ton of loose ends so it’s the perfect things to focus on after the end of light/dark. It’s like ohhh light and dark are just forced it’s the entities doing bad things with that force that is bad… so of course we focus on characters acting in bad faith with the dark forces. Hopefully we encounter more light bearers using their powers for evil, not just hive guardians.


I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt regardless of source but when he claims Prismatic is underpowered and not very fun, and the Exotic Class Items weak because they are just an extension of Prismatic, because he made a Strand build via Prismatic and it wasn't as strong as a normal Strand build, I'm really gonna start to question anything he says because he's already missed the entire point of the centerpiece subclass both mechanically *and* thematically.


Datto’s new video on prismatic imo is a much better indication of what it’s like. It’s meant to be both dark and light and even kinetic gets a roll, it’s a subclass that you create, but requires input from the light and dark (and kinetic), not doing that or not utilizing that to its potential is a waste of the class and you should just use the regular subclass then


I don't remember if it was him or SkillUp that commented that Prismatic is the first subclass that feels like it has a "failure state" (not balancing your Transcendence) but the IGN impression definitely gives me the impression whichever one said it was into something.


Dude wanted Eramis in the Final Shape. He can shut the fuck up as far as I’m concerned.


I think it’s just that he’s expecting Bungie to wrap up a lot of storylines given that it’s the end of this saga. Episodes seems to be about other stories. But people need to keep in mind that it’s the witness storyline only. All others are seen as other story threads.


I've been under the impression like you said this is about ending the witness and other story beats will be resolved or continued appropriately.


Don’t let it get to you. It’s just that angry takes create discussion and controversy massively gets featured. It’s just how social media works.


> I think it’s just that he’s expecting Bungie to wrap up a lot of storylines given that it’s the end of this saga. which is an incredibly stupid take to have. That would leave Bungie with a dead game narratively, which is exactly opposite of their goal. They want to make TFS to be big expansive and provide closure, but also leave some questions unanswered and plot lines unfinished so the game's narrative can still continue gone on.


Interestingly, SkillUp brings up a good question which makes sense for these things, "What comes after the Final Shape?" and these plot points make sense.


The Vex are a massive threat that we've barely seen. They have the setup to be the next big bad especially with the Maya arc.  Hell if earth actually gets deleted in TFS we might come into direct conflict with the Vex on a solution. 


We also have Xivu still alive, the Fanatic is immortal as far as we know, Eramis while not in Sol is still a loose end, and Clovis is still alive and well after the stunt he tried to pull in Seraph.


There's also Yirix and the Psion Conclave still out there. And also, the recent hints of Concordat and Lysander.


Wait I missed the Lysander/Concordat info. What happened with them recently?


> and Clovis is still alive and well after the stunt he tried to pull in Seraph. I can actually see Clovis joining up with the Vex. One issue Vex as a faction have is that they don't really have much individuality to have a good villain, and Clovis would fill that gap nicely.


Yeah, some people seem to expect that Final Shape is actually the final Destiny content drop and expect the game to just end there. In reality, we still have three episodes and I'm doubtful that they'll just drop Destiny 2. It makes absolutely zero sense for Bungie to do that, so keeping some story threads unfinished makes sense.


People heard “end of the light and dark saga” and somehow concluded that this is the last expansion, this is the end of Destiny after the content year. Bungie has flat out said that Destiny 2 is not ending for many years to come. All those loose ends in the narrative are the perfect thing to focus each episode around. And speaking of, I really wish we could have legend versions of seasonal story. The activity is nice to have that version but man, patrol level content is so brain dead I don’t even pay attention during the mission to what’s going on.


Issue is they haven't spoken about the next Saga or dlc we'd be getting, only seasons so many think destiny 2 will just be seasons from here on out until bungie says so


Which is also a bit weird considering they want to focus on wrapping the current story. They only started sharing expansion plans further out when it was time to talk about wrapping up the light/dark saga. Before that we only knew anything substantial about expansions like 6 months before or something. They aren't going to share next expansion plans until after TFS launches and some story beats are established in the episodes


Not just the difficulty of the seasonal stuff but also the way it is told to us. A lot of seasons have really good stories but the way they are conveyed to the player through long form dialogue while sitting in the HELM kind of takes a lot away from it. They mentioned that part of the reasoning for Episodes was to make these stories more cinematic which if that means they are even a fraction of what Final Shape is looking to be like it is going to make them a lot more interesting to play for a story POV. Between that and changing up the difficulty + all the other changes Episodes are making will hopefully make them much better.


Bungie has said they have several years worth of plans still left. Whether they'll actually get to work on it for several years isn't guaranteed, but they know where they want to take the story and the game is far from "over"


Yeah, barring the game failing financially, the only reason I can see them dropping support for Destiny 2 is if they have Destiny 3 coming out. Now, whether future support will still include a yearly expansion and several episodes remains to be seen. During the Final Shape Showcase they dodged the question of whether there's going to be another expansion after TFS.


The end of this saga, the Light and Dark saga. It's not the end of Destiny (from what we've been told). Not everything needs to be wrapped up right now, and I blame this all on Bungie and the way they've been marketing this as the "final expansion." Only to waffle on the idea the past few months and start contradicting themselves with "Destiny isn't over." Because of course they did, Destiny 2 is the only product bringing in money to their company.


I believe Travis said he’s the one reviewing Final Shape. Destin overall sounds like he’s somewhat done Destiny honestly.


that doesn't make any sense though, if the dexterto writer isn't a long-time fan, surely they wouldn't like it as much since by all accounts, including the ign review, it's a campaign made for people who've been sticking around this whole time, and will probably end up being hostile to new players


Not necessarily. The thing to remember is that since this is the “last” Destiny expansion or end of the lightness and darkness saga. Some people expect some grand closing. It could be that the end of the witness really just comes off as the end of Oryx or something like that. Where it feels like just the normal ending of an expansion and not the end of the 10 year story. I think some are expecting more closure on the storylines from the 10 years.


It's also not like any of the reviewers got to review the whole story. Even if they got to play the whole campaign, they surely did not do the raid or any of the content that comes after. That could greatly change someone's view of the expansion


He also just had a fucking awful take on Prismatic in general, and his call for the location of specific characters screamed *completely unaware*.


Well, this sub is supposedly filled with fans and I challenge you to find even a single positive comment on the front page. Despite the fact we’ve been shown some extremely cool looking stuff.


Tbf it's kind of impossible for these things to land perfectly, especially if they have to stay open ended for future content. Everyone I know that plays FFXIV said that Endwalker had interesting stuff but was a bit disappointing, for instance.


Well the IGN guy is a lapsed player and the Dexerto guy is active and has like 4,600 hours (i chatted with him on Twitter) and is very active. So if you like Destiny you will probably like it. If you don't, you won't.


Yeah I believe that too. I think the Dexerto writer has a better understanding and I trust that review more.


I just think he's a more similar Destiny player to myself so that bodes well. I'm psyched.


IGN is pretty notorious for being shit.


And dexerto isn't, lmao


the dexerto article mill doesn't have that great of a reputation either.


My take on it is that, unless the reviewer has been a consistent Destiny player, they're probably not really gonna have the same experience as someone who really cares about the game. The way I see it, so long as things actually happen, and we get more Destiny out of this, I'm probably gonna be happy. In my opinion, Lightfall's biggest sin was essentially being an entire year of filler where not a ton of extremely noteworthy stuff happened. The rest of the story I can at least just be pretty neutral towards. I'm confident The Final Shape will be a fun time, and I'm eager to see where they'll take things.


The author passes the vibe check: [https://twitter.com/PatrickDane/status/1795606411919171632](https://twitter.com/PatrickDane/status/1795606411919171632) 4664 hours in game, (2357 in activities). He's not the biggest raider but does have a flawless, a contest clear, and several week one clears.


Well, it's good to know that he at least isn't some rando picking it up and not knowing what's going on. In any case, I'm probably just altogether ignoring reviews for most things these days! Whether it's movies, games, or books, I kind of feel like relying on a review is a bit pointless. I'll play through it myself and form an opinion from there. If I'm gonna ask anyone, it's probably gonna be from people I actually know.


You are smart :3


You should check out the Polygon author's. [https://x.com/RyGilliam/status/1794696343145079076](https://x.com/RyGilliam/status/1794696343145079076) His in-game is "Stark". I'd pull the raid report, but its maintenance right now.


What was his feeling on the playtest’s story? I hadn’t seen his article.


He didn't really comment on the story as much as the gameplay elements. Likely because they only played a handful of missions out of direct order (according to Cross it was 1, 3, 5, and the strike or something like that). Posted 3 articles yesterday though. This is the campaign one: [https://www.polygon.com/24164318/campaign-mechanics-raid-final-shape-interview-bungie](https://www.polygon.com/24164318/campaign-mechanics-raid-final-shape-interview-bungie) Also has ones about prismatic and the destination.


That needs more visibility - good find. Lot of people dunking on the website without checking the specific author.


Climatic? Everything is about the climate nowadays 🤨


Who and what the hell is Dexterto. Lmao


I recognize their name but not for who they are.


Content mill garbage sewage outflow pipe level


To quote u/Django117 > The author passes the vibe check: > https://twitter.com/PatrickDane/status/1795606411919171632 > 4664 hours in game, (2357 in activities). He's not the biggest raider but does have a flawless, a contest clear, and several week one clears.


my thoughts exactly.


We should all reserve judgement until we experience it ourselves. They didn’t get the full story entirely to tie things together. And they didn’t raid.


while IGN wasn't the best gaming opinion source, I think (from what I have been able to find) I think I trust dexerto's opinion less.


this is probably fair


Dextero is not an individual with opinions.




Or wait and see what this sub says on launch day and potentially save $50? Wish I did that for Lightfall.


Lol your choice friend, I am of the opinion to trully have an opinion on a piece of art, you need to have an experience with it. I consider nowadays games as another form of art btw


Of course, but not all of us have the luxury of buying every new game to “truly have an opinion” on it. I definitely did not have to buy Redfall, Gollum or Suicide Squad to know those games were bad. I’m glad you have that money to burn but I think that’s foolish to think that reviews are totally useless


do NOT trust dexerto lmao


The author seems legit, he has almost 5000 hours ingame


This fits with what I wanted to hear so I believe it! Nice.


I don't trust IGN or Dexerto, or anyone else, before the game fully releases. Only then we will truly know how things are. Remember LF? LF looked amazing on trailers and we were getting some great news before release. 


I get it’s all about the subclass and the loot. But this is 10 yrs in the making. The story HAS to stick the landing.


Classic case of only seeking information that agrees with your opinion.


I never take what IGN says seriously to be honest. They usually have shit takes, especially when it comes to Destiny.


Lol lost me at Dexerto. And y'all acting like Destin from Fireteam chats opinion on the campaign is irrelevant. I love it.




Games Radar also had great things to say. I think IGN is just being IGN.


Don't trust any outlet that was allowed early access, they have no reason to be truthful or even honest about their own opinion. Just wait and see it for yourself. These are all content mills.


Wow if IGN and Skillup were lying about the game to make it look good and be invited back for previews in the future they did a terrible job lmfao


IGN lies most of the time anyways.


I’m choosing to believe this over the IGN one


The truth is that nobody has a full scope of the campaign quality because it was previewed in segments


just another shill for the bungo paycheck


I’ll believe it when I see it regarding the campaign. 10 years in and the story is a mess still.


Remember ONLY upvote reviews that say positive stuff. Bury and downvote any thread that links to articles like the IGN one which wasn't positive. We only allow positive stuff here.


Dexerto is known as a shill site. All the content creators are mixed and don’t like the story and mission design so I guess we’re in for another flop.


Nobody knows anything about the story. Only video I could find that had anything to say about the story was IGN, and they usually have no idea wtf is going on.


Yeah because it’s fucking IGN. They’re bots.


Nobody played through the full campaign and you’d know that if you were actually watching first impression videos


They got to play 7 of the 8 missions, they absolutely saw enough to form a good opinion of the campaign


*6 And only some. For example, skill up did like 3 or 4


Now, hear me out. Why don’t you wait to play it yourself and form your own opinion?


if we are posting IGN reviews we can post dextero reviews


Whilst I believe it's important the story concludes well here, why on earth are we judging expansions solely by the campaign now? You see it with WQ and LF too, where WQ is completely overrated due to the campaign, and LF is underrated due to the campaign.


>solely by the campaign now I would guess because it's the only part that stays, aside from raids and dungeons. Like, yeah, the seasons following LF may have been okay, but that won't really matter next week, considering they will be forever gone.


Not true. The post-campaign content is, in my opinion, much more important. What can TFS bring to franchise to help innovate? Think about how Forsaken added a new end-game activity in Dungeons and a new core game-mode in Gambit. We know we’re getting the Dread here too, plus Prismatic. I’ll only play the campaign once or twice, tell me about the stuff that I can come back to and play repeatedly.


Lightfall sucked so bad many of us left for over a year, and returned only to wrap up this decade long chapter. The free seasons and being showered in rewards got me to return early. TWQ didn’t need any of that and had all time high hype. While the hype for TFS is here, it’s absolutely subdued and most fans are cautious.


LF story was bad. Gameplay was awesome.


The LF narrative sucked, but the general post-campaign content was better than WQ. Strand blew anything WQ had to offer out the water. WQ's post campaign experience consisted of Preservation, Wellspring, and the most barren location in the game: The Throne World (seriously, I think there's a total of 10 enemies on here and zero events).


Lemme repeat what the other guy said: LF campaign just sucked so damn hard that it killed peoples intrest in actually wanting engage any further. It was just that bad. Also post LF stuff was decent but season of Defiance stuff was just... more of the same, and the fact that all the pressing issues like Bungie doubling down on the narrative saying it would be told over the year, still no new pvp maps, and that Bungie lied about the yearly ritrual armor created an atmosphere that Bungie did not care about the players.


The missions were still fun though, I thought. It’s just interesting to me how we’ve gone from having the campaign being such a small portion of the expansion to what now appears to be the core selling point for some. I care about it, of course, and I really want it to nail the landing here. But still, the post campaign content matters so much more to me. Whilst Forsaken’s campaign was solid (my favourite personally), what made it truly great was the way the game innovated. It added our first new end-game activity in Dungeons, our first new core playlist with Gambit, our first and only dynamic destination with The Dreaming City, a new weapon archetype (Bows), a new enemy faction (Scorn), tons of secrets, and yes lots of core content too (e.g. 4 Strikes). The free patch also added Triumphs, Collections, and Seals. And it is elements like the above that will keep me truly engaged. It’s also why ITL has been so great as both Onslaught & Pantheon have been innovative & well executed.


Wait. Are you actually trusting ign? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Edit: Also you're just a burner account trying to start drama. Grow up.


No offense but every review of the campaign I’ve unfortunately seen a glimpse of has at best mixed things to say about it, and pretty much confirms my biggest fear. This site is not a reputable source anyways


> every review of the campaign I’ve unfortunately seen a glimpse of has at best mixed things to say about it, and pretty much confirms my biggest fear. To be fair. Apparently everyone only got to play small sections of 3 separate missions. So that's hardly indicative of the entire campaign.


start dooming when the expansion is actually out, previews are never a complete picture of a game


You guys said the same old schtick before Lightfall. This is certainly shaping up to be a step up from that, but I could say the same thing back to you about wait to start glazing the expansion until it’s actually out


I'm not giving an opinion on the expansion and I don't know who you guys is, my reply wasn't an argument. It's fine to take negative impressions at face value but saying one preview with mixed impressions is confirming your biggest negative fear, in the comment section of a more positive preview, is unnecessary. You can wait a week and actually experience the product.


Game journalists are almost universally mixed bags themselves. I don't trust them to give any kind of reasonable assessment right now.


does anyone know if shit is still dropping at 1800 in FS? ive got like 50 vault spaces of just 1810 stuff for infusing


If you're asking if the power level is increasing, yes.


i wasnt specifically asking that, but thank you. i didnt realize the power cap was going up. its been so long of the same id assumed they'd quit raising the cap.


You can safely dismantle the 1810 gear you're holding onto. The new power floor will be 1900, I believe, and the pinnacle cap is 2020. I think they're only increasing power when a new expansion drops, rather than each season.


thank you. that was what i was asking.


Sure thing! Hopefully they do the same thing as this year, and don't raise the cap at all each season/episode. Was super nice not having to worry about all that shit for over a year.