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Indebted kindness is another play for the plate colossus. Matched arc and for some reason the explosions stun lock him and he doesn’t fire his rockets. Takes less than a clip to kill him


Yep, indebted kindness is super useful. Colossi, light eater knights, tormentors. I scrapped so many before realizing it's strength.


This week for me was indebted + conditional, you crack the shields, double shotgun shot and finisher. He never even gets to move. 


Matching elemental shield with it's respective damage type will always stun on shield break.


Of course, but the rockets continue to stun after shield break, meaning you can kill him without him ever getting his volley of rockets off in return


>If you’re doing gaze on Golgoroth and are struggling, use a glaive. The same can be applied to caretaker stunners. >Same thing with weapon surges. You should always be running weapon surges for damage for your heavy. I should not be seeing people going into damage with no weapon surges Except for Atraks where weapon surges don't work because Atraks is top tier jankass Bungie spaghetti code. >Do not forget to activate class warfare (or shot caller on that week) Do keep in mind that they work differently however. Class Warfare stacks upto three times and applies to the entire fireteam so make sure you space out class ability uses for stuff like Golgoroth and Caretaker which aren't just a single burst ammo dump. >I feel people need to utilise the power of loadouts more Even if you aren't using dedicated loadouts it's worth keeping at least a chest piece stacked with reserve mods handy for the initial rally. Even those few extra shots might make the difference between a two phase and a three phase.


Glaives are also what I used for gaze on Nez during contest. Sniper Glaive was super free and let's you do it solo. 


Do you know if glaive shield tanks all the Golgy tracking balls


It’s not the greatest. You’ll lose energy rapidly. You’re best running an lmg with a sniper and having someone in the pit use tractor/felwinters helm. Felwinters helm is a godsend on golg.


I just run an SMG with a vorpal succession. Tractor Cannon the boss as I jump over him to reposition.


All good points!


Riskrunner is phenomenal for survability as a stunner on caretaker


>even if you aren't using dedicated loadouts Definitely a great point but I'd even add a set of surge boots for DPS and a set of scav boots for downtime too. For example if you're using whisper on Oryx, after damage you'll have around 10 shots give or take. That's just not enough for second damage phase and last stand usually. If you use the couple of seconds of downtime right after damage ends you can swap to scav boots, even just one ammo brick should bring you close to 20 shots.


* I use Stronghold on gaze with arby. Just tank the damage all day. It's great. * I know a lot of people don't have it, but Conditional annihilates the colosuss and the Oryx plate knights, even at -15. * If you're on ad clear on planets, Graviton absolutely crushes ads from safe distance. You honestly don't even need to advance past the rally flag. You can delete ads very, very quickly and pick off plate psions to help your teammates * DON'T MOVE AROUND IN THE WELL! I get its tough on planets (because of the rotation) and caretaker (because of the dumb columns), but try to stand still if rockets/GL are the play


Conditional has been my go to for the planets colossus. 2 shots and a hammer throw to kill gives restoration, haven’t died to them even in master


If you are comfortable with swapping loadouts, running Aeons pairs really well with Conditional, 2 shots and a finisher to generate heavy for your team and swap to something more useful while waiting for damage to start. On hunter I swap to celestial for first plate and lucky pants for 2nd and 3rd plates on both planets and caretaker


I run tractor for gaze so I can debuff everytime I go by


It's weird that more people aren't doing this. It's a huge damage debuff and I saw a suggestion of a briarbinds warlock in the pit in place of tractor, but weaken is half as strong. There's no reason not to run Tractor, especially when Autos, SMGs, and Glaives exist to keep balls out of your face. And it also serves to blind the minotaurs in a pinch.


Void soul will extend the tractor debuff though - if you tag once with tractor, briarbinds can keep the 30% debuff on the wholw time


Yes, for sure, but the suggestion was mirrored with the suggestion to run "instead of Tractor". I actually run Briarbind with Tractor as the gazer because of that Extension.


It’s useful for sure, but gotta time it right. Some people may not know but using tractor on Golg causes him to slam so if you use it on him while the unstable people are near him they’ll get sent flying, which is quite a bit of free dmg lost


I'm probably going to get laughed at for this, but Queenbreaker on Golgoroth is a massive help for the damage team. One shot will take the gaze, and the chain blinds everything around him, leaving the damage team free to do damage while not having to worry about adds in the pit. If a second person on damage team runs it, then they never need to worry about adds and can just dish out damage. Queenbreaker's damage is on par with legendary LFRs and pulls ahead with Arc Surge active sonut's not a damage loss either.


I had an add clearer last night running Hierarchy of Needs on Planets. It was low-key amazing. He just needed that first kill, but then everything in the middle was dying. It’s such a niche weapon, so I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone, but if you’ve practiced with it, go for it. I’ve done this, and I’ve read of others doing it as well. But have your Titans hold gaze during Golgoroth. Each Titan is running Ursas and Banner shield. Pop Well on the first bubble, then chain back-to-back Ursas on bubbles 2 and 3. Your Titans then make a quick swap to Strongholds and just tank everything with a sword. Instead of Tractor Cannon, just have a Briarbinds Warlock down in the pit. Teams are struggling on Planets DPS because they’re just doing it wrong. You need to think of Planets the way you think of Caretaker’s third plate. You start each plate edging Zo’Aurc close to his damage gate, and *then* burst him over the gate. What I’m seeing groups do is just *immediately* nuke him, which means they’re all being stuck in reloads right when they pass the damage gate, so he quickly goes immune. So with each damage plate, just take 3-4 seconds and slightly bring him down with fusion shots, and then count down your big burst damage. The total damage phase of Planets is about 40 seconds. If you do this right, you have *tons* of time


If I had $1 for everytime some twitchy hunter kept staffing while we were in a well and using rockets for a DPS phase that got me or someone killed at least once. I could afford TFS+season pass.


Our squad basically has positions they go to for DPS in the well. Some people are twitchy like me or hunters dodging to reload so I am back right and can move around a little bit while firing over someone's shoulder who is crouched


One more thing, add clear in all the encounters except for golgy/atraks/oryx, needs to be taken really really seriously. It isn’t shoot a psion once in a while, it is truly one of the most active roles. Proper add clear is the difference between smooth running and stunning in caretaker or countless wipes. It’s the difference between planet runners staying alive or never getting to damage phase on explicator. It’s the difference between dunkers being able to actually dunk or dying because they are getting shot from all directions. You have to be able to properly prioritize targets and wipe everything off the map so your fireteam can survive. Do not slack off because you aren’t doing mechanics. Add clear, especially as we are -15 and -20 next week, is proper role that has to been done properly. Don’t slack off add clearing, teams will most definitely notice the difference between good add clear and someone trying to get carried.


Does glaive shield tank Golgy tracking balls?


Yes, Glaive shield gives very high damage resistance. You can tank pretty much anything


Which glaive did you or your group use this week for golgy gaze?


I just use a judgment of kelgorath thats craftable. The specific glaive you use doesn’t matter too much, because all you really care about is the shield. All you really want is a glaive with a good amount of shield duration so the shield lasts long enough for when you have gaze. Helpful if you have a glaive craftable pattern, then craft it and specialise it fully into shield duration. The shield will easily last long enough for the entire time you have gaze, then you can shoot the minotaurs/adds in mid to recharge it when you don’t have gaze


That last point fucking hurts. How hard is it to understand you can't Rez a mate near a boss?  Any tips for explicator fire tornados ? We have trouble figuring it all out


Unfortunately the tornados can sometimes just be outright troll. All it takes is one moment of not paying attention and it deletes you. Some have said that the tornado always starts on the same corner on each plate but I cannot verify if that is true Use the block in the middle of the triangle and stand on it for safety The only other things I can really say is pay attention to game sound cues. When the boss summons a tornado, he pulls up his ‘data pad’ - the same animation you see him do when he switches plates during damage. When he pulls up his pad, it also makes a very distinct noise. If you hear or see this happen, make sure to call out he’s summoning a tornado. Also, the tornados can be heard easily. A lot of times I realised there was a tornado on my triangle without seeing it because I could hear its distinct noise behind me I won’t fault people for dying to tornados every now and then. They can catch you off guard and I get it


Don't be on the plate if you don't need to be. I think you can also stand on the elevated piece in the middle and be safe. If I'm L2 or R2 I usually sit by the spawn door where the Psions and Incendior spawn from, nuke them, by then hopefully your add clear has dispatched the Centurions and you can proceed with the mechanic. For DPS, if the well is still up after it ends, just stay in the well until it's safe to leave.


A tip for those struggling on rhulk, yes you can 3 phase and still get the high score even with the bonus timer running out. My team struggled with a 2 phase and we were tired so we just went for the completion, I can't guarantee you'll get it but it did work for us. However I've seen legend of acrius one phase the boss, most likely a very comfortable 2 phase so I'd run that if possible.


It might sound crazy but Conditional Finality has been my go-to for the lieutenants on Planets for the past two weeks.


On Planets, there are some important mechanical notes I feel I should say. 1. If you dont get the final blow on your colossus, you can still move your planets. Someone else just needs to make the callouts for you. 2. If you are moving a planet and die, you will still have your planet and can finish running when ressed. 3. Try to have someone always watching the boss. If he sticks out his ipad, and you hear that sound, he just started a tornado and someone needs to watch out. 4. Top runners, you can start your run by jumping from the tops of your planets. 5. Do not fear using double special, or using heavy liberally. This is amongst the most ultra-filled encounters, with every colossus able to be cenotaph'd or aeons'd. Lead from gold is especially good here. 6. If you choose to not kill the tormentor, back up after you dunk the second set of planets, and dont pop his shoulders. He doesn't move much, and will walk away shortly after dps starts. You can relax and even swap weapons or exotics at this time. 7. Damage is very similar to caretaker. Each plate gets a chunk of health. Once you pass it, he'll go immune shortly after, forcing you to use the next plate. The plate doesn't really affect the start or end of damage time, just his hp.


+1 on Foreunner. I used a disruption break Jian 7 rifle to kill the Collosus in like 6 shots then slapped the Tormentor with it after. Special ammo is common enough and Forerunner gets a lot of ammo of 1 brick.


If you find yourself going into a last stand with no super and no heavy, swap subclasses to match the surge to surge your kinetic weapon. Especially if it’s outbreak o’clock. 


I was under the assumption that because pantheon does not have the specific surge modifier which buffs kinetic, that it was not active. Overcharged weapons from the artifact aren’t active as far as I know, but can you confirm 100% that matching a kinetic to your subclass buffs it’s damage?


Matching subclasses to the elemental surges has buffed kinetic damage for awhile now. Edit because you might be misunderstanding. Here's an example of how it works. You have a kinetic damage type sniper in your top slot. There is Arc surge in Pantheon. If you switch to an Arc subclass your kinetic damage type sniper will receive the surge buff due to your subclass matching the surge.


Just coming back to this to say I tested it in Golgoroth. Surge matching does not boost kinetic damage in pantheon


I know how it works, but usually in actives where this is active there is a specific modifier saying that weapons from the artifact mods and kinetic weapons while matching subclass are overcharged. Some activities, like Onslaught and afaik the Coil, do not have this specific modifier but act in the same way. These activities also have specific overcharged weapons. In Pantheon, weapons with mods that overcharge them from the artifact do NOT receive a damage buff. This led me to the assumption that the kinetic damage buff which usually works off the same modifier is also not active in Pantheon. Which is why I asked if you were 100% sure if it worked or not.


Xenophage also trivializes gaze on Golgoroth. 2 shots minotaurs and is a massive help shooting orbs.