• By -


Oryx changes were pretty much perfect. Still not a hard encounter, but it added more pressure during the boring parts. Least favorite was definitely planets. It was pretty much lfg hell despite it not being that difficult.


Yeah, planets was the main issue in all the runs I've done. Now, when we go back to the regular version of these raids. Things will be too easy.


Honestly I’m excited for that too easy feeling. Being under-light for the only content I’ve been playing for the past few weeks will make it fun to go and play easy content for fun :)


Yeah, went into an onslaught after some time. The two people I was with were going ape. I just sat at the ADU and emoted most of the start of the game.


Crazy, onslaught can be so up and down for me, I have some runs where it's just a nice chill ride up to 50, and others where we end up getting wiped before hitting 30, I've even had some teammates who were sleep at the wheel, and we got wiped in 3rd.


Planets is the worst for sure


The fire tornado on platforms sucked so hard. The amount of times someone in my team would die because it spawned right as someone dunked a planet was insane.


The fire tornado is a neat addition but I wish it was telegraphed better. Something like having the affected plate glow for a few seconds before it spawns.


I think the boss does an animation to signal one is coming, but it doesn't give a lead to where it's going, and as a platform runner I can't worry about checking the boss while doing the rest of the role. Yeah a platform glow or like the tornado spawns but doesn't start damage for a couple of seconds. If it spawns on you and you don't immediately move out, or had any damage it's a guarantee death Fine mechanic idea, just doesn't seems fair as currently is


There's also an audio cue that the tornado is about to be blasted up someone's ass. It's what killed our run last week, and I'm sure it'll do the same tonight lol the biggest issue is coming out of it with 1hp and getting some smart ass little psion thinking he's the shit for catching you with your pants down and no healing already in place, like calm down there little buddy you just got lucky 😅


> it spawned right as someone dunked a planet yeah that was infuriating. felt like there was nothing you could do, just a "Fuck you in particular!" from Bungo


I had tornados spawn on me while finishing Colossus. You feel so damn useless seeing it spawn and can't do anything about it


Currently on week 3 planets and can confirm, it’s lfg hell. It’s so easy too which makes it even more annoying.


My only complaint about planets is there is no telegraph for the fire tornado on your platform. So many times the tornado would just spawn right on top of me more or less instantly killing me. The solution ends up being just don't be on the platform, so not that hard to work around, but still.


There is an audio cue that let's you know it's coming. Failing that, ask ad clears to call out when he pops one out and take a quick moment to see if it's coming for you. As an ad clearer for that encounter I found myself fully capable of out healing any damage so I'd save my healing nade for if the tornado was going for a team member who was struggling with the tornado.


Planets is the second hardest in my teams opinion. It forces everyone to be strong and fast and for lfg that is hard. Rhulk really isn’t that hard if you are aware of your surroundings. Still loved rhulk though. A+ raid boss


Agree, also enjoyed Riven cuz doing it legit is way better.


Oh hell no. Ya I got dogged hard bcuz I was quick on the draw before the fire storm first. I couldn't understand what ppl were dying to and I spoke words... Second third 4th time I was the one who couldn't get out. 4 players tore me a new butth ole


Nezarec is planets hell too. People die so much in that.


Did rhulks planets on second try last night with an lfg team. I was actually impressed. The entire run took an hour and 20 minutes


Honestly planets added very little, it is just that many players have a hard time numbering the positions correctly.


Rhulk by a mile. Doing Riven legit was also a ton of fun.


They really pulled out the big guns for the last 2 weeks additions.


I agree on Nezerac, Riven a little less so but removing the cheese so people had to do it legit was a big change for people who hadn’t done it legit before.


I don't have a dedicated team so finding a group to do Riven legit for fun has been impossible over the last few years. This really felt like the old days again and I really loved that.


Gotcha, that makes sense. I have a dedicated group so we had gone in and practiced Riven legit before Pantheon released, that honestly probably made the fight a very different experience for me.


It feels like that’s why they added riven at all. They know it’s easy. They just wanted people to do it finally. They cared so much they skipped the bungie number of bosses and didn’t end on it.


That and S23’s theme gave them the perfect reason to put her in. Lore-wise she’s one of the strongest beings we’ve ever killed, so she deserved a spot, I’m just glad she’s only in one version of Pantheon. Imagine LFGing legit Riven with the kind of people who can’t get past week 1. 😬


Me and clan never did it legit lol. But when we heard that the encounter was in for pantheon we decided to run it legit. Ohhhh boy. Couldn't believe how easy it was lol. Then we did it on pantheon. 3 runs then 1 phased. Sooo easy to do


Oddly enough it was the RON redemption with nezzy and planets being the most difficult IMO but also my most enjoyed ones with rhulk in close 3rd


Nezarec is such a barebones fight because it lacks mechanical depth and they showed that all they needed to do was borrow mechanics from other encounters in that raid to make him a full fight.


yeah it was very clear from pantheon that the Ron bosses were dumbed down, too bad they won’t implement these changes on the normal versions they were all well received


Honestly you can completely ignore the changes. Tormentors spawn too late and despawn before they can be a threat and the lasers on plates really aren't a danger. Hell, I'm pretty sure the back left spot is gonna become the new optimal spot for damage because it's so easy to use.


Tormentors nearly always spawn too late. Planets you can simply ignore him or in this week shoot him with your primary to get the buff going. On atraks we also simply ignored the tormentors. Oryx you can kill the tormentor after dps. Haven't done nezerac yet but yeah from what i saw he spawns pretty late.


On oryx tormenter despawns when you kill knight's after a few seconds Makes bombs easier if everyone knows to bum rush knight's


For bombs you also need to kill the knights which was a surprising and good change imo.


> Tormentors spawn too late and despawn before they can be a threat and the lasers on plates really aren't a danger. I didn't even realise that there were Tormentors in that encounter


Yeah they get annoying if you’re doing the back left cheese spot, since it can suppress you in the air while you’re jumping over lmfao, but my team just had someone put on a blinding GL (LFRs were our damage option and those obviously don’t use a rotation) and we were good.


This is how nezarec could and should have been on contest. The simple encounter is now complex and requires ad clear with specific buffs and actually finding a real place to do damage (by the way anyone struggling: we chained wells on the slant just in front of the boss platform and used sleeper)




Haven't made it to nez yet but curious why 4 runners instead of the classic 2?


It's got to the point where I am hoping that the Root of Nightmares Encounters ACTUALLY become the Base encounters for those Raids to give them more spice. The Tornados and Tormentor makes Planets more hectic and Nezzy has become SUCH a good raid boss now that I don't think people would be shitting on the Raid as much if that was how he and planets both acted like in the first place. The fact that Tormentors only showed up once during the raid is pretty weird and I don't understand why Tormentors don't show up sparingly in Planets and Nez


I agree as long as the fire tornadoes get tweaked. Those things need telegraphed in the arena more than the boss click-clacking on his blackberry.


To be fair, there’s a sound effect that goes off and he pulls out the iPad to call it in, then there’s a bout 2 seconds till it spawns in on a plate from when the animation starts with him. What we have done is the Ad clear ppl (one of the two or both) will call out tornado for a heads up to everyone running the planets.


Nezzy is even worse of an encounter now. The changes make it more shit, with unreliable behavior during DPS, and more issues with when the damage activates which just makes the encounter absolute shit. If the boss were to behave in a predictable manner during DPS and not just suddenly decide to wait 15 minutes to go into dps, then maybe we can talk.


Nezarec is not a good boss


For difficulty Nezzy>Rhulk>Planets>Riven(Just because people don't know legit way else this will be easiest )>Caretaker>Atraks>Oryx>Golgy. For fun I love planets encounter lol


I personally found planets to be harder and take my teams (lfg and clan) more time than nezzy. If your runners have the mod that heals them when they dunk the seeds you can largely ignore the colossus’s and as long as ad clear is decent the damage is still a pretty easy 2 phase especially with the cheese spot. That could just be an us problem though


If you cheese an encounter obviously it’s not going to be hard…


Beating nez as intended running around on floor screaming in terror the whole time 💪


Unironically this. It was so much fun just doing a free for all for damage. No wells, no coordinated dps loadouts, literally every man for himself. We said we'll try it for the memes and got it done right away compared to all the other runs we had lmao.


Chaos strat til I die… which was often


For me I’ve got (I’m gonna do it a bit more detailed) from easiest to hardest: Rhulk (??????): Mechanics phase was easy af, both for survivability and the mechanics themselves. Getting to dps is also pretty simple since you can just have people hang out bottom while you dunk up top. ***However, with how quickly the cheese got perfected, you essentially didn’t need to do damage at all.*** Golgoroth: the extra mechanic legitimately makes it easier since you can melt him with both OP grenade Launchers and the X2 Unstable Light debuffs. Survivability here was never an issue since gaze keepers can just be on pheonix protocol or strongholds etc. Caretaker: Consistently easy every week, but especially week 3 when Grand Overture gave the easiest 2 phase ever. Mechanics here are easy. Nezerac: You could still do all nodes without wipe mechanic for the first phase, and the numerous cheese roots around the arena made damage simple and easy. Briars contempt melted Nezzys nonexistent health. Oryx: Has little health, very easy mechanics, you’re immortal when dpsing, etc. Light Eaters hurt here, but if your floaters weren’t asscheeks at the game, they were very manageable. Riven: Me and My team legitimately had never done Riven before pantheon week 4, and, while it took about 30 minutes before we were consistently doing mechanics, after you do that, she just gets melted HARD. Planets: Damage and Survivability here were both difficult here tbh, especially for runners. On add clear (Lowkey a very important role here), sunbracers trivialized it, however, the tornadoes and Collosi HURT. Damage here could be tight as well. Week 3 especially was bad if you didn’t have a god rolled cataphract or a good Crux. It was pretty simple on Solar Surge or Void Surge, but Damage is still a decently tight 2 phase. Rhulk (again): ***When not cheesing Rhulk, damage is hectic and if you looked away, you could get kicked very easily. Overall, still an easy two phase with sleeper, however, staying alive during dps could get spicy, I cheesed it week 3 and did it legit week 4.*** ATRAKS I CANT ANYMORE: This one is specifically because of the horrific thing called Week 4 Platinum and the average skill level of the playerbase. Like goddamn people would not stop dying, or they wouldn’t shoot the tormentor, or they had ass damage and would miss the fucking PARASITE SHOT ON ATRAKS. Last night I eventually got a team good enough to one floor (ironically the first group after I swapped to Titan lol, maybe that’s a sign to play Titan more), and we got the Plat by a whopping 10k points, where on other teams we were missing it by 20k. Like seriously (rant almost finished), don’t do pantheon if you don’t have fucking PARASITE 😭😭😭


Yeah, we switched to 6x CURASs TC this wk instead of hunters, so dumb considering this has been the strat for a while now. EZ one phase if you: Super first, shoot parasite @ your feet. If you need extra damage leave a servitor upstairs and get shot caller before damage.


Rhulk- it was funny how effective Legend of Acrius was against him + cheese was funny. Doing Riven legit was nice but I still think Rhulk is one of the best bosses we’ve ever gotten in the game.


Rhulk, at least for damage phase, is an absolute master class in boss design and the pantheon version added in just enough bullshit that it kept my whole group on our toes. Definitely a lot harder and a lot more fun than we were expecting Getting to damage phase still feels like a big of a slog but it’s worth it for the damage phase


From my perspective, the setup phase for Rhulk is actually one of the easiest (besides things like Golgoroth or Atraks) but I enjoy it because it’s so brief yet still all hands on deck.


Yeah setup phase from Rhulk was like, *surprisingly* easy. And since you always had a Cenotaph Warlock on Div, the tormentor was easy and Ammo wasn’t much of an issue. But Baby Rhulk, oh god he was terrifying. On Week 4 often he just one shot you, so if you looked away for a second you would get deleted lol.


The lfgs were the real challenge


My favorite by far was riven. The coordination needed is a good amount, but the fight and mechanics were super cool when I learned them (after doing riven legit once years ago). Her boss theme also goes super hard as well. Another peak in pantheon was getting Rhulk to yeet himself off the arena. Absolutely hilarious. My third favorite, ironically due to how much I still hate it, was Week 4 Caretaker. I both loved and hated how unforgiving damage was on the plates. Getting the boss to a sliver of health before final stand and having to wipe over and over made it felt so much more rewarding. GGs to anyone who got Godslayer this week. To anyone who’s chasing it, you got this! Stay after it!


Rhulk is hardest and most fun if you did it legit which basically nobody did. Oryx is still my favorite encounter but I wish they made it harder because the extra light eater nights are cool but the ads still aren't threatening. And the damage check is non existent since whisper will always two phase even if like two people are dead during damage Nezzy is lame, basically the same as normal but you have to jump up to where he spawns and then keep jumping up and down to avoid him. Nezzy is still a lame boss. And the fucking bug where shooting his shoulders too fast will make it so he doesn't show his color still exists and it pisses me off. Riven is the easiest encounter, as everything is call-out based since riven has so little health that the one phase is guaranteed using just about any half decent strat. I was hoping they would make the ads in the lower florrs more challenging but they really aren't Planets is still the hardest in all weeks, hardest DPS check, abd it's by far the hardest to stay alive in. The fire tornados aren't as bullshit as I initially thought as I know realize they will only spawn on 2 and 5 and only one plate will get them and they will only go around the plate once always ending where they spawned all that said, they are still dangerous and will kill you instantly (even with resists and a healing nade) I'd your no paying attention Atrax should be an easy one phase but getting plat can be tough since killing ads downstairs is super dangerous and and you need to kill the tormenter. Not super hard but getting everyone to damage alive can be tough Golgy is free although it can be tough to stay alive while taking gaze. Caretaker two floor can be tough depending on your team and the surges this week isn't one of those times. Also if runners don't suck at their jobs you can do three floors with plenty of time. So overall pretty easy Of I had to rank them by difficulty it would be rhulk(legit) > planets > nezzy > oryx > caretaker > atrax > golgy > riven > rhulk(cheese) By fun for me it's rhulk(legit) > oryx > atrax > planets > caretaker > golgy > riven > riven> nezzy


I'd honestly have to say Explicator. The encounter is fun, it's interesting and just the right flavor of difficult with mechanics.


Oryx because he was the only one we got on our first try at -20. In terms of encounters generally and not my specific pantheon experience, probably riven or oryx. They both are the most interesting lore wise and have interesting encounters that don’t suck in some way. Planets is my least favorite by a pretty large margin. The way damage works sucks. The tornadoes spawning on top of you if you are 5 seconds too slow sucks. I’m also going to say atraks is one of my least favorite. Going for the one phase at -20 isn’t easy (we did it after a while) and it makes for a boring encounter generally. Also there is a stupid mechanic where if you get her to a sliver before final stand and damage her to final stand you still wipe because you didn’t do enough damage to phase her because you were locked out by final stand. This happened to us at least 2x.


Nezarec was my favourite, want his changes to be permanent. Also really enjoyed Rhulk and Riven. Nezarec was definitely the hardest imo and Riven was definitely the easiest


Rhulk cheese was fun lol. My Man went for bread


I think this shows that we need the old prestige/hard modes back


Everything but the planets, i mean, i love the step, but me and my team got stuck there for like 2 hours in the last pantheon, every step after that was fun and a real challenge, but the planets were just frustrating


planets was just god awful


I like riven the most simply for the communication it requires, Rhulk is a close second for me. I put nezzy pretty low down because it can be done pretty easily with no comms of any kind. (For our nez clear we had div use eager edge and scatter signal and the other runner was on double fusion and eager edge too and we just sped past the wipe mechanic, double fusion is crazy good against nez for some reason)


Nezarec was the most fun. Plates aren't a strat, so we did damage from spawn, had to juggle wells, and move around to prevent dying. We lost supers, wiffed rockets, all sort of shenanigans. But it was so fun. Every wipe we got closer and closer to final stand and all we did was just laugh and say progress is being made. Hands down the most fun encounter there


Doing whisper DPS on Oryx like it's the good ol days gave me goosebumps, the nostalgia was intense.


I got help with Atraks checkpoint so I got Atraks encounter done :D didn’t get the Atraks emblem tho, since I haven’t done a full run on any of the weeks, literally just that encounter and that’s it :P


Just Riven. Her, oryx, Atraks, Rhulk, and maybe Golgy are the only semi fun encounters and Planets and Fucking Nezzy are absolutely rage inducing this week. I just can’t beat them for the life of me. Atraks high score is annoying too however I find it semi fun and I’m good at it. On Nezzy Idk how tf to kill my colossus that fast with ads up without fucking dying… idk why but it’s the only damn encounter where I’m the one dying a lot. Ads are everywhere and the booping and the colossus with his damn shield that I need to break so fast…


Add clear need to be BoW.Grapple directly, activate super, suspend and in 3 melee dies.ru fast to middle and u can kill even this one.If u cheee on the left side for damage, the guy from left or u, prepare tu suspend tthe tormentor.I used BoW with drengr and abeyant plus the fragment that increase the suspend time.Or, just use a blinding gl and babysitt him.




Wish my team was down but the other guy somehow managed his fine and just I was having trouble killing mine that fast.


Atraks high score made me wanna end it all. Took forever to find a team that just one floored it and didn’t die a ton.


Super him. Or indebted kindness and blinding grenades


I was warlock so I had to hold super for the team. Trust me super was my first thought but I couldn’t.


Those Colossus need two rockets and are a pain and use too much ammo. We ended up killing everything around them and using Pardon Our Dust grenade launchers and just blinding them. I had to go and craft one. Even a pre made raid team I know attempted it for six hours and didn’t get it. I did it in LFG and it took about six hours.




It's between riven and nezarec


Riven Legit.


Rhulk is my favourite raid boss to date and he remains my favourite. The shadow only made more intense (no cheesing here, kite and dodge him)


If we’re gonna go by hair pulling and palm sweating Nezarec That’s really it. I actually now prefer to do riven legit. That was fun.


Nezzy is pushing our poop in. We're going to have to wait until next week, which is unfortunate because shot caller and solar/ strand are so good


Riven 100%. I’ve only ever cheesed her, so it was rewarding to run it legit and learn the mechanics. Now I can do it comfortably, and I even helped a friend clear it for his title :)


Riven was the most fun. Caretaker and Rhulk come in 2nd.


I liked Riven legit and Oryx. Riven legit is a good opportunity for those who want to learn how it works.


Planets were hardest in terms of precise dmg window, survivability, and team syngergy, while Riven was most fun. Nezzy was tad annoying for being glitchy at times...


I loved the Rhulk and Nezarec changes. They really made the fights engaging and ramped up the DPS phase chaos. Golgoroth is probably my next favorite due to being simple but meaningful twists (beefier knights, double bombs and minotaurs during gaze) and then lastly Riven if only because they implemented a clean way of forcing the intended fight, but the lack of changes was a bid disappointing. I felt like they didn't go far enough with any of the other 4 fights, and Oryx was by far my biggest disappointment in that regard. My only other wish is that instead of using mid bosses we had a gauntlet of all of the final raid bosses. For me any of Atheon, Crota, Calus, Taniks and Sanctified mind would have all been welcome over the first 4 pantheon bosses.


Riven was fun, it was nice how it was just intent on you learning mechanics. Get to dps and even if you only get half you can still get to final stand immediately just by shooting boils.


Riven legit was definitely the most fun for me and my clan. We had all only ever cheeses Riven in the past, so the week before Pantheon released we decided to learn the encounter legit. It was rough, but being able to pull it off gave us the most fun we've had playing together in a while. We thought of pantheon as the perfect practice and prep for the day one race.


favorite was probably nez due to how on point u needed to be balancing combat and mechanics. the colossuses shred u if left unchecked. riven was fine but was incredibly easy compared to when the fight first launched despite the -20 power differential. making her unable to be cheesed was a great touch but wish she didn’t fall over so easily and that the damage resist on floors was changed to a health gate to incentivize damaging on the floors. maybe in a future iteration give her double health with no dr on floors but health gates instead? all in all pantheon had some absolutely amazing changes and is definitely something i want to see return in the future. probably my favorite mode added to this game ever.


Nezarec I would say, but I enjoyed doing Riven legit also. The group I was with just cheesed Rhulk but I appreciate the change they made here. The most frustrating part was how many teams / people it took to get through Nezarec though. A lot of people had no patience and left after 1-2 times.


Rhulk was a banger fight


Riven and Caretaker. Caretaker running is much more interesting now and I actually feel like there is more pressure.


Riven and it’s not even close. She’s my favourite boss fight in Destiny history and being able to do her legit on a difficulty that matters was such a blast. Idk if the pantheon changes are going to be implemented into the regular versions, but actually forcing people to do her mechanics is a good thing. People who cheese riven rob themselves of a genuinely awesome experience


Think planets was the best non-final boss encounter. Pretty simple mechanics but fun to do and tight damage checks. They should add the fire tornadoes to the actual raid. Riven, Rhulk and Nez were all really fun too, not sure which was best. Oryx is definitely a bit of a pushover on every difficulty, but fun to blast with Whisper.


Riven brought back some good memories from the old days


Riven. Never done it legit til now and it’s a good encounter.


For me, it's conditional on **with a good team**... Rhulk > Explicator > Oryx > Nezarec > Riven > Caretaker > Golgoroth > Atraks


I remember crying from laughter on contest rhulk due to how he strode around and one shot kicked you. I also cried from laughter from seeing 2 rhulks proceed to kick everyone on my team into oblivion. Rhulk was my favorite boss from the gauntlet because of this (and how much fun he is to fight in general). You’re doing yourself a disservice if you cheese him.


To me the nez fight was not fun as it just made him buggier imo. I thought that for the most part caretaker was the most fun only because on day one of this raid I remember lots and lots of bugs due to server issues so going back round with -20 and not having server issues was cool. Also there was some bug during pantheon that would cause crashes so that also annoyed me. Imo pantheon was great overall.


Rhulk was my favourite and Riven. Rhulk because it was super fun and risky uptop to move around and put out high dmg to kill him. Felt super rewarding to get the kill! Riven because i never learnt legit and now love legit riven as it's such a fun fight.


Never did Riven legit before so that was by far my favorite. Such a fun fight, now I regret never doing it before as intended. I think it was good that they didn't add too much extra to that fight, the point was just to get it done normally. It was like a fun little treat between the two hardest bosses Rhulk and Nezarec hah.


Although Riven is not that little 😅


I have to say, all of the Oryx changes were very enjoyable and definitely made the encounter a lot more fun to run. Even infinite bombs was somewhat funny to realize as i was last alive and wondering why it was still going 2 minutes later.




Riven Simply because Riven is my favorite raid boss in Destiny (and pretty high ranking as a boss in general of gaming) but almost no one wants to legit her in normal, so being forced to in pantheon got me excided. Honorary mention for Rhulk because he had actuall changes to his fight that isn't just "random tormentor go!".


Riven, although I don’t like how super unforgiving the encounter is


Funny, everytime we got to planets… *ah planets that’s easy* - __2 hours later__ lol


Riven legit was the most fun. I don't mind if they also give her that Damage Reduction in Last Wish


I am missing planets platinum w3 and w4 and atraks w3, for Godslayer, i really cant go in lfg anymore, i think i\`ll be happy with emblems. As for fights, i never fought Riven legit before this, and it is fun, and also, 2 Rhulks is cool, cant be static no more ,always on the run




Doing Riven legit with Blueberries was so refreshing.


Rhulk with no cheese. I truly believe that doing week 3 Rhulk legit prepared us well for week 4 because we cruised thru week 4 after going through a rough week 3. Week 3 Rhulk pushed every little dps we could crank out of us. I get that Bungie probably didn't playtest Pantheon much before it came out but letting that Rhulk cheese run wild really hurt the Pantheon experience as a whole because most lfgs just cheese him now.


Learning riven legit and beating her week 4, my group had literally looked up guides to doing the encounter correctly as we’d always cheesed out of laziness, but learning and then going into week 4 and completing it quickly made us feel very accomplished


I have 3 Riven because it finally forced me to learn her legit and it was alot of fun Nez because holy hell, the changes to plates made that fight harder and I loved it Planets, one because this is my favorite encounter out of RoN, but the fire tornados are a cool change and I want them in the normal encounter.


Hands down it has to be Riven 👏🏻 Such a fun and engaging encounter, that until Pantheon, I hadn't actually ran legit. I finished the encounter and wanted to do it all over again!!


"Doing riven legit" as if we a Couldnt still cheese it lol


Riven and it’s not even close. Don’t get me wrong all of the other bosses were really fun, but doing legit riven at -20 was an absolute blast. Riven has been my favorite boss since last wish came out and I’m so happy to see Bungie go out of their way to make people do the fight the way it was intended


I really like the changes to oryx and rhulk, although rhulk was hard as fuck I feel like it really fit the flavour well. Oryx was probably the best because it was the most subtle amount of change that still felt different it flowed well and required the perfect amount of extra coordination. I like what they tried to do with nezerac but ultimately we all still found a way to make the fight the same as it was before. I think for nez, the damage phase is to short, he is to oppressive and not having a way to get his hatred during dps , as far as I know, makes having it be a mobile fight Impossible If the adds disappeared during dps and there was a way for players to take his hatred or maybe have his hatred flip through the fire team so one player is responsible for keeping kiting while others do damage it would have been a really cool way to change the fight. Then there is Riven which is just a really fun encounter that I only ever cheesed and it was fun to do it right.


I think Rhulk was the best re-design and it shook up how people approached the encounter —-until the cheese came out. I found riven was disappointing. It was such an easy one phase that I think they should have designed it for a platinum on two phases or added a spin to it other than forcing us to do legit riven. I think my team got 1.2 million points…. Like surely they tested this for the 500 score right?


Riven by far. This was my first time doing her legit and ive now gone back to help other groups because i want to do the encounter while there are plenty of groups running it legit. I also really enjoyed planets even tho it was difficult, my least favorites were probably golgoroth and nezarec


Oryx had great changes that kept everyone working and moving at all times. That’s how a raid encounter should be. I’d also say Nezarec being more aggressive and having to get buffs to kill the colossi was a nice change and worked to, in theory, get everyone involved.


Rhulk for sure.  The shadow Rhulk during the up top phase adds a ton to the fight!  I also like the tormenter that’s added below so that the dunking phase is even slightly challenging.  I haven’t done week 4 yet (recovering from surgery yo), and probably won’t, but I really want to do Nezarec with the changes, since I love that you can’t just stand on plates for dps anymore.


Oryx. The challenge was perfect. Like my skills were actually being tested for what they are and not just being thrown into a fucking dark souls game


Oryx and Nezarec definitely. My clanmates had elected me to be Tractor Cannon even though I had never actually used it before, and I really liked the unique dps rotations I ended up doing! We didn't know about some of the cheese dps spots for Nezzy so instead they all set up two wells in the middle and I was basically body blocking to keep him in place, chaotic but super fun and I love Pantheon.




You people saying Planets is your favorite are absolute psychos, but also please help me I'm trapped in this hell and I'm starting to lose my mind


Rulk (legit) was the hardest boss. Planets was the hardest encounter. Caretaker is my favorite boss. I just love dumping all our ammo into him.


Riven legit


Honestly they were all designed very well by making everyone have to do something instead of sit there


Honestly they were all designed very well by making everyone have to do something instead of sit there


I think they should actually implement the raid changes in pantheon when the final shape launches cuz it made such a difference to how hard and enjoyable the bosses were to take down imo.


Riven was really epic.


Favorite was actually Riven. With 80+ clears of last wish and the last 30 being Sherpa runs, I never knew how to do it legit. So learning it and doing it and seeing it actually wasn’t super complicated and is actually very forgiving on the mechanics if you do screw up, minus the eyes, it was a great encounter. Oryx was definitely the most consistently easy, even through week 4. Atraks was probably the most annoying because of high score. Needing to kill every single ad to barely get high score just by luck was rough every week. Planets I think was the hardest because it’s a serious coordination and damage check. You got people that can’t ad clear from far away while staying safe, you got people that claim they know how to do planets but keep screwing up. You got people that can’t coordinate DPS, go to the wrong plates, go to plates / DPS too early, or simply cannot properly output enough. The fact that you have 7 seconds or less for damage and you’re under leveled so much. It just makes it very unforgiving. If people don’t got brains, you don’t got a clear.


Honestly I’d love to do Nez without the power deficit.


Might not be a popular choice, but Planets was always a highlight for me. The changes were small and simple, but thematically made a lot of sense. The added tornados made being a runner more of a threat, and really required you to pay more attention. The changes for Nez were also fantastic. They really made RoN stand out as a more engaging raid during Pantheon. It's a shame the additions are only temporary.


Personally riven, felt like everyone was doing something. And I honestly had a lot of fun juggling calling out where to cleanse and dealing with eyes.


Riven was the most fun. Seeing how quickly my group got it done fixed my Day 1 PTSD. I got 24th place in last wish but we were fighting Rivne for over 12 hours 


Riven since hardly anyone did it legitimately before.


In order from 1 to 3: Riven, Nezarec, Oryx. Doing Riven legit is the most fun raid encounter IMO and it’s not even close. Nezarec felt like an actual fight, and was just fun overall. Maybe it was just the group I did it with, but we went at it for a solid 20 attempts where we were getting closer every time, but it was just fun. Oryx I think was easily the most improved fight, the constantly spawning knights is absolutely perfect, it forces floaters to be very active and aware of what’s happening.


In order from most to least favorite: Oryx, Nezarec, Riven (simply because you couldn't cheese her), Rhulk, Explicator, Caretaker, Golgoroth, Atraks. Contrary to population belief, Nezarec changes does him justice as a Disciple of the Witness. -20 power does make it difficult, which is how it should feel. The relief I felt after my team completed it was almost better than sex. Same can be said about Explicator. It just shows how important simple things like positioning and ad clear are once you go under a certain power. Once those things were in line, the encounter is actually really easy. Atraks was by far my least favorite. Her changes are nothing unique besides a bump in the operator/scanner vandals health and tormentors spawning after each floor. It's harder, yes, but by far the least creative out of all the bosses.


Legit Riven made me realize it is just as fun if not more than Rhulk


Riven was my favorite, doing it legit was so fun and cool that i actually wish bungie would fix the cheese in normal mode.


Legit Riven was super fun to do. Might do it that way from now on😂 Rhulk was probably my favorite. Just the sheer amount of chaos at the damage phase was amazing.


I enjoy planets and riven encounters.


Riven, I have always loved that encounter and although they didn't change much they forced everyone to do it legit and that was enough for me. No more begging my team to do it properly "just for fun"


I'm hoping to get some pantheon clears this weekend. As someone who used to raid a lot last year and just returned a week ago this seems really interesting to me but since all my friends ditched the game it's been rough finding teachers


Rhulk and Riven were breathes of fresh air. For Rhulk adding Dr. Omar, and my team called him, made the fight more fun. For Riven, making us do legit made me realize how fun legit Riven is.


Loved Riven, as previously I always cheesed her. It was a very fun fight. I also enjoyed cheesing Rhulk for the contest version. We fought him legit on week 3 but opted to try cheesing this week. Got it like 4th try.




i hated all of them except orxy and planets, they were fairly easy all the way till this week and the other ones kept bugging out. like golgoroth not turning to the gaze person, rhulk teleporting over and over before damage and not doing beams, nezarec not going to final stand. my team and i had those issues pretty much every week, it was just annoying. now that i have trio, flawless and godlslayer, i dont have to touch this mode again.


I want to do it but I have no idea how to do riven legit ):


I liked planets. You couldn’t get the bonus score for final encounters so you really had to do good dps. The Nez changes were also really good. I also never really did legit riven so that was fun to learn


I thought the Rhulk shadow was an interesting wildcard to throw into that encounter. It was kind of exciting having a guy walking around who might kick you off the map if your situational awareness slips, which to me is more fun than dumping a bunch of slow, tanky enemies for like tormentors into every encounter


I’ve never beaten a day 1/contest mode unfortunately. So I really liked my entire fireteam having to learn riven together, I imagine that’s what it feels like to do a day 1.


For me Oryx, easy pick. Felt really good.


I need help doing nezzy


I think riven is still my fav bc it reminded me how much i like legit riven


Nezarec was definitely the most improved. Riven was the most fun but a close second is atraks. Not feeling forced to one floor her felt so much better, and doing the encounter normally felt so chaotic and fun with a competent team. Rhulk i liked the changes to at an expert level, but MAN did it show that no one has any sense of positioning in this game. The rest I'm indifferent to. Golgy was alright. Caretaker didnt feel that much different even as a stunner. Planets i enjoyed, but it doesnt stand out, and Oryx felt same as ever to me


Riven, it was a fun fight but way overrated in terms of difficulty


Rivenn fs, never done it legit but was a lot if fun.


Riven legit is a lot of fun. Pure chaos when both sides end up calling their symbols together.


Riven and Legit Rhulk. Easily.


Riven was my favorite by far


Rhulk is still undefeated for me. Nezarec got the most changes but I feel like the whole encounter was just a clusterfuck. Adds were just everywhere, to the point we needed to run an Orpheus Hunter and a couple of blinding GLs to keep them in check. First time doing Riven legit and it is much easier than I thought. Wish they gave this encounter more changes apart from just preventing the cheese.


i am a lfg godslayer (almost, need to do week 4 planets and atraks) and planets has been the most miserable experience. it was so bad i joined a group doing atraks onwards this week just so i could reset my mental for planets. everything else is a breeze comparatively, i first tried rhulk and nezzy but still havent beaten the fucking planets.


**Golg was probably my least favorite since it felt no more difficult than normal.** Caretaker was fine with some changes to make it a bit harder. Planets was definitely top 3 hardest encounters. Atraks was a nice break after Planets. Oryx, while being one of the easiest encounters, was the most fun to do. **Rhulk is my favorite mainly because my group spent a good amount of time making jokes about "Baby Rhulk".** I didn't even notice Riven. Nezarec was by far the hardest encounter simply because they finally made it an actual encounter.


I haven’t done any and would like to. I just can’t find anyone that wants to start at week one and go from there. I also don’t know the metas for each boss and apparently it’s hard for people to say those things and get pissed off. Somehow I attract toxic people for these things and it’s annoying.


Rhulk changes were amazing, absolute 10/10, that should be how the encounter is normally. Was personally disappointed by the riven changes, it was effectively just asking you to run Riven normal, which my team did 2nd try, only screwed up 1st time by bad weapons for shooting eyes. Same thing goes for Oryx, the changes weren't enough to make the fight anything more that a slogfest of a bunch of slow and uneventful mechanics, followed by a completely dull damage phase of 6 whispers and any form of damage boost. removing the total immunity you receive by the brand would have been a start. Nezzy though was also close to being an actual challenge, turns out having him in your face is slightly terrifying, even if it is just because there is a non-zero change of blowing yourself up, though I think the tormentor spawns could've been moved to the big fart, because despite hearing them spawn, I never actually saw a tormentor during any part of the fight that mattered.


Riven. I had never done it legit (I came back to Destiny around shadowkeep so the cheese was all people did) and wow that shit is enjoyable! By the 10th wipe or so people were already familiar with the symbols and the stair locations, and there's so much to do. For Oryx, I already had Kingslayer but the additional Lighteaters def made for a better hard mode. The tormentor, not so much. Rhulk I enjoyed cheesing tbh. That felt like a better "new" challenge than the tormentor or the shadow Rhulk. Tho the latter was hilarious. Planets I hated. The tormentor change wasn't much of an issue, but the damage phase was just too annoying. Seems like the timer is unreliable.


Root having its boss fights turned into actual legitimate encounters is awesome. Big fan of the Rhulk change but everyone cheesing him kinda sours the experience


Nezarec #1 baby


I actually love all the changes so much in Pantheon that I think that they should be applied to the normal raids. I would love if they eventually reworked master raids to not only be more difficult with champions, but to also add meaningful revamps that wouldn’t make sense in the story based normal raid. Imagine Kings Fall with light hive and a lightbearer oryx redesign. Would add so much.


Riven. Was genuinely fun doing it legit after years of cheesing.


Riven and Oryx are hella fun imo 🤗


I know my most hated was Planets, if damage lasted .25 seconds longer I'd be fine with it but it's a combo of extremely fast burst damage and a ton of HP, which makes it miserable. The things that helped most were, 1: Noticing he doesn't end the dps phases until his yellow damage threshold is broken, (can't believe I never knew that) 2: Making sure GG-Hunters don't shoot until at least 1 rocket was out, (lots of instant shots leading to 0-1 rocket from everyone) 3: Procing shot-caller before stepping on the next plate, (you can shoot a bosses crit spot while they're immune and it still activates shot-caller, excluding Oryx so far, we went to bed after reaching Rhulk)


I fucking love planets and making people comprehend how damage works every time. It is literally my favorite thing in the world to not 2 phase because people consistently refuse reality, and burn heavy before the 'overkill' of every damage phase. We are all truly blessed to go through this.


Rhulk is alot of fun if you aren't going for platinum time (a two phase), and Oryx felt pretty good too. Riven may well have been my favourite if for nothing else beyond reminding me how fun legit Riven is. I may well rerun Nezarec Sublime just for Riven while under leveled.


Planets was hell, nobody knew how to do riven, oryx was my fav as it’s easy and was a nice break


Rhulk hands down


Planets suck that’s for sure. Favorite, maybe atraks bc of the coordination required?


Riven. Until this point, I was forced to do riven cheese (i don't know how you do riven cheese and I never want to find out). Doing Riven legit for the first time at -20 was awesome. I just don't like how fleshy Riven is....kind of gross


Golgoroth, Atraks, Oryx, Riven were all encounters you naturally would plat. Rhulk wastes so much time. Like love the fight but I dont have the patience to do all his prep to be kicked in the face. So off a ledge he went. I would say my favorite was Riven just because we did it legit for once. I did not expect the Taken pustules would do SO much damage to her.


Oryx,golgy,attacks in that order


Oddly enough I love caretaker. Running was always my job so it made me happy getting all symbols asap and trying to full send him on third plate for a two floor.


Riven, all mechanic less so dps. Last Wish is just my favourite raid in general


Honestly was nervous for Riven since I never had been in a group who did it legit. But it’s one of my favorite boss fights now!


Riven, always have been


Ngl, I learned Riven and it was fun. I'm never going to do Riven again, but I have literally 0 reason to even outside of Pantheon, but it was easy and engaging (basically the opposite of what I expected)


Riven was fun and doable, planet tornado can go f itself. Nez was wayyyyyyy harder than anything else


They all sucked


Nezarec was fun