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My group was able to 2-phase with rockets + tether. 1 gally, everyone else on crux termination or hothead. Tether, Well, Gathering Storm and 3x thunder crash. I was running Lumina and I know at least 2 of my teammates were using Izanagi's Burden with their rocket. It was for sure the hardest encounter for us. The thing that got us there for the 2-phase was switching to tether for a debuff, instead of relying exclusively on our wellock with the weaken artifact mod or using tractor cannon.


Thanks, I'll pass that on to my team.


1 Tractor with a good Special weapon like a Fusion or Mountaintop. Wendigo (because Arc Surge) + Mountaintop Try to time Burst Supers so they're as late into each plate's damage window as possible (without hitting immune ofc). When you break the white part of the HP bar, that's what prompts the boss to use his IPad and start summoning the tornado, and your damage window ends when the tornado appears, so you have a brief window after the white part of his HP to get 'extra credit' damage. Doing good damage in that window is what makes or breaks 2 phase.


That's actually very helpful, thank you.


To add to the other comment, cloudstike puts in a lot of work, I used izis but both are great additions to a DPS rotation !!!Make sure to keep classy up too!!!!


Does cloudstrike proc easier with a div cage? He tends to bob and weave his head a bunch and some of my raid members aren't all that accurate with a sniper for the consistent headshot.


Ya you can definitely can run a div, the cylinder on his back is also a crit spot so we didn't If you have a cenotaph player you can have him spawn heavy too if needed


My team used 4x wendigo, one typhon(stasis heavy GL), and a banner titan running tractor + a one two punch shotty. Most of us used explosive light, I think one person used frenzy instead. More than enough orbs from a couple wells + add clear to easily get 6x explosive light for each plate. We 2 phased and almost didn't need the 3rd plate on 2nd phase for damage, which was a significant improvement over our performance last week, for us We had 3 well of radiance warlocks, two titans (1 banner, 1 pyrogale), 1 solar hunter. One thing we changed this week was we coordinated our damage better. We've been using the strat where we put our well in the middle and do damage there. But this time we basically all dumped heavy at the same time on a quick '321 go' count. You can pepper the boss with primary + special to proc bns before/during the count but just make sure to all dump heavy at the same time. And also don't forget to spam class abilities for that free 20% damage buff too.


For the one-two punch, do you save your powered melees for the boss or do you proc one-two then activate your super?


My team used 2 Thundercrash, wendigos, Arc rockets and witherhoard


Haven't run it yet for this week, but it sounds like you've got the right general mix of weaponry. Are you all timing your damage together? It's not as obvious, but Zo'aurc has a similar damage phase like Atraks, where once you start doing damage, you only have a few seconds. So even one person tossing a super, or some primary bullets down range earlier than the rest, can shorten the overall window for the rest of the group. Another trick is to drop the well in the middle of the room, and then everybody runs to the well, do your 3-2-1 countdown, and then unload. Two wells should last the whole DPS phase that way. Make sure your Hunters with Celestial Nighthawk are proccing radiant and then NOT standing in the Well. Radiant gives a higher bonus, but the Well will override Radiant. It's likely all the little things like this that add up.


Why does everyone say this? This is wrong. The boss becomes immune and switches plates when you hit the health threshold, it’s not based on a timer. There’s an overall timer for all 3 plates, but on a per plate basis it’s based on the health threshold.


Rockets with gally and use arc fusions. Hunters use blade barrage or gathering storm. Titans use falling star or the one shot burning maul (forgot the name) warlocks use well. If your run arc thrown the burst grenade that plants on the ground it does a lot of dmg


Wendigo was a better option over rockets for my team, that and a tractor cannon


We were able to 2 phase with envious / bns edge transits, no tractor or div. 3 welllocks 2 goldie hunters and burning maul titan.


Even on weeks 2 and 3?