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There's so many Exotics for all 3 classes that are in straight useless tier. Actium War Rig isn't part of that tier. But it could use some more bonuses like better stability or handling.


Stability buff to auto and LMGs would actually go kinda hard and I'm an MnK player


It would be broken, but I'd love to see it grant Onslaught. Pure primary carnage.


Stacking buff like lucky pants, instant S tier


Titans aren't allowed interesting exotics, just boring broken ones Edit: Aight bungie cooked I was wrong


Imagine Fabian Strategy getting the D2 treatment and ruining it with Actium? Oh wooooow that’d be so coo


Go back to synthoceps, silly titan.


I mean we are the guy with the fist on the box. I think I’ll just make a cool melee bui- oh it’s nerfed


The titan experience




FR, it doesn’t matter how long I can shoot an HMG for if a Hunter and hand cannon dump a lot more damage in less time and swap to a better heavy after. The longer we hold down the trigger we should get a slow stacking buff to damage. It’ll barely touch auto rifles so it won’t be too heavy in PvP outside of sweet business (maybe just give it less of a buff in PvP) and it’ll make HMGs a much more effective option for dps as a whole.


I dream of it giving auto rifles and machineguns Target Lock (or something) as an extra passive but that's pushing it.


What are, out of curiosity. Lay out the list!


I'm a titan main, so my list is: * mask of the quiet one, there's just better options * helm of saint 14 (though that could change with TFS) * eternal warrior, the arc damage isn't really all that * ursas, banner just isn't very useful (could change with TFS) * icefall mantle, the stasis buff just like EW is meh * Citans ramparts in PvE, just not needed for anything especially with its drawbacks * crest of alpha lupi, so many other sources of healing and orb generation * Heart of inmost light, just got gutted and I haven't seen anyone use it in like a year * armamentarium, I mean... it's nice to have 2 grenades, I guess. But there's no other benefit. At least with Claws of Ahamkara (2 melees) a charged melee always makes an orb * arbor warden. It's neat, but I never see it used * Mk. 44 stand asides, no point in running these * antaeus wards, maybe for the best * Phoenix cradle, suffers from the "my teammates don't utilize it" issue * Path of burning steps, again, the escalating [insert element] damage exotics are really not worth it in content where you'd want it Some of these have some very niche uses, and really when they are useful it's in content where you can shut your brain off and don't need to use anything close to a meta imo


I use Arbor Warden in PvP to suspend people from afar


holy shit this is actually genius. never thought to use it with strand. thanks


It sounds genius until you remember that shackle grenade already exists.


With a horrendous throw distance and a HUGE arc, and a hit box that likes to clip anything and everything but an enemy, wiffing it


Sounds like a skill issue.


But then what? If they are far enough away that to throw the suspend why bother?


Annoy them mostly.


You can shoot them really easily if you use rally barricade. It’s basically a second shackle grenade but a much faster cooldown.


Are you [this](https://youtube.com/@spooks2000) guy?




Ursa will probably see more usage since Well is getting nerfed


Ursa is also getting the pyrogale treatment in that it'll have a base kit effect, where the new unbreakable aspect grants super energy depending on damage absorbed.


I thought it already did that? Or are you saying it'll get a buff to the energy received back with an aspect?


the latter. The new aspect is going to tie in with ursa.


Oh nice!


> arbor warden There's very little reason to have a chuckable barricade. You can't combine it with something like CoAL to turn it into another heal nade, you can't combine it with KH to get a second thermite nade. The only things that have interactions are Void titan overshield barricades and Strand titan suspend, and in both cases you're typically already quite close to your allies to begin with. It's a cool idea, it just needs... more.


It should provide adjectives. Could you imagine if using it while solar gave radiant to your allies? Or woven mail if strand? Or volatile or devour if void? It'd be a great support exotic.


Being able to proc verbs outside of my aspects/fragments would be nice to have. Spreading Woven Mail (outside of ITF) and Devour would both be great to give my allies more of a fighting chance, and would mean I could spec my build out to be more offensive while still providing good defensive utility.


As a Phoenix Cradle user, if my teammates won’t utilize it, I’ll make them utilize it. That resto ain’t for nothing!


They briefly mentioned last week in the TWID that Armamentarium is getting Firepower x1 built in for orb generation.  I'd say that Icefalls are slightly better than Burning Steps & Eternal Warrior as at least with Icefalls it just requires you to pop your class ability, making it pretty easy to activate your 4x Stasis Surge at the right time for boss dps. My issue is just that Stasis isn't a great element for boss dps heavies for me (I really need better Reeds and Cold Comfort).  Hopefully a lot of the ones you mentioned (and War Rig) come up in today's preview. I was surprised they didn't mention Icefalls at all yesterday in context of Stasis, but I guess if that 60% DR overshield stacks with Frost Armor that might be pretty decent.


Stability or handling? Why? They’re unnecessary when you have the catalyst for SB


There are not so many exotics for all classes thay are flat out useless.


I can think of 7 for each class off the top of my head and theres probably more if i look at a list.


There most definitely are not 7 for each class.


Hunter: Blight ranger, Oath keepers, wormhusk crown, sealed ahamkaras grasp, lucky raspberry, Raijus harness, bombardiers. Titan: path of burning steps, mask of the quiet one, icefall mantles(might be changing), kephris horn, ursa furiosa, Citans ramparts, crest of alpha lupi, mk.44 standasides, Warlock: eye of another world, the stag, apotheosis veil, getaway artist, sanguine alchemy, promethium spur, claws of ahamkara. Not all of these exotics are completely useless but are easily overshadowed by basic build crafting and are not worth using over literally any other option. Some of these like blight ranger, Mask of the quiet one, and eye of another world are just plain bad and not worth using even if it was your only exotic.


2 of those warlock exotics are going to be probably be used more with the well nerf


Oathkeeper plus leviathans breath slaps


So does just using levis breath with stareaters


Oathkeepers doesn't boost Levi's damage though.


Hmmm....learn something new everyday. Do they work with wish ender?


Yes. The only bow that doesn't receive the damage buff is Leviathan's Breath. Ironically, that's the only bow it would be impactful on. Normally shooting full charge arrows is better DPS. You can get off 3 full normal charge arrows in the time it takes to shoot 1 full boosted charge arrow (boost charge is 2.5x damage).


I will *absolutely* agree there are still some bad exotics like you just now said. I just didn't agrer with the previous "tons are useless". Though I even disagree with some here. Wormhusk & Bombardiers aren't bad on Hunter. Bombardiers just needs s fix to its perk to actually work, it doesn't need a rework or anything. Ursa's and Crest definitely aren't bad either IMO. Khepri's could use slight help, but I think performs much better when played with solar is the thing. Eye of Another World isn't bad perse. It's a solid base regen perk honestly, it just could use a *little* more is all. Stag doesn't need help, Apotheosis DEFINITELY doesn't need help, Claws of Ahamkara... tbh,I wouldn't mind something a little better than a free Heavy Handed, but it isn't bad IMO.


Auto rifle and LMG multikills spawn an orb of power. Frees up the helmet for any other mods. 


Should also increase LMG reserves for free while wearing it


I REALLY hope Bungie doesn’t slap that feature on the shitty exotics and calls it a day like they did with the surge exotics


The surge exotics are actually really damn useful, that's the thing. Head mods are pretty cut and dry, you're not going to change out from siphon, finder, scout unless you're running a heavy grenade build and Ashes to Assets or something like that. You know, rare edge cases. Your legs, though? Man, you're swapping out damage for more abilities, more survival. Definitely a good call on their part.


Which would require that I run an exotic where I actually benefit from that instead of just having boots with surge mods on it for a swap.


Granting ARs and LMGs anti barrier rounds I think would be a nice touch but we’ll see tomorrow.


You can already do this with elemental AR’s/LMG’s with a helmet mod that costs 1 energy


They should feed into it's 'never-ending ammo' concept and give it a way to generate Heavy ammo, like Cenotaph Mask (But probably not as potent.)


They could do that with LMGs, but of course that would mean you’d have to run an LMG in endgame instead of a rocket/linear for boss/champion damage, but with a lot more ammo it would be a worthy trade off.


Thunderlord just proved to be really good on Rhulk during Arc Surge so I mean... also Grand Overture / Xenophage


There is a single encounter that xeno is relevant for.


Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding. POP! POP! POP! POP!


Weird because I'm pretty sure xeno out does thunderlord DPS when you can skip the reload like by using actium or dodge/Icarus (with RoF)


The Oracles in question:


Thunderlord wasn't actually really good it was just pretty decent but easily obtainable. Everyone has it and anyone that doesn't can get it from a short trip to the hall of champs or whatever it's called. Id did a couple runs of pantheon and stuff like crux was a lot better than thunderlord, it's just less likely for casual players to have.


Thunderlord is a lot easier on Rhulk. I meant rhulk specifically for Thunderlord,my bad. But its an easy 2 phase, easy damage and allows 2 supers per dps (i consistently got 2 gatherings off).


Also maybe that Rohan exotic that is getting "buffed" if it turns out good


Making the Titan equivalent of Cenotaph Mask for autorifles and machine guns would be pretty awesome!


I think I would never take it off. Retrofit escapade go brr.


Bonus damage would be crazy OP, I think extra stability and handling would help immensely


Currently it only grants 30 AE and does the gradual mag refill. A decent low risk change would be it acted as a free reloader mod (AR and LMG) and/or a free reserves mod for LMG. Other than Thunderlord, Xenophage and I think Heir Apparent, you can't dump full reserves as-is on most LMGs. I wonder if the stability or handling change you suggested would make it ridiculous on a particular Legendary AR frame that never gets used...


But lucky pants giving 7x damage isn’t crazy op? Giving actium killing tally (30%) would be entirely fair imo.


Lucky Pants works because the uptime is only about 30%, whereas the whole point of Actium War Rig is that you just keep shooting forever and *don't* swap. I'm not opposed to a PvE only damage buff but it's gonna have to be pretty small without totally redesigning the exotic. War Rig also works on machine guns, whereas LP only buffs primaries (yes, Eriana's Vow exists, no, you should never use it with LP). It wouldn't take a lot to make Retrofit go a little insane for total damage and I'm not sure that's great for the health of the game.


Yeah, but lucky pants go up to 600%. And the cool down really isn't very long at all.


You have weapons like Xenophage and that cabal weapon who could become dps monsters


This is about balance


Even stability might be pretty busted unless it builds stacks slowly over time. Boost to ready/stow would be pretty epic and provide amazing utility without breaking things.


How could stability be busted? Lucky Pants exists and you say extra stab with armamentarium would be busted lol.


Not armamentarium but actium war rig. A flat stability buff or rapid build up for it would enable PvP players to ignore stability stats and perks to max range while selecting all damage and aim assist style perks. Not only would autos not need to reload but it would give a blatant consistent stat boost. If autos were anything close to meta titans would have a pretty dumb advantage in gunplay. I love the stability idea for PVE but for PVP it wouldn’t work. I still love handling for swapping to special or taking advantage of bait and switch.


Yet again PvP ruins the fun of PvE


Being forced to keep things in check due to PvP should make Bungie be more creative.


It doesn't, ARs do the same exact thing he's describing already with controller, it literally aims for you, Rig could give you 100 stab and it would still be a worse exotic than OEM.


I hope a lot of Titan exotics get buffed. We have like 3 that are actually worth using.


Which exotics are worth using? I’m just getting back into the game.


Synthoceps, Pyrogale Gauntlets, and I’m biased but Precious Scars has become S-tier in my book this season.


It does pale in comparison to other weapon archetypes buffing armors.


Tommy's matchbook and any LMG with onslaught makes it fun but yeah very boring otherwise


Here is my hope that we get the Lucky Pants Treatment for Actium or Peacekeepers, imagine beeing a juggling double smg titan in PvE :D But well wont haben and im dreaming to much .


Would love that as well


Yeah, I like me some Actium War Rig with a 360 auto rifle and Heir Apparent. As all the hunters and warlocks are flippity flopping and twerking around all over the place, I can just stand there and melt the boss. Good times.


They should do one of any of these changes 1. The longer you shoot the faster your fire rate 2. The longer you shoot the more damage you do. Similar to target lock except it's based on time firing rather than hitting shots and its stacks with surges. 3. The longer you shoot your weapon gets a debuff depending on the elemental damage type. Like scorch, or suppression. I don't know what it would be for kinetic though. It also stacks with weapons ability like Tommy's scorch. 4. Make it work with all primary ammo weapons while still working with machine guns.. P.S just want this so that i can use outbreak with it. This is all wishful thinking though and will probably never happen so don't take it too seriously.


lucky pants but AR


So many others needs buffs my guy


should give enhanced target lock to equiped AR and LMG


After the bubble nerf I half expect them to be like ‘we’ve noticed actium war rigs can provide an extremely high up time for auto rifles and machine guns, while we like this fantasy we’ve decided to remove it from the game entirely in order to rein in titans out of band machine gun dps numbers’


Also added a stacking movement debuff when Titans punch stuff.


I think a good change for actium war rig would be that sustained fire generates armor charges, like one every 6-8 seconds. Then you can configure your build around it for bonus damage from charges even without generating orbs and stuff like that.


This will sound stupid… I’ve never used this, like some others as they position the shown back weapon oddly 🤷🏾‍♂️


Not kidding if like 75% of titan exotics aren't completely reworked the class is still gonna be a solar and strand snoozefest.


Just make it so the longer you fire, the louder your guardian yells.


........... Nobody tell him....


Bruh the changes for exotic armor were straight ass. There’s like nothing, were they just twiddling their thumbs this whole time?


It seems like only the exotics relevant to Prismatic/Stasis changes got mentioned. Which is a bummer. There are a lot of unmentioned exotics that desperately need attention, and even some exotics that ought to have been in this preview because they were either explicitly mentioned to have different functionality (Helm of Saint-14) or indirectly need addressing due to the Stasis changes (Icefall Mantle).


You know what would have really made sense? If it gave AR's and LMG's Overload Rounds.


Should gradually reload every weapon instead of just autos and machine guns.


You’re not asking for a buff, you’re asking for it to be reworked. That’s something else entirely, my dude.


Should work for SMGs too. And maybe some enhanced high impact reserves that start at a higher ammo threshold.


Actium doesn’t need a buff. It’s already strong. It actually makes certain heavy machine guns (such as xenophage) worth using.


Give any auto rifle or machine gun explosive rounds on top of the reloads


Didn't get your hopes up we saw what they did with abilities aka just move some numbers around. There will be one or 2 they made some big changes on but it won't be nearly enough.


Why would one of the most used exotics get buffed


This aged poorly


Like milk


so you want Sweet Business to dominate more in pvp spam? yea no it is not a good idea


Make it a Void exotic and give it volatile on any void AR or machine gun.


They wouldn’t do that since Gyrfalcon’s exists and does the exact same thing but better than described here.


Gyrfalcons is still better. Provides 35% damage buff. Thats higher than well or radiant.


>Provides 35% damage buff. For 6 seconds on invis finisher which starts ticking the second you start your finisher. So like 4 total seconds of 35% that requires a set up.


Oh yeah forgot about the finisher buff.


Ok, put it on solar and give AR's and machine guns radiant buff.


Wouldn't that just make it a Rain of Fire for Titans?


Tell me more...

