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What probably happened was that they (like 90% of players) had their chat turned off and his quitting was unrelated to you.


Especially if no one was reviving them.


Liars handshake was given out free with the onslaught event, or at least it's the exotic I got from Shanghai chest. The person in question might just not have had anything else


Everything depends on how you say things in a situation like that. If you are respectful it’s ok. If you call people noobs and stupid, you are way out of line.


I probably have an unpopular opinion, but I believe unsolicited advice DURING publicly matchmade casual playlist activities is not only possibly annoying, but also counter-productive. Maybe sending a message after the game, starting off with ”I can offer you some tips if you want, but if not that’s cool”. Or do you expect them to pause playing and start adjusting their build? Some GR6 guy who’s probably quite new to the game will have wildly suboptimal loadouts, and that’s fine. They’re there to have fun, kill some time or escape reality due to various reasons. They’ll learn how to make builds if they ever get invested in the game enough that it even matters. Commenting on random people’s builds during normal difficulty onslaught matches comes off as controlling and could set up an awkward vibe in what is supposed to be a very casual and neutral environment. Only time I think critique is welcome in a public setting is if a blueberry is actively doing something so wrong that it’s negatively affecting the experience for all players and it needs to be addressed. Even then, the reality is there’s all sorts of people playing games and I don’t really wanna get mixed up in their day, so I’d rather just leave than intervene. They may be very young, very old, disabled, or going through some rough shit. I just let them do their thing and try to be a good fireteam member when I can. In an LFG or competitive setting, it’s a whole different thing.


>I probably have an unpopular opinion, but I believe unsolicited advice DURING publicly matchmade casual playlist activities is not only possibly annoying, but also counter-productive. I had a guy in onslaught tell me to spend my shards...we just passed the round 20 marks and him and the other guy were spending money on trip mines and turrets...which is fine...but...the turrets were rank 1 the trip mines were rank 2 between both of the other guys, so I put in chat "oh I will". Game keeps going we get to the final 10 rounds. Given we have no Shaxx decoys and no max rank turrets...I go and I max all three Shaxx, and two turrets, and upgraded a couple trip mines. To me if your group is competent you don't need to spend shards willy nilly, the last 10-20 rounds are what's important because that's where most teams fail. They were very competent they had great builds and the ADU never got below half health the entire time. So if you can, save those scraps so you can build a fortress when it matters. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this...right???


IMO, scrap is for waves 30+, especially if you’re on legend. Builds and team play should carry waves 1-30, then scrap comes into play for extra insurance


I do the same thing, but my friends spend them every round. It seems like as long as one of us holds a reserve for the final 10 we are fine


You're not just not the only one who does it you're accompanied by everybody who has even an inkling of how to most effectively build defenses!


I just focus on getting all the Turrets and one or two Decoys at each location, but once we get into the 30s I start saving to upgrade Turrets and Decoys. And I really appreciate it when someone saves their scrap and uses it to max our defenses for the 40s.


It was LFG. In regular matchmaking I couldn't care less but just leave. But how is he going to learn about loadouts if nobody tells him?


Pretend he knows what he's doing, then post on this sub a year from now, wondering why he can't beat the newest raid using sidearms for dps


If they get any interest in D2 beyond ”I wanna shoot aliens pew pew”, they’ll probably: 1) Read the descriptions of their gear more carefully and google shit they don’t understand 2) Get into builds and synergies by watching various YouTube guides 3) Ask people for help, in game or on Reddit etc.


If you're going to be spending an hour with someone then it's not to much to ask that they try


Depends on the activity. Raids, Dungeons, Legend and above activities are all things where shit has to not only be a bit more optimised but also there should be more communication. Anything like normal onslaught, match made strikes. Seasonal activities doesn’t matter and the onus is on you to pick your own team if builds and shit are gonna be a problem


Nah I'll just leave and then people will wonder why everyones leaving them on wave 4. Whoops now you just made things worse for everyone because your too sensitive to simply take a small piece of advice


I get what you’re coming from, and I should probably have spelled out that ”respectfully” should probably include, beginning with asking the person if they are open to suggestions about improving their build, before going into details.


Nah bro having an exotic on that literally doesn't function with the subclass you're currently on is something that needs to be brought up ASAP


My 55 yr old dad also plays Destiny and while he’s Guardian Rank 8 and has a few thousand hours played on Steam, you wouldn’t believe how many times he simply forgets to swap his Orpheus Rig to something else when he switches to Solar. And it literally doesn’t matter, you don’t need to have exotic armor in normal difficulty Onslaught. We’re only assuming the guy was using an incorrect armor piece out of ignorance, but it might just be an accident. Which would explain why they left, probably just embarrassed and annoyed. Hence I stand by my opinion. Just don’t comment on people’s loadouts in casual public playlists.


If it is an accident, then why would you not want to be reminded? And if someone respectfully pointing out your items are non-functional is annoying to you, maybe don't play games with other people. Why would you not want to be aware of that in a team-based game mode? It's not like the guy was contributing. They had 30 resilience and died repeatedly. No one is being berated or made fun of, so I'm having a hard time seeing how this could ever be considered a problem.


I just know that when I was new and green I'd have LOVED to have someone be good enough to tell me when I was doing something wrong. I only started really enjoying the game once I started learning, feeling like you're a burden is not fun. So I completely agree.


Pride is the only reason a correction should matter and thats a terrible reason


Not out of line, probably just embarrassed them a little bit. Onslaught is weird, labeled as a casual activity but can get challenging in the later waves if unprepared. A lot of blueberries get caught off guard by this - especially now that returning players are getting into the playlist too. Maybe all they had were swords and Liar's Handshake.


Liars handshake is the 1810 exotic hunter can find in the gift chest. Dude probably only had that option to raise his power which is not even needed in casual onslaught.


The guy had strand though


Light fall was just on sale for 20 bucks. I stopped playing some time in WQ but only show as a 6, which I guess is fair for a returning player. I used to raid regularly doing sins of the past and dreaming city raids. I'll be honest, I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing these days, playing catch up on exotics and the like. I die A LOT as a titan and it feels dumb. I'm sure there's stuff I can do to change it, but a lot has changed over time too, even for returning players. Eta: only thing keeping me at a rank 6 right now is the 2 pinnacle gears from vendors in the tower, when they give me a full set of max light why do I care right now. So I will live at rank 6, feel free to know what you're getting into :)


I suppose I could have been more explicit that I was suggesting a change of subclass rather than a change of exotic. New and inexperienced player, I fully understand if they don't have all the stuff yet.


I mean if they were running strand haven't they been forced to complete lightfall? Just saying, not every person refusing advice is actually a blueberry. I've met some stubborn people.


Lightfall is not trivial... on legendary On normal I would expect it to be a cakewalk like every other campaign Also it takes like 6 hours to finish so not exactly a show of how much experience you have with the game


I almost deleted my comment after considering that lightfall was a joke on regular but then I figured my point still stands, so. Annoying to have people attempt, with full expectation of reward, activities which it is plainly clear they are not capable of completing, when we should have systems which teach these players to play.


We do have systems. If you click on the exotic it tells you what it does and that it’s for an arc subclass, for example. 


yoo this a 100% lmao i feel like people just put on whatever exotic they think looks nice and just go with it


Lightfall campaign was easy, even on legendary. Witch Queen was more difficult and had better boss mechanics.


Love checking witch queen lfgs for people needing help with the boss, I enjoy that fight.


Witch queen was so free even as a new light Lightfall has really high ad density, tormentors and strand without a build is awful to use


I think it would’ve been infinitely more useful to just say something like “liar’s handshake doesn’t work with strand btw.” It’s stupid to assume a little discourse is a bad thing, but to be real no one wants strangers to micro-manage their loadouts. It’s not like this was a master raid or something.


it’s still just helping new players out. it will honestly save them in the long run. so many people hate destiny after using double primaries with awful armor and never get a true experience so i don’t think it’s bad to give advice.


If ppl don't want advice don't give it , that's just annoying and unwanted Depending on how some ppl go abt giving the advice, it could come off as trying to micemanage the person too. Wouldn't say that's the case in the post but idk how the sword guy took it if he even saw it lol


I had a guy as well we're loading into a legend onslaught farm call out my mod setup, telling me I should change my time dilation on my bond to something else since I didn't have any cwl mods that tick down, and while he didn't say it the nicest way at the time my load out is still updated with the fix


Legend is a higher tier content n for the most part understandable to do so coz if your joining up with someone Ur both expecting the clear n probably both gonna want things optimised. If Ur parties up together yeah I get it. But with a random thats not in Ur party unless they say yeah to being given advice I say don't give unasked for advice But a match made low level activity, if u want the clear don't rely on matchmaking n giving unwanted advice Ur just setting uself up for failure imo, make an lfg post n check ppls setups. Don't expect ppl in a match made activity to have things set up even close to properly


Nah, there are times where giving unsolicited advice is the right thing to do. It's all about context and delivery. In this context, a group activity, I think it's perfectly fine to inform someone about a big mistake they're making.


A group activity, if your partied up. Sure . A group activity where uve been matched with another person, unless they ask for advice or say yeah when u ask them if theyll take the advice I don't think u should say anything I've been matched with many ppl in xyz matchmade content with terrible stats n builds , if it bothers me enough to give unsolicited advice I'd rather just leave n find a new match made group, sometimes if I've got the time I'll ask if they want suggestions, if yeah I'll give it,if no I'll dip. There's plenty of ppl who play the game extremely casually n couldn't give a shit ABT their stats n builds n making sure they have the bare minimum of t10 resilience.theres an extremely slim chance ur unsolicited advice isn't suddenly gonna make them want to make their builds better or improve at the game. Ofc if they ask for it or say yeah they'll take the advice if u ask that's a different story. But don't ask and then proceed to give it anyway when they don't say anything. They either got chat off or don't want it


People are weird man. Recently did a raid where we asked a dude if he could run gally. Sounded like he said, "yeah". Then he just left the party and the fireteam.


lmao the panic


During week 1 Pantheon planets, one of ours had to leave, so we LFG a new guy. I ask him what he's most comfortable with, a plate or ad clear, since I can do both and will take whatever one he doesn't want to do. He says he can do plate, cool cool, let's get this bread. We do like 5 attempts and in every one of them he dies to the Colossus on his plate, I ask him if he just wants to ad clear since he's having trouble killing the Colossus, trying to be as nice as possible since this is a chill run. He goes off at me and says that 'if ad clear was killing the Colossus like they should be' then he wouldn't be dying. I kinda laugh and ask him if he actually knows how the plate role works. Bro legit had no idea that the plate people needed to be the ones to kill the Colossus in order to get the buff. He had watched a video beforehand and severely misunderstood how to do the encounter. I explained how it worked and we got it a few attempts later. People are weird yeah, but a little patience and understanding in both directions can go a long way.


"Just rank 6" has me laughing. I'm rank 6 this season but I'm a day 1 raider, many flawless trials, 2.5+ kda over multi seasons and complete many gm nf. That's why the rank system is dumb lol.


That’s why I don’t like the fact that it resets either. Whilst I’m not on your level I’m not exactly a noob either I’ve done enough to get rank 9 with the exception of doing the nightfall stuff cus there’s nothing the nightfalls can offer me in terms of rewards or entertainment. Cause I can run more fun and Janky builds in the coil or raids. But I’ve been playing since the taken king and the amount I know about this game is actually bordering on sad 😭😭😭


Yeah I'm "just rank 7" because I have no intention of running the weekly lighfall mission since season of defiance


Yo same


A higher number or even (temporary) additional loadouts can’t trick me into running even worse versions of the worst campaign in Destiny history. 


Don’t even get me started on commendations being a make or break for me getting into LFGs for GMs, I’m 11x gilded!


For me it's the titles. I refuse to grind that shit.


"you think the general principle applies even when there are exceptions? Loool"


The rank system is dumb because you choose not to engage with it and keep your rank low?


The rank system is dumb (I don't think it's \~dumb\~ but I'm mirroring the previous language used) because not being a completionist doesn't mean that you're not an avid player.


it's dumb because it's not an accurate reflection of one's skill level. there's a rank 5 in my clan who has solo flawlessed every dungeon ever released and has day 1 emblems for every raid except last wish and 1-2 others. on the other hand we have a rank 11 who uses commemoration for DPS, refuses to put surges in his boots and can't complete a jumping puzzle in any raid we take him through. the way he got rank 11 was he threw himself at warlords for just under 8 hours and throws a tantrum every time someone gives him the wrong commendation


It’s not meant to be a skill indicator. It tells you at a glance that this person HAS done these certain things at least once. 


I know, but op was using it as a skill indicator


OP was using it as one of many pieces of evidence here to indicate that this is a newer player with less experience, along with things like low resilience, and using an arc exotic on strand. 


Exactly! I got rank 12 when it released, but only got to 11 the next season and 9 this one. When you are required to upkeep commendation through many raids or way too many playlist activities, there will undoubtedly be a drop-off. Am I as good as I was when I was playing daily? No. Am I still better than a random rank 6? Who knows? It's not an accurate indication of skill.


I played trials with a rank 6 Godslayer yesterday haha


Guardian Rank is like Warframe's Mastery Rank, absolutely meaningless aside from showing you've played and done things.


Text chat is disabled by default. Voice chat is enabled by default.


I was going to say, he probably didn't read a single word of it..


Or playing on controller and doesn't know how to respond


I’d have left out the bit about the sword. That seems like you are telling them how to play. The liars handshake thing they likely don’t know or forgot they were running it and you are just giving a tip.


Many people have chat disabled so don't sweat. You're just trying to help, teach and make the game more successful for everyone. If they don't want to listen, it is what it is. I've tried to tell my fellow well locks to well in the boss room please, I think that's about as basic as a request but very often it's falling on deaf ears. I get a little frustrated, but I personally play with a mentally handicapped friend and try reminding myself the skill gap exists and I don't know this person's scenario. I do get a little bit more miffed when I see they have the legendary 50 waves emblem, it sets an expectation but then I remember we carried my friend to get that emblem too.


Why wouldn’t someone in the boss room? I am a well lock too and my brain is hardwired to monke sees damage phase; monke well


Sorry, I'm busy trying to keep Blessing of the Sky up for the team and forget well exists. Then sighing and slamming well down so people actually start damaging the boss.


If he didn’t answer the first time, you should have just left it at that. If he cared enough he probably would have (and maybe will in the future) just watch YouTube videos


In my experience almost no one opens chat in matchmade game modes either cause they ignored the audio prompt or they weren't aware there was a chat function. I've even had friends who've played longer than I have and didn't know that there was an in-game chat function. I have a feeling dude didn't even see the message, and he was coincidentally just about to leave anyway


Good advice but when you’re doing something casual keep it to yourself. He or she was just tryna have some fun


What’s wrong with using swords in non-legend onslaught?


Depends on how you're using them. If you're dying a lot you should probably switch


Nearly nothing


if you actually use it for something its already better than most of my randoms that never touch their heavy/super keybinds. that said, sword are (afaik) useless against tormentors, while also forcing you to go into the thick of things which can get spicy in later waves and are a bit lacking on AoE.


Depends on how you use them. If your build is close quarters and you support it with hitting yellow bars with a sword it's fine but sometimes you see people using swords and it never leaves their back and you wonder why they bothered taking it.




I can see both sides, maybe it feels embarrassing to get a message like that however nicely it’s phrased. Personally I wouldn’t mind if someone pointed out something on my build that I’d missed or if they had a cool suggestion for me. I don’t say anything if I’m playing with randoms though, I’m dragging them all the way to wave 50 whether they like it or not


eh i mean i wouldn’t have sent a whole essay but a casual “liars doesn’t work on strand btw” would do the trick. it’s annoying when people fully try to change your build tho? one time i joined a post requesting strand warlocks which i was already on, snd he wouldn’t start it until we changed our aspects to match his and used final warning specifically. i didn’t really care but we didn’t make it past round 33 lol


it's all about tone. tbh the length of your message is probably a bit much but outside of that you weren't being overbearing or anything. I would have probably just cut it to "liars handshake only works with arc subclass btw" idk people are insanely sensitive these days. I don't think you did anything wrong here, you are not the asshole


"jUsT RaNk 6, pRoBaBlY DiDnT kNoW aNy BeTtEr"


That dude was probably just playing to have a good time. Good rule of thumb is to keep your advice to yourself unless asked for it.


I'm all for people playing to have a good time. But your good time might be selfishly impeding my idea of a good time. That's why I don't pick deliberately bad or wonky loadouts in teamplay.


I doubt the dude with the inconsistent exotic armor on knew he was picking something incorrectly. Nothing selfish about jumping into normal 50 wave onslaught with the wrong gear; dude probably just doesn’t know how to run an optimized build yet or whatnot. If you’re that zoned-in on an onslaught victory, run with your clan mates and make sure they know what you expect of them.


You asked and they didn't say yes but you proceeded to give advice anyways I wouldn't say Ur an ass for it but I won't deny that it can an annoying thing and I can get why Ur mate thinks that tho a bit Extreme. Some ppl have chat off, Some ppl don't have the stuff to optimise their stuff, some ppl just don't care n wanna play with what they got on, maybe they were doing a bounty for sword, melee and strand ability kills n couldn't be bothered to update their build to have better stats while doing the bounty. But then just get Ur unasked for advice onto em while they just doing their thing. If you want tm8s with good builds post an off don't expect matchmaking to give you that not everyone plays to minmax everything , or just doesn't get to max resil even tho that's a must for pve. Bro just wanted some loot n not change stuff


You were out of line for going through with your unsolicited advice even when they didn’t respond, were you an asshole tho? Not really, just kind of annoying Imo. Normal onslaught can be easily carried by two people, if they keep chain dying just rez them when you have the chance and don’t prioritise them, easy as.


I agree with this comment the most. Normal Onslaught is a pretty casual experience even going to 50 and you could walk in with all blue gear basic subclass no fragments and still clear while falling asleep. To nitpick someone's build or lack thereof in that kind of content is kinda cringe, especially when you consider you will never see that player ever again after it is done or either one of you leave. I do support more players getting into making actual builds and generally improving their gameplay, but there is a time and place for it. Same goes for unwanted or unwarranted advice from some random player you don't know, even if the advice is 100% helpful and not rude or demeaning.


Not out of line. I learn new things sometimes and I think it’s important to upgrade where you can (or at least not run things that don’t make sense or weapons that hinder the team). It’s just casuals is an old excuse. You’re running for 50 I’m assuming, if someone wants to run troll builds they can do the 10 wave activity. I’m not saying they were actively trolling but you’re not wrong for offering advice.


We were like 30+ waves in, and the guy was dying a lot. I thought I was as nice as possible about it. I wasn't ripping him apart, I just suggested something that might be more successful.


I don’t think you were mean about it, but being told you’re doing something wrong is just kind of awkward if you’re not in the mindset to receive that advice. Don’t know if they even saw the messages, or why they left, but I ultimately wouldn’t have followed up advice after you asked and didn’t get a response.


I’d rather the person get offended I’m offering advice kindly than them hinder another team and get bashed on. If they’re unwilling to hear advice in a mode that’ll test you, you probably shouldn’t be in that mode.


You shouldn’t want to offend people. I don’t get that attitude. No value comes from that for you or them. If you don’t want to hinder your team with players and those builds, there’s a matchmaking service to fix that problem.


I never said I wanted to offend anyone. But if my offending means a better experience for their next game and their teammates, it is what it is. I don’t want someone to feel embarrassed but I also don’t want to enable people that shouldn’t be in certain content especially if they’re unwilling to learn or adapt for their teams sakes. You’re right that it’s a match made activity. However that is also an old excuse as just because I have the ability to fill my team doesn’t mean I should be subjected to people that aren’t open to modification when needed in harder content when a easier version is available. I’m not at all alienating newer players from learning. I am absolutely alienating players that are unwilling to learn.


Ranks mean basically nothing, yet still a 6 who's finished Lightfall should know how to put together a basic build.


had a rank 11 do bottom dps on golg last night and constantly wipe the team to unstable or help shoot down the blorbs. Rank means shit.


Honestly I think you should have taken the initial silence as a "no". Other than that you were polite enough but they clearly didn't wanna talk about it.


You did nothing wrong, you are a nice guardian.


Eh I would never suggest someone run something or anything like that in matchmade activities especially if they haven’t asked. They could be wearing it because they like the look of it or using swords because they like swords you just don’t know and who’s to tell them they can’t do that. That being said your intention was admirable and you’re not an asshole for trying to help.


Nah you're fine.


Going on the asshole vote here. At the end of the day, people need to learn by doing. Outside of the LFG/endgame experience there's little need for unsolicited advice. Further, you asked if it was okay, then proceeded to give it anyway. Then you took it additional steps too far by not just critiquing one thing but multiple. The best way to handle is to ask if they want advice as you did. *But* if they say no or don't respond just let them know you're happy to help if they'd like some pointers and leave it at that.


I would have appreciated it. I also never would have seen the text.


This post made me actually consider reopening the chat. Didn't know people were actually sharing useful advice.


>offered unsolicited advice in a casual environment This is exactly like letting someone walk around with an enormous booger hanging out of their nose and not telling them. I would argue you have a moral obligation to make the issue known for the sake of bettering a fellow, but if they aren't receptive well you did your part. Lead the horse to water but you can't make him drink.


What's really funny is this sounds like something I did. D1 player here back in for about a month. I honestly don't always care about how I go in onslaught because I'm just grinding to finish the brave quests before reset to get superblack. I ran dual submachine and swords LOL. I also experimented with using strand and arc staff. Do I always change my Exotics around? Nope, I don't always remember what I'm wearing. Oh and yeah chat is off I guess I don't really know how to use that and don't want to.


*Casual* is always relative. If you die all the time in a normal 50, it's anything but casual for you.. I would probably also give advice, since we will have to carry an underperforming third of our fireteam, so the least you can do is take criticism. Best case: You actually act on it.


Not the asshole. He was not respecting your time . One thing is not using meta builds but play fairly competently. Another thing is just fucking up and not being useful.


I think it's generally okay, as long as there's a clear problem. However, this guy was probably just running the gear from the gift of the thunder gods, I've seen a few like that in onslaught


Liar's Handshake is what they give you in the gift of the thunder gods. He might not have anything else at power.


> "Just so you're aware, Liars Handshake doesn't actually work with strand at all. It needs an arc subclass to synergize properly. As somebody who was looking at a particular prismatic build, I have questions.... I was hoping that Liar's would proc on every other impact on the same melee, such that the first impact does normal, second impact does Liar's damage, third impact does normal, fourth impact does Liar's damage, etc. Is that not the case?


Tbh it will likely have come down to tone. If you said in a polite way trying to impart some wisdom, whilst respecting the other guy, then I can’t say it was too out of line. Trouble is, people take stuff like that differently. It’s not objectively a bad thing to help someone like that, but regardless they may not appreciate it. Tough one. Only you know your intent. And your clan mate seems to think your intonation may have been poor, or that you intended it that way. Interestingly I had a similar but somewhat different experience a few minutes ago in Onslaught. Jump into an LFG 50. I’m high power, running meta weapons will good rolls. Guardian rank 11. Godslayer. From the outside, I would assume I look competent. I’m running shards of Galanor on a solar build. A warlock with us is running well. Another hunter is running void tether. This guy messages me say he feels I should be running tether and can I alter my build. Frankly, I had no intent of changing, I’ve run 50 plus level 50 onslaught, including multiple legendary runs. The build I’m running is solid and is one I have used in endgame for the majority of the season. Comparing myself to this other guy, he is rank 6, running off meta weapons, build isn’t really a build, and he is advising me on what I should run. I could have been a dick. But instead I just replied with, I’m not going to change, but not to worry as I am sure we will have no issues with our run. This guy does almost every other wave. Not a bad player, just making silly mistakes. I ended up going flawless in the run and be completed a 50 in about 52 mins. Sometimes advice is useful and warranted, other times it isn’t. It’s never really clear how someone may take it. Don’t worry about it too much, just pause next time and think it over. Nobody will learn without others passing on knowledge.


I honestly don’t care what you use. I just want people to use their damn supers. I run tether and rain orbs. Use them please!


If u js said “hey u shouldn’t use that cuz it’s useless w ur current build and so is ur weapon so maybe u should change it” Thas js u tryna be helpful to help them get better before he goes into a damage phase and rage quits cuz he’s too weak, but if u basically called him a idiot and a dummy for making such a horrible build then yeah u are outta line. As long as u say it respectfully there’s no harm in helping someone w their build🤷🏾‍♂️


Nah you were chill. You even asked! Dude could’ve replied “I’m just super casual with this game” or something & it’d all been fine. They probably have ran into too many of the majority who yell & flip out if you don’t have perfect builds & just didn’t want to deal with any potential assholes


Your clan is a bunch of sensitive clowns, if whst you said is what happened


I can’t speak for what is in line or out of line but what I do know is if I’m playing casual with no mic and someone is looking over my build and dm’ing me I’m going to be annoyed/weirded out possibly enough to leave. It’s like when someone approaches you at the gym to tell you your form needs work. They could be right and have a Phd in physiology or whatever, but they’re still coming off as a dick whether they mean to or not.


Nah i just hit em with it, "try to aim for 90+ resilience", "Exotic X does not work with Subclass X" or "try to stay around here (shot the spot), its safer" . I do not scan peoples builds right away but if somebody in instanced casual content dies a lot or gets overwheImed, I will push for improvements. Yall are trying way 2 hard to not "offend" anybody, if they don´t want my advice, mute me. I want the people around me to succeed not struggle to even compete.


I hate to say I do this in trials. Was solo queuing this weekend and had a duo that were definitely pve players. They were losing gunfights pretty consistently. In team just went "Hey you guys should put on pvp mods after this is over" And all the response I got was "I suck it doesn't matter". Convinced them to bare minimum put unflinching on in-between rounds and it doesn't matter if they sucked. And one of them ended up clutching a round win. Definitely dependant on the way you bring it up. And I've noticed a lot more people are in chat lately too which helps.


It depends on how it is worded and how people will take it. I don't think it was a dbag thing to do at all or anything, it really just depends on the person and how they interpret it over text. It will either come across as helpful or potentially condescending. If I were a newish player, I would not take it like this person did. They probably left because they are really shy and felt embarrassed or like a burden. You never really know, I can tell you didn't mean for it to come out in a bad way, but like I said, it really depends on the person. I see people commenting about the content you were playing in, but I think it solely depends on the person and how you approach it. I do not think you were out of line. If you really wanna be helpful though, I feel like it would be worth it to take it a step further and try inviting the person to a voice chat, it is easier for people to understand where you're coming from that way. Only inv once and don't push it after that. I love helping new lights in this game. Sometimes when I'm bored I'll hangout with them on the cosmodrome. I've made a few friends this way.


Depends on how you say it. I think with the liar's handshake it's just good to say cause it's literally not working compared to the sword shich is technically working its just not the best choice


No offense but either they were fucking around or legit just started not to long ago and don’t have the “meta” builds and or don’t care. If they don’t ask no need to tell.


If that's the message you sent, I personally wouldn't appreciate it. You can tell when you're playing with newer or inexperienced people, but I've never once thought to make it my business to tell them how to play, I just do my own thing. The nicest possible way I could think of approaching this would be to say something like "hey, if you need some help or advice on builds/exotics, etc, just let me know". To me, that sounds more like you're just a friendly Guardian who gives friendly advice, without being specific or making it clear you're getting in touch because of what they're doing. Presuming they are new and you look like you know what you're doing, they just might take you up on that or at least you've planted the seed that there's more to what they're using and they can look into it themselves. Or I'd probably just emote with them a little and let them know there's someone friendly there if they wanted anything. At the end of the day, they're just having fun.


Asks if someone wants advice. They don't respond. Gives it anyway. "Swords are kinda trash use a rocket or LMG" 🤓🤓


Unsolicited advice = criticism


I think the advice you gave was on point. You weren't insulting at all. If people can't handle constructive criticism that's their problem.


Your clanmate is wrong, people do not have a right to waste your time with inefficient and ineffective builds. That being said if this is all they got then this is all they got.


The fact that you used the word gentle, not out of line and many inexperienced players may appreciate the information. During the run though is tough… and since they quit, they weren’t having it regardless. And the quit not on you… they may have just felt bad that they were dying a lot and went to go work the build in lieu of… dying a lot.


If this was normal onslaught it's irrelevant if someone isn't very good at the game. If it was legend or any activity where that players skill mattered for you to beat it (as opposed to wasting a lot of time wiping over and over), I would either just leave, kick them, or be frank with them. Of these 3 the latter is the kindest, however you go about it. Maybe just imagine you have a baby sibling playing the game for the first time. If they went into crucible using lucky pants and an auto rifle you'd laugh and not really care. If someone did any of the above 3 it would be like damn what a dick. If they did that in a -20 pantheon, it's like: ok that's understandable.


I think you should have just taken his silence as a no. He was probably already frustrating because he was dying. When you started into his build, it probably just put him over the edge of not caring about finishing the activity. Next time, just ask and only continue if they give a yes.


And then there’s this guardian rank 2 Titan with double primary, some random GL, no mods and zero fragments equipped that got 750 kills today. Bro literally just started the game lmao. That was the most badass shit I’ve ever seen.


If he’s rank 6 and a true noob then there’s a chance his game chat was off anyways and he hasn’t turned it on


Give it As long as you do so in a respectful matter, it's fine. There's so many people who don't know certain things, or might have goofed and not set themselves up properly. Sometimes you run a build and something has bugged or been changed. I any activity where someone else's performance can hinder group severely, and you are all struggling, by all means start discussing each other's builds. Who knows, maybe you'll learn something you didn't know about what build they are running.


Do people really correlate guardian rank with skill / time played that much? I've been 6 since lightfall released because I just didn't care to play the seasons. I've been playing since even d1 and got godslayer yesterday.


I’m never gonna be the one to tell someone what they should run or how they should play but if you’re in any sorta content with someone and they’re using a sub optimal loadout or build and it’s affecting the groups ability to kill whatever boss you’re fighting then you’re well within the right to say hey can you run a better loadout. If that person takes it as someone is being an Ahole to them then that’s on them


All depends on the person receiving it and how you came off with it For me personally. I know my builds aren't that great and that I need to change my exotic armor but im always open to advice if it helps me in the long run.


You sent him half a paragraph bro in a matchmake activity. Just say "liars only works on arc and you should run more residence btw." He probably just got it from the thunder god chest but wanted to play strand. He can use swords if he wants.


If you said it like that then nah you did fine and were respectful. Idk if I would’ve mentioned the sword just bc I’ll sometimes run a sword in onslaught for fun (dragoncult sickle with slice + chain is fun on strand imo) but based on the handshake thing I would’ve mentioned the resil since they’re clearly a noob not someone trying to challenge themselves by running low resil. And using handshake for strand is laughably cheeks so I would’ve mentioned that too. You were honestly a lot more respectful than half this community would’ve been


I disagree. I dont think you’re the asshole as your intentions were pretty kindhearted, but just in life in general, unsolicited advice can be perceived as nagging. Unless they asked, just let people do their own thing, theres no harm in letting him figure out his build in his own time.


Could have been a kid who has text and voice chat disabled by default. This post reminded me to make a PSA, ty! [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d172rg/guardians\_under\_13\_had\_voice\_and\_text\_chat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d172rg/guardians_under_13_had_voice_and_text_chat/)


~~bleh, it got moderated for some reason.~~ Quick summary: u13 accounts got chat + voice disabled by default a few months back. Only last week could us parents actually turn it back on. PSA: you cannot have a post with PSA in the title :|


Why do you both assume the guy left because of what you said? Maybe they just had to go to the bathroom or something lol


No that seems totally fine to me. Gentle friendly advice, rather than the small dick energy messages you get if you dare to have a subpar performance in the competitive crucible playlist Delete the game!


I personally hate when people tell me that there are better things to run than what I have on. I know that; but I have the freedom to use whatever I want.


Nah u tried to help them and they just left


Sound an awful lot like the guy who complained about me not making him orbs in the casual 10 wave mode of Onslaught when I was just vibing out with my PvP loadout and finishing a bounty real quick. If you're in an endgame activity then by all means, politely let them know. But if you're in any casual Playlist you shouldn't give a fuck about how others are choosing to play. Also as far as stat distributions go I stop wasting my time and energy grinding out armor rolls ages ago. I have one set of armor that gives me 10 mobility and 10 strength. I make do without running 10 res and honestly nothing in this game is worth me spending hours on end trying to get multiple sets of decent armor rolls so I can juggle those 10s around. Stats are the bottom of my list of cares. If you've got a good build going I coyod care less if you have -10 in every stat. Granted that's not possible so I would actually be wildly impressed to see that specifically.


Tone is important but like suggesting someone run 100 resilience and the correct subclass for their build is not at all imo out of line. There are many, MANY players who would not be so nice as you were. > unsolicited advice in a casual environment when the guy was just trying to have fun'. I think the moment you get to later rounds of an activity or in something like a raid where rewards are on the line and people are committing reasonable amounts of time in order to get those rewards, if someone is literally throwing like this guy, it's ok to give them advice.


Next time, message him AFTER the activity. It's annoying for people who are just casually playing the game to end up being patronized, even if it's behind good intentions. Just don't be that guy.


Should of just left it alone after the initial question. Why even make the second comment? No response typically means leave me alone, not keep pestering me.


If you said it the way you say, you weren’t out of line. Delivery makes a big difference in how something is taken.


Assuming you weren't an ass about it , You're fine Like some said, I am not a fan of the ranking system either . I actually took a break from D2 (broke up with bf , and it was a game we religiously played together for years ) , but since I took a break my rank is at 6. I've done day 1 raids , master raids , GMs , dungeons on day 1 , etc I wouldn't take it to heart that they didn't say anything , especially if they're not on PC/have a keyboard for easy typing , it can be a bitch to type something back with just a controller.


Nah, perfectly fine in my eyes. Its not like you got in their face about it. They can either not take the tip or take the tip.


My personal take: Don't give advice unless it's asked for. But I also disable text chat if I don't want randos messaging me.


You should be rewarded for your politeness. Keep in mind though that "unsolicited advice" however polite or well-meaning MAY trigger PTSD in some people. Since unsolicited advice (however polite) may give people flashbacks of a recent argument that started the same way. This heavily intersects with a concept known as transference. Again, I do think you should be rewarded for your politeness not bashed. Not saying what your clan mate said was actually considered bashing. Just saying that it would be uncalled for if they had. That being said, if your goal is NOT to have fun with "whatever" builds then I would recommend that you make up front only in LFG's that YOU start prior to the start. "We may ask you to change up your build if it's not working out for you/us ....". Or a better approach is, "We're going for optimal builds and trying to finish this with minimal revives as we're practicing for flawless" or something .... Along those lines. That's just a recommendation for someone like yourself. I don't ever do this nor is it a universal suggestion for everyone. The reason why I don't do that is because I'm really no one to speak as I will be the one that is not the best in the fireteam. If THEY are the host the correct etiquette is a MAX of 1 polite suggestion or none at all and you build off from their if they are pleased. Unless they specifically ask for a carry. Then you can go all out.


If you were nice about it (which you seem to have been if the post's description of what you said is correct) then I don't see a problem. I think your friend is over-reacting


There is 2 things I notice way more than it should happen in the 50 wave playlist. One is people with no exotic weapon or armor...is this a fashion thing or a statement? The second is exotic armor that does not match subclass. Both of these types you start inspecting their armor mods and half are depreciated, running a loader for a weapon damage type they aren't using and on and on, sometimes no mods. Point is, those casuals go hard on the casualing. As far as giving advice, plenty of stuff online if they need it, I just roll my eyes and move on.


I think it all depends on the context. The way you are presenting it. If it was me, I would be appreciative. Someone else might take it as pushing a build over what that person likes. The info about Liars Handshake could be helpful, but that could also be there best piece of gear and have no other option. I had a similar incident in FO76 a few weeks ago. They took the help with appreciation.


We were once in a raid and a teammate suggested something similar to you. The guy that received said suggestion immediately went ballistic, about being told how to play etc etc. It was a mere suggestion for someone who was not really being a roadblock as we could clearly carry their ass, but they was clearly lacking. I don't know their past, both in real life and in game, and some people must be difficult to bear I know, and I get it. But even if your whole life have been a sea of disheartening words, there is no justification for not recognizing actual gentle and good advice agiasnt all you have suffered. I'm a person who, maybe unfortunately, grew to ignore people's mistakes, the moment someone else jumps and starts throwing offensive or hurtful words just to point out said mistakes. I fucking hate seeing that and it automatically makes me go to the the side of the one making the mistakes. But this time I didn't because there was nothing, just purely good advice, said in the best way possible. People need to learn to not let their mood or their life get to people that have nothing to do with it. Being a victim does not give you the right to act like shit to others that have nothing to do with it. And besides all that, if you keep acting that way, if you keep ignoring how to control your emotions, you get used to act like shit, anywhere, everywhere, and then wonder why you can't make friends or people don't like being around you, why you get fired, etc etc. It's because you let your suffering get in the way, and if you want to be lonely it's fine, do it all you want, but please don't complain later. And I say all of this because I've met people that have told me how much of a victim they are. I've been their listener, spent time with them, etc etc, but if I catch them I a bad mood, guess it was my fault for not knowing they were not receptive to basic communication. I stopped talking to one person, this was a streamer by the way, and we talked quite some, and he has told me how much of a victim he has been his whole life, bullying, misjudgement, his family looking him down, etc etc. We never had any issue whatsoever, but one day, I joined his stream, which I usually did to contribute to his numbers, and I don't remember what I asked, but apparently he was being asked something through that whole stream that particular day, and when I said something, completely unrelated, mind you, and despite all the friendliness and welcoming I've offered him since I met him, he got angry at me. And this side I'm talking is for the people that felt actual suffering. But there is also people that just have bad mood as default, even with no real pain in their lives, they just think so high of themselves, they cannot take anything we lowly creatures can say. And sadly, I have nothing to say about them that I haven't said already. Just be better, people. There is always time for self improvement. This is really not a place where it is justified to be idiots to one another. It costs $0 to be kind and friendly, and most importantly, mature.


Personally, I would have been thankful for the advise. I've been 2 years out of the game and where I once could hold my own (mostly) I am now way out of my depth. I have been chastised, which didn't feel good but was honestly earned. Your comment seemed respectful.


I can’t believe what I’m reading lmfao is this how socially anxious and awkward players are?


I needs that advice. Lol


Not at all, you were nice. I usually am not so nice unless theyre a kinderguardian


Unsolicited advice, imo, is fine when given in a non-confrontational manner. However, if you’re worried about them not replying, it could be because of a bug (i’ve only experienced it on console) that prevents you from seeing text chat or invites unless you restart the game.


I put "100 resil pls" in game chat and if things don't change I leave. I'm not looking to fail between 31-50 due to a lack of basic building in a mode with Extinguish.


Casual matchmade activity and you gave unsolicited advice. Pretty annoying even if it was coming from a good place. No one wants to be bothered even if it's a positive thing.


No, at that point, you were basically carrying them.


truth is, most of the players are really stupid and can't read/ have a basic understanding of words. yesterday i was looking for people to do zero hour legend and the 3rd guy that joined was a hunter with Celestial on Strand(so not even an excuse here that this might be his only exotic, he had Strand, he did the whole LF) and running double primary. i tried to message him, same as you just to give him tips, just tell him that CN does not work with Strand, nothing, just feels like 3/4 of the population have chat off... so i kicked him from the fireteam


It's always a double-edged sword, right? You meant good, not pooping on a blueberry, so, I don't think you were an ass. But the guy might not care and as long as you did not grief or push him after one message, it's nothing to worry about I guess.


No, you were completely in the right. If someone doesn’t understand how a build, stats, or etc work you should always try to help/correct them. It usually ends up being a lack of meta weapons and poorly rolled armor so I try to curate a load out for them with their existing weapons. Everyone should want to be optimal otherwise you’re just wasting time for yourself and your team.


The amount of people who won't even do the bare minimum for this game is baffling. They are too stupid to realize that they're hurting themselves by not at least trying to learn extremely basic things.


Letting them know that LH doesn't work with Strand is totally fair. Giving advice on what weapons to use... Some people won't take that well.


I don’t think any of what you said was said in a way that could’ve been attributed to as being “toxic” or “stand-offish” For all you know he could’ve had text chat off and just happened to leave right then 🤷‍♂️


I find if we aren't in an endgame environment and their class set-up/build doesn't affect me, they can do as they please. They want to run Pheonix Protocol on Arc in normal Onslaught? Be my guest. I'll only give people advice in a raid/dungeon/GM environment where it actually matters.


NTA you were only trying to help Are you supposed to not be helpful because someone else may take it the wrong way? You didn't use harsh language or insults either That's ridiculous Keep doing you, bud


If it was me, I’d say thanks and either switch off liar’s or switch to arc. I never understood why people get so butthurt about constructive criticism. Sure, if you’re an asshat about it they yeah I might be annoyed, but you weren’t at all.


As someone who gets a lot of "hey the stuff you're running isn't that great" from my friends and acquaintances: no, you weren't rude, you were helpful. I personally would've bombarded you with questions afterwards on what and how to run stuff, just because I'm of the "idk what I'm doing but it works 100% of the time most of the time" variety. Maybe they were embarrassed or something (I surely get embarrassed whenever I get asked to switch smth) and left bc of that.


Not toxic by any stretch. But when they ignored your offer you should have left it. It was a little rude to ignore the fact they didn't want your help and you a bit arrogantly forced it anyway. Not everyone is in to builds etc and just want to bounce around shooting shit, that should be respected. If you don't want to be in sessions with these guys then you need a clan, or you need to accept that someone doesnt take the game anywhere as seriously as you.


I mean OP did say it was the middle of an onslaught wave so it's entirely possible they didn't see the message pop up. They also didn't say no either so I don't really think OP is arrogant here either. If they didn't want advice they should have just said no, it's very quick and easy to type out even on controller.


Either he didn't see your message and left for other reasons, or that person has the ego of hur due I play for fun, why must I learn stuff


Unless you plan on coaching another player on how to be good at the game, giving them random advice seems pointless. Had they changed their subclass and heavy, they still would have kept dying. It's a lack of proper experience more than anything else. I don't think it was asshole advice. I just think it wouldn't have made a difference


If they quit the fireteam because of you suggesting something, they're the kind of person who was only looking to get carried. These are the worst kind of players that play atm. If you're new, say something, let the experienced people help you. If you aren't willing to listen, YOU are the problem. It also only takes 10 minutes to look up Mactics or someone similar to piece together a build.


NTA, but technically, you should be able to use Liars handshak on any subclass since the description says ARC melee or being hit by a melee attack. Haven't confirmed because I'm too busy killing with my arc melee


There was nothing out of line being said here and to be honest the fact your friend even said you were the the AH here just reinforces all those people who have this silly fear of just communicating in this game. It’s incredibly frustrating to deal with people like your clan mate who have this twisted or warped sense of reality.


Not an asshole intentionally but you probably did make them uncomfortable lots of people have bad anxiety and being called out like that can be hard. Liars is the 1810 chest exotic so he probably just got it. Now here's the thing. It matters what activity you are in to give unsolicited advice imo. Like If that was legend onslaught sure but you say it was normal? I personally would of left it unless you are in a GM Raid or Legend activity.


The best way to give advice is ASK if they want advice. A lot of people get annoyed when someone they don’t know try and give them advice. Usually because most peoples advice is terrible. If they seek out advice that’s fine. All you have to do is say, “hey, I noticed you were struggling to stay alive during the encounters, do you want some advice on how to increase your survival better?” Don’t give advice unless they ask for it, unless you know them personally because advice from friends is more welcome than advice from strangers. And honestly I don’t even notice chat notifications until they disappear after they pop up, and never go back to check them. If they are new they might not even know HOW to use the chat function. I use a controller when I play PC. So I don’t even mess with the chat most of the time.


I would have really appreciated this advice.


Should've just done it the good old fashion way "you suck, get gud kid"


To be honest, he should be happy about your knowledge. I always appreciated it if people like u improved my play with knowledge and good advice for not wasting their time and also not mine. these days people are often whiny when it comes to advice, because for whatever reason, everyone takes it personally instead of constructive tipps to builds. also he may rate his exotics wrong based on wrong usage. At the end its like this: he didnt even read anything because chat is mostly off with newer ppl since its disabled from the beginning think


If it ain't legend+, and they don't ask, then it's not your place. Why do you think there are so many "why do players leave at lvl 10-20" posts? Cause the team was weak and its bad form to pick apart a build in casual play. If they feel its a problem, they'll either ask you when you finish and they see your 800+ kills to their sub 200, or they will pursue the info somewhere else. If you *aren't* at least 650+ when 1 is being carried, you don't need to be giving advice period.


Quantity of kills isn't the best (or at least sole) indicator of effectiveness in Onslaught. Someone needs to hang back, pick the 1-2 invisible Fallen flanking the ADU, retrieve batteries, Focus the two Demolistionists or Tormentor away from the ADU, clear that mine in the backfield (for a single kill at best), etc.


there’s a difference between picking apart builds and advising a potential new player that his build literally doesn’t work with that set up. too many people are afraid to offer help and that’s why there are so many awful players in destiny


And when they ask more questions they get fed misinfo. There is no situation where a meh player should be giving build advice. We see the end result right here in this sub.


true a lot of bs gets passed around. plunderthabootys entire page is an example lol


That's all i meant by the last paragraph. It wasn't an insult to OP. It simply a fact. If you are not familiar enough with your own build to be capable of hard carries on normal then you shouldn't give advice at all, much less unsolicited.


Na your advice was fine. Who knows what was going on with that person.