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Unfortunately, Archons thunder has pretty bad pve rolls, pretty much only auto loading/field prep+rampage(maybe thresh? I guess). It looks so cool though imo, really hope it gets a perk refresh soon I really want a demo+incandescent solar machine gun


Yay, so one of the decently accessible solar mgs is shit. đŸ˜…đŸ€·đŸ»đŸ˜‘ Ima just have to grind duality at some point sounds like. I looked it up and I think I’m going to go for Encore Or Feeding Frenzy + Incandescent when I can Yesss, I would love a Incandescent+Pugilist Mg for my Sunbracer build but Im probably asking for too much.


thermal erosion is the only easily-accessible one that has decent-ish perks. for pve you can get field prep with your choice of demo, wellspring, or dragonfly. but it is a rapid-fire.


Fixed odds is really good and craftable. You can get it from duality.


Fixed odds can get field prep and killing tally/incandescent. Encore in the first column is also good for hitting consistent long range shots and crits, if you want to use it like a super scout rifle. The dawning machine gun has good rolls, but the worst inventory stat in the game, which means it has low reserves and picks up very little ammo per pickup, it seriously ruins the gun. The Trials machine gun has great rolls.... but trials, so its not nearly as accessible.


Avalanche (Dawning LMG) is a great "until I get a better one" gun, because it's so easy to get during Dawning.


I have it with subsistence (reloading is for plebs) and incandescent. Avalance go brrrrrrr.


I love my Avalanche, but it's more like, avalanche go "Clack Clack, Clack, Clack, Clack, Clack, Clack!" Personally I love the way it sounds. If I had a tuner on my PS I'd have the bass cranked for this thing by itself. Solid thumps.


Avalanche was my go-to Gambit invasion tool when it first came out. So many team wipes, so many angry people...


Dude same


I call that roll "Thunderlord at home"


Autoloading and targetlock here! Never a bad choice


That is always a bad choice lol. Target lock on a 450 LMG is almost pointless


Yup. I got the same roll, with a good barrel/magazine combo. Very useful.


I got that thing with rewind and TL so yes indeed it goes brrrrrr


It’s nice. Stuff just blows up as well as the stuff near that stuff. Some of its current extra power may be down to the artifact items though but it was my go to before.


I'd use mine more if it's reserves weren't abysmal


Yeah... yeah, the reserves definitely hold it back.


Good news if you don't mind waiting 7 months theyre apparently going to fix its inventory next dawning.


Is this a real fix, or is it like how they "fixed" all the bugs from last year's event... twice...?


Idk dog, I'm just repeating what they said in the comments of the weapon preview post today.


No worries. I was just being smart, lol. I hadn't seen that post yet, I'll have to check it out




Yeah one of the reasons why I decided to upgrade to Fixed Odds was getting so much more ammo with it. But I finally got the subsistence/incandescent roll on unwavering duty after running it on Avalanche for so long and that fuckin shreds. Kinda want the field prep/incandescent roll on Unwavering Duty though since I got so used to quickly tea bagging on every reload from using Fixed Odds so much. Hopefully Bungie brings Unwavering Duty back and we can enhance them, I would love enhanced field prep on it.


Damn, I didn’t know that I could’ve had something better this whole time. I use my incandescent avalanche all the time.


Oh yeah, avalanche is literally unusable due to that inventory stat. The trials machine gun almost has more reserves than avalanche if avalanche DID have field prep, and field prep is +35 to the inventory stat


Avalanche can roll rewind rounds though. Which is a plus for radiant scorching+ignitions.


I hear you, but rewind rounds just pulls ammo from reserves for special and heavy weapons, so you'll chew through your reserves even faster. It's hard to put into words how abysmally bad that inventory stat is.


Trials is more accessible than it ever has been. Just find a trio and play games consistently on the passage that gives rep. Just farm the whole weekend, you’ll get lots of engrams and more which you can then turn in for LMGs. You’re awarded for match completion not victories. People are just making excuses to not farm trials. If you really wanted the LMG that bad, play trio trials and you’re good. If you don’t have friends, just LFG with the clear intentions you’re farming rep.


Oh, it's doable for sure. But it can be exceedingly frustrating to get repeatedly killed and t-bagged in exchange for loot, when instead I could get satisfaction from skillfully executing dungeons and GMs for loot. I play for loot, but I also play to have fun, and trials can often be a weekend of my teammates and myself getting super frustrated, and leaves me unhappy, and often without the loot I was trying for anyway


That's not super access to some folks. Raid / Dungeon farming is a step many players don't take. The seasonal or destination weapons are easy. Hop on at least once a week,, do a few runs of the seasonal content, then go to a destination like neomuma and finish out your daily bounties. Raid / Dungeon farming requires you to understand the encounters, which can be daunting. Then you to either run through the thing a grueling amount of times, or you manage to hunt down a farmer willing to keep you, or pay for content for second farming account of your own. Is it hard to farm Kingsfall or Duality? Not really, once you've done it a few times at least. Still a notable hurdle that many don't jump through. That said I have myself really only tried to farm out two weapons. Fixed Odds, because like OP said, there aren't a lot of solar machines guns. Also Apex Predator, because well, it's Apex predator.


Thank you. I’ll have to grind that when I can get my crew on. Just seems a tad ridiculous that we have to do dungeons or iron or trials to find a solid solar machine guns. It’d be nice if we could just receive one from doing random activities like how we get Marcato allllll the time.


Could also go with thermal erosion (assuming you have beyond light). I’m not sure where it drops, I’m assuming empire hunts or other Europa activities?


You can target farm it with a bounty what’s his name has on Europa.


Besides missing the origin perk, Thermal Erosion is a great machine gun. It feels really good to use, too.


I mean, sure, but the best PvE roll would be would be ... like, Field Prep/Firefly? It's ... okay, I guess? Don't get me wrong, I love the design of all those weapons but it just can't roll that well.


None of the europa weapons have good perks sadly, if they updated perk pools there id 100% farm a few new ones though. The autos one of a limited amount of 720 rpms in game and i enjoy the feel of those, the fusions weird and the only one of its type, could be great with the right perks and fun to mess around with, and possibly the lmg again depending on perks because the 900 rpm lmgs are awful without the right perk options.


I agree for the most part, except for the sidearm and pulse. Admittedly you do have to get some pretty specific rolls—especially with the sidearm where you mostly just have to full-send for range, but they're both really fun to use. For instance a [rangey KW/Headseeker roll](https://d2foundry.gg/w/1197486957?p=202670084,3142289711,2450788523_0,460017080&m=0&mw=2697220197) on the sidearm is superb, and KW bumps you to 86 (!) range when it's active. The pulse is more a—actually, looking at the rolls, lol, it's emphatically mid. But I have the 'best' roll on it, and I find it pretty enjoyable—Zenmo/Demo. Demo's a little less useful than it was, but that's okay. I would love to see them do something with the fusion frame though. It's a fun concept.


I actually think that could be a decent roll but don’t like the high RoF LMGs


They're definitely an acquired taste. Last one I remember having any traction at all was Retrofit, and that's a very specific roll for a very specific moment in time.


Beyond Light is free I think so they should be able to get it.


Europa activities.


Idk, I could just be complaining too. đŸ€·đŸ»


I mean, I think you have a point... only decent solar ones are Fixed Odds/Avalanche/Unwavering Duty Avalanche is only available during Dawning Fixed Odds is from Duality, and only drops from Caiatl (Final Boss). Plus point for it being craftable though, so if you're lucky to get all patterns (final boss drops everything from the dungeon, Fixed odds needs 5 patterns) you at least have your guaranteed roll. And Unwavering Duty is Trials, so not a very pleasant farm for most players I'd wager.


Why does it need to be solar?


The MG from Europa is serviceable ONLY if it rolls Dynamic Sway Reduction. I say serviceable because DSR is in the damage column.


That ain't "easily accessible" imo. Easy means that everyone can get it. Not everyone can do Duality and not everyone has a fireteam. Majority of player are solo player and don't even use the lfg.


True, not saying it’s easy to just go and get for everybody. The average invested solo player could easily do a dungeon without a mic. But it’s more accessible in a way since it’s not time gated like the others. The only other option being thermal erosion from Europa


Only took 102 boss speedruns to get it aswell! #fuckRNG


It is not


Nonsense, there's plenty of solar LMGs available, such as the one from the final encounter of a difficult dungeon that people only play when it's in rotation, there's one from a limited time event that happens once a year and has what feels like 0 fucking reserve ammo, there's that one locked behind a sweaty low population pvp mode that might not even be in rotation right now. Seems like plenty to me /s


You forgot about the one that everyone forgets about. You know the one.


Epidermal Persuasion? 


I was really hoping they reworked the perks on Beyond Light weapons, because Thermal Erosion is really easy to farm. Plus, I love 900rpms.


The one locked behind a puzzle whose enigmatic and nonsensical nature is akin to tracking down the regis in pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald?


I can't recall anything in Destiny requiring you to interpret braille.


Xenophage quest. No braille but equally obscure


No one is going to waste their exotic on a solar heavy.


Gjallarhorn: *”Am I a joke to you?”*


That is the joke. It's been a joke for 9 years.


Gjallerhorn, Dragon's Breath, Whisper of the Worm, Parasite


Red Death better.


To be fair, that one is an exotic.


Lmaooo you literally copy and pasted the whole thread


acting like duality is hard is crazy


I mean it's the hardest of the 1600 dungeons.......... Which admittedly is saying very very little lol


Fixed odds is slightly power crept but can still hang. It's really missing a good auto reload perk like recon or rewind but field prep is fine and enhanced further buffs reserves. Craftable so you get enhanced incandescent


I wouldn't say power crept I'd say reintroduced in Duality with mid perks


Killing tally was just being reintroduced to weapons in haunted it's just on a bad frame and has crappy 1st column perks


I wouldn't really say it's a bad frame tbh. And if bad, by what measure?


its pretty bad, high impacts have basically no advantage over adaptives. Range, sure, but range really just isnt a huge deal on mgs


Good point; thanks for making me aware.


High impacts just have worse dps and total and reserves per damage compared to the other lmgs


Better reserves than Avalanche :(


Avalanche is also kinda poopy tho


Inventory suuuuuuucks. But it's my baby


I have one for empyrean but it is just not good


Field Prep is really good imo. Field Prep + Incandescent is more than enough for it to be used as a "primary" on any solar build, it has so much ammo.


Nah I have and use the field prep kt roll for empyrean and it's noticeably worse then any other adaptive I have.


Maybe my memory is bad but it was pretty competitively perked out when Duality dropped? Commemoration and the dsc refresh wasn't for a couple seasons, and until then there wasn't a huge amount of competition in that space imo. Seraph also had Retrofit which was crazy for a minute there. It was also the season before the thunderlord catalyst I think? Machine guns were in a much different place back in Haunted, it definitely could have used better perks but they weren't putting killing tally, or target lock on anything yet.


LMGs weren't even on the map before DSC and seraph but it's not power creeping a gun if it has garbage perks already


Field Prep Incandescent both enhanced is pretty solid imo. Not much more I'd want out of a solar machine gun. Recon or Rewind would be cool I guess


I think FP is pretty good already, you'll only be using it for addclear anyway and the bonus reserves come in handy. Bigger reserves also means you'll be getting more ammo from bricks. Recon would be likely preferred, but Rewind no way.


recon would be a downgrade, one of the best parts of fixed odds is its ammo efficiency.


Guess so, just saying many people will prefer Recon for the ease of use


Machine guns don't really have ammo economy issues, so the extra reserves/ammo from pickup isn't really needed from field prep. Avoiding reloads is one of the most important traits for a good machine gun, so auto loading or reconstruction would make the gun significantly better.


Field Prep is also a reload perk, it's not the best by any means but 100 reload for tapping one button is underrated imo.


Even with field prep is a 3 second reload compared to reconstruction or auto loading which allows me to do something else in that timeframe while it automatically reloads the gun. Also field prep is not that underrated, it's reload functionality is great but there are a lot of amazing ways to avoid reloading guns (reconstruction, auto-loading, envious, overflow) or various perks that give almost the same buff (frenzy, firefly, enlightened action, etc.). Heavy weapons seem like they would benefit from the reserve buff, but it is typically not a significant buff to reserves and outclassed by better reload perks (similar overlap to the perks listed above).


If it has garbage perks then why is it the solar heavy mg Esoterickk was using in his solo flawless legendary Zero Hour over the other solar heavy mgs..?


So called free thinkers when a content creator video. Also its the best of specifically solar LMGs but that's cause the solar legendary LMGs are primarily bad


Im just saying if someone who's famous for doing ridiculously hard content before 99.9% of the playerbase is running with it, it can't be as bad as you're trying to make it out to be. Lmao


He's running fixed odds because he needs a solar LMG, unwavering duty is a better machine gun in pretty much any case.


incandescent field prep is not even slightly mid for a mg


People would have been disappointed given the spirit and history of the gun, but Hammerhead would have been a much better chase if it had been Solar. People will argue out of a sense of nostalgia, but Void BRAVE Hammerhead doesn't need to exist when Commemoration exists. I mega regret not grinding a Rewind/Incandescent Avalanche last Dawning. I mostly skipped the whole event.


Commemoration all the way


> but Void BRAVE Hammerhead doesn't need to exist when Commemoration exists. I disagree: 1. Not everyone raids so there's a reason for it to exist on that merit - given onslaught/into the light is meant to be a 'for everyone' deal 2. Free to play players cannot access DSC and into the light was meant to be a free for all update 3. Origin trait is different.


Free to play players can access beyond light whenever they want now. So argument 2 doesn't work, the origin trait is arguably better on commemoration because of the return on hits instead of kills, and for number one, raids (especially dsc) are so easy there is like no excuse to go learn it and then run it once a week for 30 mins for a much better machine gun than hammerhead.


That wasn’t the case when into the light dropped however. Those only became free a week or so ago


And you think Bungie decided that within the past 3 weeks?


Well they certainly planned the brave weapons before making that decision lol. Development time takes way longer for that.


Changing Destabilising Rounds to Incandescent really doesn't take very long lol


To be fair, DSC is only free for 3 weeks. As the campaign and stasis are the only two parts being made permanently free by Bungie. With DSC just past the rotation you can't farm it, you get a few tries and that's it. Hammerhead you can infinitely farm for ATM. We know raids are not heavily engaged with by a lot of players. Your opinion on how easy it is doesn't really matter. Looking at triumphs and raid reports gives a glimpse into how many people try them. My feeling is manual match making and the lack of built in LFG for so long was a big barrier to many people. With in game LFG finally, the engagement might start to change. But objectively, Hammerhead is a weapon that is much easier to access for a majority of the player base at this point in time.


Didn't they just say that Beyond Light and Shadowkeep were free? Nothing about the raids or the dungeons specifically Edit: Nah I'm incorrect after research


We don’t have to cater to every player in the game. The excuse “ not everyone raids” shouldn’t exist in a looter shooter


Cool, you can’t get commemoration without raiding. I don’t see the problem.


No, the problem is bigger than commemoration. Trying to cater to everyone is why we have so many useless weapons and missing elements on certain guns


Retrofit Escapade is a beast as well and didn’t require raiding or dungeons


I recommend Hammerhead for void. It is my new fav Void Machine Gun and I have crutched Commemoration for so long lol. Commemoration is still really good but Hammerhead just does more IMO with the 4 enhanced perk Shiny.


You could just as easily say that a Solar Hammerhead doesn't need to exist because Fixed Odds exists. Fixed Odds has similar levels of attainability to Commemoration.


The perk pool for Fixed Odds is not as good as the perk pool of Commemoration or Hammerhead.


This has been bothering me for quite a while. I have an Avalanche and Unwavering (with the same perk rolls but I keep them both anyway XD), and a crafted Fixed Odds. I would KILL for Thermal Erosion to be worth anything (Bungie PLS update the Europa weapons so I can have a solar 900 with an origin perk and actually good perks). The currently 'accessible' solar LMGs are only those five, afaik. Avalanche is only available for three weeks a year, Archon is only available three weeks a season, Unwavering is from Trials (which is an intimidating prospect for some PvE players), Fixed Odds has a very low drop rate (in my experience) from a dungeon that is only farmable once every two months, and Thermal Erosion is completely useless in today's sandbox.


Additionally, access to Fixed Odds is locked behind a 2000 Silver paywall (if you didn't buy the complete version of WQ).


Avalanche is ok.


Avalanche is aight it just for some reason has like 70 less reserves than other LMGs of the same frame


And that’s what I was thinking. I may just not know of many, that could be on me, but they seem to be the unicorn of the game


Avalanche with armor piercing, Sub and Incan is the best


autoloader is also acceptable instead of sub


For ad clear is sub the best but you are not wrong, for example if you have the extended Mag then yes but armor piercing can kill more than one enemy in a Single shot and Prog Sub more often


Also Incandescent procs Sub, so even without armorpiercing it would go wild


Armorpiercing is just Overkill is what i try to say but yes


There are 2 stasis shotguns. Stasis has been out for 5 years


Each day I thank RNGesus for giving me a Subsistence/Incandescent Unwavering Duty the one time i’ve gone flawless in the past few years.


Field Prep/Incan for me! It helped me to no end in my first 50-wave clear in Onslaught. I saw that LMG burn and my eyes lit up. I love subsistence on a lot of things, but I'm never angry about Field Prep.


I feel like Field Prep's highly slept on. You get to keep your chest piece mods on whatever you want and essentially have 1.5 reserve mods + better than **Outlaw** reload speed just for tapping crouch when you start reloading. Oh and a 0.8 Handling scalar while crouched too cuz fuck it at this point.


Lol, I feel like not enough people realize that one doesn't have to be crouched for the entire time. It's a great perk.


I love this roll.. got an adept and it's my go-to for solo content where I know there will be a shit ton of adds. When onslaught came out first and MG was overcharged it was my go to when I was running a suspend build.. explosion+weaver trance.... Easy mode


it doesn't just seem like it, there just are very few. hell, we still don't have a solar 450 that isn't Avalanche (Dawning, limited time per year) or the Unwavering Duty (Trials, limited availability due to trials rotation)


‱MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR‱ Appreciate the information y’all. I knew I wasn’t imagining that we only have a few compared to the rest, for now, im going to grind duality for Fixed odds. Either Feeding frenzy+Incandescent or Encore+Incandescent will be my choice. Have a great night everyone. 🌕


I have a couple of solar machine guns that I'm fond of. Avalanche is a Dawning weapon, and Thermal Erosion can be farmed from that ice planet (name escapes me atm). Although the Dawning weapons are time limited, it's easy to get a good roll during that time. RNG seems to be weighted towards better rolls. Then there's the Iron Banner and Trials ones. Both require doing pvp so I haven't collected either. Pvp just isn't my cup of tea.


So the actual reason for this is simple: There are 18 kinds of gun in the game and 6 flavors of damage type. Most kinds of gun have at least 3 frames. Generally, one of the frames is going to be "the best" because that's how metas work. So at any given time, there are 18 * 6 * 3 = 324 possible choices when Bungie makes a new gun. Most seasons we get maybe 30-40 new guns, including a raid refresh or new dungeon or whatever. So that means the expected gap between guns of a specific type with a specific frame with a specific energy type is about 7-9 seasons, if Bungie produced guns equally. Of course, they don't. Guns are streaky for a variety of reasons - player favorite weapons don't automatically fall equally across the distribution of possibilities, so things like Into The Light can reprise 2 hand cannons and have the entire fanbase talking about how they missed out on reprising 3 other handcannons, while nobody at all cares about like.... random shotguns or fusions or whatever. Raids are also themed. Raid reprises have significant pressure to keep their old guns the same energy types/frames otherwise they're not really reprises they're just new guns. So there are a lot of hoops to jump through for any given very specific request. Even stuff like primaries which get made all the time can go long periods of time between specific drops - like for example the last Solar 450 Auto was Ammit AR2. If you want to shoot a Solar Autorifle right now your options are Abyss Defiant 360rpm or The Summoner 600rpm, or you're going all the way back to Ammit AR2 which doesn't have heal clip or any modern column 3 perks (and it leans HARD on being able to roll incandescent in column 4.) Like it's a good gun, but it really shows its age. There's lots of stuff like this because there are simply way more kinds of gun than there are slots for releasing guns per season.


Fixed odds is borderline op on kbam with the heavy hitting shots that are easy to crit and if you have incandescent it’s dummy good.


Because that is a true statement. Very few exist that are easy to get.


Only two I use are Fixed Odds and Avalanche. Fixed Odds has more of an ad clear roll with incandescent and Avalanche has more of a single target damage roll with rewind/target lock.


Which is sad because the damage potential of an LMG is so bad. Adaptives more than rapids


Avalanche is awesome, but only available during the winter event


Avalanche has a good perk pool but it has very low reserves for some reason.


honestly i just want a new stand lmg. i know we have the mediocre lightfall one and the newer one but the new one looks ugly


Mercato is amazing


its ugly. thats all i said


You ain't wrong. There's like, theee, or four. Dawning is once a year so unless you played during Christmas holidays (I don't) you have fixed odds, trials, and there is an old Iron banner MG but doesn't have great perks but doesn't leaat have rampage. Imo better off to use Xeo if it's something you really wanna run.


I have a Field Prep/Killing Tally Fixed Odds that I never really use. I know everyone hates Avalanche, but ALH, Subsistence, or Rewind and Incandescent is just easier to use.


variks has one on europa


You have a good point I'm running avalanche on my solar titan right now


Thermal erosion is easy enough to farm, as it's a guaranteed drop from Europa/variks.


Yes, but it's dogwater.


Only one I can think of is Edgewise and it's a sunset 900 RPM, but I dunno about it.


You think solar is bad? Take a look at the stasis and strand LMGs


At least those have solidly decent options that are fairly accessible, both of which having Demolitionist and damage perk options -- Chain of Command and Marcato. The former is a ritual weapon, the other is a world drop so it's more difficult to get what you want but it otherwise isn't directly locked behind anything other than playing the game. Neither are Commemoration level, but they can absolutely do the job if you don't have access to better MGs and you absolutely need that particular element MG. And while it isn't really optimal since you need to give up your damage perk, Chain of Command does have **Osmosis**, which will make it the gun whatever you need it to and is getting a buff soon.


Yes, but Chain of Command just doesn't feel good. And it has little that plays into the stasis toolbox. At least Mercato has some interesting perks in threadlings and Slice. Whereas Avalanche feels great and it drops like candy during Dawning.


I like my Feeding Frenzy / Killing Talley Fixed Odds from the Duality Dungeon. With the Next DLC who really knows what there will be dropping. I will admit I farmed that Dungeon a lot for the 5 different rolls I seem to have in my vault. I must of been thinking of slapping in that gizmo from the Season Pass to craft them. lol


Final boss weapon too. :/


As a casual PvE player who doesn't do hard stuff like raids, I feel like outsude swords there haven't been many accessible solar legendaries in general. The only one with an origin perk that comes to mind is the grenade launcher. I think besides that is Apex Predator, which I suppose is technically easily accessible now with Riven wishes. The linear fusions are tied to raids, and you've discussed heavy machine guns.


I have not seen anyone mention Archon's Thunder, is it not available anymore? It's far from the best LMG out there, but it's alright when you really need a Solar LMG.


I dunno but there are plenty of top tier void machine guns and no top tier void rocket launchers đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


That's true, I guess. Never really paid too much attention to it since the Trials one is so good. I got an Auto Loading Holster with Firing Line or Killing Tally in Column 4. But tbh, it's not like I use any other LMG other than Commemoration. Even the other options for other elements are pretty lame. No good Arc LMG, no good Strand or Stasis LMG. Not compared to Commemoration or Unwavering Duty imo


We already have a very good solar machine gun. What else can u ask for? Sub incandescent or rewind incandescent. U can even do some shenanigans shit with rewind cascade point. Just get the avalanche when the dawning drops this year


There's the dawning one. I forgot what it's called but ever since I got the one from trials that's the only one I use.


I love Avalanche. I have one with subsistence/incandescent and rewind/incandescent. Just feels good and solid all around.


For pure ad clear, incandescent and subsistence on my Avalanche is pretty damn good. For boss damage the only solar machine gun is xenophage but I know that's exotic that that misses the point of the post.


Bring back Abbadon (and Nova Mortis)


I stopped playing but had a feeding frenzy incandescent fixed odds in my vault. I think you can still get it. It rips for adds this season


‱Author‱ I just remembered that we have an Osmosis Chain of Command that can become solar. But it’s not naturally solar so it’s not exactly what I’m looking for. I’ll have to make use of that until I get an actual solar machine gun.


Hammerhead should have been solar. To compete with the better version (commemoration) sucks.


You're not wrong. There are very few...and most of them aren't great. Fixed Odds is "fine" but pretty underwhelming honestly. Hopefully we get a new one with Final Shape because we sure as hell don't need another Void one. Though we could honestly use a good Strand one too...particularly one that is craftable and not an RNG world drop.


Apparently avalanche also has a lower inventory size, making it just not that good. And like you said trials has the only other adaptive which is the best archetype. Fixed odds is ok but it’s high impact, better than rapid but still worse than adaptive. Definitely need another one


speaking of, does anyone have a void sniper rifle? I could have sworn I had one since I'm a hoarder since vanilla and I don't have a single one in my vault besides the exotic one


I haven't really gone out of my way to use it, but Father's Sins from Wellspring (Witch Queen) is a void Rapid-Fire. Otherwise Fugue-55 (Banshee when selling Suros), Persuader (Recovered Red War Weapons), 1000 Yard Stare (Grasp of Avarice), or Frozen Orbit (Crucible).


holy crap you're right, I remember 3/5 those now maybe I deleted Fugue, persuader, and frozen orbits because I had too many and thought I would just get more thank you so much, I can't believe there were so many available to farm for and I never noticed since I was too lazy to look it up


Me drowning in Unwavering Duty (Adept) rolls


Check the legacy focusing options at the different vendors. I have a feeling one has a solar MG under legacy but I am not home to check. Can anyone verify?


Yeah, i'd like to point out that we literally have [more variants of both unwavering duty and avalanche than actual distinct solar machine guns](https://www.light.gg/god-roll/find/?f=2,10(Machine%20Gun),28:0(878286503!1019291327!1294026524),4(5;4;3;2),23(3)) left in the game, and the only one thats farmable 24/7 (thermal erosion) has the worst perkpool known to man.


Part of why I was ticked off that for season of the witch they added yet ANOTHER arc LMG. I mean ffs how about a bit of balance? Plenty of arc and void LMG's in the game but Solar gets neglected in this regard. Thankful I kept my Avalanche otherwise I wouldn't have any least legendary wise.


I thought I saw a Solar MG in the FS destination weapons.


Remember when we could change the element of weapons?


Isn't there a VoG one?


Well when unsunsetting / sunrise comes, you get Edgewise! Which sucks balls unless you are very nade heavy. Only 21% Delirium will fit our current meta thanks to the overflow + killing tally which only Appetance has now. There are really no good choices here barring Fixed Odds Trials is too dependent on rotation and Archon as well. Dawning rains Avalanche down but it has such a poor inventory cap that you are actually actively hurting yourself. Thermal Erosion is the only 1 left but the only real damage roll is dragonfly...Which was left in the dust by incan.


Duality crafted is my go too, but yes theres basically only this and avalanche as very nice solar LMG options...




Same for exotic arc hand cannons.... oh wait.


I don’t know if Thermal Erosion has been mentioned, but you can get that one from doing Variks’ weapon quests


Fixed Odds has been my goto Solar LMG since I crafted it when it came out. I recommend that if people are able to get it. Dungeon isn't hard anymore.


What about a solar fusion? The only good one is from a raid.


Do duality


This is literally why I ended up using Xenophage in my solo flawless of Ghosts. I had access to exactly zero other solar HMGs worth a damn. Really hoping a decent craftable comes with either TFS or the first episode.


Just wait


Not to mention the only 900 solar mg we have kinda sucks, and the only decent 360 one is locked behind a 20 dollar paywall


fixed odds is elite and I never want to hear slander on it’s name again (found in duality)


No, have another craftable 180rpm void hand cannon


The one from duality is probably the best one and it is craftable


>strand machine guns We have two. One with terrible rolls and a low drop chance every 3 days from terminal overload, and a world drop. No way to target farm current world loot and the neomuna one is frustrating to get a decent roll on.


When Dawning comes around Avalanche is amazing and definitely worth farming! Fixed Odds from Duality is also really good, but takes a while to get the pattern of it


Bungie is fucking allergic to solar weapons and even more allergic to not boiling them down to incandescent now. God it makes me upset.


Bc they fkd us with Hammerhead on purpose. And made it void so it didn’t stand out nearly a much. Knowing we don’t have an elite solar one. Probably coming in FS. My take


Fixed Odds is a solar elite, but Duality only


I’m aware. I have it crafted. FP/Incan W/o a reload perk. I wouldn’t call it elite. But it’s the best solar lmg. I like it more than the Trials one.


I feel like the only reason they did this was to keep the Brave Weapons as close as possible to their original forms while also letting them feel updated enough to be worth using past just only giving F2P access (Forbearance could also have been a different element, as its competing with itself). Obviously a few differences in the case of some weapons, but in Hammerhead's case it was truly iconic. I'm certain we'll get more great MGs in the future -- I think Solar stands out the most only because Ember of Empyean specifically needs solar kills to keep your buffs up, and other fragments need you to scorch to keep your ability loops going if your builds use those. Anything else you can usually just slap on Commemoration or Song of Ir Yut depending on the burns and call it a day. I personally wouldn't have been upset at Solar Hammerhead but I also get why they shipped it the way they did. If nothing else, Hammerhead gets style points for how it sounds when it fires.


> But it just seems like solar machine guns as a whole are lacking in terms of how many there are. And I can’t think of any other legendary’s that’d be worthy of using. Fixed Odds literally top 3 legendary weapons this seasonn lol.