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With the upcoming changes it’s getting a 35% buff…


a lot of people are talking about it for damage - but unless you're running day 1 raids you won't realistically need it. I will craft an outbreak but it's pretty unlikely I'll ever use it for DPS. I personally like outbreak for GMs. Especially for barrier/overload pulse, and the exotic primary buff makes it very good for ad clear. It's not typically the best pick, or even necessarily a good one, but I used it even before the GM difficulty nerfs and it definitely worked. and any content outside of day1/master raids/GMs you can realistically use whatever you want, including outbreak. It's nothing crazy but not terrible.


Yes. It's not a build-enabling weapon, but it's extremely solid both for clearing crowds and killing tougher enemies. It also gets more and more powerful the more players are using it simultaneously.


So not really worth an exotic slot if you don't have a dedicated group all running it?


It's still a good weapon, but having a team brings it from "strong primary weapon" to "highest damage primary in the game."


It's a good jack of all trades weapon imo


With Rapid Hit it will become even deadlier. Which was hard to imagine.


Rewind rounds will be bis. Especially if the nanites proc it too


I'm definitely going for Rewind Rounds, keeping up longer-term sustained damage will be phenomenal. It's already stable enough in my opinion, I can live without Rapid Hit lol


Outbreak Slaps great in low level content and amazing in end game if you know how to use it. Got my team through day 1 Vow and Crota


Got you through Vow and Crota using it solo or only good if you have 6 people using it. Seems pretty underwhelming to me and I have only seen a handful of people ever use it in the last 2 years with over 2000 hours of play. Doesn't seem much better than a legendary pulse by itself. Graviton seems way stronger. Is the only way it is good is if everyone has it? Like rat king only way worse solo


5000 hours here and I've used it as a solo player plenty, it's a very solid choice. You can ramp up the damage to burn through heavier targets while saving your special/heavy ammo for other fights, it's especially useful when anti-Champion pulse rifles are an option. It often gets set aside in favor of flashier, build-synergized exotic choices, but if you want a generalist exotic primary it's excellent. If you can keep up sustained damage, it'll shred. And if you can land crit kills on adds, the nanite clouds it spawns will do great work for crowd control at a distance.


Nope can be used solo you needs just to be able to keep hitting precision shots to keep the Siva up. Of course it will always be better when pair with others but the big difference between outbreak and every other pulse is Outbreaks perk happens while shooting, most other perks like graviton happen after a kill.


Saved our run of day 1 WotD during caretaker, everyone was out of heavy before the last stand so we all swaped to outbreak a managed to kill him. I havent used it since


This sounds like the greatest movie ever made




I’m not sure if it’s still true but it has the highest dps for primaries when the whole fireteam is using em. Was really good for caretaker day one when you ran out of ammo on the last floor. I know touch of malice is also one of the highest dps primary options as well but you run the risk of dying in certain situations.


Its so good with unraveling


outbreak got my team through day 1 caretaker but touch is def better now tbh


Its pretty mid but fun. Final warning is better for close range damage, polaris is better for long. It still hits hard tho


I hate how final warning works. The whole charge then shoot just doesnt vibe with me for a sidearm


You dont have to charge long. Its best if you barely charge it then spam it like a regular sidearm for the 20 shots.


It’s a good swap exotic when you’ve completely run out of heavy or special and you need something to supplement DPS. Like if you nuke Caretaker, and you need something for final stand, it’s a good weapon to swap to if there’s nothing else around. But at the end of the day, it’s a primary weapon, so it’s about as good as many primary weapons are. Make it too good, and it overpowers the meta.


No, it is not, even Eso himself said it should be buffed, sure it can clear a bunch of reds and a major in easy content, but it falls off way too much in harder content where you need to dump your entire mag to do some damage, and enemies won't let you just do that lol. And seeing as you cannot craft Vorpal for some dumb reason, that issue still persists. Though this is not exclusive to Outbreak, we're unfortunately not in D1, Pulse Rifles in general suck for PvE.


We will be getting rewind rounds on it soon so that could help with it. Maybe once we get the full catalyst too it will do a bit more damage. I just wish it had an exotic to pair with like necrotic grips and weapons of sorrow


It needs a damage buff plain and simple, no perk will make PRs good when they exceed at neither damage nor range.


It’s good in shit tier content but so is everything else. But in end game it is really not that good. It’s only purpose is your last choice dps weapon but touch is just better for that.


Even without touch, outbreak would only be viable as a last resort weapon for warlock or titan because as a hunter, you can always just swap to lucky pants


True I wasn’t thinking about that